Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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I don't think there was a boy in K-On!
Ritsu's little brother was in it, lol. And as for guys there were a few on the side... like the guy in the music store they bribed persuaded to sell a guitar for cheap.

As for Love Live, it's not my thing but I'll go in a corner again when it hits and then return to lol @ RACS when they sell their "personal" copies on Amazon.

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In the anime, he helps them, motivated them, emotional support and give advice. Nothing romantic.
Yes, a harem anime is defined by the majority of the female characters being absurdly drawn/obsessed with the target male character. A harem anime can have other male characters, but there is one character that all the female characters are clearly focused on.

Likewise, having one or two male characters does not necessarily make a predominantly female-cast anime a harem-anime. If there is no obsession, and the male characters are never the focus, than it is not a harem-anime.

It's kind of a know-it-when-you-see-it scenario. The anime series that follow the harem formula don't tend to be subtle about it.

Love Chunibyo & Other Delusions collectors edition $49.99 from a third party seller on amazon

I paid more than that to DVDPlanet and I have Amazon credit... :headache:

Also, that's not just any third-party seller--that's basically RightStuf.


I paid more than that to DVDPlanet and I have Amazon credit... :headache:

Also, that's not just any third-party seller--that's basically RightStuf.
It is Rightstuf, lol. ;D

This is one expensive day for me. First Time of Eve Deluxe goes on sale, now I have to grab this too.

My wallet...she burns...

Just be aware though, they do note that there may be some "dings" on the box, so they may not be the most pristine copies you'll be receiving. Most likely a damaged shipment they got, and now dumping them for cheap.

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It is Rightstuf, lol. ;D

This is one expensive day for me. First Time of Eve Deluxe goes on sale, now I have to grab this too.

My wallet...she burns...

Just be aware though, they do note that there may be some "dings" on the box, so they may not be the most pristine copies you'll be receiving. Most likely a damaged shipment they got, and now dumping them for cheap.
The only solace I take from my DVDPlanet copy is that it has no dings or dents whatsoever.

These kind of shows you guys are talking about I don't like and feel are not anime.  None of the cute girl nonsense shows, and harlem comedys, and shows with zero storyline.

It is Rightstuf, lol. ;D

This is one expensive day for me. First Time of Eve Deluxe goes on sale, now I have to grab this too.

My wallet...she burns...

Just be aware though, they do note that there may be some "dings" on the box, so they may not be the most pristine copies you'll be receiving. Most likely a damaged shipment they got, and now dumping them for cheap.
Is the seller you ordered from named Shawnek?

ha ha nice.

These kind of shows you guys are talking about I don't like and feel are not anime. None of the cute girl nonsense shows, and harlem comedys, and shows with zero storyline.
Be advised everyone the anime guru has spoken. ;)
Funny that all this stuff you don't think is anime is anime. Pretty sure Sailor Moon which is cute has been around long enough and considered anime. Also...pretty sure that the stuff you think is girly is bringing in billions of yen. Also there is the fact that Japan has a whole area (Akihabara) dictated to this stuff and millions of men spend money on "idols" and are dictated fans. I just think someone might have masculinity problems and doesn't want to come to terms that kawaii, moe, and idols aren't nearly as bad as they think they are. Also it hasn't caused more manly anime to decline. There are still plenty of action type anime being released.

ha ha nice.

Be advised everyone the anime guru has spoken. ;)
Funny that all this stuff you don't think is anime is anime. Pretty sure Sailor Moon which is cute has been around long enough and considered anime. Also...pretty sure that the stuff you think is girly is bringing in billions of yen. Also there is the fact that Japan has a whole area (Akihabara) dictated to this stuff and millions of men spend money on "idols" and are dictated fans. I just think someone might have masculinity problems and doesn't want to come to terms that kawaii, moe, and idols aren't nearly as bad as they think they are. Also it hasn't caused more manly anime to decline. There are still plenty of action type anime being released.
That's the problem Americans buys shows made for selling body pillows, figurines, and other otaku nonsense.

