Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)
Hi CAGs,

I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.

FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

Digital Holiday


The Walking Dead - $12.49 ($7.49 post coupon)


Alice: Madness Returns: The Complete Collection - $11.99 pre coupon (6.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Dragon Age Pack PC - $12.99 pre-coupon ($7.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Need for Speed: The Run - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
EA Sports Classic Pack - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Syndicate - $9.99 ($4.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Crysis Maximum Maximum -$17.99 ($12.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Tantalizing THQ Medley - $11.99 pre coupon ($6.99 after coupon) - Steam


Darksiders Franchise Pack - $13.19 before coupon ($8.19 after coupon) - Steam
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package - $12.49 pre coupon ($7.49 after coupon) - Steam


Burning Hot Bundle - $11.99 ($6.99 after coupon)


1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here:

Free-2-Play Store
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As much as some of you guys want to express you opinions about not seeing the need for TSW/MMOs/games that already have their own DRM etc etc on Steam, some other people have a different opinion.

As it will effect some people's buying decisions (you don't have to agree or like it; it's their money) I think it's a valid question to ask whether The Secret World (or any other game for that matter) can activate on Steam, even if I am fairly certain the answer is negative.

It still would be good to have some confirmation of that without a lot of unnecessary commentary from the peanut gallery about not understanding or approving of other people's game purchasing preferences.

*Edit: MysterD I have had this discussion with you multiple times but I will say again that I don't like the add a link to Steam option unless I have no other choice because if I change computers/HDs/OSes whatever they are gone and I have to go try and remember and track everything down again (Went through this recently with changing to Win 8 btw). I know that I can make a spreadsheet or whatever but I am not willing to do that.

It's my choice. I want 99% of may games on Steam (or Desura) if at all possible with only very rare exceptions. When I mention this here and elsewhere I feel like I always get argued to why that is wrong and why I should do it a different way etc and that gets really tiresome.

Let people do what they want with their game collections and and spend their money how they want please.
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Went ahead and purchased it

1. Guild Wars 2 (No monthly sub
2. The Secret World (No monthly sub)
Good, no pressure for time/fee, MMORPG fix
[quote name='Motoki']As much as some of you guys want to express you opinions about not seeing the need for TSW/MMOs/games that already have their own DRM etc etc on Steam, some other people have a different opinion.

As it will effect some people's buying decisions (you don't have to agree or like it; it's their money) I think it's a valid question to ask whether The Secret World (or any other game for that matter) can activate on Steam, even if I am fairly certain the answer is negative.

It still would be good to have some confirmation of that without a lot of unnecessary commentary from the peanut gallery about not understanding or approving of other people's game purchasing preferences.[/QUOTE]
Other gamers have every right to buy the game on Steam, if it's actually being sold there.

My concern has always been about games on Steam having 3rd party DRM - Steam still has to run to boot your game, in most cases; not all, though. Steam's an extra layer of DRM, in this case. If 3rd party DRM's imposed on a Steam version, I believe Steam shouldn't have to boot-to-run; it's not my program, it's Valve's - so them and the 3rd party dev's/pub's call the shots and make agreements here to this matter.
{Most G4WL games can work w/out running Steam - see Steam-versions of RFG; GTA4 + EFLC}.

Since Steam's forced on Steam-versions of games in most cases, 3rd party dev's really shouldn't be using 3rd party DRM on Steam versions - since Steam does a good job w/ its DRM, in the first place.

Now - if say you buy the Steam key of TSW, IMHO, the gamers should be able to download a version of TSW w/out the Steam client tied to it directly from FunCom...just in case something happens to Steam; which I expect Steam won't be going away anytime soon, but you never know...


Though, you know what's more likely? TSW failing.
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[quote name='Poor2More']Went ahead and purchased it

1. Guild Wars 2 (No monthly sub)
2. The Secret World (No monthly sub)
Good, no pressure for time/fee, MMORPG fix[/QUOTE]

I wish more MMO's went this (no monthly sub) route.
I just hope TSW doesn't fail, since it is a MMO. I'd hate to see a game w/ such interesting storytelling, dialogue, voice-acting, writing just go away into the dust b/c Funcom sadly went out of business.
If they do fail - it'd be sweet if they let the game somehow work offline and patch an offline mode in.
BTW people who purchase before Dec 24 (not sure date exactly) The Secret World will receive automatically during account activation

*The Initiate Pack
*The Blood Raven
*Factions leather jackets (cosmetics)
*Set of Weaponry

You also get all the DLC/Content packs including 1,2,3,4 and DLC content pack #5 when released in January.
[quote name='MysterD']When I install Non-Steam games, I tell them WHERE to go (as long as its allowed).
If I don't like where it's forced (if it is forced somewhere by default), I will create a folder shortcut of where it was forced and throw that folder-shortcut where I probably would've installed it to.

