Amazon: Red Dead/Assassin's Creed/Mirrror's Edge + more mp3 Soundtracks $5 each


73 (100%)
Part of Amazon's August $5 mp3 albums sale (which DVDTalk's GHackmann saw a day early):

Red Dead Redemption Original Soundtrack

Assassin's Creed (Original Game Soundtrack)

Mirror's Edge Original Videogame Score

Little BIG Music: Musical Oddities From And Inspired By Little Big Planet

The Orange Box (Original Soundtrack)
[quote name='Crazyhowie']
To those interested, you should find the .mp3s in your "Steam/steamapps/common/audiosurf/engine/Orange Box Soundtrack" directory. I'm not sure if the folder is found elsewhere if it is a demo install. Anyways, you can just copy them out to wherever you want to.

Not part of the August sale but cheap videogame music (thanks to ssjmichael):

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 $5.99

Nintendo Remakes $5.99
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I got the Red Dead soundtrack for free with the Gamestip Limited Edition, and it is DEFINITELY worth $5 for those who don't have it.
Pretty neat! I was just thinking of grabbing The Orange Box soundtrack, but then my wife reminded me that I already have it by owning Audiosurf and sure enough all the .mp3s are in there, plus a ton more than the 19 that come on the CD.
[quote name='Crazyhowie']Pretty neat! I was just thinking of grabbing The Orange Box soundtrack, but then my wife reminded me that I already have it by owning Audiosurf and sure enough all the .mp3s are in there, plus a ton more than the 19 that come on the CD.[/QUOTE]

Ooo cool. I'll have to look for that.
meh... i previewed the tracks, it's all boring to me except for GladOS's Still Alive song which I had already bought on iTunes cuz that song fucking rocks.
Picked up the RDR and Orange Box soundtracks. I also grabbed the Brutal Legend soundtrack. It wasn't on sale but it has been on my wishlist for a while and I was in a mp3 buying mood.
[quote name='cRodz']yeah i got audisurf so i can jsut install it and extract the songs?
my comp sucks so i wont enjoy audisurf[/QUOTE]

Your computer can suck and still enjoy audiosurf. It's not a graphic intensive game or anything. I might have to do this too since I already have the game.
Just so everyone knows, you don't even need to buy Audiosurf to get the Orange Box Soundtrack (plus a lot more songs that aren't on the CD), you just need to download the Audiosurf demo, go into your Steam folder on your hard drive, find the Audiosurf data, and it should all be there. It isn't all awesome, but there are some good tracks that aren't on the CD, and hey, it's free!
These are the best songs that I know from these games.

Red Dead Redemption - Far Away by Jose Gonzalez
Mirrors Edge - Still Alive
I'm in for the Mirror's Edge soundtrack for sure. Does anybody have a physical copy they'd be willing to part with (came with PC version) for paypal? Or the Gamestop preorder bag for that matter? I'm looking to buy both. Freaking love that game. Thanks OP.
[quote name='z3razerviper']The fact your wife even knows what audiosurf is is awesome[/QUOTE]

Haha, definitely :D.

@Lostmind76 - That's pretty cool to know.

To those interested, you should find the .mp3s in your "Steam/steamapps/common/audiosurf/engine/Orange Box Soundtrack" directory. I'm not sure if the folder is found elsewhere if it is a demo install. Anyways, you can just copy them out to wherever you want to.

I'm considering the Mirror's Edge soundtrack, but mostly because I love that Still Alive song.
Smart move by Amazon, I went there to pick up the Red Dead album and then I picked up the Dizzy Up the Girl album and Name by the Goo Goo Dolls also because I saw that album on sale for $5 as well.
Bloody love the soundtrack for RDR! Already own the soundtrack for Mirror's Edge.

Many thanks, OP!
[quote name='uscommander']the roots how i got over

buy that[/QUOTE]

This. Times 2. This album is amazing.

The Red Dead OST is pretty damn good, too. Worth $5 no question.
[quote name='jewsdidwtc']Actually, every mp3 is free if you know where to look.[/QUOTE]
Wow racist and a thief. You're my hero! :roll:

P.S. Jailtime is free if the MPAA knows where to look.
[quote name='jewsdidwtc']The Motion Picture Association of America is concerned about mp3's now? That's new.[/QUOTE]
Err, you know what I meant. I'm sick right now and the 102 degree fever makes me say funny things.
The Red Dead Redemption soundtrack is good or at least the instrumental tracks are. Most of the tracks with vocals are kinda sucky imo. The only decent one with vocals was the rendition of "Bury me not on the lone prarie". I downloaded it from the voucher I got with my RDR SE a week or two ago finally.

But for anyone looking for the Vice City soundtrack in it's entirety(and in physical format), has/had all of the volumes available seperately on their website. With shipping the total for all 7 or so came to around $29. Many of those volumes had ALOT of great 80's music on them.
Anyone know if there is any place to get a lossless version of the RDR soundtrack? I have the MP3s from the GS preorder but I try to get lossless whenever I can. AFAIK there was never a release of an actual CD for this (unless the UK special edition was a physical CD?) so I'm not sure if a lossless version exists (outside of the developer's source).
It looks like Mirror's Edge and Assassin's Creed went up on the list of games that I need to play this month. I would need to play them to find out if I wanted the soundtracks.
Ever since I finished Mirror's Edge about two years ago I've had that theme stuck in my head. Maybe this will remedy that.

I wish the $5 Amazon credit for the music/video rentals didn't expire. I had like $20 worth that expired on 7/31/10.
Bad Company 2 has no soundtrack except for a few loading screen themes.

I remember games like Phantom Brave and UT99 that had epic soundtracks that make gameplay so much better.

Now no games have music at all. :(

Look at the Halo Reach multiplayer trailer. THAT has a great soundtrack and it made battle seem so much more intense. Shame that the actual game's multiplayer will likely have no soundtrack at all.
Best soundtrack that I've heard since Lunar and Lunar 2 is Mass Effect 2's soundtrack....just listen to the track "suicide mission" from the game and you'll know what it's all about. Unfortunately it's not on sale! :)
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