Anime & Manga Steals and Deals (Rightstuf, Amazon, DD...etc)


74 (100%)
 Anime Steals and Deals

**It is highly recommended you check the latest posts in this thread as they will often have the most up to date deals. I will attempt to reflect these sales in the OP, but always check the latest posts.**


Rightstuf runs studio sales every week, sometimes even twice a week. These range from anime, manga, and even artbooks. Prices are decent, and Rightstuf has amazing customer service. I highly recommend them for that alone.

You can save an additional 10% off a majority of their items (Including preorders) by buying their Got Anime membership


Amazon tends to offer lower everyday prices on their anime, and often run sales on Funimation items routinely. Keep track on your favorites or check your daily deal's for a possible 5% off of some based off your history on Amazon. 

(Also, I'd also recommend to check out Amazon's top 100 deals in Anime Bluray/DVD as they tend to show what's popular, or what is on sale.)   (Blu Ray) (DVD)

DVDPlanet / Deep Discount

Known by many for their bad customer service, they often make up for it with their lower prices on a lot of their items. This and they routinely run sales specifically for anime.

I highly suggest when you order from them to only order in stock items, and not ones that are backordered. Save yourself the displeasure of having to deal with the headaches. And patience is a must with these sites.


Maybe you will find something here on our own forums! We have a thread dedicated specifically to Anime and Manga for sale from fellow Cags.

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Any censorship on the Kai release was done by the original Japanese editors. They're the ones who got rid of the bird flipping and nudity, not FUNi. They also redrew or edited the strobing effects from the larger Ki blasts since you can't have that anymore on Japanese TV.

The OG series on Blu-ray was released in widescreen instead of its original fullscreen due to fan demand. Which is actually kinda funny since DB Kai aired in most Japanese markets with the same widescreen cropping. The movies were also made in fullscreen but in a way that could easily be cropped to widescreen. In terms of actual video quality the two Level sets (which comprise Season 1) have the best quality regardless of cropping. No official reason was given for stopping them, but the strongest rumors are that the restoration process was too expensive for an almost 300 episode series or that Toei noticed a bunch of reverse importation and told them to stop.

As to which one to get, it's honestly a hard choice. Kai does get rid of most of the filler, but the editing can be very slipshod and removes tension. The Cell Saga suffers horribly from this and I prefer the original, but Kai does the Freeza saga much better since that arc has way too much bullcrap in it.

However, the dub of Kai is leagues better than the original dub. The acting is worlds better and the script is tighter. If you go by the Japanese version, I believe Kai has stereo while the original is mono only thanks to Toei.
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I got the vibe about Right Stuf killing multiple free shipments when I talked to their support a couple months ago about cancelling 1 item on a big order and that I now had to pay shipping on two items in the same order... which I then cancelled the majority of the order. At the end of the day, I get it. Shipping is expensive and a local company like RS can't take the hit on free shipping with multiple items. But after being spoiled by them, it's hard to stop doing it.

As for DBZ, the level sets were dropped apparently due to the large production costs and that was just cheaper/easier to crop the series again on Blu Ray. I personally think it's crap and that it should stay in it's native format but my fellow millennials voted for the crop so eh. I can only enjoy DBZ's first season then the rest of it is hot garbage. But that's just my opinion. 

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I know a bit about the releases and quite a lot more about DB itself so I'll try to help you out.

Simply do not get the DBZ BD sets. They are cropped to all hell. Here is a review of the first set

Funimation has only released one good version of Z, and that's the dragon box sets but those are no longer available. The level sets were good (from what I know), but for some inexplicable reason that stopped releasing them. Also, avoind the orange brick sets - they are an abortion, I know this because I own all of them. Everything that went wrong with that release did go wrong and funimation didn't learn from its mistakes from that release.

So that pretty much leaves you with Kai as your last option. Kai has a very small amount of censorship but it is there. Kai also has the most accurate dub. Most of the filler has been removed but not all of the show has been released in the west yet, as the buu sage was only just completed in japan. Also, they redid the music with a new score for kai - but this probably won't mean much to you since you've never seen the original series.

So I would suggest Kai or, if you're willing to drop a loda of money, the dragon box sets.
Honestly unless you're a hardcore dragonaball fan the cropping shouldn't be something to even worry about. For the average viewer having it in 16x9 with a little bush or part of a shirt cut off,seems more pleasing then the 4x3.

So seriously I own the orange bricks and the crop really won't be noticeable especially if you have never seen the show.

I can't attest to the quality of the bluray transfer since i havent had the chance to purchase it, but unless you have to be a 100% purist for dbz then ignore all the rage over all the cropping.
Honestly unless you're a hardcore dragonaball fan the cropping shouldn't be something to even worry about. For the average viewer having it in 16x9 with a little bush or part of a shirt cut off,seems more pleasing then the 4x3.

