Amazon rant

Again, the more people respond to me, the more my point of people here not reading is proven accurate. TWO packages within 8 days of each other, by two different couriers were delivered 5 days late each. Really, how hard is it to read? I've said it multiple times now that it was two different items, one each by UPS and USPS.

Of note, the two items I expected today from Amazon did actually show up on time. So why was there a delay by each of the two carriers that delivered stuff today? If there's really a "holiday rush" then it would happen more often than once by UPS and USPS- and to top it off, Amazon isn't the only place I've bought stuff from, and have had many things shipped via UPS and USPS within the last 2 weeks or so, and yet it's only these two items that have arrived late.

Curious question, but why the fuck do you guys care so much about defending Amazon? They screwed up in this situation. This is a thread titled Amazon rant. If you were coming in here expecting something different, maybe you need to go back to first grade. I was posting a story of Amazon's screw up (and as far as I'm concerned, this is Amazon's screw-up as much as UPS or USPS's). If you guys don't like it, leave. I normally defend Amazon as much as you guys, but for fuck's sake it's not the end of the damn world that I posted a negative story about Amazon.
I had a similar problem last month. I snagged Enslaved when it was the $25 DotD and waited for it to show up. The day it was supposed to come, I got an email from Amazon notifying me that it had been returned as undeliverable and they refunded me.

All it took was an email though. They sent out a replacement copy at the same price before the end of the day.

EDIT: Regarding the whole shipping and additional times for things to arrive, I hear you. It stinks, but the fact of the matter is that UPS did not take packages over the Thanksgiving weekend. They did deliver though, so if something had shipped on the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, you should have had it Friday (yeah, 3 day delivery, but with a holiday in there). I got the same treatment with a bluray that was purchased; it shipped out priority mail and was shipped on Friday. I got it Tuesday. It may not have been the 2-day shipping as advertised by Prime, but given the weekend and the obscene amount of packages leaving their facility, I'll give them this one.
The first item (the $120 DSi system) shipped the Monday before Thanksgiving via UPS. It was supposed to be delivered on Wednesday, but was apparently kept in Jacksonville for whatever reason for 5 days (Tuesday to Sunday), and wasn't scanned between its arrival scan Tuesday night and its departure scan Sunday evening.

The second item (Sands of Destruction, a DS game) shipped the Monday after Thanksgiving via USPS. To top this off, Dokapon Kingdom for the Wii shipped out the Thursday after Thanksgiving (Dec 2) from the same warehouse as Sands of Destruction, and got here that Saturday (Dec 4). I'm confused as to how that makes sense, but whatever. Zelda Spirit Tracks for the DS shipped out from this same warehouse on Monday via USPS (I'm starting to see a trend.... it's like this warehouse is nothing but Wii/DS games) and made it here today- on time.

The kicker is that UPS doesn't really do Saturday deliveries to my area, and they counted Black Friday as a day that they don't really do deliveries to here either. I'm sure if you pestered them they would (or if you paid extra), but that bugged me. On Black Friday and on Saturday I get mail, and even had FedEx deliver something that Saturday (which they've only done for about 6 months).
Why haven't you responded to IATCG solution to your phone problem? That seemed to be your biggest problem of not liking there live chat feature, you seemed to respond to everything else except that. I guess your having problems reading now.
[quote name='Altanis']Curious question, but why the fuck do you guys care so much about defending Amazon? They screwed up in this situation. This is a thread titled Amazon rant. If you were coming in here expecting something different, maybe you need to go back to first grade. I was posting a story of Amazon's screw up (and as far as I'm concerned, this is Amazon's screw-up as much as UPS or USPS's). If you guys don't like it, leave. I normally defend Amazon as much as you guys, but for fuck's sake it's not the end of the damn world that I posted a negative story about Amazon.[/QUOTE]

I guess I am confused about how internet forums work... I didn't realize that you had to agree with the OP's flawed logic/complaint in order to post.
Altanis, how about you post the tracking number so we can look at the history for ourselves?

