Amazon PCDD $12.49 Walking Dead ($7.49 after coupon)

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)
Hi CAGs,

I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.

FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

Digital Holiday


The Walking Dead - $12.49 ($7.49 post coupon)


Alice: Madness Returns: The Complete Collection - $11.99 pre coupon (6.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Dragon Age Pack PC - $12.99 pre-coupon ($7.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Need for Speed: The Run - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
EA Sports Classic Pack - $8.99 ($3.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Syndicate - $9.99 ($4.99 after coupon) - not Steam
Crysis Maximum Maximum -$17.99 ($12.99 after coupon) - not Steam


Tantalizing THQ Medley - $11.99 pre coupon ($6.99 after coupon) - Steam


Darksiders Franchise Pack - $13.19 before coupon ($8.19 after coupon) - Steam
Saints Row The Third: The Full Package - $12.49 pre coupon ($7.49 after coupon) - Steam


Burning Hot Bundle - $11.99 ($6.99 after coupon)


1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here:

Free-2-Play Store
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[quote name='KaOTiK']It is obvious from your responses they would be damned if they do, damned if they don't.[/quote]
If you think that, then it is obvious that you either did not read or did not understand what I wrote.

Otherwise who gives refunds for games nowadays?
Amazon does, and real refunds at that. Sure it is not policy, but Amazon has made exceptions for customers like me and others on this forum.

I didn't say they created the digital market entirely, but they are responsible for it being the size it is now
No, Valve isn't. The move to digital distribution of games on the PC was inevitable just as it was for music and movies/video. If Steam did not exist, some other player or players would be dominating the market. Steam dominates it because Valve leveraged its existing loyal userbase by forcing Steam upon them to play its games. And, over time and lack of significant competition complacency set in.

Supporting their games to get more sales, the horror.
You missed my point, dumbass. There is nothing wrong with supporting games to get more sales nor did I say there was. My reply simply refuted the assertion in your original post that doing so didn't make Valve "money grubbing," i.e. that Valve does that out of generosity.

I don't know what your problem is with them
That is because you obviously either can't comprehend what you read or are too lazy to read what I wrote.
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[quote name='6er']My Little Pony preorder Challenge. Call it "tony's ponies".
Everyone on this site would buy 3.

And since he'd probably chicken out for that.... I submit this as a proposed tatoo. Change the blue for black, to match amazon colors, of course:

OMG OMG OMG. I'm hoping for an assassin's creed knock off. =D Fluttershy discovers that is is really the descendant of a badass femme fatale!

[quote name='N_B']Amazon doesn't need to make a client and shouldn't because its current web-based system works well for all but the most stupid and/or lazy customers. [/QUOTE]

So apparently I'm lazy/stupid for not wanting to deal with Amazon's current system for the 68-game 1C pack? Once one buys multiple bundles like those Tony has gotten us in the past, one realizes the shortcomings of Amazon's current system. In fact, this prevailing issue is why Tony was trying to get a smaller, but still large, Strategy First pack out before the 1C pack in order to test better ways to distribute large bundles.

Even back with the Crusader Kings II pack Amazon's system got annoying -- you know the way it scrolls back to the top of the page after you retrieve your key for an item. To claim that anyone who wants better is lazy or stupid... fuck it. now where's that ignore button...
[quote name='Severose']Why is this thread so conducive of melodrama?[/QUOTE]
I'm pregnant with your child, I'm addicted to meth, and I'm working the corner. What now?
[quote name='asheskitty']where's that ignore button...[/QUOTE]

agreed, anyone who starts posting just to tell other people they are a "dumbass" and are "lazy and stupid" has convinced me they aren't worth listening to, and their opinion is not likely to be based on anything other than bigotry. BTW, my post was answering how Amazon could have a free key policy, it took less than 2 post for it to be degenerated into a Steam hate thread. So much for trying to help out by answering a simple question. Now just kindly ignore the troll and stop feeding him. Just ignore and stop quoting his post, because that makes them show back up for those of us who have ignored him.
[quote name='Idiotekque']I'm pregnant with your child, I'm addicted to meth, and I'm working the corner. What now?[/QUOTE]

I said melodrama, not my life story.

