any chance of dropping the ASS in the url?


Here it comes, I know I am going to get slammed. It is just that I like to check this site out at work and the this url is not really politically correct. I realize defender created a sort of mirror site with the thing, but it still takes you back here. I had to ask. It sure would make google and target happy :wink:

CheapGamer says it all too. :roll:
It's relatively easy to make the vgdeals domain a complete alias - make the two completely equivalent. I'm sure you guys can figure it out (or not, if your hosting company sux0rs). doesn't seem to be taken...that would be a better site name as it accurately describes what we're all about and it isn't offensive in the least.
Where do you work were you can't say ASS? A kindergarten? I work for a very socially conservative govenment contractor that has strict online guidelines regarding where you go and ASS has not been an issue ever. This is in an atmosphere where people have been fired over the content of their online surfing. So I think you might be a little paranoid. You should worry more about the content of the avatars then the URL.
can't please everyone

so I say people that cant deal with a simple "unoffensive" word that even children can say should deal with it or find somewhere with a more "politically correct" focus
Look, the same deals can be found on fatwallet, and a myriad of other sites. I like cheapassgamer because it sets the tone for the true heart and soul of the site... the community. You can look and find equivalant deals multiple other places... but you won't find this community anywhere else.
actually a good idea. a few friends can't surf this site because the domain is NSFW. not a bad suggestion.
It still downloads everything from so any log files would still include the CAG name.

My college bans every damn thing.. it's rediculous. I can't even visit newgrounds anymore. :?
[quote name='CheapyD']Forgive my ignorance, but if one uses doesn't that mask the cag domain name?[/quote]

unfortunately not. If we could get the vgdeals to really mask the url it would be great. It could even be used as an alternative for advertising on google, etc.
I think is the best site especially when you tell people I like to go to people remember this name because it's edgy and makes some people giggle or others mad. The first time that I heard about it was from a magazine, I forget which one but the name stuck and others didn't. So to CheapyD keep the ASS I like it. (nothing gay I just like ASS).
Cheapy shouldn't change the name of the site just cause some people can't surf at work or school. If you can't view the site at those places then too bad - go home and view it there.
its not really necessary. how come people can't handle ass? its not blocked out on the radio, it really just means a donkey (though not in this context - :p) but still. its really mild and everything, too bad target can't handle it (or walmart or nething for that matter).

but if it was like, then i'd understand. but its not! so no don't change the name, its who we are. cheap asses. :)
Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue and will blow your mind.

I'll say no more until then. :whistle2:#
[quote name='CheapyD']Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue.

I'll say no more until then. :whistle2:#[/quote]

He's either changing the name or he sold the site to someone who doesn't like the name and wants it changed. If the latter I will be disappointed.
[quote name='JSweeney']Look, the same deals can be found on fatwallet, and a myriad of other sites. I like cheapassgamer because it sets the tone for the true heart and soul of the site... the community. You can look and find equivalant deals multiple other places... but you won't find this community anywhere else.[/quote]

I feel ya 100% dawg!
[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='CheapyD']Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue.

I'll say no more until then. :whistle2:#[/quote]

He's either changing the name or he sold the site to someone who doesn't like the name and wants it changed. If the latter I will be disappointed.[/quote]

...*is scared* :shock:
nooooo... don't sell cheapassgamer!! defy all those pesky affiliates, who needs target and walmart anyways, walmart's deals suck and all of target's are in-store. p-please.. dont sell cheapassgamer.. :(

That's got to be it!


Regardless of the site name, I will always and forever be a Cheapass...

EDIT: Even if the site VGDeals is renamed VaGina Deals :shock:
[quote name='CheapyD']You two are both wrong.[/quote]

I know, I just wanted to start yelling about cans and looking at cans without looking like a complete lunatic.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='CheapyD']You two are both wrong.[/quote]

I know, I just wanted to start yelling about cans and looking at cans without looking like a complete lunatic.[/quote]

You still ended up looking like a lunatic. Maybe not a complete one, but pretty damn close.
[quote name='CheapyD']Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue and will blow your mind.

At the insistance of Neko Hime, Cheapassgamer becomes Cuteassgamer in an effort to embarrass CheapyD.

That would blow my mind clear away.
[quote name='st0neface'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='CheapyD']You two are both wrong.[/quote]

I know, I just wanted to start yelling about cans and looking at cans without looking like a complete lunatic.[/quote]

You still ended up looking like a lunatic. Maybe not a complete one, but pretty damn close.[/quote]

I blame the moon.


