Amazon PCDD - Important Update New Community Manager Incoming!

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Amazon DVG Deals

Official Representative
4 (100%)

I’ve got some news I’m both excited and sad to share with you at the same time. I’ll be leaving the Digital Video Games team in Mid-March to join the marketing team for’s Loyalty and Rewards program, Amazon Coins. My boss and I have talked extensively about how to maintain and continue our presence here and across the other communities we’ve created in the past couple of years. To that end I’d like to introduce you to Josh, who take over monitoring, updating, and responding to this thread. Josh will be ramping up over the next couple of weeks, he  will be posting shortly to introduce himself.

Now that the “what’s going on” part of the message is out of the way I want to tell you all how much I love CAG and the posters here. This was the first community I joined when I started this job (anyone still remember that first thread?) and all of you have had a huge hand in shaping how we think about and execute Community Development and Management here at Amazon, which has in turn shaped my career these last two and a half years.

I started to write out a section calling out the regular posters and realized the list would be both overly long and incomplete at the same time. Instead I’d like to thank you all again, you all have my deep and sincere gratitude. I’ll still be around and my gaming accounts aren’t going anywhere so feel free to hit me up anytime you want to chat. I’ll probably still hang out in the thread too :).

Thanks again everyone, let me or Josh know if you have any questions!

The Indie Store has launched! is launching a storefront dedicated to supporting and promoting PC/Mac/Web-based Indie Games. Our Digital Video Games team is a small group of passionate gamers and we’re all really excited to help Indie developers reach more customers quickly by providing a quick and simple process for bringing their games to market. Additionally we’ll be supporting the Indie Store with a ton of promotions, both at and after launch. Many of these promotions are designed to give the developer the opportunity to maximize their revenue. For example, Amazon is forfeiting all royalties from bundle sales and passing them along directly to the developer, we’ve also created an “Indie Spotlight” program to help customers learn more about the games and developers they love. We view the Indie developers as some of the most creative in the industry and we want to help them continue to create new and innovative experience for customers.

Why we are doing this:

  • Allow customers to discover an entirely new category of games on
  • Help developers reach new customers quickly. Our onboarding process is straightforward and we want to sell every Indie game available
  • We want to leverage our strengths to support and help the developers who are driving forward innovation and creativity in the games industry
General Information

Hi CAGs,
I'll be posting deals we're running on Digital Games (PC/Mac, Free to Play, Sony/Microsoft Points/Subs).

I'm also here to answer questions you might have, get you closer to the developers by hosting Q&As, setting up podcasts, live streaming gameplay etc. If I don't respond to a question you have in thread please send me a PM. These ping my email address and make it more likely that I will see your question and respond more quickly.


FYI. EA Games sold by Amazon will not activate on Steam.

1. Does the game I'm buying from Amazon Activate on Steam/Origin/Uplay? What DRM does the game use?

There are two places to identify DRM on a digital video game detail page:

At the top of the page, below the title:


In the "Product Description" section:


2. Note on Electronic Arts Games - For the most part, EA games sold on Amazon do not activate on Steam. Most activate on Origin.

3. Note on DRM with limited activations:

Our Policy

4. Sometimes I'll do giveaways.

5. I work with developers and publishers to get fun (or at least what I think is fun) content to share with you all. Here are some examples:

a. Check out the Pax Gameplay videos here: Xcom: Enemy Unknown I played Xcom with Jake, the Creative Director for the game, a few months before the game came out Also, on this page, check out the Q&A, also a community driven event.

b. Check out the interview on this page: Borderlands 2 we did this interview at E3 with Randy Pitchford this year.

c. We've partnered with the ++GoodGames Podcast to feature many of the games we carry. They talk to the developers about the game development process, how the games are conceptualized and managed, all kinds of fun stuff. I'm working on putting together full link list and will update when I have it.

What else do we sell?

Xbox Live Points and Subscriptions:

1600 Microsoft Live Points
4000 Microsoft Live Points
12 Month XBOX Live Subscription
3 Month XBOX Live Subscription]
12 Month + 1 XBOX Live Subscription

PSN+ Subscriptions and PSN Points:

$20 PSN Points
$50 PSN Points
12 Month PSN+ Subscription
3 Month PSN+ Subscription

We also have a Free-2-Play store supported by our GameConnect technology. Gameconnect allows you to link your account with free-2-play and MMO accounts so that you can buy things like in game currency, premium game time/subscriptions, in game items, etc. on using your payment options and have this content delivered directly into your game.