I usually install them according to either a few places:
1. Folder named after where I bought them (Retail, Gamersgate, Amazon DVG, Etc);
2. OR if the game actually has a forced Client (Steam, Origin, etc), I install it in a folder named after the game-client its forced to use.
I usually put Steam games in their default location, BTW.

I usually am signed onto Steam (and XFire and Raptor, too) and if it's a Non-Steam game, I'll just add it to my Steam as a Non-Steam game; and add it to my special categorized "Non-Steam List".[/QUOTE]

When I install everything, games, apps, whatever, I always tell it exactly where I want it installed. For me, it's not so much the location as it is the Steam integration. I like the overlay to be able to chat with my Steam friends when playing. I like the auto-updates through Steam. I like the links to the game hub and the store, etc.
[quote name='MysterD']Other gamers have every right to buy the game on Steam, if it's actually being sold there.

My concern has always been about games on Steam having 3rd party DRM - Steam still has to run to boot your game, in most cases; not all, though. Steam's an extra layer of DRM, in this case. If 3rd party DRM's imposed on a Steam version, I believe Steam shouldn't have to boot-to-run; it's not my program, it's Valve's - so them and the 3rd party dev's/pub's call the shots and make agreements here to this matter.
{Most G4WL games can work w/out running Steam - see Steam-versions of RFG; GTA4 + EFLC}.

Since Steam's forced on Steam-versions of games in most cases, 3rd party dev's really shouldn't be using 3rd party DRM on Steam versions - since Steam does a good job w/ its DRM.

Now, if say you buy the Steam key of TSW, IMHO, the gamers should be able to download a version of TSW w/out the Steam client tied to it directly from FunCom...just in case something happens to Steam; which I expect Steam won't be going away anytime soon, but you never know...


Though, you know what's more likely? TSW failing.[/QUOTE]

I agree that I don't like 3rd party DRM at all, so I don't buy any of those games on PC period. If it's that high profile that it needs DRM, it's most likely on the PS3, so i'll buy it for that instead.

And I have 245 games in Steam, so if something ever does happen to Steam, I think the last thing i'll be worried about is losing the ability to play TSW.
[quote name='glennfrank']Well, I guess I can go fuck myself then. sheesh[/QUOTE]

I didn't say that. :p

And I get the whole multiple DRM etc concern some people (MysterD) have etc.

All I am saying is if someone asks if something activates on Steam if you (collective you) cannot give a yes or no answer then maybe the person asking who just would prefer to have the game on Steam doesn't necessarily want to hear from multiple people how they don't approve or understand etc.

If you can't answer the question and you don't want the game on Steam then just let it be and let someone else who has the answer answer.

Every time I say I prefer my games on Steam I feel like some one, and sometimes multiple someones, needs to lecture about why they don't agree with my preference. It's not just here either it happens on other forums and I am not necessary singling any one person out but after a while it gets old.

I think people should be able to ask about whether or not a game that is sold on Steam will activate there if bought elsewhere without being made to feel like there is something wrong with them wanting that.

That's all.
[quote name='Poor2More']BTW people who purchase before Dec 24 (not sure date exactly) The Secret World will receive automatically during account activation

*The Initiate Pack
*The Blood Raven
*Factions leather jackets (cosmetics)
*Set of Weaponry

You also get all the DLC/Content packs including 1,2,3,4 and DLC content pack #5 when released in January.[/QUOTE]

you have a source i can check out for this?
i was gonna wait til the steam winter sale to buy it but this might make me go ahead and get it
[quote name='Kain']When I install everything, games, apps, whatever, I always tell it exactly where I want it installed. [/quote]

For me, it's not so much the location as it is the Steam integration. I like the overlay to be able to chat with my Steam friends when playing. I like the auto-updates through Steam. I like the links to the game hub and the store, etc.
Depends on the case and instance for me.

Something like COH - yeah, I don't want to really deal w/ Relic's poor handling of the patching process for Retail version.
I have both COH + Op Fronts from Retail and Steam; and TOV only from Steam.