Regarding the package you keep saying was "5" days late, it's not, it was one day late. Thursday and Friday were UPS holidays, and they don't run on Saturday's and Sunday's.
[quote name='altanis']i swear, people here are worse than people on slickdeals.[/quote]


[quote name='dagarcia2678']I guess I am confused about how internet forums work... I didn't realize that you had to agree with the OP's flawed logic/complaint in order to post.[/QUOTE]

And I didn't realize that you had to defend Amazon to the fucking death just because you loath GameStop.
[quote name='skiizim']Why haven't you responded to IATCG solution to your phone problem? That seemed to be your biggest problem of not liking there live chat feature, you seemed to respond to everything else except that. I guess your having problems reading now.[/QUOTE]
Because it's not his business to tell me to get a new phone plan. What I pay for is what I use ($25/month gets 300 minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited data... and Sprint's network. Not bad. I don't see why I should pay $40/month just to have 900 more minutes that I won't use). I also fail to see how my not wasting $180 a year on something I never use is a "problem." Sounds quite the contrary to me.

Or it's because I have him on ignore. It's really a toss up. ;)

[quote name='Immortal fWd']Altanis, how about you post the tracking number so we can look at the history for ourselves?[/QUOTE]
Because I ended up signing for the package and really don't want people here to have my name? It's mostly a privacy issue. Well, that and it's pretty much none of your business to get the tracking number.

Regarding the package you keep saying was "5" days late, it's not, it was one day late. Thursday and Friday were UPS holidays, and they don't run on Saturday's and Sunday's.
Thursday was a holiday, and Sunday they don't deliver, but Friday and Saturday are not UPS holidays- they are fully capable of delivering on those days. Black Friday is not a UPS holiday, and Saturday is not a holiday.

I count calendar days. Normally I don't, but whether a holiday is included or not doesn't make a difference. Something with a delivery date of Wednesday should not take until Monday to deliver. They had Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday to deliver.

[quote name='dagarcia2678']I guess I am confused about how internet forums work... I didn't realize that you had to agree with the OP's flawed logic/complaint in order to post.[/QUOTE]
I'm not the OP. But nice try.

There is no flawed logic here. What fucking part of this do you people not get?

After this post I'm done arguing. It's pretty damn clear to me that none of you can read, as you are still trying to argue points I have stressed multiple times that I couldn't give a flying rat's ass about, or have said do not matter.

[quote name='Drclaw411']GTfuckO.[/QUOTE]
Sometimes the truth hurts doesn't it? At least (generally) people on SD can actually read when you post something like this. How many times did I have to say the same thing over and over here? Exactly.

Another small problem I have with Amazon recently is a lack of packing slips in my orders. I keep all packing slips, organized by date purchased. In the last 10 orders from Amazon, I've gotten all of 1 packing slip- for the order I placed using the $5 credit from Amazon from the CSR I talked to the Sunday night before my DSi arrived. It's nothing big (I print the order confirmations anyway), but something else that's kind of irked me lately.
[quote name='Altanis']Because it's not his business to tell me to get a new phone plan. What I pay for is what I use ($25/month gets 300 minutes, unlimited texts and unlimited data... and Sprint's network. Not bad. I don't see why I should pay $40/month just to have 900 more minutes that I won't use). I also fail to see how my not wasting $180 a year on something I never use is a "problem." Sounds quite the contrary to me.

Or it's because I have him on ignore. It's really a toss up. ;)[/QUOTE]
I didn't say to get a new phone plan, I said go find the rare thing known as a pay phone and call Amazon from there OR borrow a friend/neighbors phone if they have a land line or are willing to let you use their cell phone to call.
Because I ended up signing for the package and really don't want people here to have my name? It's mostly a privacy issue. Well, that and it's pretty much none of your business to get the tracking number.

Thursday was a holiday, and Sunday they don't deliver, but Friday and Saturday are not UPS holidays- they are fully capable of delivering on those days. Black Friday is not a UPS holiday, and Saturday is not a holiday.

I count calendar days. Normally I don't, but whether a holiday is included or not doesn't make a difference. Something with a delivery date of Wednesday should not take until Monday to deliver. They had Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday to deliver.
Thursday was Thanksgiving and Friday was NOT a holiday, but as you or someone said Saturday is NOT a business day for UPS unless you pay for Saturday delivery at an added cost.