(I'd be willing to assume that that joke is going to just go over a few more peoples heads..)
I think people spout "politically correct" at anything. Even the tightest ass conservative probably never gets their panties in a bunch over something like cheap ass gamer. You got too much time on your hands.
Uhm maybe he is going to get married on the site, in a forum. With a link to a cam to see...or something.

Nah, it's probably a change in the name from to the great my new favorite site.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']Uhm maybe he is going to get married on the site, in a forum. With a link to a cam to see...or something.

Nah, it's probably a change in the name from to the great my new favorite site.[/quote]

I didn't know yo momma had a site...

just kidding.. all in good jest there heh
Heres a better idea, we can change the site to "". I'm sure this site would be more popular....NOT.... Or how about "" That could work too.

I don't think we should change it at all, I'm used to typing, I don't wanna change my typing skills.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='st0neface'][quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='CheapyD']You two are both wrong.[/quote]

I know, I just wanted to start yelling about cans and looking at cans without looking like a complete lunatic.[/quote]

You still ended up looking like a lunatic. Maybe not a complete one, but pretty damn close.[/quote]

I blame the moon.


(I'd be willing to assume that that joke is going to just go over a few more peoples heads..)[/quote]

I actually believe it's "cos it is close to us!" those crazy Brits and their strange language.

EDIT: for anyone who cares it's actually coz
[quote name='daphatty']Good guess. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound positive. At least not in the context CheapyD implied... :whistle2:k[/quote]

It is not postive, but perhaps something positive can come from it.
I sure seem to be doing a lot of talking about considering I said earlier I wouldn't.
my accounting firm blocks this site also
it took them 3 weeks to figure to block it
but think of the countless deals i and people like me have missed when you work 9-5 and the good deals pop up in the early morning.
mirror sites and other cheap ones won't work either since anything for recreational use and anything "fun" will get blocked at most large companies with the exception of big name sites such as
my work even blocks and
[quote name='CheapyD']It is not postive, but perhaps something positive can come from it.
I sure seem to be doing a lot of talking about considering I said earlier I wouldn't.[/quote]

Uh oh...

Well then...since it's not positive, let's all speculate wildly and protest!
[quote name='CheapyD']Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue and will blow your mind.

I'll say no more until then. :whistle2:#[/quote]

hmm not positive?
would be beneficial and probably the next intelligent move for cheapy to make a move based on money. with the influx of new CAG's a popular and often visited site could make him a cheapassmillionare. The new rise of the dot.coms
go public cheapy go public let some of the regulars get in on the IPOs
i back whatever move you make dont make the subscription fee too high though i will be there either way though
my guess is subscription site.

someone has to pay for bandwidth, programming, etc. - affiliate links rarely work because most people shop with their own codes. and donations always dry up. I admit I haven't donated in awhile, too busy looking for deals, but that doesn't pay the bills. maybe this is part of the masterplan. it'll work if the monthly/annual fee is lowwwwwwwwww. the target market is what it is. but just because we're all cheapass doesn't mean we're broke-ass.

pure speculation. but if bills aren't getting paid, we all suffer. my hosting/server bills run into thousands of dollars so I can feel for CheapyD.

maybe cheapyd should pull a "william hung" ( and get on American Idol w/ a CAG tshirt. drive a lot of traffic here.


"she bangs"

good luck CheapyD.

maybe you'll try pop-up ads, banners, etc first.
[quote name='Mr. Rhee']my guess is subscription site.

someone has to pay for bandwidth, programming, etc. - affiliate links rarely work because most people shop with their own codes. and donations always dry up. I admit I haven't donated in awhile, too busy looking for deals, but that doesn't pay the bills. maybe this is part of the masterplan. it'll work if the monthly/annual fee is lowwwwwwwwww. the target market is what it is. but just because we're all cheapass doesn't mean we're broke-ass.

pure speculation. but if bills aren't getting paid, we all suffer. my hosting/server bills run into thousands of dollars so I can feel for CheapyD.

maybe cheapyd should pull a "william hung" ( and get on American Idol w/ a CAG tshirt. drive a lot of traffic here.


"she bangs"

good luck CheapyD.

maybe you'll try pop-up ads, banners, etc first.

Personally, I'd much rather deal with the ads than a subscription fee...I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm unemployed and usually broke. If the site begins charging, I'll just have to leave it... :cry:
I don't think cheapy will start charging (I hope not), but I do think that selling the site or partnering up with some company is very possible.
[quote name='CheapyD']Wait until you guys hear the announcement I make next week.
It's related to this issue and will blow your mind.

I'll say no more until then. :whistle2:#[/quote]

Tease :evil:
bread's done