I agree that I don't like 3rd party DRM at all, so I don't buy any of those games on PC period. If it's that high profile that it needs DRM, it's most likely on the PS3, so i'll buy it for that instead.
I have no problem w/ say EA using Origin; UbiSoft using UPlay; etc - but I'd rather have those games as Non-Steam versions.
For 3rd party games over Steam - I'd rather those be full-blown Steamworks only.

And I have 245 games in Steam, so if something ever does happen to Steam, I think the last thing i'll be worried about is losing the ability to play TSW.
I'd say FunCom would fold way before Valve would.
I obviously hope both stick around, though.
[quote name='Motoki']I didn't say that. :p[/quote]
Neither did I.

And I get the whole multiple DRM etc concern some people (MysterD) have etc.

All I am saying is if someone asks if something activates on Steam if you (collective you) cannot give a yes or no answer then maybe the person asking who just would prefer to have the game on Steam doesn't necessarily want to hear from multiple people how they don't approve or understand etc.
All I did was agree w/ someone else's opinion and thought. We all can have our own opinions - you have yours; and I have mine.

Every time I say I prefer my games on Steam I feel like some one, and sometimes multiple someones, needs to lecture about why they don't agree with my preference. It's not just here either it happens on other forums and I am not necessary singling any one person out but after a while it gets old.
I think most of us like a lot of the extra things Steam gives us for features [Friends List, auto-updates in most cases, Back-Up Utility, Big Picture Mode, etc]...
...but, some of just don't like when there's extra 3rd party DRM pushed on-top of Steam-versions b/c Steam's forced-to-run on most games on there. When that's often the case, unless the game's ultra-cheap, I'm going to try to avoid that Steam-version.

Give me full-blown Steamworks titles like Skyrim, Dishonored, Deus Ex: HR - I'm happy. I only have to deal w/ Steam on those. That's it, no extra complications & extra hoops to hop through.

I think people should be able to ask about whether or not a game that is sold on Steam will activate there if bought elsewhere without being made to feel like there is something wrong with them wanting that.

That's all.
I really think this is something Amazon DVG should do a better job of - Plaster in BIG letters in BIG FONT and BOLD at the TOP what DRM version the page you're on has.
And if there say different versions - i.e. one is Steam; one uses something else - make it easy for the gamer to switch b/t and order the version they want.

If it's DRM-FREE, state it.
Uses Origin - state it.
Uses Steam - state it.
Uses Steam plus has extra DRM - state it.

Also, here's another question - how much of cut would FunCom have to give Valve/Steam, to have their game on Steam? Especially since FunCom (dev's) and EA (publisher) are already involved together....and do have to deal w/ retailers like Amazon.
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[quote name='tham1988']if it wasnt for steam, i wouldnt even know what games i have and achievements[/QUOTE]
Achievements depend on game-company.
Many G4WL games have achievements.

Some have them built right into the game - so that once you hit it, it then uploads to....wherever.
That's the way it should be done, I think.

I find it silly when Steam version has Achievements, yet Non-Steam doesn't.

I find it cool that in Mass Effect 2, your Achievements are in-game and tie to your BioWare account - but it's silly that it'll never be uploaded to Steam b/c they didn't allow them to upload to your Steam profile if you actually have ME2 from Steam. LAZY.

Plus, let's be real - Achievements are really there for dev's and pub's to figure out how far players advance in the game; how skilled their players are; how much players will do; if players will replay the game; what features should remove in a sequel; what should be kept in the sequel; and where they really should take a sequel next time around for what needs to be improved. Built-in massive focus testing. Brilliant!
[quote name='MysterD']
Also, here's another question - how much of cut would FunCom have to give Valve/Steam, to have their game on Steam? Especially since FunCom (dev's) and EA (publisher) are already involved together....and do have to deal w/ retailers like Amazon.[/QUOTE]

30% is pretty standard for online distribution, right?
[quote name='tham1988']you have a source i can check out for this?
i was gonna wait til the steam winter sale to buy it but this might make me go ahead and get it[/QUOTE]

I just read it online, and indeed activated my Game key, checked my account on the official website and shows all that content active on my account. The Initiate Pack is $14.99 for those who are already a subscriber and ONLY folks who bought Secret World in December will get the Initiate Pack FREE. Promotion expires Dec 31st.
It's a number that's been alluded to in 'hypotheticals' by various indie developers so probably close to the mark. More established publishers probably get away with smaller numbers.
[quote name='MysterD']Achievements depend on game-company.
Many G4WL games have achievements.

