Any deals on PC gamepads?

Gothic Walrus

6 (100%)
Believe it or not, there actually are a few of us who use the things. And my old one only has six buttons total on it, so it's definitely time for an upgrade.

Any deals on...well, any pads would work. I'd like to find one that can handle ports of console games; since most of the ones on the market seem to be modeled after the PS2 controller, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.
I've tried both the old Microsoft Sidewinder and the Thrustmaster Firestorm (modeled after the PS2 dual shock) game pads, and I've been disappointed by both. The Sidewinder obviously doesn't have enough buttons for most games, but the Firestorm (with the same 10-12 button, thumbpads, etc. as the PS2 dual shock) still doesn't have nearly enough buttons for the PC games I've tried to play.

I think the most programmers purposefully simply their games to fit console controllers, but they don't have to do that with a mouse and keyboard. Assuming you'll be using these on PC, they often give you a lot more control options than console players have.
if you have a ps2 controller, go to your local radioshack and buy the ps2 to PC usb converter, and it will work like magic.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Believe it or not, there actually are a few of us who use the things. And my old one only has six buttons total on it, so it's definitely time for an upgrade.

Any deals on...well, any pads would work. I'd like to find one that can handle ports of console games; since most of the ones on the market seem to be modeled after the PS2 controller, that shouldn't be too much of an issue.[/quote]

mine is the logitech 2 rumble pad. ill sell it to you for very Cheap!!. are u interested?
I would get the 360 wireless controller for Windows, I bought one for $33 from amazon and it includes the 360 controller + wireless adapter. The wireless adapter will accomodate any 360 accessory (pretty sure about that) and a lot of games will support the 360 controller right out the gate(Bioshock comes to mind), I think it's a requirement of a "Games for Windows" branded game.

Looks like it's no longer cheap, but I would keep an eye out for this.
Look around thrift stores or GS's used bin for an Xbox 1 pad and splice a spare USB cable onto it (it's really easy; the wires are even the same color). Solder it if you want it to be sturdy, but it's not required. Then install the XBCD drivers (google it). It will be cheap and it will be the best damn PC gamepad you can buy.
Also, if you can find an original Xbox controller, those work on PC. You can make your own Xbox->USB cable or buy one.

I like the Saitek controllers. They're priced right and work well.

I got the Saitek P220, and that works well for arcade fighters. Has a nice D-pad and 6 button layout + shoulder. Fry's/Outpost has it for $9.99.

There's also the P990, which is like the P220 same pad + 2 analog like the PS2. Also retains the 6 button layout + shoulder. $19.99. I think Circuit City also carries this model.

There's also more models which add rumble + wireless.
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