5. Price Matching notes: Generally we do not match international retailers (GMG, Gamersgate, etc) or physical retailers (Best Buy,, etc.)
To check out the Free-2-Play games we offer you can visit our storefront here: Free-2-Play Store

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Tony, my 2¢ on what EC deals I'd like to see:

Far Cry 3 $10 before voucher
Dishonored GOTY $15 before voucher
Sniper Elite collection $12-15 before voucher
DMC $10 before voucher
Injustice $20 before voucher
Scribblenauts Unmasked $12 before voucher
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow $12 before voucher.

Thanks for all the deals you've made happen.
It's certainly nowhere near as good an RPG as Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed
Btw, now you said about Sonic, I'd like to see that Sonic everywhere pack at it's Christmas price ($14.99 pre coupon or lower ofc) in the EC list if possible. Steam has put it a lot of times at $ 7.49 (Sonic Hits collection, with exactly the same games) and it's a good deal to spend my first out of 8 coupons I have.

Also as some other people here I am a victim of the "took me too much time to download TSW to try it as trial and the deal was gone" :cry: so if the $11.9 deal is back I'll bite for sure.

Finally +1 to DMC, Castlevania and Shadow Warrior for $ 7.49 - 9.99 pre coupon! :)

For what it's worth, I interpreted BigShow's post as a joke as well, like a 'well if LN's is fuck ing people (literally fuck ing) in the contest I'm not so sorry I missed out on a key after all' kind of thing.

The other guy can go Suck a FAC though.
Just getting caught up on the thread and yes, BigShow's post was clearly a joke. Do not crucify this man.

I'm in a different time zone and this thread moved on a lot since your post lol so sorry for late reply.

An Indilinx SSD will last about 5 years. The SSD I replaced it with had a life expectancy of approx 50 years* in a PC switched on 16 hours a day 365 days a year last time I did the maths on it. I haven't bothered doing the maths on my current SSD - I stopped caring when it stopped mattering. :D

*and that's to their rated life expectancy, in stress testing they lasted about 4 times the rated life.
That's cool. I don't think my Intel 320 series has that long of an expectancy but when I get my next SSD I won't have to be paranoid about overusing it and trying to minimize writes like I am now.

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It is so hard to keep the reply I am typing civil.
I spent over 5 hours of my day, going through over 180 messages, replying back and forth with numerous people, trying to make sure as many people got something they wanted, in as fair a way as possible. Not sure why you two think I somehow singled you out and intentionally screwed you, but I am very sorry you feel that way.
Guess what though? There are over 100 other people who messaged me that day hoping to get a FREE game, and they didn't get one. But of all those 100 people, you're thinking that you two were specifically screwed? That I singled you out, and said "Haha, no not these guys."
There were also only 3 copies of Contrast in the list. You were too slow, someone else got them. So sorry that I can't grow more FREE GAMES out of my ass.

fuck you.
You did an amazing job considering the situation that was put before ya. There will always be people out there always want something for nothing, and when they can't get what they want they tend to get very salty. I deal with this on a daily basis.

You handled everything well. I felt it went smooth, and you did your best to make sure people got something if possible. Don't let a select few newbtards get under your skin. You are one of the most respected people in this community. Unfortunately in a free environment where anyone can sign up and hid behind a screen you will always have to deal with flamers trolls complainers. Beggars etc. That's why I really appreciate what guys like you and Tony do. You guys got to put up with a lot of BS and greed.

please keep up the good work LN. Much love.
I, too, am sorry that LN3000 can't grow free games out of his ass.  That would be remarkably handy.

Except they'd probably be ass games.  Like Remember Me.  Because that game was ass.

Hey, Tony, was Zeno Clash 2 going to get 2 dollars shaved off the initial price down the line?  Similar to Final Exam at $7.99 on Friday that is.

Creative Assembly NOT doing a Total War/strategy game - interesting.

Still WAY too early & WAY too little info for met to get hyped.
I hear Time Gate Studios helped with the trailer... Not sure how true that is. ;)

Got brothers. I'm sure it will be bundled sooner than later but enough people during the holiday Steam sale suggested it should be play before it got spoiled to make it worth the buy.

Thanks Tony! :D

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It is so hard to keep the reply I am typing civil.

I spent over 5 hours of my day, going through over 180 messages, replying back and forth with numerous people, trying to make sure as many people got something they wanted, in as fair a way as possible. Not sure why you two think I somehow singled you out and intentionally screwed you, but I am very sorry you feel that way.