Some have them built right into the game - so that once you hit it, it then uploads to....wherever.
That's the way it should be done, I think.

I find it silly when Steam version has Achievements, yet Non-Steam doesn't.

I find it cool that in Mass Effect 2, your Achievements are in-game and tie to your BioWare account - but it's silly that it'll never be uploaded to Steam b/c they didn't allow them to upload to your Steam profile if you actually have ME2 from Steam. LAZY.

Plus, let's be real - Achievements are really there for dev's and pub's to figure out how far players advance in the game; how skilled their players are; how much players will do; if players will replay the game; what features should remove in a sequel; what should be kept in the sequel; and where they really should take a sequel next time around for what needs to be improved. Built-in massive focus testing. Brilliant![/QUOTE]

I think Achievements actually exist for the type of gamer who had to collect all the coins in Mario. It's for the collector. It helps to give a lot of gamers reason to keep playing a game well after they've beaten it or they would normally have stopped.

How many gamers buy (or rent) crappy games that have easy Xbox Achievements to add to their score? I'm sure there are a few. Not me, I hate honestly don't care for achievements very much, but I have read of others who do. That's what achievements do. They add value to games for certain types of gamers.

However, achievements do also serve the developer in telling them how far into the game their audience has gotten. I think some developers had this data even when it wasn't presented in an overly obvious way as achievements to the user.
[quote name='Motoki']I didn't say that. :p ...
Gah! I just typed out a response and then, for some reason hit refresh on the page before posting! :drool: :)

I get what you are saying Motoki, :) and I usually try to stay out of DRM conversations since they come up so often. I am not anti-steam in any way - quite the opposite in fact. I don't even have Desura, GG, GGG, GMG, GFWL, uPlay or Origin accounts! I am lazy, and want everything on PC in one place. Usually, when I buy PCDD from Amazon I only buy steam keys.

I chimed in because I honestly couldn't figure out why Steam would matter for TSW and was curious. I have DC Universe on steam, and all it does is start the DC Universe launcher, so I figured the same would be true for TSW. I completely get OCD as a reason (believe me) and wasn't really trying to talk anyone out of anything. I just didn't understand why it mattered and was curious.

I don't think jumping into a discussion on something, even though I didn't have an answer, would prevent Tony or anyone who knew the answer from posting it. Quite the opposite actually. It keeps the question alive instead of letting it get buried a page or two back.

Anyway, the reason I am holding back (but still may fold on this purchase) is that I don't know when I am going to get to TSW, and with the winter sales coming up I can maybe prevent some buyers' remorse. $10 would have been a no-brainer for me, but for some reason I have a bit of a mental barrier stopping me at $15. That all said, I have opened the page about 20 times since yesterday every time I try to remind myself that it's ONLY $5 more dollars... and I really liked the 5 day trial.
Obviously Amazon needs to get better about listing DRM and client activations, if any. But the thing is when someone asks if something activates on Steam they aren't asking for opinions about that. They are asking if a game activates on Steam. Period.

If someone say 'hey does this game activate on Steam' and then someone else goes 'I don't think you need it on Steam!' 'Neither do I!' 'Neither do I and it creates more DRM etc!'

That doesn't answer their question and in my opinion it creates a negative environment where the person who just wanted to know a simple question in order to make a purchasing decision based on their own personal preferences feels attacked and that they may somehow need to justify themselves.

That's how I feel.

Then when people try to explain why they prefer their games on Steam they get a come back with 'But you can make a shortcut and do x y and Z and A B C! You still don't need it to activate on Steam!'

Maybe they don't want to. Maybe they just want an answer to their question and that's all. It's fine to express ones opinions but I am really fed up with feeling like their is some inquisition going on if people just want their games on Steam.

At this point I am just tired of all the back and forth about it and don't care anymore.

I probably just shouldn't come to this thread because every time I try to come back it's always unpleasant for me.

I come in today and see someone ask a simple question that I would like to know the answer to as well if TSW activates on Steam and all I see is multiple people giving their unsolicited opinion about why they don't think anyone needs it on Steam and not a single person answered the question.
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I think Achievements actually exist for the type of gamer who had to collect all the coins in Mario. It's for the collector. It helps to give a lot of gamers reason to keep playing a game well after they've beaten it or they would normally have stopped.[/quote]
Very true for the Achievement gamer, yes.

