Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Anime exposure is up for sure...but nobody wants to actually buy the damn discs still lol. Most fans have the "ill stream\download it" mentality.

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Well when Funi is releasing two separate 11-ep sets for $60 a piece instead of the whole 22-ep series for $30... well yeah. I only buy anime when it's on sale. If I really enjoy a series I buy it to support it anyway.  I just started streaming anime because I got Hulu plus. Amazon Prime's anime selection is awful. 

Well when Funi is releasing two separate 11-ep sets for $60 a piece instead of the whole 22-ep series for $30... well yeah. I only buy anime when it's on sale. If I really enjoy a series I buy it to support it anyway. I just started streaming anime because I got Hulu plus. Amazon Prime's anime selection is awful.
To be fair with Funimation they are very good about releasing an anime multiple times making it cheaper each time, eventually getting to the point of $30 for the 22 ep series after a few years...

beyond that you have to keep in mind that anime is a niche business and that tiered releases like that are likely the best way to do it to make sure you maximize how much money you can get from the people who really want the anime and that the license isn't cheap from shows (from the leaked adv info the average cost to just get the rights to release an anime is over 300k let alone the cost to localize it and make and sell it, granted you can see it's quite varied in cost on that list.) I mean if you take everything into account it wouldn't be surprising if you average anime cost over 500k to localize which when selling at $30 for a 22 episode series (and assuming only about a $15 return after you take into account retailer cut, and manufaccturing fees) you are looking at around 3.5k sales needed to even break even, let alone turning a profit which is likely iffy with a lot of series, and most of the series that it isn't iffy with likely cost quite a bit more to license.

Also to be fair aside from places like best buy... funimation's $60 releases tend to be far closer to $40 releases after discounts from amazon or right stuff so it's not terrible.... but anyways I'll shut up now since this is an anime deal thread... not a justify why I should pay full price for anime thread :p

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Well when Funi is releasing two separate 11-ep sets for $60 a piece instead of the whole 22-ep series for $30... well yeah. I only buy anime when it's on sale. If I really enjoy a series I buy it to support it anyway. I just started streaming anime because I got Hulu plus. Amazon Prime's anime selection is awful.
At least you are streaming on legit sites. The streaming I was referring to was Youtube (non official) and illegal streaming sites.

So back to deals...I really want to buy some Sentai sets from TRSI's studio sale but knowing that Best Buy sells them cheaper during their sales is holding me back. I might just do preorders instead.

Uhhh has a 15% off code "BEACH"


Just so nobody missed this in the midst of all the other stuff that is not deal related that seem to keep sidetracking this thread. ~_~

There's actually some decent deals because DD has similar prices on a lot of titles to go along with DVDPlanet's current anime sale. Generally $1-$2 more expensive for most titles in that sale, but with the code it'll be a better deal.

If you need to search titles you can take advantage on just go to DVDPlanet's sale, look up the sale titles there, then go to DD.

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I do know that Ys: The Art Book would be the cheapest that I've ever seen it in new condition with that code.

If I may ask, am I right to think that Princess Tutu and the Ef series are *probably* going to be cheaper in October/November with DVDPlanet/RightStuf's bigger sales?  I forget what website I can use to check the cheapest price of something and I didn't keep track of them during last year's sale.

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Well when Funi is releasing two separate 11-ep sets for $60 a piece instead of the whole 22-ep series for $30... well yeah. I only buy anime when it's on sale. If I really enjoy a series I buy it to support it anyway. I just started streaming anime because I got Hulu plus. Amazon Prime's anime selection is awful.
We could always go back to 3/4-episode singles at $30 a pop just for the DVD.
Grabbed an artbook and Mardock Scramble Third from DD. That's a sweet price on Marodock; and, now that I have the last one, I can finally watch it! ^_^

Nah I understand it's all about the retailers trying to milk customers as well. For instances, I'm not paying $35 for DBZ s5 tomorrow, Amazon, Best Buy and everywhere else. It'll be $20 in 3-4 weeks.

