Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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just because it tried to have a plot and isn't a generic cliche harem doesn't make it not a harem, the entire relationship dynamic is still a harem, and the only reason the nurse has lived is for ecchi scenes (she is just too dumb, with a well written plot she wouldn't exist because she would be long dead) and at the very least it's tagged as a harem on, but hey if it helps you like the show you can call it what ever you want :p To be fair in general I dislike harems myself, but that doesn't mean that I can't find some shows where that is the dynamic of the cast that I can't enjoy (of note, I disliked high school of the dead, but it's also not remotely the worst show I have seen)

and also you should check out no game no life sometime, it's a fun series that is rather well written and does a great job of mocking a number of cliches in anime.

anyways, are there usually any decent anime sales in june, or do we have to wait until july for perhaps a 4th of july sale?
for me a harem is normally......a guy with several girls crushing on him and he has the sex drive of a potato and the plot is often pretty stupid to boot. the high school of the dead anime doesn't quite follow this formula of boredom. Tenchi the first harem I saw and the one that made me hate the genre is the shining example of this stupidity. if anything I would think it was more of a ecchi anime and really it was the main complaint I have about the show as I tend to hate that genre as well because well if I want to see that it's called google + porn. if I had to label it I would call it a zombie ecchi anime.

I suppose it is a harem and I didn't notice it cause it didn't bore me to tears.....though I think I hate the one girl and several males harems even more.

I'll have to check out that anime sounds amusing because my favorite animes are devoid of most of the cliches. is it the one that was linked???

for me a harem is normally......a guy with several girls crushing on him and he has the sex drive of a potato and the plot is often pretty stupid to boot. the high school of the dead anime doesn't quite follow this formula of boredom.
I've been staying away from this discussion, but how is that description not exactly what High School of the Dead is? I guess maybe it depends on whether or not you've read the manga, but every girl that appears for more than one chapter (except for a couple that you don't see in the anime) is interested in the main character. From the little girl he saves to the nerdy sciency one (while she's going through a groan-inducing "identity crisis"), the only things that appear to prevent girls from falling for him involve either a quick death or being a lesbian. As for the latter, she hasn't met him yet, so there's no confirmation that even that is a sufficient enough defense.

The other two points you made don't really have any bearing on what genre a show fits into. Individual character traits do not change a show's genre; MASH is still a comedy if Hawkeye never cracks a joke, House is still a medical drama even if he's incompetent. The same thing goes for the quality of a plot. To use House again because it's the easiest example "House treats a cold" and "House treats ultracancer" are still the same genre.

I realize that you're trying very hard to not like a harem series, but narrowing the criteria down until you can find something to say "Aha, it's not that kind of show" doesn't change what the show is. :D

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"Individual character traits do not change a show's genre; MASH is still a comedy if Hawkeye never cracks a joke,"
it can't be a comedy if it isn't funny unless we are using shakespeare definitions of comedy which I Doubt you are using. likewise certain character traits must exist for a genre to exist....Harems must have girls being in love with a boy for it to even think about being a harem and the boy must be boring, pointless, and I assume castrated as he seems to never show any interest in these girls ever(of course you can have 1 girls and several boys instead) and if I recall the boys in this anime actually had a sex drive of some sort.
certain traits must exist for it to fall into a genre. Harems however can be sci fi, fantasy or whatever as it is the character traits that mostly make up the Harem aspect. Also the Harem part of the show must be the dominant part of the show which is evident in whether or not the characters act like they are in a Harem....perhaps I missed it in my first viewing but the characters weren't dominated by the Harem aspect....they seemed to spend more time trying to kill zombies and surviving. Also there being more than one male probably helped my reasoning of could also be the fact people die or are lesbians that stop it from being too harem like and annoying me that could be why I didn't see it as one.
a lot of animes have guys oblivious to a girl or two crushing on them....doesn't make them all harems.
House can still be a medical drama because incompentent doctors can exist. though I haven't seen that show so I have no idea.
if I watch the show again I'll see what I think of it this time.
or maybe you are right and I'm trying too hard to not like a harem.....but if this is s a harem it wasn't your average snooze fest one....not that this was a grade A anime but it was enjoyable enough.
yup that would be no game no life, it's currently airing and can be watched on crunchyroll with subtitles
i think it is characterize as under ecchi anime. lol

i hope they have a second season for no game no life, but i doubt it.

