Any ghost encounters/stories here?


22 (100%)
Just wondering if any CAGs have had a brush with the supernatural. Doesn't have to be mindblowing or anything, just any strange occurances.

Here is mine:

Growing up in Montana, I lived in this huge old house that was once a hostel for mine workers. It was big, old and a little creepy, but a cool place to live. Anyways, there were many times when I would see something out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned to look nothing was there; to me, what I saw looked like an old lady with a little cat sitting at her feet. I saw this 'lady' many times as I was growing up- I never felt scared or threatened or anything like that. Just a weird feeling that I was being watched. And as I said earlier, I would see her only out of the corner of my eye. She was never just standing there when I turned to look. I just kept these little 'sightings' to myself.

When I was sixteen we sold the house and moved into a newer place in the ski country. I was helping my mom and dad pack up one day and, for the first time, I decided to ask my mom if she had ever seen or felt anything "strange" in the house. Without a moments hesitation she said, "Do you mean like the old lady with the dog?" Now THAT freaked me out. It turned out that both of my parents had seen her, or thought they had, many times while we were living there. My sister, too. Coincidence? I don't know about that. Strange? Most DEFINITELY...
eh i always think i see something in the corner of me eye. i usually see a swamp monster thingie
[quote name='Graystone']I always think I am seeing stuff but I am very sure it is something reasonable and then I blow it out of proportion.[/quote]
Yeah, but this is different. ALL of us thinking we are seeing the same old lady with her pet? My entire family thought that they had seen her... it is especially strange that everyone also saw the little animal sitting at her feet. I thought it was a cat, my mom thought it was a dog, but it was just so weird...
Whenever I go into my room my closet is ALWAYS open. No matter if I leave for a day or for a few hours. One time I remember closing it and leaving my room. As I was going down the steps, I hear my closet coming open again. I went back to my room and sure enough, the closet was open. I took a day once, and looked all through my closet to see if anything is in it that someone is trying to get me to get, but I couldnt find anything out of the ordinary. The entrance to the attic is in my room though, so I'm kinda freaked out when my parents tell me to go to the attic to get something. It just has a sinister, someones-watching me kinda feeling!

And then there is all of those times when I'll just hear noises and see something out of the corner of my eye or something. Strangly enough, I only see those things when I am playing a game called Fatal Frame II... :wink:
My now roommate had an incident a few years ago when we lived in the dorms. He woke up one day and thought he saw a black figure hovering over him, he couldn't breath apparently and he claims that it felt like it was strangling him. Needless to say after that I found myself terrorizing him about "the ghost" we even downloaded ghost noises on a friends computer and played them throughout the room. Then there were plans to sneak into his room and attack him wearing a dark sheet so he'd think it was the ghost, but for some reason that never happened. We joke about the ghost now, but at the time, and still to this day he insists he saw it. The only strange thing is one night the girls that lived across the hall came screaming out of their room claiming to have both seen this ghost at the same time... I thought it was a joke but one of them was so visibly shaken she was nearly crying, so I dunno about that one. As for me, I was the one person who really wanted to see the ghost, but never got to.
No, I can't say I've had any supernatural incidents. I can tell you, though, that I've imagined a lot of them and scared the shit outta myself.
my aunt had a dream that she was being attacked by alot of cats and woke up with claw marks all over her, and they didnt have a cat.

another time, her son called her into her room and was like... "tell christoper (his baby brother) to stop looking at me." his baby brother was sleeping in their parents room that night and from what my cousin says, he saw a baby sitting on the bed staring at him.

my cousins granddad was real sick and he could no longer talk b/c of throat cancer or something. He had one of those fog horn type things next to his bed incase he ever needed something and his wife could come and help. His wife told him that if he died, she wanted him to try and contact her. He died, and that night, or a couple of nights later, the fog horn next to the bled went off.

the land that we're building our house on is in a neighborhood that is supposedly a civil war battleground. Alot of people who live in that neighborhood say they've seen things. Theres a little stream or something that goes through part of the neighborhood, and they think that during the war disease or something may have been carried by it.

