Anime... Do u watch any?

I've never been much of an anime fan, tho I do have fond memories of Robotech and Star Blazers in their dubbed and chopped glory.

But I really, really, really enjoyed the new Cowboy Bebop movie. Nice to see some different themes explored without the typical cliched characters.

Lupin is an older anime, from around the 70's I guess. Lupin and his pals are a group of theves that steal things. Most of the episodes are about how they are going for this one item, and either get it in a very bizzare way or on accident.


Trigun is about this guy named Vash the Stampede thats a unbelievably good gunman set in the Wild West. He is also a suppoesed outlaw, but he's a good guy. I havn't seen much of it to explain any more.


Big O is just another mech anime. Guy has this huge robot, fights other robot. I like the theme song more than anything else.


All of them are on Adult Swim on Cartoon Network. M-Th. Times are East Coast:
Futurama - 11:00
Family Guy - 11:30
Big O - 12:00
Kikander (Or some crap like that) - 12:30
Trigun - 1:00
Lupin III - 1:30
Ive watched it a few times. It seemed ok. Looks like one of those series where you got to watch it from the begining.
[quote name='RichD1']Just picked up Princess Mononoke. I'm not a big anime fan, but Miyazaki is the shit![/quote]

You took the words out of my mouth!

Have you seen Spirited Away? Its fantastic!
Spirited Away has the same magic that the Neverending Story had. To say that, is to say it's an amazing accomplishment in anime. Castle in the Sky is another amazing movie. Apparently Princess Mononoke is one of Miyazaki's best, so I'm looking forward to watching it tonight.

Editorial Reviews essential video
This epic, animated 1997 fantasy has already made history as the top-grossing domestic feature ever released in Japan, where its combination of mythic themes, mystical forces, and ravishing visuals tapped deeply into cultural identity and contemporary, ecological anxieties. For international animation and anime fans, Princess Mononoke represents an auspicious next step for its revered creator, Hayao Miyazaki (My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service), an acknowledged anime pioneer, whose painterly style, vivid character design, and stylized approach to storytelling take ambitious, evolutionary steps here.

Set in medieval Japan, Miyazaki's original story envisions a struggle between nature and man. The march of technology, embodied in the dark iron forges of the ambitious Tatara clan, threatens the natural forces explicit in the benevolent Great God of the Forest and the wide-eyed, spectral spirits he protects. When Ashitaka, a young warrior from a remote, and endangered, village clan, kills a ravenous, boar-like monster, he discovers the beast is in fact an infectious "demon god," transformed by human anger. Ashitaka's quest to solve the beast's fatal curse brings him into the midst of human political intrigues as well as the more crucial battle between man and nature.

Miyazaki's convoluted fable is clearly not the stuff of kiddie matinees, nor is the often graphic violence depicted during the battles that ensue. If some younger viewers (or less attentive older ones) will wish for a diagram to sort out the players, Miyazaki's atmospheric world and its lush visual design are reasons enough to watch. For the English-language version, Miramax assembled an impressive vocal cast including Gillian Anderson, Billy Crudup (as Ashitaka), Claire Danes (as San), Minnie Driver (as Lady Eboshi), Billy Bob Thornton, and Jada Pinkett Smith. They bring added nuance to a very different kind of magic kingdom. Recommended for ages 12 and older. --Sam Sutherland
He ONLY makes the best anime movies there are. Not ones with out of control tentacle demons that repe women, but movies that win academny awards and such. One of his (I believe it is Princess Mononoke) is the 2nd highest grossing film there behind Titanic (Ugh) or something like that.
Yes, he produces/writes films such as last years best animated picture of the year, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Castle of Colgiostro, etc. :)
[quote name='SS4Brolly']He ONLY makes the best anime movies there are. Not ones with out of control tentacle demons that repe women, but movies that win academny awards and such. One of his (I believe it is Princess Mononoke) is the 2nd highest grossing film there behind Titanic (Ugh) or something like that.[/quote]

It's on top in Japan.
That was the name of the movie of his that I couldnt remember, Castle in the Sky. I watched a Japanese version a few years ago (No subs either). I need to rent it sometime. I all I remember is some boy yelling "Shita!!!" That was about the extent of what I understood :roll:
Downloading a song or 2 off of a CD is fine; I dont see why I should pay $15 for a CD or $5 for a single if thats all Im going to listen to. Downloading some anime/tv shows is alright in my book too. Rurouni Kenshin DVD's are around $25 - $30 for 4 episodes.

Software is a differnt story, but as long as you dont go and get a bootleg Windows XP.

Downloading movies is bad though. Especially ones still in theaters. This should only be a last resort if your local movie place doesnt have it. Where I live we are JUST getting a small movie store opening up. I have a wide selection of about 100 VHS and 20 DVD's. And I dont feel like driving 30-45 minutes to just rent something and have to return the next day or 2. Be grateful for what you got.

