Analysis of Wii Hardware


1 (100%)

The Wii is a die-shrink-job, if not literally then at least functionally. It's a faster GameCube with more RAM. It's previous-gen hardware with a next-gen control scheme. It's time to move on to stage five: acceptance.

If you're a Nintendo fan, you're probably still mad. "Previous-gen? What does that even mean?" Yada yada, I'm familiar with the debate. We can go in circles for hours. The bottom line is that we all pretty much know what it means. It means that the difference in power between the GameCube and the Wii is smaller than the difference in power between, well, any two previous sequential console generations. It's a smaller jump than the Xbox to the Xbox 360; it's smaller than PS2 to PS3; it's smaller than N64 to GameCube; smaller than NES to SNES; and on and on. We all know what it means.

But what does it mean for gamers? As I tried to establish earlier, there's a hell of a lot more to success in the console business than hardware power. In the case of the Wii, there's this whole giant X-factor of the control scheme. I'm not ready to pass any judgement on that right now. But the hardware power itself is a factor, and the nature of its effect on the gaming experience is pretty clear, even if the magnitude is not.

That "next-gen hardware experience" that I've come to expect as a birthright of console gaming will be missing from the Wii. Things that were graphically and computationally unthinkable in the previous generation will not suddenly become possible with the Wii. Draw distances, texture detail, and polygon counts will increase, sure, but they will not explode. The resolution will stay about the same—480p, at best.

pretty well written ;)
[quote name='Zoglog']

pretty well written ;)[/quote]Shocking that you would say so. But yeah, it is. Obviously as a technophile he is disappointed in the lack of advancement in power with the Wii. And yet he's buying one before the other consoles. ;)

But the fact that he starts to debate if maybe Sony and Microsoft are the real innovators, what with their better graphics and better AI, which they would have implemented last gen, but didn't have the horsepower to do so, makes me chuckle though. Unless we're going to say that all PC games are innovative, since they progressively do more and more as CPUs and video cards get more powerful.

Where does Nintendo go next generation after the Wii? Well, um, assuming it does well, then they will probably tweak the control scheme a bit, throw in 1080p support, etc, etc. Seeing as how that sort of technology will be much more affordable in 2010.
When I saw the thread title I was thinking "wtf do we need an analysis for? We already know everything about it," and then I saw it was Zoglog....
[quote name='Kaijufan']Wow that's a long article about something we all already know (that the Wii is a Gamecube 1.5).[/QUOTE]

not trying to be a fanboy (objective analysis is possible, if you know how) but it sounds like he's saying it's more of a Gamecube 1.1 or 1.2.

I don't care a whole lot since graphics aren't the point of the Wii. The graphics leap is not such a huge factor this gen (though things like fitting 1000 zombies on the screen at once is nice.)

the gamecube doesn't suddenly look like shit to me...I switch between 360 and PS2 games and I come out completely unscathed ;) On top of that, everyone knows the true power of a console is rarely realized in one gen. Games always come out and people say "now THIS game is truely using ALL of this system's power." and then another game comes out and trumps it because devs find new ways to maximize efficiency. Point in case, Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden Black on the xbox. Re4 and SOTC on the PS2. And other games, like Okami and Killer 7, use their own styles which negate the graphics factor altogether...I hope we see more experimental styles like this on the Cube. though SOTC could've benefitted from a slight boost in specs, everyone who played it said "I didn't think the PS2 could do THAT."

my point is that this thing will make games that look fine. your eyes won't be raped.
I agree with him on many of his points, but I personally do not have an HDTV nor do many of my friends. I am not going to buy a PS3 or 360 until they either go down drastically in price or I get an HDTV because I don't want to pay for technology that I won't be using.