One woman that lives in that neighborhood says she woke up and this little girl was laying in the bed next to her covered with bumps, and she kept yelling "get these bumps off of me!" ....that would fvckin scare the shit out of me.

These other people were talkin about how they would see their son outside talking to himself or something, and he'd come inside and be like "that guy's nice."; and his parents would be like... what guy? and he'd say something like.. "that soldier i was talkin to"

so from the things i've heard it should be interesting living in that neighborhood....
well i had a dream i was playing volleyball naked with a bunch of hot chicks that were naked as well.......that was the only cool thing

one day i woke up and started sleepwalking once i woke up i was in the kitchen looking out the big window in their(in my old house) and i saw edward scissorhands making an ice figure, and then he startred chasing me. i looked out the window in my room and he still was chasing me, it was so real and scary, because it was real and i was bleeding all over from falling on things

ive had insomnia ever since(i was 11 when this happened)

The house I lived in for a few years (When I was 12-16, I'm turning 17 now..) was a pretty creepy place. I remember waking up one night to see some black thing dashing around my room. It actually looked like it was crawling on the walls/roof at a very fast pace. My room was basically pitch black, so I couldn't make it out, but I could clearly see something. I started screaming my lungs out for my brother to turn the lights on, by the time he woke up and turned the light on, it was gone.

In the same bedroom, I would wake up sometimes with 3-4 scratch marks on my stomach and perfect incision-like cuts on each of my thumbs. This actually happened a few times.

Also, I remember going through the attic when I found a handprint on the outside of the window which was 3 stories up. I still remember exactly how it looked to this day. Fairly skinny, with long slender fingers. It made me immediately think of a skeletons hand. NO, I am not joking. :shock:

Both me and my brother clearly heard walking on the attic steps at around 4:30 AM while it was still dark. The attic definitely gave me the willies. I hated going up there.

Yet again, at about 4:30 AM, me and a few other family members woke up to see the hall lights (which is right by the attic) shining through the bottom of our closed doors. I remember hearing someone walking and seeing the shadows cross through the light that was shining through the bottom of my door. Later, we found that the downstairs lights were left on, but I distinctlely remembered turning them off, as I was the last person to go to bed. All of my family said they saw/heard the same thing, and denied it being them. Mind you, my family is not the type to lie about that sort of thing.

Possibly a break-in? Doubt it. The doors were all still locked and nothing was damaged or stolen.

Whenever I go into my room my closet is ALWAYS open.

The same thing happens to me in my current house, although I've switched bedrooms, so I haven't seen it in my current bedroom... yet.. I'd close my closet and bedroom door every night, but every morning my closet door would be wide open. This place sorta freaks me out sometimes, because everyone says it's near (or possibly built on) indian burial grounds and it also has a graveyard nearby. I know one guy who said he was walking home one night when he saw someone standing near the woods that was completely white, literally the color of snow, just standing there and staring at him. He ran his ass off. Once again, he is not the type of person to lie about this sort of thing, and would have no reason to.

I'm totally convinced that spooks, evil spirits, demons, and other not-so-nice things do exist and are actually alot more common than most people would think.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']My now roommate had an incident a few years ago when we lived in the dorms. He woke up one day and thought he saw a black figure hovering over him, he couldn't breath apparently and he claims that it felt like it was strangling him. Needless to say after that I found myself terrorizing him about "the ghost" we even downloaded ghost noises on a friends computer and played them throughout the room. Then there were plans to sneak into his room and attack him wearing a dark sheet so he'd think it was the ghost, but for some reason that never happened. We joke about the ghost now, but at the time, and still to this day he insists he saw it. The only strange thing is one night the girls that lived across the hall came screaming out of their room claiming to have both seen this ghost at the same time... I thought it was a joke but one of them was so visibly shaken she was nearly crying, so I dunno about that one. As for me, I was the one person who really wanted to see the ghost, but never got to.[/quote]

In college eh? Cocaine's a hell of a drug...
[quote name='Drico']Sure.[/quote]

My parents, before becoming divorced, lived in Hermitage, TN, which was a battlefield or something back in the day.. my dad woke up one night and saw a dog by his bed.. he got out of bed, the dog took off, he chased it, it jumped through a door and disappeared..

