An Open Letter To Fanboys...


I had to chuckle :lol: So true, so true! Take this gamefaqs!

By Adam Buchen
Associate Software Engineer

Dear Fanboys,

I have a few pieces of advice I want to pass onto you in this GameSpotting. I know that in an age of multiple platforms and a huge amount of games, it can be difficult to remain loyal to one platform or one company. It's a real challenge, and you are all noble and courageous for taking on this quest. I have a few suggestions that I hope you all take to heart. It will help guide you down the path of the fanboy.

GameSpot is the most reliable source for reviews. Except when another publication rates the game you're hyping higher than us. Then that publication is the most reliable source. Until next week, anyway.

A person who owns just one console is inherently less biased than editors at GameSpot who have access to all consoles.

The term "exclusive" is tricky. Its definition changes depending upon whether a hot game appears on your platform or not.

Innovation is what it's called when your console has a unique feature. Otherwise, it's called a gimmick.

Your specific needs are shaped around your platform's features. For instance, if your console doesn't feature HDTV support, then it really wasn't that necessary to have, anyway.

A game that is scored less than a 9.5 on any platform you don't own is called a flop. If it does achieve that score, it's called overrated. (According to the GameSpot rating system, a game rated 8 or above is "great," but we all know that it really means "flop.")

Sales numbers are everything, as long as the numbers are best for your favorite company or console. If that means you have to dig up numbers for sales in New Zealand stores from seven months ago to prove your point, so be it.

Likewise, it is up to you to monitor how companies are doing and report every dip in stock price of manufacturers of other consoles. You're all experts in the fields of economics and finance, so your analyses will always prove correct.

You must realize, that some companies are evil, and some are inherently good. Some companies do it for the money, others do it... so, well, you can brag about them.

Perhaps the most clever thing you as fanboys can do is to come up with derogatory names for competing consoles, such as Xbrick instead of Xbox or FlopStation 2 instead of PlayStation 2.

On message boards, the best way to convey your point is to write in all caps, ignore the rules of grammar, and include lots of "LMAO's" and "LOLs" in your post.

It makes perfect sense to insult a company's lineup one moment and at the same time hope that company will go third party and develop for your console the next.

Playing a game on a different console for ten minutes at a friend's house qualifies you as an expert on that game and console.

You are obviously the most knowledgeable person about hardware. So when you're talking about the difference between CISC and RISC processors, everyone should stop and listen.

A sequel on another console is a "rehash," while a sequel on your console is not; in fact, it's highly anticipated.

Your platform is the best one in existence. Any time you see what might be evidence to the contrary, it's clearly because others are blinded by their idiotic fanboyism.

So you see, dear readers, the best part about being a fanboy is that you can never be proven wrong. As long as you ignore the rules of logic and sensibility, you will never have to worry about whether or not you made a good investment. That sure helps all the insecurity go away, doesn't it?

In the meanwhile, the rest of us will have to go on using our brains to make decisions when it comes to videogames. We will have to actually think about whether or not it's worth it to buy a console based on our needs. We will have to consider forking over more money for a new machine if its games are excellent. We will have to play the best games instead of bash them if they're not on our consoles.

In other words, the rest of us non-fanboys are doomed to a life of playing the best games and enjoying our hobby, while you will have the luxury of being able to ignore the majority of games that come out, because they're not on your console. That is indeed very lucky for you all.

And with that, I must wrap up my letter today. I hope I was able to teach you all a thing or two.

Your Pal,
what a waste of....finger muscle stamina...

*goes back to being a Team Ninja fanboy*
[quote name='Icen']Old.[/QUOTE]

indeed, when the first signs of misguided system sluttage crawled out of al gore's half baked Intranetting at the very crowning of its birth, there was a flame waiting, welcome basket in tow.

fanboys are older than God's nuts.
[quote name='Icen']Old.[/QUOTE]

Thank you very much for the incredible insight. What you fail to realize is that something old to you just might be new to someone else.

If I just wanted to increase my post count & reply "old" or "repost" in every thread to be an asshole, then I would. However, being a somewhat courteous chap, I don't.

I merely read this funny open letter & decided to share it with other gamers. Yes, I performed a "search" to indeed verify that this had NOT been posted here.