I have a feeling the Wii may end up being a party console with a lot of easy to play multiplayer games where people all play in the same room. There is no way I could get my wife nor many of my friends to play a 360 or even the average PS2/Gamecube game. It would be frustrating for all parties involved for me to have to teach them which of the 10 or so buttons to push for every action. There are going to be some fun single-player Nintendo games for the Wii and many have already been anounced, but the Wii will shine in the in-room (as opposed to online) multiplayer. Or even a game like golf where it would be fun just to watch. (In fact the Golden Tee games are a good analogy, they may not be the nicest looking games in the arcade, but there aren't many more fun games to play at a bar.) The Wii will not be able to compete with a game like Gears of War for a gamer with an HDTV, but this is an area where the PS3 anf 360 cannot compete with the Wii (unless they decide to drastically alter their control schemes for certain games, which they may do).

I, like John (the author of this article) would like to see what Miyamoto could do with a PS3. I also can't wait to see what he is going to do with the Wii. If the Wii were $400 and supported HD resolution (which I am sure Nintendo could have done if they really wanted to--read willing to lose money and compete more directly with the PS3 and 360) then I would wait to buy it until I got an HDTV, but I would probably be more excited about the possibilities than I am with the Wii. I am hoping/counting on the developers to surprise me with the Wii games they make, but I can only imagine so many non-gimmicky games. Of course, I would have said the same thing about the DS.

In conculsion, despite my and John's wishes the Wii is what it is and I have pre-ordered a console for the first time ever.
The Nintendo fans have long known that its only a slight power increase, the people who need to go into the acceptance stage are the graphics whores that have been complaining about it this whole time.
[quote name='SpazX']When I saw the thread title I was thinking "wtf do we need an analysis for? We already know everything about it," and then I saw it was Zoglog....[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly, everyone knows this guy is a Nintendo troll. Quite pathetic now really.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']My thoughts exactly, everyone knows this guy is a Nintendo troll. Quite pathetic now really.[/quote]No, he's the anti-troll. His goal in life is to post things that will draw a negative reaction while attempting to pretend he has no idea why people are reacting in such a way.

85% of his threads contain a follow-up post "Wow, you guys are all such fanboys."
Wii is going to be great, we're obviously not buying it for graphics as it's been said right from the get-go that this machine didn't have the turbo charged v-12 of graphics. It's going to be great for what it is and the popular nintendo franchises are going to continue to get better! Wii = good stuff.

T. Foolery
[quote name='Plinko']This is obviously a huge blow to Nintendo, as graphics are the #1 factor on the list of "what makes a great game."


you are correct
Woh, a hardware techfreak says that the Wii is slightly more powerful than the GameCube, and that it isn't next-gen, and that it's only outputting 480p! HOLY CRAP!

Oh wait... I mean... "Let there be light!"
[quote name='botticus']No, he's the anti-troll. His goal in life is to post things that will draw a negative reaction while attempting to pretend he has no idea why people are reacting in such a way.

85% of his threads contain a follow-up post "Wow, you guys are all such fanboys."[/QUOTE]

that's because I only get fanboy responses.
For your info I am buying and keeping a Wii. Doesn't mean I have to only post positive things about the console. This article was more or less neutral on the whole issue rather than negative. It was mostly dealing with facts of the reality of the console with a bit of his own opinion on what makes a sucessful console.

point and case from pinko

This is obviously a huge blow to Nintendo, as graphics are the #1 factor on the list of "what makes a great game."

Or not.

from article

I don't think hardware power is the be-all, end-all, but I do think it's an essential enabler.

yeah, he's really saying it's the #1 factor.............

In the end you can call me a troll all you want, but the fact remains that I support all the consoles irregardless of console loyalty. It's all objective for me since each console serves a specific purpose for me. Yet you fanboys constnatly try to squeeze your console fetishes into every facet. (yeah i've seen tons of you idiots "coff chrisincali" call me a troll when you used to goto the xb360 forums section just to troll off. Pathetic is right)
Yes, we know you're getting a Wii, that's always your retort when you post something that people respond negatively to. And of course, no one can disagree with something you post without being a fanboy because of your awesome neutrality.
[quote name='botticus']Yes, we know you're getting a Wii, that's always your retort when you post something that people respond negatively to. And of course, no one can disagree with something you post without being a fanboy because of your awesome neutrality.[/QUOTE]

just because it applies quite well here. Sorry if that upsets you ;)