[quote name='Idiotekque']Obviously you think it's terrible, and in some ways I'm sure I could pick it apart too and say the same thing, but it's for video games dude.[/quote]
Everyone obviously has their own priorities, but since I spend a lot of time and money on video games, I am not so cavalier about who and what controls my games.
[quote name='N_B']Everyone obviously has their own priorities, but since I spend a lot of time and money on video games, I am not so cavalier about who and what controls my games.[/QUOTE]
Joke's on you when you have a heart attack and the doctor has to tell your family "I'm afraid it was stress induced... brought on by PC game management concerns."
I find these discussions interesting, but out of respect for Tony let's keep this thread limited to deal talk. I doubt he wants to trek through pages of posts about Steam to find questions or information relevant to him.
[quote name='asheskitty']So apparently I'm lazy/stupid for not wanting to deal with Amazon's current system for the 68-game 1C pack?[/quote]
I have dozens of games in my Amazon account, and I have no trouble scrolling through the list at You can sort the games by name or purchase date.

To claim that anyone who wants better is lazy or stupid.
My point was that a web-based system is sufficient, and that a dedicated client is not needed NOT that no improvement should ever be made to the web-based interface/behavior.

you know the way it scrolls back to the top of the page after you retrieve your key for an item.
No, I don't but it may be a web browser-specific behavior. In any case if you don't like clicking on a button to get each key, Amazon could solve that problem simply by printing a list of keys for a game order on the invoice for the order in addition to the usual spot in the game downloads list. No dedicated client software would be needed.
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[quote name='Idiotekque']Joke's on you when you have a heart attack and the doctor has to tell your family "I'm afraid it was stress induced... brought on by PC game management concerns."[/QUOTE]
I'm more likely to have a heart attack if I get locked out of my Steam account (which is likely given Valve horrendous policies and Steam Subscriber Agreement). I bought my first IBM-compatible PC in the late 1980's. Throughout the DOS games era I remember having to create custom config.sys and autoexec.bat files by hand just to squeeze a few more bytes out of conventional memory just to play some games. Even without Steam managing PC games today is a breeze in comparison.
[quote name='walkonshadows']agreed, anyone who starts posting just to tell other people they are a "dumbass"[/quote]
I simply responded in kind to KaoTik who first called me a "douche bag."

their opinion is not likely to be based on anything other than bigotry.
My opinions are based upon the facts and my personal experience. I have no problem supporting and substantiating them. If you want to refute them, then feel free to try. Your throwing labels at me like "bigotry" and "troll" is a cop out.

BTW, my post was answering how Amazon could have a free key policy, it took less than 2 post for it to be degenerated into a Steam hate thread.
I replied to exactly what I quoted from your post. You opened that can of worms. Don't complain now because you don't like the taste of them.
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[quote name='MysterD']I don't think Amazon DVG has signed a deal to sell any Valve games...

The completionist in me only needs these COD games -- COD: Black Ops and World At War.[/QUOTE]

Eh jus sayin' lol. You've never played BO?

[quote name='Idiotekque']The enter button would like a word with you.[/QUOTE]

Haha! My thoughts exactly
[quote name='Amazon DVG Deals']FYI guys if any of you are sports games/soccer fans you should check out our Fifa 13 deal tomorrow-Sunday we'll have it for $25.99.

My friends will jump with joy.
[quote name='N_B']My opinions are based upon the facts and my personal experience. I have no problem supporting and substantiating them. If you want to refute them, then feel free to try. Your throwing labels at me like "bigotry" and "troll" is a cop out.[/QUOTE]

What facts are your opinions based on? You haven't given one single fact since you started. Even if your opinions have some legitimacy to them, you present them with so much vitriol that it makes you seem bitter.
[quote name='Amazon DVG Deals']FYI guys if any of you are sports games/soccer fans you should check out our Fifa 13 deal tomorrow-Sunday we'll have it for $25.99.


Thanks for the heads up, Tony!
Hey Tony,
Let the Hamsters know that I think they are doing a fine job and have now purchased more from Amazon than any other download service.
Pretty sure N_B is the same guy that was already banned twice for the way he acted in this thread over the summer.