How many gamers buy (or rent) crappy games that have easy Xbox Achievements to add to their score? I'm sure there are a few. Not me, I hate honestly don't care for achievements very much, but I have read of others who do. That's what achievements do. They add value to games for certain types of gamers.
If I get an Achievement, cool. If not - oh well.
I'm not the Achievement addict.

However, achievements do also serve the developer in telling them how far into the game their audience has gotten.
Oh, absolutely.

I think some developers had this data even when it wasn't presented in an overly obvious way as achievements to the user.
That wouldn't surprise me.
I wince whenever I see people post a deal on Katie Perry Sims because it will add to their gamer score.

/CaptainKirk voice: "But at... what... cost?!?!"
Ok! right after my last post I just decided to hell with it $5 more dollars isn't worth me agonizing over the purchase this weekend. I bought it, it is not a steam key I just activated it and applied it to my trial account at the TSW site.

I am also going to go under the impression that Motoki's last post's aggression wasn't directed toward me at all since I doubt he typed all all that in the minute since my last post and just move along.
[quote name='Motoki']Obviously Amazon needs to get better about listing DRM and client activations, if any. [/quote]
Absolutely agreed 150%.
They need to make it way more visible up-front to the buyer - like a "BIG NEON SIGN".

If I say 'hey does this game activate on Steam' and then someone goes 'I don't think you need it on Steam!' 'Neither do I!' 'Neither do I and it creates more DRM etc!'

That doesn't answer their question and in my opinion it creates a negative environment where the person who just wanted to know a simple question in order to make a purchasing decision based on their own personal preferences feels attacked and that they may somehow need to justify themselves.

That's how I feel.

Then when people try to explain why they prefer their games on Steam they get a come back with 'But you can make a shortcut and do x y and Z an A B C! You still don't need it to activate on Steam!'

Maybe they don't want to. Maybe they just want an answer to their question and that's all. It's fine to express ones opinions but I am really fed up with feeling like their is some inquisition going on if people just want their games on Steam.

At this point I am just tired of all the back and forth about it and don't care anymore.

I probably just shouldn't come to this thread because every time I try to come back it's always unpleasant for me.

I come in today and see someone ask a simple question that I would like to know the answer to as well if TSW activates on Steam and all I see is multiple people giving their unsolicited opinion about why they don't think anyone needs it on Steam and not a single person answered the question.

The thing is - we need something to talk about, until someone actually bought the game from Amazon DVG actually answers the question! I don't see what's wrong w/ you expressing your opinion and me expressing mine. So we disagree and have different opinions - there is nothing wrong w/ that!

See, I always have assumed the "least" here - if a game listed on Amazon DVG doesn't say if it activates on Steam, it probably doesn't.

I think there was at least one instance here where a game sold on Amazon DVG registered on Steam and Amazon didn't mention it - that would be Hotline Miami.
Maybe there were more and I missed them? not sure.
Help me out on that one, Amazon DVG Thread lovers!

Plus EA published TSW at Retail - so there's a probably a good chance, it won't activate on Steam.
FunCom self-published on Steam - I don't really recall seeing a EA-game published at Retail; and game self-published on Steam actually activating on Steam.
Anyone know of one...?
I never saw KOA:R (Retail = EA; self-published on Steam) get Steam-keys sold outside of Steam.
[quote name='glennfrank']
I get what you are saying Motoki, :) and I usually try to stay out of DRM conversations since they come up so often. I am not anti-steam in any way - quite the opposite in fact. I don't even have Desura, GG, GGG, GMG, GFWL, uPlay or Origin accounts! I am lazy, and want everything on PC in one place. Usually, when I buy PCDD from Amazon I only buy steam keys. [/quote]
I kinda treat Gamefly like that - I normally buy only Steam keys from them.
I'm not big on their own home-brew DRM, hehe.
I did like when D2D was in business, if a game was DRM-FREE - bam, big symbol said so. They didn't have many of those, but they did have a few I bought.

I chimed in because I honestly couldn't figure out why Steam would matter for TSW and was curious. I have DC Universe on steam, and all it does is start the DC Universe launcher, so I figured the same would be true for TSW. I completely get OCD as a reason (believe me) and wasn't really trying to talk anyone out of anything. I just didn't understand why it mattered and was curious.
We have our own opinions. Motoki has one; I have one - and we gave our own different thoughts. I'm sure others have opinions, too. It's a free-for-all - we all should say our piece.
What the consumer wants to do - hey, it's up to them entirely.