the only thing I really miss about the $30 for 4 episode a disk days are the right stuf 10 for $50 or 25 for $100 deals that allowed you to pick up the disks at $4 a piece and included the limited editions... I spent $100 on my anime clubs raffle and had 3 big boxes because I had 25 limited editions one year lol.

the only thing I really miss about the $30 for 4 episode a disk days are the right stuf 10 for $50 or 25 for $100 deals that allowed you to pick up the disks at $4 a piece and included the limited editions... I spent $100 on my anime clubs raffle and had 3 big boxes because I had 25 limited editions one year lol.
What about the 4 episodes per VHS days lol. I still have tons of DBZ VHS tapes.

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What about the 4 episodes per VHS days lol. I still have tons of DBZ VHS tapes.
nah I don't miss the VHS days, but those weren't to bad..

walmart sold the DBZ vhs tapes and they were only $10 per tape... my parents used to give me $20 a week for lunch, and I made sure to keep 2.50 per week free so I could buy my monthly DBZ tape :p

Could have been worse. Pioneer tapes usually only had two episodes. And by the way they were responsible for releasing exhibits on 7 discs not bandai. They also put sailor moon super s on 7 discs.
Could have been worse. Pioneer tapes usually only had two episodes. And by the way they were responsible for releasing exhibits on 7 discs not bandai. They also put sailor moon super s on 7 discs.
Actually, as I recall, Pioneer had a generous three or four episodes for most shows. ADV was the evil two-episodes-per company, or with Golden Boy, just one episode. And to think I bought all of Evangelion like that back in the day...

Ok so I have Captain Harlock complete series for $32.96 and Mazinger Z series part 1 for $35.36 in my cart. Now have these been cheaper previously in another sale at some point and the more important question are these worth a blind buy?
I got an email from GoHastings about a loyalty coupon code because I have shopped there so much. Doesn't seem like it's unique, so if you can use them, go ahead:

35% off Used: MOVIE7ROO

20% off New: BLURAYMR9U

Ok so I have Captain Harlock complete series for $32.96 and Mazinger Z series part 1 for $35.36 in my cart. Now have these been cheaper previously in another sale at some point and the more important question are these worth a blind buy?

That's about the cheapest they been. I can only speak on Harlock,but from what I watched so far it's an excellent space opera and well buying.

Viz has been teasing JJBA annoucements for their anime expo panel.
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Could have been worse. Pioneer tapes usually only had two episodes. And by the way they were responsible for releasing exhibits on 7 discs not bandai. They also put sailor moon super s on 7 discs.
you are correct sir... for some reason it slipped my mind that Pioneer was ever in the anime game even though I own a bunch of their stuff lol.

So as I was checking for various releases, I noticed that Amazon UK is taking preorders for Patema Inverted and thought I would share the information.  Though I haven't seen it, the concept sounds interesting, and it's made by the same person that made Time of Eve.  To those of you that are interested, there's a 14 pound regular edition on blu, and a 61 (!) pound special edition.  I don't know if there's plans to release in the US, but thought I would share.  Standard disclaimer about how the prices shown don't include VAT and how you need to be able to play region B discs.

This brings me to a question I'm hoping that you guys have some insight on.  Disney has been fairly slow about releasing Ghibli films on blu ray, and fairly quiet about them as well.  I see that the UK already has (or will soon have) blu ray releases for films like Princess Mononoke, The Wind Rises, and one of my favorite anime films; Porco Rosso.  Do you guys know if Disney plans on releasing any of these soon (or in Rosso's case, ever) in the US?

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Pioneer did 2 episode VHS's too, but it might have been in their earlier days.  Fushigi Yugi was 2 episode vhs's, because I remember having to rent 26 VHS's from my local store to see the whole show.   I stand corrected, it was four episodes a VHS (I just looked it up), but they were bad when it came to dvds, like putting shows on 8 DVDs (yes I know that ADV did that too), but then they'd charge $200 for the complete 26 episode series (which ADV did not do, they usually charged around $90, I'm talking MSRP, btw.) Towards the end they did get smarter about their pricing, but it was too little, too late.