I can tell most of the responders to this thread didn't even read the article.
I think that the fact that the Wii is only upgraded GC hardware is a good thing. It means that developers are already familiar with it, and can take full advantage of it at launch.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']I think that the fact that the Wii is only upgraded GC hardware is a good thing. It means that developers are already familiar with it, and can take full advantage of it at launch.[/QUOTE]

no complaints on that issue, however it does mean that there won't be much graphical enhancements, if at all, in the future. With that aspect I think the biggest benifit of the wii's established graphics is to Nintendo in terms of keeping hardware costs down.
So, based on the comments to Zoglog and his reactions, everything counter to his idea is "fanboyish" to him. Well in that case let's end all name calling across both sides of the isle from here on out and ignore all posts by said Zoglog since we all know with 95% certainty what he is going to talk about.

That way, everyone is happy.

Except maybe Zoglog.
[quote name='Ecofreak']So, based on the comments to Zoglog and his reactions, everything counter to his idea is "fanboyish" to him. Well in that case let's end all name calling across both sides of the isle from here on out and ignore all posts by said Zoglog since we all know with 95% certainty what he is going to talk about.

That way, everyone is happy.

Except maybe Zoglog.[/QUOTE]

not really, the guy previous to your stupid comment stated a logical opinion without being incredibly fanboy.
[quote name='Zoglog']no complaints on that issue, however it does mean that there won't be much graphical enhancements, if at all, in the future. With that aspect I think the biggest benifit of the wii's established graphics is to Nintendo in terms of keeping hardware costs down.[/quote]It also helps developers since 99% (made up) of development costs go to graphics production. If the graphics are "last-gen" and "caveman," then developers don't have to drop billions into the graphics and can instead work on gameplay, more games, or just save that unspent money up for fun.
The funny thing about zoglog is he trolls every system forum equally. He's like the Martin Luther King Jr. of 12 year olds with internet access and idiot parents.
[quote name='furyk']The funny thing about zoglog is he trolls every system forum equally. He's like the Martin Luther King Jr. of 12 year olds with internet access and idiot parents.[/QUOTE]

Malcom X
Alright - I got a great idea. Since Zoglog is so keen on these types of articles across all consoles, why don't we make him the unofficial threadmaster of such topics? That way all things going "System X is Disappointing Because it Lacks Option Y" can be contained within on thread instead of spread across several. Thus, people will stop calling Zoglog a troll and he everyone else a fanboy.

Likewise, similar threads can be made where articles say "Wow, System X is great because it has Option Y!" So Zoglog can call everyone a fanboy and conversely be called a troll.

The verbal jabs aside, it makes perfect sense and would be used well considering that two new consoles are launching.

I'll even help out by posting another "The Wii's Hardware is Disappointing" article courtesy of Basically, Factor 5 calls the Wii a "Gamecube 1.5" with inferior sound and thinks graphics are still key.

Here's the Google Translated Article - Have fun!

[quote name='Article']American magazine EGM carried out an article very packed on Lair, the new production of Factor 5 planned for this summer exclusively on Playstation 3. Formerly very near to Nintendo, the studio treated to the luxury to criticize Wii openly. The developers are said extremely disappointed with respect to the too low power of the machine. The sound aspect is also criticized. Factor 5 goes even until qualifying Wii of “GameCube 1.5”. One is thus not ready to see a new Star Wars Rogue Squadron unloading on Wii.[/Quote]
wait im confused as to why people are mad....Whats the point nintendo has repeated time and time again for the wii? Innovation over horsepower.....they have said repeatedly that the wii will not be a graphics centered machine. Its slightly more powerful than gamecube...Period. Many act as if Nintendo proclaimed the wii as the quatro video card dual cell chip super duper machine that will assimilate every electronic it touches.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Wow that's a long article about something we all already know (that the Wii is a Gamecube 1.5).[/quote]

And you still got it wrong, its gamcube 1.2.
2 years max before you get the same game over and over and over again. I mean how many times can swinging a bat be innovative
[quote name='panasonic']2 years max before you get the same game over and over and over again. I mean how many times can swinging a bat be innovative[/QUOTE]

How many times can pressing the A button be innovative?
[quote name='panasonic']2 years max before you get the same game over and over and over again. I mean how many times can swinging a bat be innovative[/quote]
It's been the same game over and over again for years, that's the whole point of changing the controller. Counting out the katamari damacies and trauma centers of gaming, everything has been basically the same with graphics upgrades and a few changes thrown in.