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You overlooked the significance of that first word; Individual. If EVERY character is changed, of course it would change the show's genre. My point was that if Hawkeye was a complete and utter straightman (and every other character was unchanged) the change is insufficient to turn the show into a drama.

Again, the quality of a show doesn't change the genre either (with the possible exception of the B movie genre). That 80's Show is just as much a comedy as MASH is. The jokes being terrible do not remove them from existence.
Can you guys please keep the talk to a minimum? I really wanna keep following this topic to keep an eye out for Anime deals but my notification box is getting flooded. :(

Amazon Warehouse Deals has the two FMA Brotherhood collections for $54 total.

There, now hush.  :)  This thread went off-topic long before you subscribed, it will continue to do so long after you leave. Besides, there's like 3 active threads in the blu ray forum.  It's not like it would be hard to know when it was updated without following the thread :D

I wasn't looking for just FMA I am wanting to start buying a lot of anime and that's why I subscribed to the thread. I didnt mean to come off as malicious.
No biggie deals SativaSam. I fall for this thread every time. I believe unless it is a special time of the month, black Friday, or even Christmas then the deals are slim. It is nice to see the conversations keeps this thread fresh...and the interest is there. On that note...I am a sucker for old anime. I keep coming back to "try" to buy Magic Knight Rayearth relatively cheap. Is it worth my time?

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I wasn't looking for just FMA I am wanting to start buying a lot of anime and that's why I subscribed to the thread. I didnt mean to come off as malicious.
We're kind of in the middle of a dead spot for anime sales.

Generally DD, Rightstuf, and some other sites start running them during June/July for the summer, so we're kind of right at the calm before the storm.

They're usually not fantastic sales, but it'll be something at least.

I keep coming back to "try" to buy Magic Knight Rayearth relatively cheap. Is it worth my time?
I personally think so. The start of Season 1 feels old as hell, but by the second half and throughout Season 2 the story takes over. I also like the English opening, though a lot of people don't.
I wasn't looking for just FMA I am wanting to start buying a lot of anime and that's why I subscribed to the thread. I didnt mean to come off as malicious.
Oh I know, I was just trying to be helpful since I knew you were looking for them and they just added Collection 1 to the list last night. Actually Collection 2 and several of the individual parts have been in the Warehouse for awhile now, I just never mentioned them because they were random volumes and weren't that great of a deal.

And although I did read the post that way initially, I read it a couple more times and realized that wasn't the case. That was why my reply was filled with smileyfaces instead of GTFOes :D

They also added a $30 copy of La Storia della Arcana Longnameia but I haven't heard enough good things about the series to have any real interest.

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Welp, it looks like Funimation finally got the "OK" to release DBZ Battle of the Gods. It will have a limited theatrical run in August. :D

First of the summer sales is in with DD,

Looked at the prices of the majority of things and nothing really jumped out.

Will go through the list again later to see if there's anything worth noting.

Welp, it looks like Funimation finally got the "OK" to release DBZ Battle of the Gods. It will have a limited theatrical run in August. :D
Bout time, it better come out on DVD & Blu-ray around Christmas time then or before that.

For those wanting Yu-Gi-Oh Season 4 at Best Buy, the $9.99 is in-store as well. My Best Buy had it in a special display of regular TV shows instead of anime though.
Funi posted an unboxing of the Attack on Titan LE for those that are interested.
So glad I cancel the LE and went with the regular now. I hate digibooks, but something in me kept gnawing that I might miss something or other. The rumors that it might be in a box for the series as a whole or individual separate boxes for each LE, then I could maybe swallow the digibook. As it is though I have no regrets now. In the video I did chuckle at the "or watch the opening over and over and over, a million times" comment. They know their target audience! :lol:

All of Manga's Blu-ray releases are region locked, yeah? Because I noticed that their price on Blue Exorcist is waaaaaaaay more reasonable than what we can get here. I honestly hate it that these stupid companies release these shows at these insane prices. It's not '99 anymore; that shit just doesn't fly.
It's not '99 anymore; that shit just doesn't fly.
apparently it does otherwise they wouldn't continue to do it >.>;

I'd like if they at least started doing cheaper rereleases. In general I do $1 per episode for any given anime episode... up to $2 per ep if it's a series I like... but their $4 per episode is just way to much for me :/

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All of Manga's Blu-ray releases are region locked, yeah? Because I noticed that their price on Blue Exorcist is waaaaaaaay more reasonable than what we can get here. I honestly hate it that these stupid companies release these shows at these insane prices. It's not '99 anymore; that shit just doesn't fly.
Everything from the UK in terms of anime will be locked to region 2. Rurouni Kenshin was the only exception because it was a live action movie.