That SquareEnix bundle is amazing, but I already own everything in it :\ A few of my friends should be picking it up when they see it go live and realize I wasn't making it up.
Seriously didn't mean to stir the pot in here suggesting that Amazon get their own client!

Just thought it would be cool is all. I know Amazon (as a company) have a large amount of resources, talent, and bandwidth - even more so than Valve - so I thought I would at least make the suggestion. To the best of my knowledge, the Amazon digital download service has even more titles than Steam. Call me lazy all you want, I just thought it would be cool to have a client I could use as a download manager / game manager.

So yes, let's keep the Steam bashing to a minimum out of a respect for Tony. Thanks guys!
Gaaaah this Batman double pack has been taunting me all week, but I can't pull the trigger because I own all the DLC on PS3 already. Most of the reason I want AC again is to kick ass as Nightwing. :(
[quote name='jshackles']Seriously didn't mean to stir the pot in here suggesting that Amazon get their own client!

Just thought it would be cool is all. I know Amazon (as a company) have a large amount of resources, talent, and bandwidth - even more so than Valve - so I thought I would at least make the suggestion. To the best of my knowledge, the Amazon digital download service has even more titles than Steam. Call me lazy all you want, I just thought it would be cool to have a client I could use as a download manager / game manager.

So yes, let's keep the Steam bashing to a minimum out of a respect for Tony. Thanks guys![/QUOTE]

I wouldn't take any blame for it, man. Some people have their own agenda and use anything as a catalyst to unleash it. I wouldn't mind a Desura like client - meaning it would be optional. Or an update game page. Gamersgate doesn't have it's own client, but I find their shelf/game list easier to navigate than Amazon.
[quote name='MysterD']@TONY
So, does Amazon DVG got any big deals planned for NEXT WEEK? ;)[/QUOTE]

Aside from the Squeenix Bundle? Nothing yet.

[quote name='TheHeretic']Thanks for the price match on W: EE Tony! I just bought it now from Amazon :D

On Steam the Game of Thrones bundle is $17.49 which contains both A Game of Thrones - Genesis, Game of Thrones while on Amazon Game of Thrones alone cost $17.49 I guess I'll wait for a better deal from Amazon on this.[/QUOTE]

We'll have a bundle for $9.99 in the near future.

[quote name='Idiotekque']Speaking of sports games, it would be nice to see a repeat of the EA Classics bundle that ran not to long ago with Madden 08 and NHL 09 for $5 (or even cheaper?). I totally spaced and missed that one.[/QUOTE]

Yep we'll have this again in November.

[quote name='Idiotekque']I can't help but laugh at anyone who thinks for a second that any of these companies actually are on your side somehow. They're businesses. They want to make money, that's it. Is Amazon any different? No, the only difference is that we have the good fortune of having a sales guy who takes his job seriously and is a nice dude.

There's no reason for Steam to do anything differently. They are making a ridiculous amount of money, therefore there is no reason to change anything. Changes cost money, so why spend money on them if everyone is already buying your stuff? It's not that complicated. It would take a massive user boycott for anything to change (Steam strike, anyone?), and that's not going to happen.

That said, Steam offers a pretty good service regardless of their flaws. There's not much use in complaining about it, though I understand the negativity.[/QUOTE]

1. I'm a marketing guy not a sales guy :)
2. I do this for more reasons than just "I want to affect change in our bottom line". If that were the case I wouldn't do things like meet up with you guys for lunch, play video games with you, etc. etc. I just like the Video Game community and enjoy being a part of it...even though you're all insane :).

Steam's CYA/SSA policies are less than ideal for the consumer, especially if you cross the line into the grey areas. And the landscape they've formed is very different from how PC gamers used to take ownership of their games.

But to call Steam a shit service and claim that Valve releases its own games lacking in content—when in fact so much is added post facto and for free—just shows an illogically prejudiced and bitter perspective.

But hey, Amazon. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of their current digital library setup, but I like their prices.
[quote name='jgiovanni']@ Tony,

Any chance of matching the Sherlock Holmes bundle?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately we don't match bundles as they take time and resources to create, so unless we have them in existence we can't justify that time to make new ones just for matches.

Example, the guy who would make that bundle is currently making the Squeenix bundle.