So, I apologize for making you read my OLD post and forcing you reply to it.
[quote name='vherub']indeed, when the first signs of misguided system sluttage crawled out of al gore's half baked Intranetting at the very crowning of its birth, there was a flame waiting, welcome basket in tow.

fanboys are older than God's nuts.[/QUOTE]

Funny, but too bad he reverses course in his final four paragraphs and completely undercuts the satire. There's a reason Jonathan Swift's An Immodest Proposal is such a classic. He never breaks voice.
[quote name='Apossum']what a waste of....finger muscle stamina...

*goes back to being a Team Ninja fanboy*[/QUOTE]

Is that terminal?
An excellent excellent read. Thanks for posting it as its not *old* to me.

Im already making a short list of CAGers I need to forward this to. ;-)
Not old to me either, thanks for posting it! This is gonna be spread around my friends, great read.
[quote name='crickett003']GameSpot is the most reliable source for reviews.[/QUOTE]
Unless you own a handheld, a console, or a PC.
[quote name='supadupacheap']An excellent excellent read. Thanks for posting it as its not *old* to me.

Im already making a short list of CAGers I need to forward this to. ;-)[/QUOTE]

i cant stop laughing good stuff.:lol:
I have nothing wrong with fanboys. I mean they have undying love for something that to me is special. The problem I have with them is the undying love for something. There may be something out there that is far better and you are trying to be nice and tell them about it and it turns into an argument.

Never try to talk to any about how EA sports is not better then then sega's 2K series of late. I was trying to explain to a fanboy friend that IMO 2k is better then EA. It went something like this.

But it's Maadden or it's live that's why it's better.

Friend what I am saying IMO that the graphics are crisper and I like the gameplay IMO.

You are wrong madden is the best cause it is.

okay I never coming over again. I think you are retard. I was just trying to give my opinion and you are bashing it for what?

that is my take on fanboys. It does not have to be madden anything really. Just take out madden and put something else in it's place. IMO the most diehard fanboys are Nintendo fanboys.
[quote name='Graystone'] IMO the most diehard fanboys are Nintendo fanboys.[/QUOTE]

I don't know. Nintendo fanboys are pretty damned bad, but the PS2 GTA fanboys and XBOX HALO fanboys (yes I really enjoy both games- I'm just aware that there are others out there) are worse by far.
[quote name='jmcc']Is that terminal?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I pretty much sold my soul to Tecmo :whistle2:( ;-)

Edit: I think there are good fanboys and bad fanboys.

Good-- "Game A is my favorite, but I can see why you like Game B"

Bad-- "OMG!!!11 I WOOD t0ta11y TURN GHEY FOR TEH MASTER CHi3F!! I'D let him put it IN MY BUTT!!111LOLZ UR system sux0rz."
[quote name='crickett003']I don't know. Nintendo fanboys are pretty damned bad, but the PS2 GTA fanboys and XBOX HALO fanboys (yes I really enjoy both games- I'm just aware that there are others out there) are worse by far.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, Nintendo Fanboyism has a much longer history than the Playstation and Xbox, heck, at how long Nintendo has been around we probably already have second generation Nintendo fanboys.

And I would have to agree, I have no problem if someone prefers one game or console to another, but it's when they baselessly lash out against the competition is when I get annoyed.
Over there years I’ve crossed paths with many fan boys online and off, this is how I break them down:

Group 1: Mono Console Users

This group of people are usually between the ages of 10-15, with no real income they of course ask there parents for money to buy there consoles. They then parade that console because that’s the only one they can own, so due to this they think that their console is the best and don't hesitate to rub it in your face (My Version of Mr.X is so much better on My platform than yours!). They also pose as if they own all consoles to make there opinion seem better.

Group 2: Fad-whores

Theses people usually between the ages of 15-21 have a little money to burn, but instead of buying more than one platform they pick the one that is the most popular. They stick with that console and only that console until another console is more popular, then they leave that older console to collect dust. There not as arrogant as most fan boys but always try to find anything wrong with a not so popular platform. They also love to bash "inferior" consoles for the littlest reason. Don't confuse theses with hardware whores (more on them later).

Group 3: PC or Die fan boys

Theses are the people that only game on there PC's and range from all ages; they look down on all forms of gaming that doesn't involve a Home Computer. They love to boasts there specs online with much inflation, and they think there god if there Frame Rates are even 2 frames higher than yours. They also over-clock there graphic cards just to gain 10 frame rates or just to have the bragging rights of doing so.

Group 4: Consoles only

This group like the PC or Die fan boys only thinks gaming on consoles is the best and nothing else is even worth playing because it would cheapen your gaming experience to do so. Theses guys usually own all current gen consoles but they can also cross breed between mono-console fan boys there a tricky breed to catch but there tell-tale signs are "PC gaming sucks" or any general bashing of anything not console related.

