(Another) Chinese man dies from video game binge


23 (100%)
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" CNN is citing a report in the Beijing News today that a 30-year-old man in Guangzhou, China, died on Saturday following a three-day gaming marathon. Though no single game was fingered as an accessory after the fact, the man reportedly fainted in the midst of his virtual binge at the Internet cafe and was pronounced dead after paramedics were unable to revive him. Aside from the victim's age, no other vital statistics were revealed, though the report did note that around 100 other cafe patrons vacated the premises "in fear after witnessing the man's death." Gaming cafes have claimed the lives of several other individuals in the past. In 2005, a 28-year-old South Korean man died after a 50-hour gaming session. In 2002, a 24-year-old South Korean man died after 86 uninterrupted hours of gameplay. That same month, a 27-year-old Taiwanese man lasted 32 hours before succumbing to death by exhaustion."

I hate to say it, but he had it coming. At least he died doing what he love. Why, if I were to die doing what I love, I'd be on a bed. There would be 3-4 ladies around me, lots of alcohol bottles...you get my picture.

Mwa hahahhahahah
he was at a cafe-- no one noticed that he was playing for days on end? and I'm not understanding the exhaustion either, do these guys not eat or drink?
Yeah I don't really understand how you can die of exhaustion from gaming. Wouldn't your body take care of itself by basically forcing you to fall asleep? I'm sure that, like myself, you guys have tried to stay awake for long periods of time but after awhile you just crash and sleep. Unless he was taking lots of drugs (stimulants like caffeine or something stronger).
Wow, now that's hardcore. But seriously I can't play for more than 2 hours straight anymore without taking a 30 minute break.
bread's done