So therefore your estimated number of days it took to get the package to you is off by at least one day.;)
[quote name='Altanis']
Thursday was a holiday, and Sunday they don't deliver, but Friday and Saturday are not UPS holidays- they are fully capable of delivering on those days. Black Friday is not a UPS holiday, and Saturday is not a holiday.

I count calendar days. Normally I don't, but whether a holiday is included or not doesn't make a difference. Something with a delivery date of Wednesday should not take until Monday to deliver. They had Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday to deliver.


Friday isn't a UPS holiday, but BLACK Friday effectively is. With the advent of online sales, that's a killer day for them, and I'd gurantee that a good percentage of packages slated for that day simply didn't get delivered. It happens. I actually had something that was supposed to be delivered that day, too, but it just didn't happen. It was annoying, but nothing I was going to ride anyone about. It's a case of needing to be understanding.

Saturday IS a UPS holiday. UPS, unless you're real special, is not bringing anything to your home on a Saturday. There's a reason that any Saturday delivery from Amazon is either FedEx or another company... because UPS doesn't deliver on Saturday unless it's specifically shipped as a Saturday package (at an extra cost, I might add).

I understand the logic here, but calling it 5 days late is simply wrong. Just because YOU call them 'delivery dates' doesn't mean the people bringing them to you do... and, really, isn't that what matters?
Friday is a UPS Holiday, (trust me I work there) but the people that decide to work that day for the extra money is a very lax day. UPS only delivers 2day, NextDay occasionally ground if the driver wants more hours. This is done just relieve the Monday to come from the recent Holiday shopping.
[quote name='Altanis']I'm not going to end up surprised if anything shows up late. I'll just contact Amazon and tell them yet again that I shouldn't have to wait. Luckily, I shouldn't have to contact them- both Amazon items were out for delivery around 10am, so they should be delivered today.

This is what I'm talking about. Things can come late, that's not a problem. The problem is when they aren't scanned for 4-5 days and you don't know whether they simply "fell off the truck" or missed a flight or got swiped by an employee. If UPS doesn't scan something for 4-5 days that's shipped 2nd Day Air, I'm going to believe that it was lost.

So I should be mad when Amazon charges me upon shipping an item but not delivery?

It takes less than 15 seconds to click on the bookmark (I bookmark all the URLs to track stuff I'm expecting), load the page, and see where something is. It takes about 5 seconds to look at it and go "hey, that's not right" or "all seems okay." I'd suggest re-evaluating your lifestyle if that's too much time.

1. Atlantis isn't my name. At least get that right.
2. Yes, it is indirectly Amazon's fault if something takes longer than 2 days, especially if shipped USPS Priority Mail- that only guarantees 2-3 days in most cases, not 2 days.
3. I would at least like them to say two magical words: We're sorry.
4. I shouldn't have to ask for compensation and look like I'm trying to scam the system.
5. 5 days late is not "a few days late." It's nearly 3 times as long as the shipping was supposed to take. 5 days late on a package shipped 2nd day air is a serious problem, don't you think?
6. Again, Live Chat is not worse than email. I also have said repeatedly that I cannot call them. I swear, people here are worse than people on SlickDeals.[/QUOTE]

Hey asshole, before you get your panties in a twist consider this. Insult me however you want, but do not give me crap that checking a bookmark is not within my time budget. I don't obsess over my tracking number like you do. Maybe if you called amazon, and walked away from the computer you wouldn't run into situations where people give you crap. Life's too short, do you want remember some of your time spent as crying over some packages that you got anyway?
Now talk about a thread getting off-topic lol. I need to check back to see what happened. That TV came back in stock with 3 total... I called Amazon, and they price adjusted back to the 599.00. Now to see if it makes it here eventually.
I finally got my Black Friday orders. Only took 2 weeks.