Group 5: Hardware Whores

As the title suggests theses individuals only care about there platform specs, if it pushes out 3 jillion polygons and has a 300gig memory card they will jump on it like a fly to a terd. You read or hear theses types boasting about how there frame rates are so much better on there platform, or how there loading is better constantly "Oh I in my versions there 30 levels, and yours there’s 29! HA! YOU SUCKS!” They only buy the best spec hardware and stay true to that creed.

Group 6: Company Specific Fan boys

This group sticks with the companies, i.e. Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony. They think that there companies is the best in the world. Some even own all current gen consoles but regardless they always love to boast how much there favorite brand is better than another’s. Theses are the true console fan boys, there not as annoying as other types but just bash or say one thing about there company that is negative and the shit hits the fan.

I'm a Gamer, I game for games regardless of platform, why deprive yourself of games because of the above reasons, just moronic if you ask me. Fanboy problems are only going to get worse as years go on and it's safe to say there here to stay.. :oldman:
[quote name='adamsappel']Funny, but too bad he reverses course in his final four paragraphs and completely undercuts the satire. There's a reason Jonathan Swift's An Immodest Proposal is such a classic. He never breaks voice.[/QUOTE]

Methinks you're taking this a tad too seriously. I doubt he was attempting to write a great literary work of satire. I think the point was to be a dick back towards fanboys. To that end, he succeeded.
Personally, "fanboyism" (or whatever other name you want to call it) always has and always will be there in life. No matter what rather if its video gaming, cars, or horses even some folks like to stick to what they feel is "the ultimacy"even if there is something that is actually better they'll turn around and ignore it.

Just my 2 cents tho....
[quote name='crickett003']I don't know. Nintendo fanboys are pretty damned bad, but the PS2 GTA fanboys and XBOX HALO fanboys (yes I really enjoy both games- I'm just aware that there are others out there) are worse by far.[/QUOTE]

I agree and disagree. I look at it like this. Those GTA & Halo fanboys say it's good because they don't know any other games. I look at Nintendo fanboys like they are more hardcore. These people can tell you how hard the game engine is working by the damned sounds the console is making. (not really) Nintendo FB's can name ever person in the company etc. The biggest problem I have with fanboys is they never want to listen. No matter what you say they are right. I hate that the most makes you wanna punch someone in the mouth.
[quote name='sisco1986']I'm a Gamer, I game for games regardless of platform[/QUOTE]

Ask "fanskad" we have had a many discussions. Fanskad is a little bias toward the Nintendo. you know what fuck that he's a fanboy but not in the bad sense of my other posts. He will actually listen and you can have a nice discussion about gaming. I have all 3 console's and a PC etc. I remember him asking me. What is my favorite game or console. I told him I don't have one they all have there good points and bad points. That is why I own all 3 and I keep all of my old consoles. Some people say it's impossible not to have a favorite. I don't agree. When buying a multi-platform game. I think about many things; the controllers, how much space saving does it take if it is a sequel what console do I have the first one on etc.

I have more PS2 games in my collection then anything but that is because my PS2 got a year advantage over my other consoles.
[quote name='Graystone']Ask "fanskad" we have had a many discussions. Fanskad is a little bias toward the Nintendo. you know what fuck that he's a fanboy but not in the bad sense of my other posts. He will actually listen and you can have a nice discussion about gaming. I have all 3 console's and a PC etc. I remember him asking me. What is my favorite game or console. I told him I don't have one they all have there good points and bad points. That is why I own all 3 and I keep all of my old consoles. Some people say it's impossible not to have a favorite. I don't agree. When buying a multi-platform game. I think about many things; the controllers, how much space saving does it take if it is a sequel what console do I have the first one on etc.

I have more PS2 games in my collection then anything but that is because my PS2 got a year advantage over my other consoles.[/QUOTE]

Hey to each his/her own, if you like one developer the best or one gaming stable the best by all means go ahead, I don't see any issue with that. What I do see issues with is the immaturity of a lot of gamers off and online. Gamers need to just game; hey? You only like one console great! keep gaming on it but don't put down other people because they don't game like you do. Mutal Respect is what I'm trying to get across, but like that's ever going to happen. A lot of communities have gone down the drain due to fanboys (we all know them) and not just in gaming.

- I game therfore I am.
bread's done