Another "recommend me some GC games" thread


I just purchased a GC about a month and a half ago, and so far have been very very happy with it. I just beat RE4, and have a stack of a few games waiting to be played: Metroid Prime, Mario Kart DD, Animal Crossing (only played for a few minutes). I also bought and finished Paper Mario. I've searched through Gamespot, IGN, and Nintendo's site trying to find what the best games are that are exclusive to GC and am having difficulty. I basically play every type of game, but enjoy action and RPGs the most.

Seeing that I'm just starting out with my GC what do you think should be the next few games that I really have to play? Games that really showcase what a GC is capable of?

Thanks :)
Well, Metroid and RE4 are definitely the showcases for graphics quality. If you really want to show what the GC can do, pick up Zelda Four Swords and four GBAs. No other gaming system lets you do a micro-LAN like that. Pac Man Vs is another great application of that technology which requires only one GBA.
I second the Resident Evil series...while saying that Resident Evil 4 may be the best game of the past few years IMHO. Metroid Prime 2 is stellar. Beyond those, although not exclusive, I preferred the GCN version of the Prince of Persias. Also check out Takes of Symphonia and Baten Kaitos. 2 great RPGs. And despite the naysayers, you gotta play Wind Waker, the latest Legend of Zelda. A must play for any fan of Nintendo.
Skies of Arcadia: Legends and Tales of Symphonia are the obvious RPG choices. Wind Waker is the obvious adventure choice (get one or both of the bonus discs if you like the old school stuff), and Eternal Darkness is a decent (and cheap) dark adventure. Ikaruga frequently gets high marks as a 2D shooter, and Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader is good/cheap Star Wars flight sim.
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Donkey Konga
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
F-Zero GX (hard but fun)
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
Ikaruga (hard but fun)
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime II: Echoes
Pac Man Vs.
Pikmin 2
Resident Evil
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Soul Calibur II (it has Link :D )
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Tales of Symphonia
Viewtiful Joe
WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Games
Wave Race: Blue Storm
Zelda (WW and FSA + both collectors discs)

And that's just a list of what's out. An upcoming games must-haves is just as long. (All the games you listed are also must-haves, but you already know that. :D )
Pikmin is pretty good as well as Wind Waker shouldnt be missed.

Besides the above noted by everyone what are your playing habits?

Do you tend to play alone or with 1-3 friends?

I would say Smash Brothers is a great multiplayer game as well as the Mario Partys.

I would recomend 4 players for the Mario Parties but I myself found Smash Brothers just as fun with only 2 players against the PC.

Also Mario Tennis is pretty good with two players.

There will be plenty more games listed I bet.
MorPhiend, what do you have in mind? I'm not looking forward to any upcoming GC game, except Zelda. (I'm curious about Jungle Beat but won't buy bongos just to play it.)
Thanks everyone. I'll definitely check out Wind Waker, Rogue Squadron and Tales of Symphonia. Those should keep me busy for a while.
[quote name='seanw']MorPhiend, what do you have in mind? I'm not looking forward to any upcoming GC game, except Zelda. (I'm curious about Jungle Beat but won't buy bongos just to play it.)[/quote]

Advance Wars: Under Fire
Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
Donkey Konga 2
Donkey Konga 3 (not yet announced for the U.S.)
Fire Emblem
Giftpia (beautiful, creative game - hopefully it still makes it stateside - do yourself a favor and look it up)
Harvest Moon 2
Killer 7 (please keep this exclusive, Capcom... [-o< )
Legend of Zelda '05
Star Craft: Ghost (if it ever gets finished... :roll: )

and for you baseball fans out there:
Mario Baseball
Pennant Chase Baseball (Nintendo Sports is back?)

Anyway, that's just a quick rundown of a few options that are known so far. And I'm sure there will be more. :D
[quote name='Eric467']^ Killer 7. That's one I've been watching, looks very unique.[/quote]

That does look awesome. But have you read up on Geist, Giftpia and Odama? Those four (along with Zelda, making five) are must haves at release...

I also hope that Too Human still makes it out some day for either the GCN or Revolution (the trademark was re-registered this month: ). If you know nothing of this game, definitely look it up. It will be awesome (hopefully it stays with Nintendo -especially since they funded the project for so long- instead of jumping to Xbox2).
Try to get your hands on the NES/N64 Zelda bonus disk.
Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee is fun with four people, and Tales of Symphoina and Skies of Arcadia: Legends are great RPGs.
One great Gamecube game everone overlooks: Ultimate Muscule Legends vs New Generations.

It's an over-the-top wrestling game, if you like that kinda stuff.
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']One great Gamecube game everone overlooks: Ultimate Muscule Legends vs New Generations.

It's an over-the-top wrestling game, if you like that kinda stuff.[/quote]

Amen to that. I picked that game up a few weeks back, and I love it. It is definitely over-the-top though, and on SPEEEEED. Jeez, once you get anywhere near decent at that game, it just flies.
bread's done