All of Manga's Blu-ray releases are region locked, yeah? Because I noticed that their price on Blue Exorcist is waaaaaaaay more reasonable than what we can get here. I honestly hate it that these stupid companies release these shows at these insane prices. It's not '99 anymore; that shit just doesn't fly.
You gotta realize though that companies like Aniplex of America charge these types of prices cause they constanstly make a profit from people buying anything they release regardless of price(hell the $400 blu-ray Garden of Sinners set sold out the day it was released).So in a way I can't blame them for charging that much,but I don't agree with it since they screw over the average consumer in the process.
[quote name="themaster20000" post="11806056" timestamp="1401637884"]You gotta realize though that companies like Aniplex of America charge these types of prices cause they constanstly make a profit from people buying anything they release regardless of price(hell the $400 blu-ray Garden of Sinners set sold out the day it was released).So in a way I can't blame them for charging that much,but I don't agree with it since they screw over the average consumer in the process.[/quote]

You're right. If people are buying it, then it's not a bad move for them to do. I just wish people were smart enough to say no. It's just crap that there are certain shows that people with a single ounce of frugality can never own lol.
It cost me around $350 with shipping but I ordered all the Gundam UC Unicorn blurays off Not bad of a price since Vol 1 - 6 are the 35th anniversary editions and Vol 7 is the LE. I am so glad they are dual audio. Nicer packaging and cheaper than buying the US ones :)

As for the Aniplex debate. I wish they weren't so limited. At the time of the Madoka releases, I was unemployed. Now the LEs are no where to be found! >.<

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I'm at 3/7 on Unicorn, and I've spent very little. It's really hard to find good deals on it, though. That's another release strategy that I loathe. Lol

Also, just found out that it's super easy to bypass region settings when using the Blu-ray drive in a PC. I'm in the process of building a monstrous gaming PC, so I might just go that route. It's not really the optimal way to watch something, but it will be hooked up to my receiver, so the surround sound will work, at least, and then there's no need to buy a region free blu-ray player.

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You know what I say to the Unicorn Blu-rays?

Gimme the DVD instead. Cheaper and in fewer discs so I can put them all in one case.

Also, if anyone here is a Pokemon fan, Viz has semi-announced that they will be re-releasing the Johto saga either later this year or early next.
I've become a rather large snob when it comes to DVD vs Bluray. I know they are much cheaper, but I just feel dirty about spending that much money--cause it's still not exactly 'cheap'--on DVDs when the blu-rays are extant.

I have a big 40 inch Samsung LED HDTV so I can see all of fine details of Blu Ray movies now. I can also see all of the imperfections of DVDs such as the major compression and the pixelation that comes from it. As for Aniplex and Japan only things, I'll go DVD (Darker than Black) or import it (Aniplex USA titles). 

Gundam sadly is as you've noticed has some of the most picky licensing deals so that is probably the only exception to that whole ordeal where I can't blame you for grabbing the DVDs instead. 

I've become a rather large snob when it comes to DVD vs Bluray. I know they are much cheaper, but I just feel dirty about spending that much money--cause it's still not exactly 'cheap'--on DVDs when the blu-rays are extant.
The DVDs are cheap. Two episodes a disc for about $18-23 per.
I'm at 3/7 on Unicorn, and I've spent very little. It's really hard to find good deals on it, though. That's another release strategy that I loathe. Lol

Also, just found out that it's super easy to bypass region settings when using the Blu-ray drive in a PC. I'm in the process of building a monstrous gaming PC, so I might just go that route. It's not really the optimal way to watch something, but it will be hooked up to my receiver, so the surround sound will work, at least, and then there's no need to buy a region free blu-ray player.
I held off on the Unicorn blu-rays for as long as I could. However, seeing that Gundam Origin trailer the other day just made me realize that we probably won't see a Gundam series release here for a while, if ever. So I decided to splurge.

You know what I say to the Unicorn Blu-rays?

Gimme the DVD instead. Cheaper and in fewer discs so I can put them all in one case.