USPS finally called me and said they found my package. They only had one of them. When I was at the window to pick it up, the clerk somehow blamed me for not receiving my own package. Apparently they couldn't find or deliver the package for 2 weeks because my first and last name wasn't capitalized on the package and is probably the reason why my other packages are lost. She was actually holding up the line just to try to blame me for USPS employees not doing their job, she was actually pronouncing my name in different ways to prove her point about the capitalization.
I had a strong urge to yell at her but she finally gave me my package after I said 'Give me my package' twice. I was ready to unleash rage if I had to repeat it three times.

Amazon reshipped my remaining lost orders via 'Man in a Van' shipping.
Well... It was called A-1 Courier Service, but the delivery guy called it 'Man in a Van'.
Package arrived next day and the delivery guy was friendly. My first and last name wasn't capitalized on that package neither but somehow managed to get to me.

Too bad there's no way to specify which carrier you want. UPS and Man in a Van are much less hassles and headaches than USPS.
Well, I got one package, the one with two day shipping on Thursday, two days late. I still have not received what I ordered on Black Friday with free shipping. I emailed them Thursday about it, and they told me to wait until Monday. Two and a half weeks after it shipped out. And some of you call that acceptable? I don't, and its hurt my faith in Amazon. Hopefully if they have to send out a replacement, they offer free overnight shipping through UPS and not through shitty USPS.
[quote name='kidkash03']Well, I got one package, the one with two day shipping on Thursday, two days late. I still have not received what I ordered on Black Friday with free shipping. I emailed them Thursday about it, and they told me to wait until Monday. Two and a half weeks after it shipped out. And some of you call that acceptable? I don't, and its hurt my faith in Amazon. Hopefully if they have to send out a replacement, they offer free overnight shipping through UPS and not through shitty USPS.[/QUOTE]

It hurt your faith? It is an online store, not a church. Stuff happens, everything isn't always perfect no matter what store/website you use, get over yourself.
[quote name='Whizbang']I think there are way too many twisted panties in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Its gone waaaaaaay past "twisted panties" into
"dump trucks full of sand getting tossed into several e-vag's".
[quote name='Altanis'] (including one that shipped from Jacksonville to Charleston, seemingly lost- I live near Tampa. [/QUOTE]
I'd say it's normal now although I've not ordered anything recent, but I ordered eight times from Amazon between Sept and late October and seven of eight were at least one day late. Maybe it's something with the delivery service around here, but USPS sucks, UPS is best choice, and Fedex is okay. My last two packages post BF were on-time however.
[quote name='Blazncheetah']

It was called A-1 Courier Service, but the delivery guy called it 'Man in a Van'.

"Man in a Van" should be the real name.
I always confuse how much time it is actually supposed to take. For instance, just recently, this past Friday I ordered something with the one day shipping option. It did not come on Saturday or Sunday. I though, "OK, maybe weekends do not count." And Monday rolled around and still nothing. It was finally delivered on Tuesday. It was Fed-ex that time, but usually USPS really is slow! I do love the one time UPS' website said it was delivered to the backdoor several hours before it actually came to the sidedoor!
Wow, Altanis is taking his posts to whole new levels of sperging. PROTIP: If 75% or more of a thread is people telling you that you are wrong, and pointing out logical reasons why you are, you most likely are wrong/have a warped sense of logic. Amazon did all it can do by telling you to wait. They can't send a little asian kid out with a flashlight to find what USPS center has your package and hand deliver it to you, and they shouldn't have to compensate you in any way unless the package is lost. Deal with it.

As far as amazon problems, so far I only had one a few months ago, and it took about a month to get a refund from a seller on there, but that was the seller not shipping the item, not amazon. That and an item I ordered a few days ago wont get here till January. Guess I better start making posts demanding compensation cause my christmas is ruined. :D
[quote name='Altanis']I have to say that my recent experiences with Amazon are disappointing as well. Keep in mind that I have Amazon Prime via my Amazon Student account.

I have had to contact them twice about things mysteriously being 4-5 days late. First it was a Nintendo DSi (a gift to myself) being 4 days late. I contacted them via Live Chat on Thanksgiving, and was told to wait until Sunday. I contacted them on Sunday night and got a refund, and magically UPS delivered it Monday. Contacted them telling them I got it. All I got out of it was a $5 credit for them screwing up (not that I am complaining about free Amazon credit).