I don't think jumping into a discussion on something, even though I didn't have an answer, would prevent Tony or anyone who knew the answer from posting it. Quite the opposite actually. It keeps the question alive instead of letting it get buried a page or two back.
I think it also lets Tony and Amazon know:
1. Amazon DVG should be more blatantly clear on the game's page what one DRM version or different DRM versions they are selling;
2. Hey, a lot of us do have an interest in TSW - getting different keys for different versions (if possible), might be a good idea for them.

Anyway, the reason I am holding back (but still may fold on this purchase) is that I don't know when I am going to get to TSW, and with the winter sales coming up I can maybe prevent some buyers' remorse. $10 would have been a no-brainer for me, but for some reason I have a bit of a mental barrier stopping me at $15. That all said, I have opened the page about 20 times since yesterday every time I try to remind myself that it's ONLY $5 more dollars... and I really liked the 5 day trial.
I'm holding back on TSW b/c:
1. It was on GMG at $5.25 recently (before it went "no more subs").
2. I'm hoping it might somehow wind-up on next year's BSO 2012 List {and hopefully it'll rotating again, like it did last year!}.
[quote name='MysterD']
Plus EA published TSW at Retail - so there's a probably a good chance, it won't activate on Steam.
FunCom self-published on Steam - I don't really recall seeing a EA-game published at Retail; and game self-published on Steam actually activating on Steam.
Anyone know of one...?
I never saw KOA:R (Retail = EA; self-published on Steam) get Steam-keys sold outside of Steam.[/QUOTE]

This isn't really a great example at all, but just for the sake of mentioning it, Shank was published by EA (though I think Klei self-published on Steam), but was given Steam keys when it was in a Humble Bundle.

Obviously not the same thing as you're talking about, but that's about as close as I can think of it getting.
[quote name='Eldredpe']This isn't really a great example at all, but just for the sake of mentioning it, Shank was published by EA (though I think Klei self-published on Steam), but was given Steam keys when it was in a Humble Bundle.

Obviously not the same thing as you're talking about, but that's about as close as I can think of it getting.[/QUOTE]
VERY interesting!
Thanks for the insight!

Did Shank require Origin everywhere except on Steam?
I have Shank 1 and 2 on Origin - just ain't played it yet, hehe.
EA has something called 'EA Partners' which is somewhat less pervasive than EA being the full-on publisher/owner of the IP. Part of which might be that their rights to it expire after a certain period or perhaps the developer has a fixed price at which they can buy them back.
[quote name='Mooby']EA has something called 'EA Partners' which is somewhat less pervasive than EA being the full-on publisher/owner of the IP. [/quote]
I know Crytek and 38 Studios/BHG Baltimore were part of that EA Partners program.

Part of which might be that their rights to it expire after a certain period or perhaps the developer has a fixed price at which they can buy them back.
Probably also deals w/ how they can distribute the game and all of that jazz, too.
I mean - Crysis 2 is back on Steam...w/ all its DLC.
Crysis 2 is back because the game was abandoned and is no longer selling DLC (seriously, you can't even buy it by itself anymore even on Origin). They closed their shop in January of this year. An EA game that sells in a GOTY type package has a chance to get back on Steam. EA just doesn't do it often.

A lot of EA partners self publish on Steam, but Crytek is not one of them.
[quote name='MysterD']
I'm holding back on TSW b/c:
1. It was on GMG at $5.25 recently (before it went "no more subs").


Sorry, Tony. But the price difference is pretty big.
[quote name='Mooby']Achievements are basically a manufactured way to add more 'content' without actually adding content.[/QUOTE]

yup. they are great aren't they
geez.... whine whine whine.

People have opinions. As much as we have to endure the annoying IS THIS ON STEAM BECAUSE THAT IS ALL I USE AND EVEN THOUGH THIS IS MY OWN HANG UP I REFUSE TO DO EVEN CURSORY RESEARCH INTO THE SUBJECT OR EVEN READ A FEW PAGES BACK INTO THE THREAD WHERE THE EXACT QUESTION FOR THE EXACT GAME WAS ALREADY ANSWERED every other page (at least) I am fine with people posting their thoughts on why Steam might be unnecessary or how someone can integrate a game into their Steam list.

Some people genuinely don't know they can just add a game onto their Steam list so maybe that will push them over the edge.

If other people want to post how it offends them when other people do this and how they find it unnecessary, they are free to do so as well. I will say it is far from personal or even anti-Steam and they really shouldn't take offense to it, but they are free to do so.