Guess what though? There are over 100 other people who messaged me that day hoping to get a FREE game, and they didn't get one. But of all those 100 people, you're thinking that you two were specifically screwed? That I singled you out, and said "Haha, no not these guys."

There were also only 3 copies of Contrast in the list. You were too slow, someone else got them. So sorry that I can't grow more FREE GAMES out of my ass.

fuck you.

Dude, you were awesome that day, and I know there were a few people who even passed on the codes they won so others could have them.

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It is so hard to keep the reply I am typing civil.
I spent over 5 hours of my day, going through over 180 messages, replying back and forth with numerous people, trying to make sure as many people got something they wanted, in as fair a way as possible. Not sure why you two think I somehow singled you out and intentionally screwed you, but I am very sorry you feel that way.
Guess what though? There are over 100 other people who messaged me that day hoping to get a FREE game, and they didn't get one. But of all those 100 people, you're thinking that you two were specifically screwed? That I singled you out, and said "Haha, no not these guys."
There were also only 3 copies of Contrast in the list. You were too slow, someone else got them. So sorry that I can't grow more FREE GAMES out of my ass.

fuck you.
I know I should be used to it, but I still can't comprehend how mean/petty/rude/selfish/dense people can be. Maybe it's how they're raised. Maybe it's our society. I'd like to think no matter how you grew up, you eventually have some opportunity to realize what's really up, and how things should be.

I get overwhelmed by all the ignorance, to the point where I struggle severely with depression. I'm tired of the world being so screwed up.

I know, it's a game sale site, but it's just another reminder of how bad people can get.

Hey guys, remember when ONE game went on sale for $10-15 it was a BIG F'ing DEAL? Now we're in a world where you can get a AAA game for like $10 in less than a year after it comes out, or a $5 GOTY edition. A world where you can get 5 games for $1. So maybe don't flip your shit when you don't get a FREE GAME that Tony didn't need to offer, and LN didn't have to spend his own time swimming through PM's.

Have you noticed the community here is actually pretty $&!?@ generous? I've been PMed codes for games I mentioned interest in, never expecting anyone to just GIVE to me.

Stop whining about how much it sucks, and go visit a third world country for a week. Get some perspective.
Guess what though? There are over 100 other people who messaged me that day hoping to get a FREE game, and they didn't get one. But of all those 100 people, you're thinking that you two were specifically screwed? That I singled you out, and said "Haha, no not these guys."
I was one of them. You know who I blame? Those other jerks that sent the PM first. Get a life, jerks! Not all of us can shoot off a PM within .07 seconds because we're such losers that we can sit on a web page hitting refresh refresh refresh to know immediately when LN3000 made his post.

*Turns his complete loss into a smug, dickwad-style mental victory. Take that, jerks!*

Seriously, though: LN, you're a crazy, crazy guy to put up with this crap. I wouldn't have wanted anything to do with managing that giveaway. You're a better man than I.

Still crazy, though.

Tony, what I'd like to see is a set of as many Lego games as you can bundle together for an average of $5 per game before coupon.

What I'd LOVE to see is the same thing only with an average of
DA2, seriously?

That's like the worst rpg ever,

if I am to believe the bandwagon of hate that crosses the internet from time to time.
I feel like I'm feeding a troll a bit, but, as has been said before, relative to DA:O, which was a great modern interpretation by BioWare of the great old Black Isle games, DA2 was terrible. Character customization options were dramatically reduced, combat was simplified to a matter of button-mashing where tactics weren't merely unnecessary but actively discouraged, and the tiny areas were recycled endlessly. As a standalone product with no history whatsoever, it was decent.

I could go for some DAII DLC. Enjoyed the game enough back in the day, but never found myself motivated enough to pay full price for the DLC, which I hear isn't half bad. Plus, Felicia Day got her own DLC.
Mark of the Assassin almost makes DA2 worth the price of admission by itself. But like many nerds I have a thing for FD.

I think it's pretty simple...people hear FREE and then go crazy, as usual.
I like giveaways, but i didn't participate because none of the games were 100% my cup of tea. It seems they almost reach the knife fight we talked about.
Take it easy guys  ;)
Haters gon' hate. Asshats gon' asshat.

...I felt oddly compelled to join in this conversation in which I have no business joining. But, seriously, can we get a slow clap going for LN?

It is $25 for ME2 + 2,480 Bioware Points.