Then I bought Sands of Destruction for $10 during one of their Lightning Deals. They shipped it USPS Priority Mail on November 29, with a delivery date of December 1. On Saturday night, December 4, I contacted them about my seemingly lost package, and got told to wait until 6PM Sunday (knowing of course, that no fricking courier delivers here on Sunday, as I told the guy 4 times, along with the fact that I have Prime and specifically asked for 2-Day shipping). I ended up forgetting to contact them last night, but alas: today it was delivered. Only 5 days late!

I'm debating contacting them about it. I don't want to take advantage of Amazon, but if I get packages 5+ days late there is something wrong. The worst part is that it isn't any specific courier, or I could at least ask for them to stop using them (although I find it odd they use Priority Mail in the first place... anything that ships out of Arizona to me gets sent Priority Mail... it doesn't guarantee 2-Day delivery so why use it?).

I hate to say it, but I'm still yet to find this amazing Amazon CS that everyone raves about. I keep getting the run-around and told that sometimes packages are late (I can stand 1 day, maybe 2. But 5? No.) and to wait 2-4 more days before contacting them. I've never done Amazon wrong, but this is 3 times since August that I've had issues with items showing up late (4-5 days each time). What really bugs me- and it probably shouldn't- is that none of the Live Chat reps really seem sincere about something being nearly a week late. They just say 'I'm sorry, but sometimes things are late" and then tell me to wait to request a refund or replacement.

Note: I only use Live Chat. Email CSRs are worse, and my phone only gets 300 minutes a month.

Update: I just checked and Amazon shipped my copy of Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS) via Priority Mail. It shipped out of the Phoenix, AZ Warehouse. I've only had two orders go through there (Sands of Destruction DS and Dokapon Kingdom Wii) and one of them was late and one was fine. I'm skeptical, but worried.[/QUOTE]

If that happens to you again just call back. It seems to be when there CS rep is lazy they tell you that you have to wait X amount of days. It happened to me once and I called back the next day and was told that no, if its past the two days just call back and they'll send another one out or offer you a full refund immediately and was apologized to for the way his coworker handled the situation. (If both end up coming you have to return one of them obviously).

Also the shipping issue is really with UPS and Fedex seeing as how you can track it from their website and it and it shows they shipped it out on time. (also i dont know if its where you live but i've never received something from amazon through USPS unless it was a third party seller)

[quote name='Quintessence']I always confuse how much time it is actually supposed to take. For instance, just recently, this past Friday I ordered something with the one day shipping option. It did not come on Saturday or Sunday. I though, "OK, maybe weekends do not count." And Monday rolled around and still nothing. It was finally delivered on Tuesday. It was Fed-ex that time, but usually USPS really is slow! I do love the one time UPS' website said it was delivered to the backdoor several hours before it actually came to the sidedoor![/QUOTE]

It tells you on their website the expected delivery date for each option. Some items are able to be delivered on Saturday while some arent. Also it depends on the time of day you ordered it. If it was Friday past the cutoff time (which i believe is like 5-8 PM EST depending on the item) then it is equivalent to you ordering it monday morning.
[quote name='EdgeCrusher36']Wow, Altanis is taking his posts to whole new levels of sperging. PROTIP: If 75% or more of a thread is people telling you that you are wrong, and pointing out logical reasons why you are, you most likely are wrong/have a warped sense of logic. Amazon did all it can do by telling you to wait. They can't send a little asian kid out with a flashlight to find what USPS center has your package and hand deliver it to you, and they shouldn't have to compensate you in any way unless the package is lost. Deal with it.

As far as amazon problems, so far I only had one a few months ago, and it took about a month to get a refund from a seller on there, but that was the seller not shipping the item, not amazon. That and an item I ordered a few days ago wont get here till January. Guess I better start making posts demanding compensation cause my christmas is ruined. :D[/QUOTE]

Call me crazy but I get where he's comming from. Sure, its the holidays, stuff wont make it as quick as it normally would...Im sure he understands that but at the sametime, they shouldnt offer and in many cases charge for a service that pretty much everyone knows isnt going to actually happen in the time frame they say.
bread's done