There's a battlefield around here as well, and quite a few people have claimed to have seen things, but I've never personally seen things.

My best friend said at her old house, a kid used to run up and down the stairs along with her dog.. then run in her room.. and back out..

I do believe in ghosts, and signs, but I haven't personally experienced one.
Hey BigLeb,

What part of Montana are you from?

Personally, I'm a Big Timber/Billings boy. And there are definately a lot of ghosts up in those mountains and plains. Living so close to Custer's last stand helps a bit too.

Still, strongest spirit energies I've ever felt were out on Wounded Knee or on the battlefield of Colluden. Maybe it's the knowledge that my ancestors fought and died there that contributes, but hard for me to go near those places. Shadows out of the corner of my eyes, and this deep sense of sadness that permeates everything.
Alright, I'm part japanese. My great grandmother was a church figure in the Japanese church. Anyways, I've heard tons of stories from my relatives especially my grandma of how she was psychic. Once my ggrandmother was visiting a mourning wife and saw blood run down the walls. She asked the wife what her husband did and turns out he was a butcher. She could feel the presence of spirits and even knew where people had died. So while walking through my grandmas house my ggrandmother would say "No wonder little keiko is scared (my aunt), someone died in this room". All the stories are so freaky. And according to my grandma I'm supposed to be psychic because my great grand mother died the day before I was born. I'm supposed to be her reincarnation, which is really freaky. I used to see weird things like you all mentioned like something out of the corner of my eye and such. Especially at night whenever I flush the toilet at night I used to see someone in the shower out of the corner of my eye. To this day I never flush the toilet at night, no matter how much my family bitches about it, heh. These are good stories, keep them coming. Also, when I was little and just moved into the house I am currently in, my mom decided to get a priest to exorcise the house because doors were closing at random and stuff. Creepy.
Also went to school at Marlboro College up in Vermont. Really old converted farm out in the hills, with plently of happenings. In my four years, I know of 3 kids who left they were so spooked out.

Apparently in the classroom building, a girl whose family farm the college used to be hung herself in the 1800s (one of those lost love things). And now students see her all the time wandering around or crouching and moaning.

Never saw her myself, but the entire campus at night can have this Silent Hill-ish, not part of reality, feeling to it.
At my old house me and my brother would sleep in the basement and my parents bedroom were directly over us. And many times we would hear what sound like scratching on the ceiling and the first time it happened my mom said " what are you scratching against the walls at night." So i know me and my brother aren't crazy. every once in a while it would sound like metal hitting another peice of metal. it was SCARY. Also sometimes when i was watching TV out of the right corner of my eye i would see a man walk across the hall or down the stairs. My brother would also see this sometimes too.
[quote name='OiBoy']Hey BigLeb,

What part of Montana are you from?

Personally, I'm a Big Timber/Billings boy. And there are definately a lot of ghosts up in those mountains and plains. Living so close to Custer's last stand helps a bit too.

Still, strongest spirit energies I've ever felt were out on Wounded Knee or on the battlefield of Colluden. Maybe it's the knowledge that my ancestors fought and died there that contributes, but hard for me to go near those places. Shadows out of the corner of my eyes, and this deep sense of sadness that permeates everything.[/quote]

I'm a Bozeman/Big Sky fellow by birth, spent some time in Anaconda, and eventually (after a run at Carnegie Mellon University) ended up in Missoula.

I have encountered energies in the mountains that made me not want to go any further, and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up on end. There are indeed weird forces afoot in the state of MT
Ah yes... A few months ago I was at my work, and in one of the backrooms. The staircase that goes down into the old-ass basement was right beside me. I heard someone scuffing their feet and I glanced over to the stairs and caught a glimpse of what looked like someone walking by wearing all white, possibly a dress. I figured it was just one of my co-workers, until I walked back out front and saw that everyone was upstairs with me, doing their jobs. I haven't gone done in that basement since then.

For the record, all this has taken place in Bangor, Maine. :)
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