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There's no listing for The Wind Rises coming out, so I'm guessing not soon, and only one ghibli film was released last year, and it wasn't released by disney.  

Hmm, I may have to place a few orders for some of the Ghibli blus we don't have here in the US.  It's not like a future US release would invalidate the ones I'd have already bought anyway.  Thanks for the input.

There's no listing for The Wind Rises coming out, so I'm guessing not soon, and only one ghibli film was released last year, and it wasn't released by disney.
I'm 99% sure Howl's Moving Castle and Totoro were released last year.

But yeah,I don't have a region-free player nor do I especially want to invest in one, and it is irritating that the UK even gets D-list movies like The Yamadas on blu while we'll be lucky to have Spirited Away and Mononoke by 2018.

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Pioneer did 2 episode VHS's too, but it might have been in their earlier days.
I remember the 2 episode per VHS days vividly. It was one of the reasons that I often sought out the laserdiscs instead of the VHS, as they usually included more episodes -- the Tenchi OVA being a prime example. Plus, laserdiscs offered the first opportunity to get original Japanese/English dubbed audio tracks together.

It was disappointing that more anime didn't go to laserdisc in the U.S., as they had superior sound over DVDs. Quite frankly, DVD audio sucks in comparison.

I'm 99% sure Howl's Moving Castle and Totoro were released last year.

But yeah,I don't have a region-free player nor do I especially want to invest in one, and it is irritating that the UK even gets D-list movies like The Yamadas on blu while we'll be lucky to have Spirited Away and Mononoke by 2018.

Here is every US Ghibli release.


Howl's Moving Castle - May 21, 2013

My Neighbor Totoro - May 21, 2013

Whisper of the Heart - May 22, 2012

The Secret World of Arrietty - May 22, 2012

Castle in the Sky - May 22, 2012

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Mar. 08, 2011

Ponyo - Mar. 02, 2010


From up on Poppy Hill - Sep. 03, 2013


Grave of the Fireflies - Nov. 20, 2012

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Yup, and here's what hasn't been released.

Kiki's Delivery Service

Porco Rosso

Pom Poko

Princess Mononoke

My Neighbors the Yamadas

Spirited Away

The Cat Returns

Tales from Earthsea

The Wind Rises

So, approximately half classics, half movies nobody really cares about. Also, Earthsea. I do think we'll get Wind this year but I have no other predictions at this point.

DVDPlanet is giving an extra 10% off everything on the site, so this would be a good time to jump in one their current anime sale if you were on the fence before on some of the titles.


Ends Sunday night.


This is basically the same as DD's 15% off sale because DD prices on most of their titles are about 5% higher anyways, so it more or less evens out.  Just depends on where you prefer to shop.

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noticed that too - did you have luck with the code? i'm told it's no longer available...
It's a generic code they used from last year, so they probably forgot to activate it again, lol.

Give it time I guess. ;P

Edit: Looks like it's been fixed.

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Sentai October releases:

Kill Me Baby Bluray (Dub/Subtitles)

Bodacious Space Pirates Complete Collection DVD/Bluray (Dub/Subtitles)

Fate Stay Night Complete Collection DVD/Bluray (Dub/Subtitles)

Meganebu DVD/Bluray (Sub Only)

Hakkenden S2 DVD/Bluray (Dub/Subtitles)

Rozen Maiden Zuruckspulen DVD (Dub/Subtitles)

Sunday Without God DVD/Bluray (Dub/Subtitles)

Preorders are up at Right Stuf.

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DVDPlanet is giving an extra 10% off everything on the site, so this would be a good time to jump in one their current anime sale if you were on the fence before on some of the titles.


Ends Sunday night.


This is basically the same as DD's 15% off sale because DD prices on most of their titles are about 5% higher anyways, so it more or less evens out. Just depends on where you prefer to shop.
I spent way too much on anime this week...and Anime Expo is next week! >.<

Ugh, I would like to order Fate/stay night complete series, but, seriously, $100 for a series that's almost 8 years old, really?

bread's done