Finally, Glennfrank you've got me on the ropes, ducking for my life, trying to avoid the "Buy" button on TSW. Now that you've caved I feel like the last man standing. Question, can you play as a Zombie in TSW?
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Finally, Glennfrank you've got me on the ropes, ducking for my life, trying to avoid the "Buy" button on TSW. Now that you've caved I feel like the last man standing. Question, can you play as a Zombie in TSW?[/QUOTE]

Stand fast! I'm with you, for now.
Sorry Fox! I just decided to stop thinking about it. I woke up around 5am and lay in bed for half-hour thinking about whether or not to buy it or not. Then thought about it on and off today. Finally I figured my peace of mind was worth a potential $5 deeper discount next week. I also realized that Funcom probably wouldn't want to go much lower since they just dropped the sub model and until players are in-game using the cash shop the initial cost is where they are generating all their money.

As for zombies - Nope, just humans. Three different factions, but all human.

Magic in general is implemented interestingly though - I used assault rifles and channelled my magic trough them allowing different effects (DoTs, AoEs, Self-Heals etc). The same can be said for fists, blade etc styles. I thought it was kind of cool, and liked the fact that you can cast while moving.. which takes some getting used to - the game even has a dodge dynamic to get out of AoE's etc.

I am copying my game-files on to my laptop to see if there is any chance of it running TSW. If it does, my GF will probably get it as well and play with me on that (although she is still kind of in love with SW:TOR - so we'll be playing both).
[quote name='glennfrank']Sorry Fox! I just decided to stop thinking about it. I woke up around 5am and lay in bed for half-hour thinking about whether or not to buy it or not. Then thought about it on and off today. Finally I figured my peace of mind was worth a potential $5 deeper discount next week. I also realized that Funcom probably wouldn't want to go much lower since they just dropped the sub model and until players are in-game using the cash shop the initial cost is where they are generating all their money.

As for zombies - Nope, just humans. Three different factions, but all human.

Magic in general is implemented interestingly though - I used assault rifles and channelled my magic trough them allowing different effects (DoTs, AoEs, Self-Heals etc). The same can be said for fists, blade etc styles. I thought it was kind of cool, and liked the fact that you can cast while moving.. which takes some getting used to - the game even has a dodge dynamic to get out of AoE's etc.

I am copying my game-files on to my laptop to see if there is any chance of it running TSW. If it does, my GF will probably get it as well and play with me on that (although she is still kind of in love with SW:TOR - so we'll be playing both).[/QUOTE]

Let me know how it runs on your laptop. That will probably be the determining factor for me. I just checked the wiki and saw that enemies include a Zombie Hulk and..... WENDIGO....pretty much down for the count now. I'm just drunk in the corner, incoherent, waiting for TSW to walk over and have its way with me.
I may not know until tomorrow - going to be heading out fairly soon to dinner and the files apparently will take another 45 mins or so to transfer.. If we get back early enough I will post it, but it's a celebratory dinner-type-thing so I don't exactly know what we'll be doing afterwards or if I will get to try it out tonight.
[quote name='glennfrank']I may not know until tomorrow - going to be heading out fairly soon to dinner and the files apparently will take another 45 mins or so to transfer.. If we get back early enough I will post it, but it's a celebratory dinner-type-thing so I don't exactly know what we'll be doing afterwards or if I will get to try it out tonight.[/QUOTE]

No pressure, sale runs until the end of tomorrow. That and the thought of killing Wendigos pretty much sealed the deal.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']You could also try asking for help, others had some problems with it yesterday and seemed to resolve them (myself included).[/QUOTE]

Those issues seemed to arise from already having an account with funcom. I have never had an account with them.

I contacted Funcom support and they were less than helpful. After spending more than an hour googling and trying different things (including following the instructions given by the amazon downloader) I give up and just want a refund.

I guess this world is such a secret that I will never find it. lol

edit: Funcom replied to my email. Apparently they are having problems with their website and they gave me a direct link so I could create an account. I finally found this secret world everyone is talking about!
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Can anyone tell me if the control style for TSW is similar to Diablo or SWTOR (in terms of using abilities).
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This entire debate is irrelevant. Don't use Steam for MMO/F2Ps.

Why? Steam forces you to use ONE account. Once it is linked, it's linked for good. There is no known way to change it. You might contact Steam support though! lol.

And why should you buy TSW now?

1. It was $5 on GMG because it was a subscription game. It isn't a subscription game anymore; it won't be that price again for a great while.
2. The initiate pack is $15 by itself, and the coming issue #5 add on will be $5.
3. Sure, wait until January hoping it will be on the Editor's Choice list. Then you can buy it for $5 off $15, and only get the base game. Awesome!
4. Zombies.

