Any real reason to own a PS3 when I already have a 360?


8 (100%)
Here is my situation.. I currently own a 360 (original 20 GB model) and a Wii. I am planning on selling my Wii since it serves no real purpose for me. Most games seem to be too kiddish for me. I was thinking about getting a PS3 but for the main reasons of Blu-Ray and Backwards Compatibility. Unfortunately I've heard the newer 80 GB (and upcoming 160 GB) will not play PS2 games at all so I would have to try and find a 60 GB used. If I already own a 360, is it worth buying a PS3 just for the Blu-Ray player or are there any good exclusive PS3 games coming out soon? I don't mind buying used but I am afraid that if I buy a 60 GB model, it will have no warranty and if it breaks I am out $400+. Any suggestions on where to find one of these and get a warranty on it?
Depends on what type of games you like. I decided when I got the PS3 over the 360 (although I do plan on getting a 360 at some point) that I preferred the exclusive titles for the system. The PS3 has at least 10 titles which are exclusive that I am bound to love. They are:

Metal Gear Solid 4
Uncharted Drake's Fortune
God of War III
Ratchet and Clank
Final Fantasy 13 Versus
Valkyria Chronicles - (SRPG scored a 35/40 from Famitsu)
Little Big Planet
Untitled Project from the Ico/Shadow of the Collosus Team
Heavy Rain

And although not a traditional game, Home has caught my eye as well.
if that's all you really want a PS3 for, might I suggest buying a cheaper blu-ray player, and a PS2... or maybe wait for a 360 blu-ray add-on?

imo, owning a 360 and a PS3 is somewhat redundant
How so?

If you're a RPG fan, you're kind of stuck buying a 360 considering the PS3 has been a near desert for those kind of games. And even with the concept of exclusives becoming a dinosaur, there still are many games that will only come out for one system. Good games. It seems more redundant to own a PS3, a PS2 and a PS (There are exceptions) rather than someone owning a 360 and a PS3.
No huge reason. Same thing vice versa as well. I had a PS3 and 360 and eventually came to realize there was no real reason for me to have both consoles since 99% of the games I wanted were on both systems. Eventually I sold my 360.
let me tell you a story about a boy who enjoyed his wii wii. This boy is crazy in love with his Wii wii. He would always hug and kiss his wii wii like there was no tomorrow. Until one fateful day he stumble upon a black shiny object. Not knowing what that object was he carefully set it up within his hdtv. Suddenly the little boy who enjoyed his wii wii ended up abandoning it to spend his what was an unknown black shiny object... THE PS3!!

Winter is coming soon invest into the PS3 for central heating =) good luck!
PS3's don't RROD. . . Just sayin. . . Also most of Cecil listed are damn good reasons for a PS3. More reasons?

Pixeljunk Monsters
Linger in shadows seems like it has potential to me
Rage At least I think it was Rage. I saw an interview for a game that was being released on both consoles, but the fact that blu-ray had more room meant better textures, I believe the 360 ones had to be compressed. Not a BIG deal, I just think you should get a PS3.

Also criterion started releasing blu-rays. That has no choice but to mean quality movie watching.
Hell yeah, its worth it to own a PS3. At this point in time, what can anyone say negative about the PS3 Most compliants are just people being picky, or just being fanboyish. Its a great system with a great set of games, and great online (which is free).
I'll give out my personal opinion.

Am I glad I own both a PS3 and 360? Yes, I like both platforms a lot. However, I understand not everyone is going to feel the same way, and here's why.

I'm not even going to put blu-ray into this consideration.
-If you like/have interests in some of the Sony first party games out now and about to come out soon, then definitely buy a PS3 (I don't feel like making a list).

-If you have some interests in some (although PS3 doesn't have a lot) of third party exclusives like Ridge Racer 7, MGS4, Disgaea 3, Valkyria Chronicles, Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm, etc., then maybe buy a PS3.

-If you have interests in downloading games on PSN (and there are many great downloads on PSN now and many more great stuff in the future IMO), then definitely buy a PS3.

Those things IMO are the main things to differentiate the PS3 from the 360 (I'm assuming you want to keep 360 as your main platform). If you have interests in 2 or more of the three categories I listed, you should be perfectly fine with your PS3. If you are only interests in one category or none at all, I'd be cautious on buying a PS3.

Personally, PS3 is my main console and it gets all my multi-platform games. Also, I just really like Sony's first party games, PSN downloads, and even have interests in some third party games I can't get elsewhere (although there may not be many, since developing on PS3 is very expensive and a risk for most devs). I love my PS3 a lot and absolutely happy with it, but I understand if someone is heavily 360 and doesn't really care for much or any of the things from the categories I mentioned, they will probably be disappointed.

PS3 and 360 are similar and it CAN be tough for most to justify owning both, but in my view, I can easily find both worth owning (although not everyone will feel the same way).