By the way, what do you use?
I download everything.. =/ Movies arent worth it tho... Anime.. Yes.. They dont have american ones.. =/

Direct Connect works good.. But some people use newsgroups.. And I have no idea what that is..
I watch anime to make fun of it...for example I watched Trigun last night and it was pretty cool and funny. And the one guy had a gun that looked like a cross.
[quote name='Uvopsychosis']I watch anime to make fun of it...for example I watched Trigun last night and it was pretty cool and funny. And the one guy had a gun that looked like a cross.[/quote]

Yeah, it was pretty good. I've seen him pull out a bunch of handguns from it before too. He is some guy who goes around and collects money for a church. Hence, the cross that he carries.
[quote name='SS4Brolly']
Big O is just another mech anime. Guy has this huge robot, fights other robot. I like the theme song more than anything else.


I agree..the theme song is tight. I just finished up Shaman King and I'm watching GetBackers right now. Initial D is a cool series that I like also.

EDIT: Oh yea Trigun and Cowboy Bebop are nice also. Finished watching them a long time ago though..
right now only YuYuHakusho seems interested to me :? i used to watch DB/Z but now they keep airing the same episodes over and over again im getting bored of it.
Also during Adult Swim only Big O is good, the other animed just bored me to death :x
I have some Hellsing episodes but it didnt catch my attention much. I dont veen wanna TOUCH Evangelion cuz I heard of its complex story/plot/whatever.
I really started getting into Trigun because of Wolfwood. He was so freaking awesome, but then just last night I saw the episode where he dies. It really sucked...Im not sure if Im gonna watch it anymore.
[quote name='Uvopsychosis']I really started getting into Trigun because of Wolfwood. He was so freaking awesome, but then just last night I saw the episode where he dies. It really sucked...Im not sure if Im gonna watch it anymore.[/quote]

Yeah, that sucked.
How many dbz characters does it take to screw in a lightbulb?!
Only 1 but it takes him 8 episodes.

Probably already posted, but that is so very true.

Princess Mononoke is awesome, I saw it when it first came out in the US I had to drive like an hour to find a theater showing it. But it was well worth the drive.
I watch quite a few, if ur wanting to get in on the new big things right now, naruto is getting really popular for good reason; Its some of the coolest ninja action ever made. someone above mentioned gundam seed, which is a very quality series and should be over here in dubbed form later this year. Oh also if u wanna check out the big new anime of the year check out Full Metal Alchemist. If u do one thing though check out naruto you wont regret it. try or
I don't care if someone downloads anime, so long as it isn't of a series I want a DVD set of.
People that download thier anime are unlike to go out at buy the DVDs, and expensive as the stuff can get, I don't want to start buying episodes of a series that they eventually stop producing DVDs in the middle of the series because some loser is distributing it over the Internet.

Of course, that's why I rarely start buying the anime for a series before 1. They've released all the episodes, or 2. The release box sets of an entire arch (while not as good as a full series, it soften the blow if the series gets dropped).

Of course, with the DVD releases of Transformers, G.I Joe, and The Family Guy, I have a feeling that Japanese animation is going to have to take a backseat for a while.
I don't watch any anime whatsoever. My girlfriend did want to see Spirited Away, and that was probably the most cracked out movie I've seen in my life. I think I just wasn't used to that style of filmmaking...
If anyone's interested many Gamestop locations are clearing out their anime sections. call ahead and ask what the sale is, but a few locations near me are 30-50%+ off new and used anime. They may drop to more than 50% off soon. Plus, some stores let you use your GameInformer card for an extra 10% off. But I picked up quite a lot for my money last week:

(all complete series, many have 5-8 DVDs in set. all came with collector's boxes, tshirts, cels,etc)
Full Metal Panic
Initial D
Bubblegum Crisis
Bubblegum Crisis 2040
Now & Then
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Generator Gawl
Najica, came with panties(?), my girlfriend's not into anime, but liked the panties.
Witch Hunter Robin
Boogiepop Phantom
Big O
Soul Hunter
Blue Gender
Blue Submarine

and a few more complete series

plus (not anime):
TAKEN (scifi series) $15
Spawn (Animated set)
Aeon Flux Collector's (VHS)

all for around $400.

I had to shop at several stores to fill in the missing volumes, but all were on clearance because most Gamestops will stop carrying anime in March. They told me that too many people are buying bootlegs and downloading so there's no need for gamestop to waste precious shelf space. fine by me. I plan on buying much more when I find it.

i.e Blue Gender, someone turned in their collection, each DVD was priced at less than $3 used, they gave it to me for $1.25 each after all the discounts.

If you think $400 is alot, then you haven't shopped for anime in awhile. It's a steal. Plus, I can write it all off my taxes because I'm launching an anime site before summer. Got the perfect domain for it, might as well use it.

Wow, I'll hafta check out the local gamestop! :eek: A bunch of titles on your list are series I've been planning on seeing/buying eventually (as soon as I come into more money!)