Also, if anyone here is a Pokemon fan, Viz has semi-announced that they will be re-releasing the Johto saga either later this year or early next.
I won't buy DVD releases anymore. I watch my anime on a 55inch TV, so I can see all the DVD imperfections. So if there is or will be a bluray version of said title, I will go with that one. The only titles that I will buy on DVD are Discotek titles.

I've become a rather large snob when it comes to DVD vs Bluray. I know they are much cheaper, but I just feel dirty about spending that much money--cause it's still not exactly 'cheap'--on DVDs when the blu-rays are extant.
Same here. The price difference between DVD and Bluray sets are only a few dollars.

I have a big 40 inch Samsung LED HDTV so I can see all of fine details of Blu Ray movies now. I can also see all of the imperfections of DVDs such as the major compression and the pixelation that comes from it. As for Aniplex and Japan only things, I'll go DVD (Darker than Black) or import it (Aniplex USA titles).

Gundam sadly is as you've noticed has some of the most picky licensing deals so that is probably the only exception to that whole ordeal where I can't blame you for grabbing the DVDs instead.
Same here. Honestly, I would be fine dropping $400 on the Gundam bluray sets as it is my all-time favorite anime/show/series. Sadly, none have english subtitles :(

The imperfections in the image quality on DVD do not bug me too much though I try to get BD's whenever I can. The big thing that bugs me about DVDs are the low res subtitles. I finished SoreMachi a little bit ago on dvd and the subs were an eyesore. Though I ended up getting Baccano on DVD since the BD are OOP/expensive and it wasn't nearly as bad since the dub was well done.

You could never convince me to spend $400 on a Blu-ray set, regardless on how much I love the show. And if I don't have a problem with zoomed-in ThunderCats on my HDTV (which sits about 6 feet from my chair), I won't mind Unicorn on DVD. Plus, as I said, there are fewer discs so I can put them in one case and condense space on my shelf.

Now, if they remake the Unicorn Blu-rays with 2-3 episodes per disc at $29.95 MSRP, then I'll bite. Until then, I will learn to live with these awful, poisonous, cancerous DVDs.
Am one of those guys who doesn't believe every anime needs to be on blu-ray. Something like Cromartie High School doesn't need to be on blu-ray while a show like Katanagatari benefits a lot from the upgrade.
The other layer to DVDs is that you aren't getting HD audio. People often only talk about the image fidelity issues, but you're also getting an inferior audio experience, too. 

I only use my TV speakers (which are annoyingly on the back of the TV).

Anyway, I just used's B2G1 for $1 promo, a $10 credit I apparently had, and a $10 credit from my work to get Tears to Tiara (Blu-ray), Joumungard Season 1, and Fairy Tail parts 3, 4, 6, and 7 for $114 including tax and shipping. Not bad.
Am one of those guys who doesn't believe every anime needs to be on blu-ray. Something like Cromartie High School doesn't need to be on blu-ray while a show like Katanagatari benefits a lot from the upgrade.
I in general only get anime on blu ray when the price difference is only a few bucks more or the same... In general I don't notice enough of a difference in picture or sound to care at all, plus I can play dvds on everything I own, blu rays are only on my ps3s right now.

It's here. I was expecting a chipboard like the other Funimation sets but this is pretty good.


Rightstuf studio sale this week looks like. Any recommended titles? I was looking into Aria though I have never heard of most of the anime RS published.
The other layer to DVDs is that you aren't getting HD audio. People often only talk about the image fidelity issues, but you're also getting an inferior audio experience, too.
This varies depending on the actual content. HD audio is more a function of the original production than the format. Surround-sound setups are fairly uncommon in Japanese homes, so most Japanese TV shows are never produced with surround sound in mind. It's quite common for them to be stereo, and only stereo. Most anime that features native surround sound support are the OVAs that get releases in theaters. These surround sound tracks will usually show up on DVDs as well as Blu-Ray releases in the west. But for TV shows that never had Japanese surround, they generally don't bother re-mixing them for either DVD or Blu-Ray releases.

The real advantage to Blu-Ray over DVD is the ability to have uncompressed loss-less audio. But this is a slight increment that will mainly be desirable to audio-philes. And the difference between the two is imperceptible without a very high-quality sound system.

High-end surround sound systems are much more useful for major motion picture releases than Anime.

bread's done