Another weird ebay story ... Updated!


35 (100%)
Okay, here's one that may even be more messed up than my last post about the crazy woman.

So a few weeks ago I sell a sealed copy of Viewtiful Joe. It went very smooth since the guy paid right away through Paypal. A day or two after he paid, I sent him his package and got DC.

Well a few days ago, I get the package back in the mail. It has a stamp on the front that says there was no mail receptacle.

But upon further inspection, I noticed the bottom of the packaged had been carefully opened and taped back up.

I decided to take the game out of the package to make sure it was VJ. For some reason, someone took off the sticker with the price of $29.99 on the game.

Plus, whoever I sent the package to put on a pre-made address sticker on it with their address and it also has their website on it, which is an anti-Bush site and called Progressive Resources Catalog.

I checked the DC and it shows that it was delivered fine.

I'm really confused as to what the hell is going on with this thing. I emailed him back, but haven't gotten a reply.

I may end up refunding his money after a while if he never gets back to me, but like I said before, this is just really strange.

I've included a pic of the package.

Man...that is seriously strange. Perhaps the guy is just buying random stuff on eBay and sending it back with his premade sticker and website to promote it. Probably someone with a lot of time and money to blow. Who knows
That sucks. Hopefully the guy got his game and someone in his family just mailed it back or someone just decided to f'k with the package.
Is the VJ still sealed? No mail receptacle... is it illegal for the postman to leave it on the person's doorstep?
[quote name='ykryptonite13']Is the VJ still sealed? No mail receptacle... is it illegal for the postman to leave it on the person's doorstep?[/quote]

Yeah, the VJ is still sealed and everything, but for some reason, they took off the sticker on the cover.



This is just damn strange!
that is crazy,but he might just want you to go to his website or something and that is how he promoted it. either way,you sent it to him and if he doesn't respond,i would say to keep the game as well as the money. but that is just my opinion.
The only thing I can think of is that they bought the game for someone as a gift (which is why they took the price sticker off), but the recipient already had the game or didn't want it. Expect them to do the 'I never received it' thing within the next week or two.
[quote name='Drocket']The only thing I can think of is that they bought the game for someone as a gift (which is why they took the price sticker off), but the recipient already had the game or didn't want it. Expect them to do the 'I never received it' thing within the next week or two.[/quote]

Well, I have the DC to confirm they received it, so that won't float.
Okay, I did a little bit of detective work on their website and have found that this so-called Andrew is supposedly their son.

Here's some excerpts from their site.

Our kids are doing well; Andrew (b.1982) was a peer mediator in high school, teaching nonviolent conflict resolution skills to other students. He will graduate from Oberlin College in 2004 where he majored in geology. Cal (b.1984) was also a mediator and like his brother involved in diversity work in school as well as the YouthPeace campaign. He's also at Oberlin studying art and Spanish. Zoe (b.1990) is a strong and powerful girl, able to be as feminine or as butch as she wants, creating her own version of what a girl should be. They are a continual joy and inspiration, as are their friends and their whole generation.
I know this might not really matter but how much did you sell that game to them for?
Maybe they just hate CC =P . Buys all CC games to rip the tags off then send them back hehe.

Oh wait I take it back, I just noticed something, notice the price tag looks somewhat different on both pictures, the before pic looks like there are 2 price tags, the bottom one doesnt show any "residue" (dont know what other word to use...) of the price tag that was on the bottom.
Maybe he didn't want the game but wanted to refund it to CC for their money back but they ripped their price tag already so they switched it with yours so they can return it :D

Well... its a thought...
Are you sure that that's the same copy of the game? The placement of the price sticker looks a little bit different (maybe due to the different sizes of the photos, though).
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Well, I have the DC to confirm they received it, so that won't float.[/quote]
I didn't claim that they were bright :p
Last fall I sold a brand new and sealed copy of Tony Hawk's Underground on A couple of weeks later I got the same package back with something like "delivery denied" written on it. I opened the package up and instead of THUG there was a copy of Devil May Cry.

Apparently the person I sold it to opened it, put DMC in the package, and then had it sent back to me because I emailed them several times, and did everything I could to figure out what was going on but I never head from them again. So I made $45 off ot THUG and another $10 off of DMC. heh
:twisted: You as an ebay seller are obviously some sort of republican bush lover. The package was opened to deposit a small amount of anthrax, the sticker was removed to ensure your continued exposure to the anthrax. Upon your impending doom the original buyer will infiltrate your home sell your belongings and use the procedes to help fund the election fund of John Kerry. God bless America. :twisted:
Okay, I got an email back from the guy today and this is what he said.


Hello, I think this problem occured because someone attempted to forward the item to my new address. I am not sure if I can recieve mail at my new address. I had the item sent to my parents house, and I was planing on getting it there. Could you send it to this address. Sorry about this, I appreciate your help. Thanks adonnellycolt

So I guess it wasn't as weird as I would have liked. Honestly, I was kinda hoping they'd never get back to me, and I could keep the game. Oh well.
be careful, I had a somewhat similar deal, sans all the weird sticker removal, where an item was returned and the guy said oh that went to my ex-wife please send it to this new address and then a few months later the charge to his credit card came back as fraudulent.
[quote name='anthonyi']be careful, I had a somewhat similar deal, sans all the weird sticker removal, where an item was returned and the guy said oh that went to my ex-wife please send it to this new address and then a few months later the charge to his credit card came back as fraudulent.[/quote]

Yeah, shipping to any address other than the confirmed address can lead to chargebacks. So I would also suggest to be careful because it could be a scam for a chargeback.
I definately have to wonder why the price sticker was removed. I definately agree with the other posts, I only ship to a verified address for that reason.
His nosy parents opened the package to see what he had gotten. But it's hard to determine why they removed the price sticker. Maybe they just tried to do so as a favor for their son, thinking that it might 'look better' without the price sticker.. or maybe they just did it by habit from buying so many gifts for people and removing price tags immediately. Hell, I don't know. Weird parents.

I just know they were nosy and opened his package, for whatever reason removed the price tag, and closed it. They re-sealed it and tried to send it to the guy's new address, where he was unable to receive mail, causing the postal service to send it to the return address.
Wow, I thought I dealt with some real strange birds on EBay, but I'm with everyone else. WTF?
bread's done