amiibo Deals and Discussion Thread


25 (100%)
So the last one was locked, here is the new one.

Don't talk politics or argue.

Don't piss off the mods with reporting posts. If you can't take what someone else is saying don't report them unless it violates the rules of CAG.

Trades are done here amiibo Master Trade Thread

For updates on amiibo check Amiibo Alerts and Amiibo News on Twitter

Master List of amiibo and product details from reddit

Retailers that sell amiibo

Best Buy- Rember that amiibo are 20% off with GCU


Toys R Us




Credit to Modoru for next section.

Imports/Other sellers:
Nintendo World Store [NY Location, In-Store only]

Foreign Amazon links:

Amazon UK
Amazon GER

Amazon SPN
Amazon ITA

amiibo compatibility chart


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Richter is up on Best Buy as Coming soon:

Dark Samus is up on Best Buy as Coming soon:

Both will be available on January 17th.

Edit: They are both available to pre-order now.
Thanks, ordered both with my GCU discount.

On a side note, I hate how BB automatically defaults to store pickup now for everything for me. And when I changed it to shipping it warned me that the contents would ship in the manufacturing packaging (which I highly doubt is true for amiibo - what are they, just going to stick an address label on each one?

I have never had bestbuy ship anything in its original box. 80% of the time pack in another box or bubble mailer. Of course in bubble mailer when it should be pack in a box lol
TBH I'm just kind of annoyed they didn't at the very least add any functionality for the existing Boo amiibo. Buy yeah, a Gooigi amiibo would have been an instant buy.

Well, a Gooigi amiibo would have probably required a translucent plastic. And most amiibos are actually constructed of multiple pieces that have been glued together. A semi-transparent green Gooigi would make that part of the manufacturing process much more apparent, and a version that didn't have some manner of see-through element just wouldn't be authentic. 

Well, a Gooigi amiibo would have probably required a translucent plastic. And most amiibos are actually constructed of multiple pieces that have been glued together. A semi-transparent green Gooigi would make that part of the manufacturing process much more apparent, and a version that didn't have some manner of see-through element just wouldn't be authentic.
Gooigi isn't "see through" so wouldn't have required any see-through element. They should have done a three pack with Luigi (Luigi Mansion version), Gooigi (glow in the dark solid green version of the Luigi one) and Polterpup.

Gooigi isn't "see through" so wouldn't have required any see-through element. They should have done a three pack with Luigi (Luigi Mansion version), Gooigi (glow in the dark solid green version of the Luigi one) and Polterpup.

That would have been a instant sell out. Would have been cool to have it.
Looks like gold shovel knight is releasing December 10th according to best buy. Wonder if the 3 pack will be the same day.
I'm guessing the 3 pack will probably release the same day as Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove's physical copy. Who knows, maybe Treasure Trove will come out December 10th as well.

I'm guessing the 3 pack will probably release the same day as Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove's physical copy. Who knows, maybe Treasure Trove will come out December 10th as well.
I'm expecting the next delay to be announced around that time. Because you know it is coming.

The Gold Shovel Knight release s a weak peace offering.

Well I'll be, they announced Dec 10 as a release date for King of Cards.  Best Buy just updated the triple pack for the 10th as well.

Incineroar and Chrom show up with a "shipping delay" for me on Best Buy's site.  Simon shows shipped.  

Not sure if I should order a replacement pair for store pickup (and have my wife pick them up tomorrow), or, wait it out...

Incineroar and Chrom show up with a "shipping delay" for me on Best Buy's site. Simon shows shipped.
Not sure if I should order a replacement pair for store pickup (and have my wife pick them up tomorrow), or, wait it out...
Same here, first time I ever got that delay notice from BB. I wonder what the holdup is...
Incineroar and Chrom show up with a "shipping delay" for me on Best Buy's site. Simon shows shipped.

Not sure if I should order a replacement pair for store pickup (and have my wife pick them up tomorrow), or, wait it out...
My Simon shipped, but Incineroar was delayed. I ended up ordering one for in store pickup. I'll cancel the one for shipping (if / when it lets me) or just return it when it does come.

My Plague/King/Spectre Knight three pack from BB arrived today! Apparently I pre-ordered it twice so one goes back.
Yep, got mine as well. I guess Gold Shovel Knight amiibo and the Switch Treasure Trove game will be arriving on Tuesday.

Just received an email both my Plague/King/Spectre and Gold Shovel Knight have been delayed. I had ordered them both right when they came up for preorder.....:(

Just sold the 10 i had including sliver mario for 50. Advice is if you guy's check goodwill check the toys section and those clear bags. I find a good amount in clear bags with various toys lately.
Also got a delay on gold knight and ordered it before it even had an image in the listing.  Maybe certain warehouses are backed up on shipping.

Maybe I'm a sucker for golden things, but that Gold Shovel Knight amiibo is a thing of beauty.  Mine finally got delivered today.

Wonder what amiibo we will see in 2020.
It will depend on what new games this year they come up with, which information is in short supply at the moment. Only Animal Crossing has some real information at the moment, and I'm sure they will have a few Amiibos and support for that. After that we have the next Zelda, Metroid Prime 4 and Bayonetta 3 in the queue as possible Amiibo options, but who knows if they are 2020 games.

bread's done