I'm looking forward to seeing Witch Hunter Robin. It's airing on Adult Swim in February, if anyone's interested. Supposed to be really good!
call the local gamestop first, and if they say you missed the sale, or that there is no sale, then ask them if they are getting more anime in. If they are, that store may/will not be discounting anime at all. hopefully GS online will be selling off the anime soon.
Umm.. some of those series haven't even been finished in R1 yet.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in checking out some good shows, I recommend S-cry-ed and Great Teacher Onizuka very highly, two of my favorites. If you want something good to watch with your wife/girlfriend, try Fushigi Yuugi, Chobits, Ultra Maniac, or Kaleido Star. My wife also loved GTO, so maybe try that too. Other cool shows: Gad Guard, Future Boy Conan (Miyazaki's first major work), Narutaru, Mahoromatic, Full Metal Panic, Noir, and Yaiba. Try some out, you may enjoy them.
fom the half dozen episodes of witch hunter i have seen so far, its choice programming, also on the horizon for cn is wolf's rain which looks to be amazing from the reviews out in japan- plus anime unleashed is picking up Last Exile, a fanastic anime that almost anyone would enjoy

thats a cool headsup about gamestop, tho unfortunate if it means they are getting out of the anime selling business
[quote name='Mr. Rhee']If you think $400 is alot, then you haven't shopped for anime in awhile. It's a steal. Plus, I can write it all off my taxes because I'm launching an anime site before summer. Got the perfect domain for it, might as well use it.[/quote]

Yeah, $400 is a steal for those who collect anime series. For example, a typical 26-episode series will run across 6-8 DVDs, each costing around $20+.

Can you write off your anime purchases? I used to run an anime website which I closed down last summer. It was pretty fun to do at first but then I just got sick of writing content such as reviews and stuff. Plus I wasn't enjoying watching anime anymore, it got to be a job to keep up with things and write reviews about it. But being able to write off anime purchases, well that would have been a big plus. Good luck.

Usually interest in anime and games go hand in hand. In my case, I started watching anime before I played videogames (really before video games existed... :? ), getting into some of the old school shows like Battle of the Planets and Star Blazers, along with some classic kaiju like Johnny Sokko and Spectraman, when they were on broadcast TV. This was in the days of Pong, mind you, and it wasn't until a couple years later when we got our first console - the Mattel Intellivision. :shock: Being brought up with that, I've always had an affection toward Japanese-style animination, whether that be in anime or as an influence in video games.

Looks like there isn't a lot of crossover interest on these boards, which is weird. I say this because of most of the anime mentioned in this thread (i.e., mostly Cartoon Network stuff). Mr. Rhee, you picked up a lot of good stuff there. If I tried to list everything worth watching I'd still be leaving some great stuff out, but here's a short list:

Cowboy Bebop
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Boogiepop Phantom
Lupin the 3rd
X TV Series
Demon Lady (a good sleeper hit)
Star Blazers (of course)
Ai Yori Aoshi (romance comedy)
Initial D
Maison Ikkoku
Martian Successor Nadesico (the series, not the movie)

OVAs (original video animation - basically straight-to-video releases):
Armitage III
Battle Angel
Ah! My Goddess
New Cutey Honey
Dominion Tank Police
Vampire Princess Miyu (not the TV series, but the four-part OVA series)

Night of the Galactic Railroad
Akira (not that great, but it's a classic nonetheless)
Vampire Hunter D/Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture (for those videogame fans)
Millenium Actress
Perfect Blue
Mobie Suit Gundam Movies 1-3
Kiki's Delivery Service
Patlabor I and II
The Professional: Golgo 13

yeah, many moons ago, i opened a collector's store with a few buddies. it was over 2,000 sq.ft. I owned 1/3 of the business but put in no capital whatsoever. they just wanted someone with connections in the anime & comics world. but we were the first in the area, if not region or east coast to rent anime. this was way before blockbuster even cared. in fact, this was long before DVDs. good grief. been a long time. anyway, the walls were lined with great anime titles, manga, toys, comics, magic, etc and by far, the anime section grew to the point that it out-performed comics. what started with 10+ titles, grew to over a hundred. we were charging $4/night per tape, $1 for extra days, but must return on fourth day. we offered discounts and the anime rentals thrived. i think "Overfiend" ;) rented more than any other title. I miss those days. i remember one of the local Blockbuster managers was a comic book client who decided to compete with us head-to-head on anime, but of course could not carry the mature titles. Our main competitors were bootleggers. but it was amazing. I sold my share in the business, right before the comic book industry crashed when baseball card dealers started ordering in bulk to flip hot titles. glutted & gutted the market. .25 cent bins everywhere. sad. the store closed about a year after I jumped ship.

someday, I may open another anime-themed business offline, but I'll stick to online for now. but you are right, sooner or later, I may grow tired of watching anime if it becomes a job, so I may share the burden of writing reviews with users/friends.

but i will check out many titles on your list.
bread's done