Saying "how many times can swinging a bat be innovative" is about as dumb as saying "how many times can pressing the A button be innovative." It all depends on how its used that makes great games and the new controller just opens up possibilities that weren't possible with the old controller setup.

And I made the comment about Zoglog posts because he'll only post new threads with the following qualities:

1. Negative
2. Old news

[quote name='Zoglog']Malcom X[/QUOTE]

You're not nearly cool enough to be Malcom X nor is your (hopeful) iminent death public enough.
I'm starting to wish that graphics would go back in time. It was nice not to have to hear about HD and processing power all the fucking time. At this point if I can see the character on the screen and understand what's going on I don't give a fuck.
[quote name='jkam']I'm starting to wish that graphics would go back in time. It was nice not to have to hear about HD and processing power all the fucking time. At this point if I can see the character on the screen and understand what's going on I don't give a fuck.[/QUOTE]

Back then it was blast processing on the genesis, mode 7 on the SNES etc. It's always been around in fanboy bantering...just the terminology has changed with the technology.
Remember when you only looked at a system's worthiness based on the games it had?

Do you?

I hate to take every back to 1992, but it needs to be fucking done already.
[quote name='Strell']Remember when you only looked at a system's worthiness based on the games it had?

Do you?

I hate to take every back to 1992, but it needs to be fucking done already.[/quote]
I remember judging a system's worthiness based on whether or not it was sitting in our entertaiment center. "Blast Processesing" was my vindication that the Genesis was the right choice over that silly gray and purple Mario Machine.

Of course, also played unending amounts of SNES at my friends' houses and I just don't recall comparing color palettes or frame rates when we were having a fun time playing any system. A time before message board bickering and grotesque fanboyism. Those were the days.

See, in real life, people would hit you if you behaved like most on message boards. And it's better that way.

Maybe we can start a rule where no one makes threads about "PS3 ROX teh 360!!1" or "Wii sucks compared to 360!!!" or "Wii is only next-gen, PS3 and 360 SUX!!!!" and we only talk about games that are fun to play on each system and leave it at that.

This GPU vs GPU or controller vs. controller penis-size comparison has to stop. Now.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Back then it was blast processing on the genesis, mode 7 on the SNES etc. It's always been around in fanboy bantering...just the terminology has changed with the technology.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I was there for that maybe back then I just didn't give a flying fuck. I just wish everyone could drop the debate already.

It's like this:

Nintendo: We aren't going to have the super uber graphics this gen.

Cool Guy: OH MY GOD Nintendo isn't going to have super uber graphics this gen.

Nintendo: We aren't concerned with graphics this gen as our focus has changed.

Cool Guy: OH MY GOD Nintendo isn't going to have super uber graphics this gen what a joke!

Nintendo: We want to try something different this time around.

Cool Guy: OH MY GOD change is bad! Well when Sony slapped on 2 analog sticks for like the FPS games that was uber cool but really change is a horrible and bad thing. OH but cool graphics are a must for cool next-gen type changes. Well change is bad except for graphics.

ATTENTION: The Wii is not about graphics...if you can't understand that buy a 360 or a PS3. That is all.
[quote name='TurboChickenMan']I think that the fact that the Wii is only upgraded GC hardware is a good thing. It means that developers are already familiar with it, and can take full advantage of it at launch.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention the fact that Nintendo can actually produce a stable console at a reasonable price in numbers sufficient to meet demand at launch, as opposed to Sony and Microsoft, who STILL haven't resolved their production issues.

