amiibo Deals and Discussion Thread


25 (100%)
So the last one was locked, here is the new one.

Don't talk politics or argue.

Don't piss off the mods with reporting posts. If you can't take what someone else is saying don't report them unless it violates the rules of CAG.

Trades are done here amiibo Master Trade Thread

For updates on amiibo check Amiibo Alerts and Amiibo News on Twitter

Master List of amiibo and product details from reddit

Retailers that sell amiibo

Best Buy- Rember that amiibo are 20% off with GCU


Toys R Us




Credit to Modoru for next section.

Imports/Other sellers:
Nintendo World Store [NY Location, In-Store only]

Foreign Amazon links:

Amazon UK
Amazon GER

Amazon SPN
Amazon ITA

amiibo compatibility chart


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It's funny how megaman and toon link are sought after now, glad I over purchased a few once the mega man game comes out.
Seriously? Damn.. I just sold a Toon Link for $12 a month ago.

I've been thinking about dumping all of my duplicates but still wondering if there might be a market for 1st prints of these down the line. I mean, I know they're all identical, besides Villager, but who knows... collectors pay crazy amounts for stuff like this.

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Seriously? Damn.. I just sold a Toon Link for $12 a month ago.

I've been thinking about dumping all of my duplicates but still wondering if there might be a market for 1st prints of these down the line. I mean, I know they're all identical, besides Villager, but who knows... collectors pay crazy amounts for stuff like this.

Thought I'd ask the experts here
Anywhere that has the kirby amiibo at msrp?
BearsFan11 proves my point, I think at one time they were giving them away at TRU with the purchase of the last Kirby game, now a sealed Kirby sells for double msrp.

BearsFan11 proves my point, I think at one time they were giving them away at TRU with the purchase of the last Kirby game, now a sealed Kirby sells for double msrp.
Yeah, I remember back when Kirby was the only amiibo you were guaranteed to see in every store aside from Peach and Mario.

I'll be interested to see where the market goes with some of these as I highly doubt they'll be reprinting wave 1-3's commons.
So far, i haven't seen mario (SSB) amiibo in any of the retail store that is closer to me. So I assume it might become rare soon, but I could be wrong.
Another "former" common that people seem to be looking for now is Samus. I remember seeing her around a bit after I got mine, but there was never really a plethora of them lying around like there was with Kirby. I wonder what the actual priduction numbers were.
Another "former" common that people seem to be looking for now is Samus. I remember seeing her around a bit after I got mine, but there was never really a plethora of them lying around like there was with Kirby. I wonder what the actual priduction numbers were.
I remember Samus being HTF before.. this, but didn't she already get a 2nd run?

I wish Toad would become HTF. I bought like 3 extras of Toad for CAGs who couldn't find them and then he suddenly started showing up everywhere and said CAGs went silent. I was too busy with work and didn't realize BBY and GS only had 14 day return windows.

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I dont think Samus ever got a 2nd run...shes one of the few I am missing.  I think her, Palutena, Robin, and Lucina are all I need for a complete Smash collection.

I remember Samus being HTF before.. this, but didn't she already get a 2nd run?

I wish Toad would become HTF. I bought like 3 extras of Toad for CAGs who couldn't find them and then he suddenly started showing up everywhere and said CAGs went silent. I was too busy with work and didn't realize BBY and GS only had 14 day return windows.
There was all that speculation with Toad that he would sell out fast due to being the only "new" character in the SMB collection. But supply caught up to demand pretty quick, and the failure of MP10 probably didn't help move any extra units.
What was the title of the email for that Super Mario Maker pin set from Best Buy? I know I qualified, I just don't know if I ever got it
Man, I dont even know if Amiibos are hard to find or not anymore..

I know personally, I grabbed extras of some for CAG trades or in case someone needed. Yet now, its like does anyone need them? Seems ONLY ones worth anything maybe Fire Emblem?

I know atm I still have Dark Pit, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Ness to swap for something Id like.

Glad I managed to get rid of my gold/silver mario just a couple months ago. Since even gold mario is coming back.

If only those Bestbuy buttons did something in game. Once I had learned was only a button. I didnt go get them.
Because the DLC abuse just isn't bad enough right?

Though I do agree with you, the fascination over these pins astounds me. Their pins. Aside from having Mario stamped on them, they are just like the ones you can buy packed by the dozen in the dollar store. Who gives a fuck?

Because the DLC abuse just isn't bad enough right?

Though I do agree with you, the fascination over these pins astounds me. Their pins. Aside from having Mario stamped on them, they are just like the ones you can buy packed by the dozen in the dollar store. Who gives a fuck?
Whose pins?
I'm thinking Mega Man is getting a restock at Toys R Us, because I just found three pegs worth at mine and I live in the middle of nowhere.
And what fascination? Most people just want to know what the name of the email for the free pin set is, because, it's free. Have not seen any talks of reselling or begging or anything either.
I actually got sent another email for the pins and ordered another set for anyone who might have wanted them. Wouldn't mind some Nintendo swag as a trade if anyone had anything good. Not expecting it though.
Guess I'm going to have to go to Best Buy in person on Friday for the Shovel Knight amiibo.  Can't secure that thing online for the life of me.

And what fascination? Most people just want to know what the name of the email for the free pin set is, because, it's free. Have not seen any talks of reselling or begging or anything either.
Go back to when the pre-order deal was actually live. Tons of people pre-ordered garbage like these new Animal Crossing games and Triforce Heroes just so they could get a dollar store pin set.

Which means they actually weren't free at all......

