Amusing Oblivion-related moment at Gamestop


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I'm posting this to a couple of fora; apologies if you've read it elsewhere.

I was in GS Saturday, availing myself of a few items at their 3-for-2 used game sale, when I overheard these two young men discussing which games they might purchase. They were looking at Army of Two, wondering whether it was cool enough for their bad selves. One of them wasn't sure, because:

"I never played Army of One."

No, that's not the best part. They looked at a few other games, when one of them asked the other,

"What's an RPG?"

Still not the best part. The best part was when one of them picked up Oblivion, and said to the other,

"This is retarded. Looks just like The Sims or something."

I had to walk away so they wouldn't hear my snickering.
i dont even know what to say.....
just wow, i bet they picked up bratz glittery glory-hole edition for the wii instead.
something likke this happened to me at a video game rental store.
two teenagers were waiting in line in front of me.
*Holding gears of war "Does third persn shoother mean i get to play with two friends?
*next to him "no you dumbass it means you play this game a three people at once"
*next to him is holding NFS Mw "Check out this one its about that new movie Wanted with angelina jolie"
The clerk accidently dropped the money in his hand twice and he even gave the guys a video game bookmark for some reason
[quote name='RobMinhas']something likke this happened to me at a video game rental store.
two teenagers were waiting in line in front of me.
*Holding gears of war "Does third persn shoother mean i get to play with two friends?
*next to him "no you dumbass it means you play this game a three people at once"
*next to him is holding NFS Mw "Check out this one its about that new movie Wanted with angelina jolie"
The clerk accidently dropped the money in his hand twice and he even gave the guys a video game bookmark for some reason[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xycury']Gotta wonder what the hell they are playing now....[/quote]

anything on the wii .............
bread's done