Old school anime that are highly regarded or great action animes are shunned because people buy this crap. I have to rely on discotek and other companies like them to bring me the shows I like.

Thank god for Turn a gundam being released I thought that would never come here.

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That's the problem Americans buys shows made for selling body pillows, figurines, and other otaku nonsense.
There will always be a side of a fandom that you don't like. I'm not too crazy about the above either, but others approach what they like differently. What you think is crap maybe great to another fan. It's just like liking a genre in movies that others may hate. Move on and accept it.

On a side note, I posted in this thread for years and I know most of these guys are into a little bit of everything. I usually speak up when a discussion or deal comes up that I'm interested in. I figured everyone else did the same.

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Just finished Tiger & Bunny, liked it a lot more than i thought. Between this and spice & wolf ive been watching too many series that could easily keep going but didnt and just leave me needing more :(

Edit: tiger & bunny is still way too expensive
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Just finished Tiger & Bunny, liked it a lot more than i thought. Between this and spice & wolf ive been watching too many series that could easily keep going but didnt and just leave me needing more :(
Edit: tiger & bunny is still way too expensive
Still need to finish Tiger & Bunny. My biggest issue with the show though was other than the title characters no one had any depth. Dennis Rodman's character for example was just a poorly done gay stereotype,or Rock Bison who had no character at all.
That's the problem Americans buys shows made for selling body pillows, figurines, and other otaku nonsense.

Old school anime that are highly regarded or great action animes are shunned because people buy this crap. I have to rely on discotek and other companies like them to bring me the shows I like.

Thank god for Turn a gundam being released I thought that would never come here.
Please explain. Provide some examples. Jojo is pretty popular. Everyone in CAG went loco for the Cowboy Bebop BD release. Fist of the North Star is still popular. Gundam Reconguista in G is a big hit and so is Gundam Origins. Then there is Captain Earth and Space Brothers. Heck even Gunbuster might come back. Are you talking about old school titles or new anime done in a classic old school way?

I mean, you even mention Turn-A-Gundam, which isn't even old school.

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Please explain. Provide some examples. Jojo is pretty popular. Everyone in CAG went loco for the Cowboy Bebop BD release. Fist of the North Star is still popular. Gundam Reconguista in G is a big hit and so is Gundam Origins. Then there is Captain Earth and Space Brothers. Heck even Gunbuster might come back. Are you talking about old school titles or new anime done in a classic old school way?

I mean, you even mention Turn-A-Gundam, which isn't even old school.

All of those shows you mentioned are my favorites too. I'm just fed up with some companys who keep licensing cute stuff.
BanditThief, I think you lack perspective here.  You are taking literally decades of industry production, looking at the 10% that most universally agree as being great, and then complaining that not everything is up to that standard.

Most (still very talented) anime studios simply can't turn out a Cowboy Bebop/Trigun/Lupin III/etc. level of product.  Hell, of late we've seen many of the ones that try go out of business because aiming for those production values is expensive.  You have the benefit of looking back at an industry with years of history for you to cull from.  The reality is that the market can only subsidize a certain amount of high quality graphic anime.  Attack on Titan has been very popular just recently for example.

What you're saying is the equivalent of "why isn't every movie Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers?" because despite there being a large market for those films they REQUIRE such a market to subsidize their massive cost and in turn dance a narrow line with over-saturation in addition to the usual challenges of making a quality product that strikes a chord with audiences.  Film studios make Adam Sandler movies because you give Sandler $20-$30M, make the rest of the film on a shoestring, come in with a $40-$50M total budget and are almost guaranteed to gross $80-$90M minimum.  Meanwhile you have films like Jupiter Ascending with a $176M budget versus a domestic gross of $47M.  

Anime works on the same principles.  Studios can turn out a half dozen variations on what you refer to as "cute stuff" for one big budget series.  They need to work up to those risks.

And the same goes for localization.  When a studio hits on something in the demographic you want it has serious money bidding for it's localization rights.  Netflix scooped up Attack on Titan in record time.  What anime localization house is going to compete with Netflix financially?

