Any Interest In A Fifa League/Team?

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Chris Dillon

26 (100%)
Here in a few weeks were going to get this years FIFA which if you havent followed the info, is going to be epic. Just trying to see if there is any interest let me know. I'm thinking a champions league type league so anybody is available to you or an international world cup type league.

If we do world cup type thing-Argentina
Club Competition-Arsenal

Well work out the details as we go.

Also, is there any interest in creating a team? I would love to get the achievement for playing with 20 people but just gauging interest.
We had a league last year and there were no more then 10 people and it stopped after 5-6 games. I was thinking that maybe a tournament would be better suited since there is minimal interest on the cag boards for FIFA.
good to know, well we shall see what happens. if not, maybe we can find some people to play some games against from here at least.
My European friends tell me its very good. I can't wait.

I have it pre-ordered so I'll post when I'm ready for competition :0

The bad thing about my club spending an obscene amount of money this past summer is that its no longer "cool" to use them on Fifa.
my team is Real Madrid, plain and simple :D and no I'm not a bandwagon fan!

I suggest doing a "Champions League" style league, having 8-10 teams is fine.
I am in....I am Arsenal all the way! And technically, we don't have to all be different teams....I play against people online all the time who play against me with Arsenal, but they have no idea how to use them and get destroyed. As far as Madrid goes, as long as you play football and not run as fast as possible up the middle with Ronaldo, then you are okay in my book.
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