Any legal help? Underage possession.

You got real lucky then.

Most judges would've taken the officer's word that he identified the "evidence" as beer, and slapped you with a guilty just for being a wise-ass punk wanting the officer to have not only held onto the alcohol but brought it to court.

Hope you found God today.
[quote name='Moses144']You're right, I should've put it in the truck.

I went to court today, actually, dressed up real fancy-like, clothes for judgment. They offered me a plea bargain, told 'em that I don't negotiate with terrorists.

Then I made quick with "where's the other officer? I've some questions for him." They informed me that he was unavailable, and I proceeded to testify the truth (note: you can't handle the truth).

I told them that I did not know the alcohol was there, that it wasn't me, noting that I'd only seen it for a moment when I handed to the officer, and that I was unsure whether or not it was even an alcoholic beverage. "Could I see the evidence, please, sir?"

Fortunately, evidence was disposed. "Innocent until proven guilty, sir?"

They let me go free.

Thank you all for your advice on learning my lesson and being responsible, taking it in the ass from the government; it's been a real eye-opener. You're all very wise, gentleman and scholars, fascists too.

(Javeryh and some others, you were actually helpful- thanks for going out of your way)!

Note: what really bothered me, and why I mentioned profiling, is that the officer asked whether or not I had "any dope." I don't believe they would have asked an older gentleman or gentlewoman, or others this.[/quote]
Dude. I felt bad for you before, thinking that y'know, bad stuff happens to good people...

But you're an asshole. "I don't negotiate with terrorists"? Seriously? They're just people doing their job, trying to keep streets safe. You were in violation of the law and they cited you.

Wow you're an ass.

Ah well, best of luck in the future and all that. I'm hoping that was some hyperbole and chest-thumping, because there's no need to be a jerk. Drive safe from now on, and try life without that chip on your shoulder.
I can't believe some of your advise people.

Listen dude, this is a serious matter. Go to a lawyer, if you can't afford a good lawyer, try to find a pro-bono lawyer, if still no luck, go to a law school near you and talk to the dean to see if one of their CLI would represent you.

But you must get representation, even if you have to borrow and beg for money, this is your future you're talking about. there is nothing "manly" about going to jail, or a smudge on your record, unless you plan on becoming a gangsa rapper.

The least an attorney can gets you is the pretense that you're taking the matter seriously. plus an attorney may help you get the case dismissed on a technicality.

Good luck on you court man.
So this whole thread was fabricated, knowing you'd get lots of flames so you can post a fake "I beat the law" story. (No I don't buy a word of it.) Fantastic. Either way you are an impressive asshole. Congratulations! This coming from someone who attempts to NEVER post a disparaging comment. But you sir, have convinced me it's necessary this one time.
[quote name='Viva Las Vegas']Actually, don't ask CAG for legal advice. You should post this on Gamefaqs.[/QUOTE]

There have been some good ones, but this quote is WIN! I laughed so damned hard
bread's done