So seriously I own the orange bricks and the crop really won't be noticeable especially if you have never seen the show.

I can't attest to the quality of the bluray transfer since i havent had the chance to purchase it, but unless you have to be a 100% purist for dbz then ignore all the rage over all the cropping.
I mean, sure it's a matter of opinion, but I personally think such butchering is not acceptable and refuse to support it. That's why I haven't bought the sailor moon sets either.

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Agreed it was pretty good, the fights were kinda meh to me though.
I felt the stopping and starting again kinda hurt it a bit and the interruptions with food, the ending too. They could have done so much with that leading into Dragonball Super but then they had to make it lame with the
Whis time rewinding ability.

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There's a "just scan" picture size that shows its true HD source at least that what it says on my Samsung and it shows a bit more picture than 16×9 .I just hit that sucker on and problem solved
I recommend Kai. It's streamlined and moves the plot along nicely. There's something off about the music in the final Cell battles, but maybe because I watched the American version of that and not JP, I actually have the wrong soundtrack in my memory. Either way, the American one had the best music....very dramatic lol. Not sure if that music is on the Kai set if you switch to English dub.

The OG series on Blu-ray was released in widescreen instead of its original fullscreen due to fan demand.
Lance Heiskell, formerly of FUNimation, just recently tweeted that that majority did vote for the OAR; FUNi just ignored those results and released it cropped anyway.

I felt the stopping and starting again kinda hurt it a bit and the interruptions with food, the ending too. They could have done so much with that leading into Dragonball Super but then they had to make it lame with the
Whis time rewinding ability.
Definitely, the ending to BOG was soo much better and food was an issue. I kind of feel like the movie was kind of attempt at an hommage to the original frieze fight but they used food in place of filler scenes.
I felt the stopping and starting again kinda hurt it a bit and the interruptions with food, the ending too. They could have done so much with that leading into Dragonball Super but then they had to make it lame with the
Whis time rewinding ability.
Definitely, the ending to BOG was soo much better and food was an issue. I kind of feel like the movie was kind of attempt at an hommage to the original frieze fight but they used food in place of filler scenes.
Lance Heiskell, formerly of FUNimation, just recently tweeted that that majority did vote for the OAR; FUNi just ignored those results and released it cropped anyway.
Funi always double dip. 1st release regular, crappy version and no one buying it then funi release uncut & version.
o_O What was so horrible about the singles?

And yes I own them all - including the Pioneer sets before Funimation released them as the "Rock the Dragon" collection.

That Includes the Ultimate Uncut Special Editions (until they stopped and created the Orange Bricks. Now I have the Volume 1 UUSE only).

And the 1.1 Blu Ray.

That sucks to see Funimation ignored the fan feedback and released those Blu Rays in a cropped version. Why create that survey in the first place?

I was thinking of getting the Blu Rays from Funimation's site. But between this revelation and some stories I heard on poor mailer packaging, I'm going to wait for Rightstuf to have them at $20 and support them instead.

And I'm going to predict they're going to put GT on Blu Ray next.

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Just curious if anyone else who pre-ordered Tokyo Ghoul from Best Buy (hoping for the CE?) got theirs put on back order status? I guess maybe they noticed there might be confusion and are working to switch it around?

Just curious if anyone else who pre-ordered Tokyo Ghoul from Best Buy (hoping for the CE?) got theirs put on back order status? I guess maybe they noticed there might be confusion and are working to switch it around?
I cancelled mine but don't expect any favors from Best Buy.

In other news, Toonami premiered the dub trailer of Akame ga Kill.

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Just curious if anyone else who pre-ordered Tokyo Ghoul from Best Buy (hoping for the CE?) got theirs put on back order status? I guess maybe they noticed there might be confusion and are working to switch it around?
I canceled mine because once you click on the title again it'll refresh and show the appropriate picture.
In other news, Toonami premiered the dub trailer of Akame ga Kill.
That actually looks really good, but I remember the anime adaptation not being as highly-praised as the manga (which I'm thoroughly enjoying after finishing Vol. 3). Why is that?

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And yes I own them all - including the Pioneer sets before Funimation released them as the "Rock the Dragon" collection.

That Includes the Ultimate Uncut Special Editions (until they stopped and created the Orange Bricks. Now I have the Volume 1 UUSE only).

And the 1.1 Blu Ray.
Yea, but singles were never space-friendly.

I find it hilarious that people rag on FUNi for re-releasing DBZ over and over again despite each release being new discs instead of re-issued old discs yet other series like Kiddy Grade, School Rumble, and Fruits Basket get a pass for being re-released multiple times with the same discs over and over again.

