Amazon Purchase from third party, Need advice


Hi guys,

I jumped on a deal on a 250 gig drive on Amazon last week and finally got the drive BUT it came from a third party called AE Store. Not what I thought I was getting. It didn't come in a consumer package but more of a replacement box that Microsoft would send out.

My gut is telling me to send it back, it didn't even come with the Transfer cable like the description. I thought it was used or refurbished, AE claims its new and that they will send me a transfer cable ASAP.

Anyone experience this and have any advice?

This was what I thought I was getting,

Hmm. Not certain if I am missing something, but I do not see in that link where it says you were to get a data cable for free. Unless you got the bundle from directly. Did you click the buy used for the lower price? That will typical be from 3rd parties going through If nothing else, see what kind of warranty comes with the product ( if any ) or your item return disclaimer from your purchase. That will give you a better understanding of what you can do.

Off your gut feeling ( and mine from when it happened to me ) I try to give a few days just to see if the feeling remains. If it does, I send it back as unsatisfactory, if the feeling subsides I keep it but wait to give a review down the road.

Sorry if this wasn't that much help. Just trying to understand the whole situation first.
Thanks, that is good advice. Been sitting on it for two days. I think I will go ahead and have them send me the cable since they said they would for free.

What happened was I did have the Amazon bundle in my wish list and I was looking around in it, saw a drastic price drop and said what the heck I'm ordering. The description does did say cable included and the images showed it and it was a store bought packaging. I assume Amazon sometimes has lower prices and that's when it comes from a third party. I didn't catch it but I should have because I probably wouldn't have bought it.

Anyway I'll take your advice, check out the return policy and give it a test when the cable comes and see what happens.

I read through their feedback and overall it seemed liked they were pretty positive.

Yeah, I have had that happen to me before too. Luckily the seller on mine contacted me to let me know what was going on before we went any further. Turned out to be a great product and I am still using it to this day. Hope everything turns out well for you! 250 GB would be a nice jump from my 20 :p!
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