[quote name='ochentay4']@ Tony:

Any advance of Mass Effect 3 sale? Thanks man for your time.[/QUOTE]

I've got some stuff cooking but not until November.

Any possibility of a sale on BF3 Premium? I got a $10 copy from the last sale but I've played the crap out of the vanilla maps on 360 so I'm hoping for a good deal on the maps at some point. Keep up the good work with the sales Tony, I'm looking forward to Black Friday, although I don't think my wallet will be too thrilled
Tony, i know this is probably not your department. Could you please inquire to bring back the digital store for consoles (ex. Playstation Network or Xbox Live Content).

I only ask because i have purchased content from amazon's digital store and it is flawless. Other retailers are falling WAY short in this department. I don't even know where to begin from inefficiency to overall poor customer service.

I know you focus on the PC market, but if you can shoot up the ladder that everyone else is pretty much failing on the console digital downloads front.
[quote name='DemonKysho']Tony, i know this is probably not your department. Could you please inquire to bring back the digital store for consoles (ex. Playstation Network or Xbox Live Content).

I only ask because i have purchased content from amazon's digital store and it is flawless. Other retailers are falling WAY short in this department. I don't even know where to begin from inefficiency to overall poor customer service.

I know you focus on the PC market, but if you can shoot up the ladder that everyone else is pretty much failing on the console digital downloads front.[/QUOTE]

Seconded, PSN purchases doen through Amazon were quick and painless
[quote name='DemonKysho']Tony, i know this is probably not your department. Could you please inquire to bring back the digital store for consoles (ex. Playstation Network or Xbox Live Content).

I only ask because i have purchased content from amazon's digital store and it is flawless. Other retailers are falling WAY short in this department. I don't even know where to begin from inefficiency to overall poor customer service.

I know you focus on the PC market, but if you can shoot up the ladder that everyone else is pretty much failing on the console digital downloads front.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='erequena']Seconded, PSN purchases doen through Amazon were quick and painless[/QUOTE]

We still sell XBOX Live points and subs:

This actually got moved under my group now. Are you asking specifically about the PSN points cards?

[quote name='dfg']Steam's CYA/SSA policies are less than ideal for the consumer, especially if you cross the line into the grey areas. And the landscape they've formed is very different from how PC gamers used to take ownership of their games.

But to call Steam a shit service and claim that Valve releases its own games lacking in content—when in fact so much is added post facto and for free—just shows an illogically prejudiced and bitter perspective.

But hey, Amazon. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of their current digital library setup, but I like their prices.[/QUOTE]

I think the issue has a lot to do with people seeing companies as either greedy and money grubbing or benevolent angels with nothing in between. Amazon and Steam are made up of people who have all sorts of complex motivations for the things they do. They are companies, so of course they are interested in being profitable. They want to continue doing what they do and perhaps explore exciting new things as well. At the same time, why would money be the only thing driving a company when it is run and maintained by a group of (probably) decent people? Certainly the bottom line is important, even crucial, but that doesn't automatically make everyone looking to turn a profit an ancient evil greed monster out to destroy you.

[quote name='Amazon DVG Deals']
2. I do this for more reasons than just "I want to affect change in our bottom line". If that were the case I wouldn't do things like meet up with you guys for lunch, play video games with you, etc. etc. I just like the Video Game community and enjoy being a part of it...even though you're all insane :).


You meet people for lunch? :shock:
I am really talking about everything PSN/XBL Currency and you used to be able to buy games that were on PSN/XBL. Hell sometimes amazon used to have PSN/XBL sales. I have had such a terrible experience recently and i came to you for change. Your like the Barack Obama of Amazon. I'm not asking for a solution today, just know there a lot of people that are desperate need this back.

Also everyone else that is doing this are fucking lemmings.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']I wouldn't take any blame for it, man. Some people have their own agenda and use anything as a catalyst to unleash it. I wouldn't mind a Desura like client - meaning it would be optional. Or an update game page. Gamersgate doesn't have it's own client, but I find their shelf/game list easier to navigate than Amazon.[/QUOTE]

I think an optional client is totally fine and wholly support this idea. I don't see why people would complain about something being optional but I guess people will find anything to complain about.

