And the new Blizzard game is...

3:00 - FMV sequence in a spaceship - looks Terran - zooming in on a metal door - door opening - reveals a guy with a cigar in chains - prisoner - door shuts behind him - there's so much bass the room is shaking - guy steps into some kind of metallic devicce - legs are strapped in - guy rising toward ceiling - Korean text on screen got people very excited - another part of the machine is dropping metal arms on him - machine whirring - applying armor to his torso - extremly detailed visuals here - now guy is strapping on gloves - armor is molding together - seems like a Terran marine - rockets turn on - zerg now onscreen - Marine delivers a line - StarCraft 2 officially announced.

I was kinda hoping on D3 but this was inevitable. An announcement from Blizzard in Korea? What else was it going to be?
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I was kinda hoping on D3 but this was inevitable. An announcement from Blizzard in Korea? What else was it going to be?[/QUOTE]

Yeah really, considering they have a television network solely devoted to StarCraft.
not really surprising considering leads to blizzard and does not =p

and for those of you looking for diablo 3, there's a little game called Hellgate London which is the True Diablo 3 game ;)
nice!!! I was hoping for World of Starcraft, but SC2 will do.

In my HS days, I had 30+ computers installed with a crack version of starcraft (80mb file, downloaded from Kazaa), and everyday in class (after we finished our class assignment), half of the class and the teacher played starcraft over LAN! Memories! Oh yeah, got an A in computer science.
I'm probably one of the few disappointed people. I was hoping for a Starcraft MMORPG, Diablo 3, or a new property altogether. I never got into the first Starcraft and I'm not a big fan of RTS games anymore.
Does this really matter? We all know the game won't come out till 2060, and we know by then we'll all die from that asteroid anyway.
Blast. I wanted Diablo 3. I guess I'll just stick with WoW for my RPG itch then. Starcraft 2 is still good though. Maybe we see a new DotA on our hands when this comes out.

I'm probably one of the only people that didn't like the first one.

Like Jimbodan I was more into C&C, and even though I like Sci-fi Starcraft just didn't do it for me.

Bring on D3!
Funny, I had just bought the StarCraft battle chest (agan) yesterday so my friend and I could play over the LAN.
We played a couple games late last night.

And now this news....

I've been waiting for years.
fuck YES!!!!

Favorite RTS ever?? Oh yeah!

actually... kind of the only RTS I ever played.

[quote name='keithp']Yawn.

I was more into C&C, and even though I like Sci-fi Starcraft just didn't do it for me.[/QUOTE]
You realize what this means. I now hate you with a passion. xD

Ugh. C&C *gags*
I always preferred to get my butt kicked in Warcraft. I've actually never really played Starcraft.

Is it possible for me to pick the original up cheap and actually not suck at the singleplayer? Doubtful! But I may, as it's something I've been meaning to do for a while.
Maybe we'll see Kerrigan and Jim Raynor? Or did Jim die? I don't even remember that well anymore... Damn, now I have to go play through campaign on Starcraft & Brood War again.

Is it me or do the graphics seem more like a quarter Warcraft and three fourths Starcraft? They've got that slight cartoony feel that is present in Warcraft but it's only a little bit with the still ever showing Starcraft shine.

I hope this releases soon. Well, I guess I don't mind waiting a while but the screens do look fairly far along so maybe if we're really lucky we'll get it by the end of this year. I can dream anyways.

Wait are they going to incorperate heroes into Starcraft like they did Warcraft? Hmm... I wonder. Hope we also see some nice custom games like Warcraft III has.
ZERG RUSH! Kekeke? :p
This video shows of the units. seems more is popping up.
Can't wait for some direct feed of this stuff.

During the cinematic trailer is that Kerrigan at 3:50-3:51? It certainly looks like her but they don't really show enough to be able to tell. Downloaded the Hi-Def english version (69mb) off of Plus some more videos like gameplay videos (probably in english) should be showing up there eventually.
[quote name='Draekon']During the cinematic trailer is that Kerrigan at 3:50-3:51? It certainly looks like her but they don't really show enough to be able to tell. Downloaded the Hi-Def english version (69mb) off of Plus some more videos like gameplay videos (probably in english) should be showing up there eventually.[/quote]

Yea it's Kerrigan. I hope now that they're using a detailed 3d engine they can render her large Zerg boobs the way they were always meant to be.
[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Yea it's Kerrigan. I hope now that they're using a detailed 3d engine they can render her large Zerg boobs the way they were always meant to be.[/quote]

bread's done