The "weeaboos are ruining anime" belief isn't grounded in reality.  The "cute stuff" is cheap and sells to the core anime audience worldwide.  The people buying will also buy the more serious stuff you like.  The problem isn't with the cute stuff cannibalizing the market, the problem is that the stuff you like only expands the market by a small percentage.  Example: if the average "cute" anime series sells 50,000 copies and the more graphic series sells 100,000 copies the more graphic series can afford to be 2x more expensive.  2.1x, not 2.2x.  Usually it's more like 3-5x.

The people you're deriding as leading the industry down the wrong path are actually the people keeping the industry alive because they buy EVERYTHING.  You aren't some lone savant with unique and entirely superior taste.  Everyone pretty much universally recognizes really good anime when they see it.  Recognizing how to make it and being able to do so on a budget are the real challenges.

Yay! :)

It's been a while since I posted one of these, but I have a couple of deals from Amazon UK. Note the usual warnings; they're not US region, price shown includes VAT, no free shipping, and is in GBP. There's also more specific warnings I'll mention in a bit.

Durarara blu (about 22 GBP) -
This set has some subtitle issues with the discs, I believe there's a way to get replacements, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Kill la Kill pt 1 blu (about 22 GBP) -
I was on the fence about this because 2 and 3 are still over 40 GBP each.

Edit: Didn't want to confuse people with the dollar signs.
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Yay! :)

It's been a while since I posted one of these, but I have a couple of deals from Amazon UK. Note the usual warnings; they're not US region, price shown includes VAT, no free shipping, and is in GBP. There's also more specific warnings I'll mention in a bit.

Durarara blu (about 22 GBP) -
This set has some subtitle issues with the discs, I believe there's a way to get replacements, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Kill la Kill pt 1 blu (about 22 GBP) -
I was on the fence about this because 2 and 3 are still over 40 GBP each.

Edit: Didn't want to confuse people with the dollar signs.
I decided to try it out (thus thanks for posting). $36 shipped for the series of durarara is a lot better than the $130 for the english version. it sounds like we can't get replacement disks though as it's uk and ireland only.

now I have to get a blu ray drive for my computer as I don't think I can play these in my ps3 or ps4.

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A region free Blu-ray player is also an option. You can get a nicer one for $140 or so, and just use that as your main player.
I can't see much reason to buy a region free blu ray player when my PC is hooked up to my TV already. Thus I would rather just get a $60-80 blu ray drive and use that. I just need to wait for a decent one to go on sale, and decide if I want internal or external.

I decided to try it out (thus thanks for posting). $36 shipped for the series of durarara is a lot better than the $130 for the english version. it sounds like we can't get replacement disks though as it's uk and ireland only.

now I have to get a blu ray drive for my computer as I don't think I can play these in my ps3 or ps4.
Thank you, that's the link that I was looking for earlier but failed to find.

If you scroll all the way down there are links and instructions for International customers outside of the UK and Ireland. It sounds like it may take awhile to get them, but it would be worth your time to try and contact them. I'm sure they'll work with you if nothing else, and you're probably going to want the replacements. Otherwise you'll lose sign translations and other things. I can't say for sure, but I thought the problem also extended to Celty's dialogue in the Dub.

Thank you, that's the link that I was looking for earlier but failed to find.

If you scroll all the way down there are links and instructions for International customers outside of the UK and Ireland. It sounds like it may take awhile to get them, but it would be worth your time to try and contact them. I'm sure they'll work with you if nothing else, and you're probably going to want the replacements. Otherwise you'll lose sign translations and other things. I can't say for sure, but I thought the problem also extended to Celty's dialogue in the Dub.
ah I missed the bottom part. I might as well apply for them after the disks ship. If I can get proper disks even better, but I was ok with inproper disks at a $100 discount.

I need to look at some other shows at some point such as sword art online and see how they are as I know a number of aniplex shows are cheaper in the uk. but thus I will wait the month for these to show up first to make sure everything goes smoothly.