And I'm going to predict their going to put GT on Blu Ray next.
I think the next DB Blu-ray release will be Kai Buu Saga.
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Just curious if anyone else who pre-ordered Tokyo Ghoul from Best Buy (hoping for the CE?) got theirs put on back order status? I guess maybe they noticed there might be confusion and are working to switch it around?
It seems like 1. They figured out that the pic was wrong and 2. They saw how quickly it sold so they raised the price.
found some things of note perusing the Amazon Warehouse today.

There's a Like New copy of Haganai Next limited edition for $33.

"Item may come repackaged" might scare you off, but here's a $66 copy of One Piece Treasure chest 3 (the 3rd amazon exclusive bundle).

Steins;Gate complete series for $24.

Black Lagoon for $23.

Soul Eater for $27

Also, in the realm of "why?" is this $3 copy of Berserk vol 6 (there's also some other Berserk things that I didn't bother linking; v2-$50, v3-$16, v5-$34, and a $56 copy of the Dreamcast game).

That actually looks really good, but I remember the anime adaptation not being as highly-praised as the manga (which I'm thoroughly enjoying after finishing Vol. 3). Why is that?
Too bad I'm not into manga, I just couldn't find the time, but it must be really good then, because i really really loved the anime

That actually looks really good, but I remember the anime adaptation not being as highly-praised as the manga (which I'm thoroughly enjoying after finishing Vol. 3). Why is that?
I haven't read the manga but found the anime to be one of my favorite series. To me it was pretty much perfect. I believe it follows the manga up to a point and then deviates cause the manga I believe hasn't finished. They changed the anime to give it a definitive ending which I felt was so perfect. I hardly reply here but wanted to get out there if you haven't seen Akame Ga Kill watch it on toonami
Yea, but singles were never space-friendly.

I find it hilarious that people rag on FUNi for re-releasing DBZ over and over again despite each release being new discs instead of re-issued old discs yet other series like Kiddy Grade, School Rumble, and Fruits Basket get a pass for being re-released multiple times with the same discs over and over again.
Re-releases are easily ignored if you bought the original, so I think that's why they don't get the uproar that re-releasing stuff with slight changes gets you.

Thanks ssjChris and Gurren Lagann, I noticed all of the changes they made to my order and cancelled it.

I saw the Toonami trailer for Akame ga Kill and it looks kinda generic. I'll go ahead and set my DVR, though.

Akame ga Kill starts off as an extremely generic anime then s*** gets real pretty quick. I think a lot of people see that trailer and are generally turned off and the first episode doesn't do the anime much justice. Just keep in mind that the show is about assassins and that it can turn dark pretty quickly. Even when you least expect it. The anime does differ somewhat from the manga, but from what I read I feel that the changes were for the better. Some manga just need a "wrap it up" button and the ending didn't feel half assed.

TL;DR Marathon it. It's pretty good. Esdeath is hawt.

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GoHastings is having a 33% Off sale on all Used movies when you buy 2 or more. There are actually a fair amount of FUNimation and Sentai sets available.
To be honest if it was selling for $20 or less I'd buy it.sadly I'm not forking over $300+ for macross blu ray :(
If the Japanese releases came with English Subs I would seriously consider it for Macross and Macross: DYRL. I am really considering buying the Japanese release of Macross Plus though, but by accounts only the movie has subs while the OVA does not. Oddly the OVA does have the English dub though.

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Did the Hastings sale end early or something? I checked the site around 11:20 and they were still advertising the sale. Twenty minutes later I added something to my cart and entered the code, and didn't get a discount. Now I don't see any advertisements for the sale.

Not that I really needed to buy anything else. I bought quite a few things during their 40% off sale a couple weeks ago.
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Did the Hastings sale end early or something? I checked the site around 11:20 and they were still advertising the sale. Twenty minutes later I added something to my cart and entered the code, and didn't get a discount. Now I don't see any advertisements for the sale.

Not that I really needed to buy anything else. I bought quite a few things during their 40% off sale a couple weeks ago.
gohastings is mean like that
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Did the Hastings sale end early or something? I checked the site around 11:20 and they were still advertising the sale. Twenty minutes later I added something to my cart and entered the code, and didn't get a discount. Now I don't see any advertisements for the sale.

Not that I really needed to buy anything else. I bought quite a few things during their 40% off sale a couple weeks ago.
Just making sure, but you added two things, right? I actually managed to get Yuushibu, MM!, and Etrian Odyssey Untold 1.

Hey, Rightstuf merged my old account info with the new one. So my older order history is back. Well the 2014 orders anyway. I don't see anything older than that. Unfortunately it looks like my saved for later list didn't make the jump which is what I really wanted. Oh well.

bread's done