Moreover, a significant portion of the production issues and greater costs associated with the PS3 and the 360 go to subsidize each company's new competing media format that no one would be interested in otherwise, ala the UMD on the PS3.
[quote name='daroga']

Maybe we can start a rule where no one makes threads about "PS3 ROX teh 360!!1" or "Wii sucks compared to 360!!!" or "Wii is only next-gen, PS3 and 360 SUX!!!!" and we only talk about games that are fun to play on each system and leave it at that.


C'mon. You know that idea is too logical to work on the internet.
[quote name='furyk']You're not nearly cool enough to be Malcom X nor is your (hopeful) iminent death public enough.[/QUOTE]

ok mr internet serious business............

I love how defensive you guys get ;). Esp with the passive agressive death wishes. What you going to do now Mr emo? Place a Hex on me ;)?

Unless you have something positive to contribute, stop trolling on this thread. This thread is for HARDWARE DISCUSSION. Not for your stupid fanboy whinings
[quote name='Zoglog']ok mr internet serious business............

I love how defensive you guys get ;). Esp with the passive agressive death wishes. What you going to do now Mr emo? Place a Hex on me ;)?

Unless you have something positive to contribute, stop trolling on this thread. This thread is for HARDWARE DISCUSSION. Not for your stupid fanboy whinings[/QUOTE]

That's funny, because it appears to me that you're only interested in responding to those fanboy whinings, rather than actually discussing the hardware itself.
[quote name='Tybee']That's funny, because it appears to me that you're only interested in responding to those fanboy whinings, rather than actually discussing the hardware itself.[/QUOTE]

well it's a bit hard when 90% of the posts are just that =p... like yours just now. Get back on topic -_-...........

This thread strictly started out that way till you damn trolls showed up. So far i've only seen two legitimate responses.. from the same damn person. You people sure seem content up on your high horses claiming such assumptions of this being a nintendo bashing thread when you idiots obviously havent read the article.

If this was real life you idiots wouldve been weeded out by natural selection. God I feel dirty having to sort through your mediocrity.

Either way, bottom line STFU, I don't care how much you love me or what not but this obsession is becoming annoying. BACK TO DISCUSSION

It also helps developers since 99% (made up) of development costs go to graphics production. If the graphics are "last-gen" and "caveman," then developers don't have to drop billions into the graphics and can instead work on gameplay, more games, or just save that unspent money up for fun.

Can't argue there, development costs will be less indeed. The real question is that if you overweigh graphics too low, gameplay could be compromised in the future. Probably his best argument is with physics.

My biggest concern is with Nintendo's consistent method of upgrading thier hardware every couple of years like they've done with the handhelds.
[quote name='jkam']
ATTENTION: The Wii is not about graphics...if you can't understand that buy a 360 or a PS3. That is all.[/QUOTE]

And that is where the problem comes in. If the "masses" that Nintendo wants to reach can see the two compared side by side in the store, chances might be good that they pick the one that looks better.

Remember, that masses don't care about good gameplay. If they did 50 cent: Bulletproof would have tanked.
[quote name='Zoglog']My biggest concern is with Nintendo's consistent method of upgrading thier hardware every couple of years like they've done with the handhelds.[/QUOTE]

That's something of a logical fallacy. The past instances of Nintendo upgrading console hardware are by no means in 2 year cycles. The NES and SNES "upgrades" were only size reductions to support the demand, no different than the SlimPS2. No such changes occurred in the N64, and the only Gamecube change was the removal of the digital video port.

Additionally, The Wii makes only the second time Nintendo has built game platform that is a direct extension of the previous platform. The first of course is the Game Boy Color.

So on the hardware front you'll get at least 5 years out of the system before a new system launches. On the handheld side 3 years is the minimum.

If I was truly worried about buying something from Nintendo and having it be obsolete in a year (or two) I would be with you in expressing concerns. Fortunately, Nintendo supports their systems until the market forces an end of life on them.
[quote name='iufoltzie']That's something of a logical fallacy. The past instances of Nintendo upgrading console hardware are by no means in 2 year cycles. The NES and SNES "upgrades" were only size reductions to support the demand, no different than the SlimPS2. No such changes occurred in the N64, and the only Gamecube change was the removal of the digital video port.