I decided to try it out (thus thanks for posting). $36 shipped for the series of durarara is a lot better than the $130 for the english version. it sounds like we can't get replacement disks though as it's uk and ireland only.

now I have to get a blu ray drive for my computer as I don't think I can play these in my ps3 or ps4.
I personally stopped buying anime from the UK since I'm too lazy to deck out my region free player (Fate/Zero was the last thing I bought) but yeah, the Durarara sets are still borked. But... if you check the blog, they are taking international requests for replacements too. Scroll to the bottom of the post you linked earlier.

Also, the second Rurouni Kenshin live-action movie is on there now too and is region free. Similar to the first movie, it's also a steelbook.

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I can't see much reason to buy a region free blu ray player when my PC is hooked up to my TV already. Thus I would rather just get a $60-80 blu ray drive and use that. I just need to wait for a decent one to go on sale, and decide if I want internal or external.
Careful, Blu-Rays on PCs can be finnicky as hell. There's really only one piece of software left that will play blu-ray discs and get you the "full experience." It's PowerDVD. Now, if your plan is to rip the blu-rays into .mkvs and use something like Kodi or Plex to play them then you'll be in good shape.

Yay! :)

It's been a while since I posted one of these, but I have a couple of deals from Amazon UK. Note the usual warnings; they're not US region, price shown includes VAT, no free shipping, and is in GBP. There's also more specific warnings I'll mention in a bit.

Durarara blu (about 22 GBP) -
This set has some subtitle issues with the discs, I believe there's a way to get replacements, but I haven't looked into it yet.

Kill la Kill pt 1 blu (about 22 GBP) -
I was on the fence about this because 2 and 3 are still over 40 GBP each.

Edit: Didn't want to confuse people with the dollar signs.
100 pounds for the whole set is STILL cheaper than the full US version, let alone if you can later get all three at 20 pounds each.

Edit: Question, i have a usb blu ray player lying around... The region coding is based on the software used correct? Not the hardware?
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I can't see much reason to buy a region free blu ray player when my PC is hooked up to my TV already. Thus I would rather just get a $60-80 blu ray drive and use that. I just need to wait for a decent one to go on sale, and decide if I want internal or external.
Edit: Question, i have a usb blu ray player lying around... The region coding is based on the software used correct? Not the hardware?
Word of warning: I went for a year without paying for Blu-ray playback. Pretty much nothing free works, unless you rip the Blu-ray first. Very old Blu-ray will probably have a lot more free options, but anything that came out in the last year or so pretty much won't be easy to play unless you pay for playback software. Even then, there's frequent updates to update the license so it can play back the newest Blu-rays. Good news is, it's relatively easy to remove region coding if you decide to rip it. As for region coding, it can be permanently fixed in the drive's firmware, not just the software.

Careful, Blu-Rays on PCs can be finnicky as hell. There's really only one piece of software left that will play blu-ray discs and get you the "full experience." It's PowerDVD. Now, if your plan is to rip the blu-rays into .mkvs and use something like Kodi or Plex to play them then you'll be in good shape.
I have WinDVD and it works fine..

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So what is wrong with Durara? I was planning on getting that soon.
The biggest issue that I know is there are a few scenes where needed on-screen text is missing in the english dub track. You can turn subs on for those scenes, but a partial-sub option for on-screen text would have been best.

These issues are nonexistent for the sub track AFAIK. You can also turn subs on for those scenes if you really want to. This being said, Durarara is one of the more affordable series from AoA since it is about the same price for 24 episodes that they usually charge for 13

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The biggest issue that I know is there are a few scenes where needed on-screen text is missing in the english dub track. You can turn subs on for those scenes, but a partial-sub option for on-screen text would have been best.

These issues are nonexistent for the sub track AFAIK. You can also turn subs on for those scenes if you really want to. This being said, Durarara is one of the more affordable series from AoA since it is about the same price for 24 episodes that they usually charge for 13
This is only affected to the UK version correct or it plagues the US version too?
bread's done