We just label our Bioware Points by title, you can use them on anything though...

Curious question here. If this deal becomes reality and the points are just that, raw points, are they tied directly to my Bioware/Origin account? Meaning I could spend them on DA2 DLC if I saw fit?
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I think I'm only about a third of the way through Brothers - just started today - and so far it's been fantastic.

I haven't played Journey, but I cringe when I see you mention To The Moon in the same breath as Brothers. To The Moon was barely a game to me. It was more of a dialogue click-fest with a few places to travel inbetween. I'd hate for someone to think Brothers is in any way, shape, or form like that. I'm sure you're talking about the touching story, but I just wanted to make that distinction for everyone.

Brothers is indeed a game. There are very few cutscenes - and there aren't even any words as the characters speak a form of gibberish. And as such, there's no emphasis on lengthy dialogue. The story is conveyed through your own actions mostly. The artwork is beautiful and the locations are striking.

Most importantly, there are actual game-like things to do. There are puzzles to solve and areas to explore. There are lots of hidden (and optional) interactions that you can uncover. It's just a pleasure to play.

And mind you, that's coming from someone that has only played about a third of the game.
To the Moon is a 16 bit RPG if they scooped out all the turn-based combat. It would be more "gamey" if those aspects were included, but it wouldn't necessarily have improved the overall experience. There are a few puzzles sprinkled through it and a chase section late in the game. The humor, heart, soundtrack, and story were quality enough that I enjoyed my time with it immensely, but I could understand how that wouldn't be everyone's thing.


I'm telling you, Sarcasm font, someone get on that shit then there would be no more internet blow-ups because someone's snarky joke was misinterpreted as serious.

Curious question here. If this deal becomes reality and the points are just that, raw points, are they tied directly to my Bioware/Origin account? Meaning I could spend them on DA2 DLC if I saw fit?
The points are just like any other points system as far as I know.

Amazon just sells them and labels them as "DLC".

Once the points are on your account they can be used on anything.

Or at least thats how I interpret it all.

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Tony... any chance of 40-50% off Sims expansions happening during the sale? My pretty pretty dollhouse needs the Movie Stuff and Island packs.
They are on the EC list so one can assume that they will eventually get a discount for the sale...

Tony just has not announced anything yet.

I feel some point systems are worse than others due to deliberate obfuscation by making the Points/Dollar ratio not a power of 10, e.g. 800 points for $10 instead of 1000 points for $10.
I agree as well .. but that's was not the context I was aiming at. :)

I think point systems are typically a sham and stupid and I can not understand why they can't just use real money ... My bigger issue with point systems is not when the $ to points is skewed but when you end up with left over points. DLC costs 400 points but you can only buy them 500 at a time. Leaving you with 100 useless points. While Steam has a similar system of only being able to buy in increments at least it's still real money and any "left over" can be applied to next purchase.

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Dude. Everyone should play The Swapper.


If I were rich, I would buy a copy for everybody.

Quick, somebody call Oprah!
That's pretty high praise. So high, in fact, that I just bought it.

I now hold you 9% responsible for my enjoyment of this game.

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I feel like I'm feeding a troll a bit, but, as has been said before, relative to DA:O, which was a great modern interpretation by BioWare of the great old Black Isle games, DA2 was terrible. Character customization options were dramatically reduced, combat was simplified to a matter of button-mashing where tactics weren't merely unnecessary but actively discouraged, and the tiny areas were recycled endlessly. As a standalone product with no history whatsoever, it was decent.
Consider the troll well fed!

In fact, free keys for everybody! PM LN for details.

Hey everyone,

How are there 50 replies since 1:00AM PST? Eeek.

Also, you know how sometimes I say, "XYZ sale will likely depend on how ABC does"?

505 is pretty jazzed about how Brothers is doing (so thanks), they've decided to move all of their sale stuff up to today:

Takedown: Red Sabre: $6.99

Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death: $7.49

How to Survive: $7.49

I'm also working on a bundle with the following for $12.99 pre-coupon, I'm hoping to get it live today:


Darksiders II + DLC

Alan Wake + DLC (include American Nightmare)

Titan Quest Gold

Supreme Commander+Forged Alliance



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I don't know why they don't just transition those Bioware DLC over to Origin. Does Origin not have a good system for handling DLC?
I don't think I really own any on there that's not part of a bundle (ie DAO:UE) except for a kajillion Sims packs but those are all in Origin as completely separate entries that you have install one by one.
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