Additionally, The Wii makes only the second time Nintendo has built game platform that is a direct extension of the previous platform. The first of course is the Game Boy Color.

So on the hardware front you'll get at least 5 years out of the system before a new system launches. On the handheld side 3 years is the minimum.

If I was truly worried about buying something from Nintendo and having it be obsolete in a year (or two) I would be with you in expressing concerns. Fortunately, Nintendo supports their systems until the market forces an end of life on them.[/QUOTE]

I was mostly referring to the handhelds when I was talking about the quick renditions. Nintendo in the past was good with consoles. However I can't help but think that some of the GBA and DS's sucess has spurred Nintendo's decision to hold back the hardware. Though the Wii isn't exactly like DS --> DS lite or GBA --> GBA SP --> GBA Micro. It's more like the GBA to the DS
[quote name='iufoltzie']That's something of a logical fallacy. The past instances of Nintendo upgrading console hardware are by no means in 2 year cycles. The NES and SNES "upgrades" were only size reductions to support the demand, no different than the SlimPS2. No such changes occurred in the N64, and the only Gamecube change was the removal of the digital video port.

Additionally, The Wii makes only the second time Nintendo has built game platform that is a direct extension of the previous platform. The first of course is the Game Boy Color.

So on the hardware front you'll get at least 5 years out of the system before a new system launches. On the handheld side 3 years is the minimum.

If I was truly worried about buying something from Nintendo and having it be obsolete in a year (or two) I would be with you in expressing concerns. Fortunately, Nintendo supports their systems until the market forces an end of life on them.[/QUOTE]

On a related note, what do you guys think of Sony's recent claim that the PS3 will not need to be replaced for at least 10 years? I was listenting to the IGN podcast yesterday and it was the first I'd heard of Sony making this claim. Seems like a pretty bold statement to me. Even with firmware upgrades, peripherals, and other augmentations, I find it hard to believe any console, no matter how robust it appears at launch, could stave off obsolescence for a decade.
[quote name='Zoglog']I was mostly referring to the handhelds when I was talking about the quick renditions. Nintendo in the past was good with consoles. However I can't help but think that some of the GBA and DS's sucess has spurred Nintendo's decision to hold back the hardware. Though the Wii isn't exactly like DS --> DS lite or GBA --> GBA SP --> GBA Micro. It's more like the GBA to the DS[/QUOTE]

Even with the handhelds you havent really lost anything when they do the updates. They are almost always cosmetic (the Micro being the exception).

Well the success of the DS certainly emboldened Nintendo, but the R&D work for both consoles would have started near the same time after the Gamecube and GBA launched. It was hinted that the outgoing management suggested that Nintendo look outside the "box" after competing directly with the PS2 and Xbox.

Finally, the GBA to DS comparison is quite apt. Even if the Wii is a die shrink of the GCN new graphical functions are at least being built into the dev tools which should allow developers to get more out of the processor.
[quote name='Tybee']On a related note, what do you guys think of Sony's recent claim that the PS3 will not need to be replaced for at least 10 years? I was listenting to the IGN podcast yesterday and it was the first I'd heard of Sony making this claim. Seems like a pretty bold statement to me. Even with firmware upgrades, peripherals, and other augmentations, I find it hard to believe any console, no matter how robust it appears at launch, could stave off obsolescence for a decade.[/QUOTE]

10 years is pretty bold, but we all know how Sony likes to exaggerate things. I wouldn't be suprised if it has the similar lifespan to the PS2 However. I really wouldn't be suprised if we have a new Xbox when the PS3 has it's second revision, but then again nobody can see into the future with certainty.

My hopes for the wii are that hopefully nintendo will be able to quickly impliment a price drop in order to allow people to have a Wii to supplement a more graphically powerful console. My vision of the wii is for when I have company over for a fun party game. Nintendo has already perfected this with Smash Brothers. With the wii we'll just have even more selection.
bread's done