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I still have a mario maker poster to get rid of, and a 8 bit classic mario amiibo. Haven't really been trying hard enough but got to get rid of the clutter soon. That's all the extra things are usually...

I still have a mario maker poster to get rid of, and a 8 bit classic mario amiibo. Haven't really been trying hard enough but got to get rid of the clutter soon. That's all the extra things are usually...
The amiibo is good for sitting on a shelf or desk. And while I'm not fond of hanging advertisements around my home, I'm sure someone would like the poster.

Pins though...... they are a different matter. I've never seen someone over the age of like 10 or 11 actually wear one unless it was working as a badge of some sort.

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The amiibo is good for sitting on a shelf or desk. And while I'm not fond of hanging advertisements around my home, I'm sure someone would like the poster.

Pins though...... they are a different matter. I've never seen someone over the age of like 10 or 11 actually wear one unless it was working as a badge of some sort.
I wonder what it's like hating everything and pissing on anything someone else likes. I think that's what actually bothers me about you. If you don't like Nintendo that's fine but coming in this thread all the time just to piss on things people enjoy has just gotten very old.
I wonder what it's like hating everything and pissing on anything someone else likes. I think that's what actually bothers me about you. If you don't like Nintendo that's fine but coming in this thread all the time just to piss on things people enjoy has just gotten very old.
And I wonder what it's like blindly kissing the ass of a multi-billion dollar corporation that doesn't know you exist while blindly defending games and products you've never touched against the fair, level-headed criticisms of those who have actually played them? That's what bugs people about you. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut about shit you know nothing about, especially when when all you want to do is argue against the flaws in games you haven't played.

"Hey guys, Rcerboss may have spent a weekend with Triforce Heroes and may have a list of well thought out criticisms, but don't listen to him!!! I haven't played the game yet but I just know he's wrong and it's SOOOOO great! It just has to be! ZELDA!!!!!!"

"Guys, ignore him, he doesn't critique because he's a fan, he does it because he just sucks!!!! Nintendo is perfect! Don't listen to him!!!!!"

Seriously dude, that's what you sound like. How you people blindly go through life refusing to see even the tiniest flaw in corporations who don't give a damn about you I'll never know.

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And I wonder what it's like blindly kissing the ass of a multi-billion dollar corporation that doesn't know you exist while blindly defending games and products you've never touched against the fair, level-headed criticisms of those who have actually played them? That's what bugs people about you. You need to learn to keep your mouth shut about shit you know nothing about, especially when when all you want to do is argue against the flaws in games you haven't played.

"Hey guys, Rcerboss may have spent a weekend with Triforce Heroes and may have a list of well thought out criticisms, but don't listen to him!!! I haven't played the game yet but I just know he's wrong and it's SOOOOO great! It just has to be! ZELDA!!!!!!"

"Guys, ignore him, he doesn't critique because he's a fan, he does it because he just sucks!!!! Don't listen to him!!!!!"

Seriously dude, that's what you sound like. How you people blindly go through life refusing to see even the tiniest flaw in corporations who don't give a damn about you I'll never know.
^This isn't helping your case, like with the excessive use of exclamation points and whatnot...

It's one thing to be critical of something, even something you like, but you do it with such negative intensity and it's just so toxic.

See that just proves you know nothing about me. Last Nintendo game I bought was Mario maker. I don't own Mario tennis or animal crossing amiibo festival or even xenoblade or yoshi wolley world.

I don't even own triforce heroes and never have an opinion on it since I haven't played it. Anything coming from you can be taken with a grain of salt since its well known to live to shit on things just because.

I'm fully aware Nintendo has made some crappy games in 2015 which is why I passed on them. But seriously dude you're in here shitting on people over some pins. Let people like what they want.
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^This isn't helping your case, like with the excessive use of exclamation points and whatnot...

It's one thing to be critical of something, even something you like, but you do it with such negative intensity and it's just so toxic.
I'm just trying to get my point across. I've developed a bit of a following here (if 4 users with nothing better to do than comment on all my comments can really be a following) and this is a commonality with most of them. They'll try to rebuke anything I say even while admitting they haven't played whatever we're discussing. It strikes me as moronic..... how can anybody logically do that?

I'm just trying to get my point across. I've developed a bit of a following here (if 4 users with nothing better to do than comment on all my comments can really be a following) and this is a commonality with most of them. They'll try to rebuke anything I say even while admitting they haven't played whatever we're discussing. It strikes me as moronic..... how can anybody logically do that?
I thought we were discussing pins at best buy? You went off about something else.
I don't even own triforce heroes and never have an opinion on it since I haven't played it.
I know you haven't tried it, but you sure were quick to defend it from my criticisms regarding lag, lack of voice chat, and no real 2 player mode.... all of which are absolutely essential for a cooperative online game of this nature.

IAnything coming from you can be taken with a grain of salt since its well known to live to shit on things just because.

Wrong, wrong, and wrong. I've logically defended every criticism I've made, but oftentimes that means commenting on Nintendo's missteps and that's not something you seem to be capable of tolerating.

You let your nostalgia and emotions get in the way of any real criticisms then you go out of your way to bash others who look at Nintendo with a critical eye. It's nothing new for people, I just don't understand why you've decided to follow me specifically.

I thought we were discussing pins at best buy? You went off about something else.
I was until you came out and attacked me personally. Quit playing like an innocent little child, you know exactly what you said.

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Please refrain from posting off topic disruptive posts and insults.

I'd suggest you guys ignore each other's posts.  

bread's done