Also, if you want Steam community features in TSW, just add it to Steam after you install it. That way you have all the perks of Steam, less DRM, and avoid cemented account linking. Again, don't use Steam for MMO/F2Ps.
[quote name='Idiotekque']
This entire debate is irrelevant. Don't use Steam for MMO/F2Ps.

Why? Steam forces you to use ONE account. Once it is linked, it's linked for good. There is no known way to change it. You might contact Steam support though! lol.

And why should you buy TSW now?

1. It was $5 on GMG because it was a subscription game. It isn't a subscription game anymore; it won't be that price again for a great while.
2. The initiate pack is $15 by itself, and the coming issue #5 add on will be $5.
3. Sure, wait until January hoping it will be on the Editor's Choice list. Then you can buy it for $5 off $15, and only get the base game. Awesome!
4. Zombies.
Also, if you want Steam community features in TSW, just add it to Steam after you install it. That way you have all the perks of Steam, less DRM, and avoid cemented account linking. Again, don't use Steam for MMO/F2Ps.

I don't like zombies.
That's not true for a lot of MMOs. A lot of them are just glorified launchers that you don't even have to connect to Steam at all. Fairly certain I've played a handful of Sony F2Ps and all I've used to log into those were my Station IDs. THe only one I can think of that linked directly was Spiral Knights.

Though I don't know why many people would need multiple accounts for an MMO in the first place, especially F2P ones.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']geez.... whine whine whine.

People have opinions. As much as we have to endure the annoying IS THIS ON STEAM BECAUSE THAT IS ALL I USE AND EVEN THOUGH THIS IS MY OWN HANG UP I REFUSE TO DO EVEN CURSORY RESEARCH INTO THE SUBJECT OR EVEN READ A FEW PAGES BACK INTO THE THREAD WHERE THE EXACT QUESTION FOR THE EXACT GAME WAS ALREADY ANSWERED every other page (at least) I am fine with people posting their thoughts on why Steam might be unnecessary or how someone can integrate a game into their Steam list.[/quote]
Agreed, to an extent - we all you have our own opinions and should be able to express them.
We can all disagree and still have great conversations about DRM, game-clients, game philosophies, game design & opinions on games themselves here.

Where the "extent" ends - Amazon DVG sometimes does things no other digital store does.

Only time it's really clear what DRM is used - that is when a dev/pub says their game uses a certain DRM period everywhere. Example - when a dev announces Steamworks everywhere on the PC; like both Skyrim and Deus Ex: HR might force Steam on you PERIOD; or an EA-owned company has a game, you know it'll flat-out use Origin PERIOD.

Sometimes, it ain't really too clear on the DRM, anymore; especially if a game has multiple versions at different outlets - i.e. retail version might use Origin (KOA:R); another version sold on Steam might just use Steam only for DRM and not use Origin (KOA:R); etc etc. This is when it gets confusing.
And Amazon getting numerous different versions now - this is where it can gets even more confusing for some.

See, Amazon DVG might....
1. ...Get only Steam-versions for a game (Hotline Miami on Amazon DVG is Steam-required; GOG sells it DRM-FREE);
2. ...OR get Non-Steam versions for a game (Risen 1 - DRM-FREE);
3. ...OR sometimes sell even both Non-Steam and Steam versions for some of their games a lot (see Max Payne 3). Most other digital places won't even think of doing such a thing and catering to the Steam fanbase AND Non-Steam fanbase.

Since Amazon's willing to sell different DRM versions, THEY should be the ones responsible for specifying exactly on a game-page what DRM version(s) they are selling right up front; and make it easy for the user to select the version the want if there's more than one DRM version available to them.

Some people genuinely don't know they can just add a game onto their Steam list so maybe that will push them over the edge.
I try to categorize those Non-Steam game into their own category Non-Steam. Most other client-programs (Origin, GameStop PC App, etc) don't have the functionality Steam has - NOT EVEN CLOSE!

If other people want to post how it offends them when other people do this and how they find it unnecessary, they are free to do so as well. I will say it is far from personal or even anti-Steam and they really shouldn't take offense to it, but they are free to do so.
I just like to keep my DRM layers down as much as possible, if possible....especially if I'm spending good money on a product.

On something that is really cheap or it is much cheaper somewhere than anywhere else - eh, I might not care so much.
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