Anyway, Amazon has a ways to go before they can get to something like a client so I don't think anyone needs to worry about that happening soon. They can't even figure out how to sell a bunch of keys at once for 1C. :p
[quote name='dfg']Steam's CYA/SSA policies are less than ideal for the consumer, especially if you cross the line into the grey areas. And the landscape they've formed is very different from how PC gamers used to take ownership of their games. [/QUOTE]

True. However, I find it easier to access my games now, with Steam and other services, than I ever did back in the days of discs (or disks) in boxes.
[quote name='Eldredpe']I think the issue has a lot to do with people seeing companies as either greedy and money grubbing or benevolent angels with nothing in between. Amazon and Steam are made up of people who have all sorts of complex motivations for the things they do. They are companies, so of course they are interested in being profitable. They want to continue doing what they do and perhaps explore exciting new things as well. At the same time, why would money be the only thing driving a company when it is run and maintained by a group of (probably) decent people? Certainly the bottom line is important, even crucial, but that doesn't automatically make everyone looking to turn a profit an ancient evil greed monster out to destroy you.[/QUOTE]

Good customer service and being considered consumer friendly are great ways to be profitable -- it costs roughly 6 times as much to acquire a new customer as it does to retain an existing one, which is more likely when you have good customer service. Those satisfied customers are more likely to tell their friends, and who doesn't love free advertising from credible sources? Kudos to Amazon for realizing this and giving us someone as awesome as Tony, who no doubt does a better job because he's actually a gamer as well. :)
[quote name='Eldredpe']I think the issue has a lot to do with people seeing companies as either greedy and money grubbing or benevolent angels with nothing in between. Amazon and Steam are made up of people who have all sorts of complex motivations for the things they do. They are companies, so of course they are interested in being profitable. They want to continue doing what they do and perhaps explore exciting new things as well. At the same time, why would money be the only thing driving a company when it is run and maintained by a group of (probably) decent people? Certainly the bottom line is important, even crucial, but that doesn't automatically make everyone looking to turn a profit an ancient evil greed monster out to destroy you.

You meet people for lunch? :shock:[/QUOTE]

Yeah dude, I've met a few of you jokers for lunch at this point. I was supposed to meet up with one of you today but I bring my dog to work and it is crappy out so outside dining wasn't an option.

[quote name='DemonKysho']I am really talking about everything PSN/XBL Currency and you used to be able to buy games that were on PSN/XBL. Hell sometimes amazon used to have PSN/XBL sales. I have had such a terrible experience recently and i came to you for change. Your like the Barack Obama of Amazon. I'm not asking for a solution today, just know there a lot of people that are desperate need this back.

Also everyone else that is doing this are fucking lemmings.[/QUOTE]

We don't carry non-sub/point content right now nor do I know what the plans are for doing so. As for the PSN stuff...keep an eye on this thread yo.

[quote name='Amazon DVG Deals']Yeah dude, I've met a few of you jokers for lunch at this point. I was supposed to meet up with one of you today but I bring my dog to work and it is crappy out so outside dining wasn't an option.

We don't carry non-sub/point content right now nor do I know what the plans are for doing so. As for the PSN stuff...keep an eye on this thread yo.


You can bring your dog to work? Each day your job sounds more and more awesome.
[quote name='shaggyc']You can bring your dog to work? Each day your job sounds more and more awesome.[/QUOTE]

The only days of Paddington's life that haven't been spent at have been the 8 weeks before I got him, weekends, and the 2 times I've gone out of town since getting him.

[quote name='Amazon DVG Deals']The only days of Paddington's life that haven't been spent at have been the 8 weeks before I got him, weekends, and the 2 times I've gone out of town since getting him.


A) Your dog's name is Paddington? AWESOME!
2) Pic or it didn't happen.
That might possibly be the cutest dog on the planet.

Don't even show that picture to my daughters.

Oh, and as far as deal discussions are concerned... any chance of matching the Gamefly 20% off digital purchase coupon that is available until the 24th? I could purchase it from them with it, but I have Amazon credit burning a hole in my pocket.

Oh, and PSN points? Please bring those to the site as well.

Thanks, T-Money.

I remember you talking about going to pick him up a few threads back and putting up a few pictures back then.

Good to see he's doing well.
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