Playing blu-ray movies is ONLY a bonus for me. If you badly want to play PS2 games, just buy a PS2 (Sony would be happier if that's what you did, since when they sold a PS3 with PS2 BC in some way, they lost money, unlike how they gain money on every PS2 sold). It's cheaper and if it's what you want, just buy that. If a firmware update messes with a game's compatibility, you don't have to worry about a PS2 because its results will never change. If you ever want to play a PS2 game that supports an accessory, just much easier to do on PS2. When PS3 has more games that maybe interests you more down the road, you can switch the PS2 to a PS3.
As far as exlcusives go the 360 is much better so far, but the worm is likely to turn on that one. I own both and the only PS3 exclusive I own is MGS4, but the PS3 will eventually get Infamous, Little Big Planet, God of War 3, Ico 3, etc... I'd say for right now the 360 is still a better system, but a PS3 is a good investment for the future. Get a 60g or early build of an 80g if you can though for the backwards compatibility.
I own a 360, Wii and PS3 -- purchased in that order. I'm very, very glad I purchased a PS3, for many reasons. I haven't used my 360 in quite a while, I use my PS3 every day: not only for videogames, but for bluray, music, and video. I stream all TV shows through Hulu, I transcode downloaded video, stream music, etc. I've also decided, from here on out, to purchase all multiconsole games on PS3 because playing online with PS3 is free: I'm not going to subscribe to LIVE Gold anymore.

Get a PS3 and sell your 360... I'll probably sell my 360 soon.

It's super easy to install and set up, unlike TVersity. It also has all the videos from,, it's awesome. It was just released about a week ago, still in beta but completely bug free, they're adding higher resolution support really soon (480p and 720p -- it's currently 360p).
[quote name='Koggit']I own a 360, Wii and PS3 -- purchased in that order. I'm very, very glad I purchased a PS3, for many reasons. I haven't used my 360 in quite a while, I use my PS3 every day: not only for videogames, but for bluray, music, and video. I stream all TV shows through Hulu, I transcode downloaded video, stream music, etc. I've also decided, from here on out, to purchase all multiconsole games on PS3 because playing online with PS3 is free: I'm not going to subscribe to LIVE Gold anymore.

Get a PS3 and sell your 360... I'll probably sell my 360 soon.[/quote]Dang, they made a believer out of you.

Yeah, I love it for it's multimedia functions.
I use my PS3 all the time, even if it isn't for a new game to play.
I was in the same boat about 4 months ago and decided to go ahead and by a ps3. I was very lucky in finding an almost brand new 40 gb for 280 that came with a bunch of stuff ( 2 games 2 controllers and remote, gotta love criagslist). If you can find a Ps3 for a good deal online I would go ahead and buy it I think the failure rate is less than 1% and having a blueray player and being able to play MGS4 is well worth the money. And keap the 360 there are still some good exclusives coming out down the road.
[quote name='Koggit']PlayOn:

It's super easy to install and set up, unlike TVersity. It also has all the videos from,, it's awesome. It was just released about a week ago, still in beta but completely bug free, they're adding higher resolution support really soon (480p and 720p -- it's currently 360p).[/QUOTE]

Really they are adding hd support? Hell yea!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Really they are adding hd support? Hell yea![/QUOTE]

oh thank god, its rough living without cable.
I love my PS3 as a BR player and an upconverter (much better than the 360 in that regard). As for gaming: eh... MGS4 is good, and I don't even like stealth games. GT5P is great, there's just not much to it. VF5 is better on the PS3 (IMO). Tekken 5 DR is still one of the best games on the system. And, well, that's about it. Resistance is ok. Certainly not a system seller. Motorstorm, like so many PS3 games, was a let down. Siren BC actually looks pretty good, but as a 9 Gig download only for $40, um, I think I'll pass. Just ordered R&CF:ToD yesterday, so we'll see how that goes.

Short version: If you buy/watch/rent a lot of discs, it's very worth it, and there are enough games that it won't collect as much dust as the POS Wii. If you rarely watch discs though, no, not really. MGS4 is the only system seller to date IMO, and it is that good, but it's not exactly, um, normal...

Also, anyone who says sell your 360 is a fucking sony fanboy. That's really all there is to that. There are dozens of very good 360 exclusive games. PS3... not so much. I have around 120 360 games and about 10 PS3 ones. fuck, I have more than twice as many Wii games and I hate that fucking thing...
I'm most exciting about the upgrade in sound quality. I don't mind the 360p video, though Hulu's 480p stream has markedly better sound. But yeah, I emailed them a couple days and got this response:

High res support should be coming very shortly...


from a jeff{at}
Ok let me put down some of my thoughts. First and foremost you don't have to worry about RROD so for me most of the new multi-platform stuff I will ONLY buy on the PS3 lest the 360 version is clearly superior, see "Orange Box". Also it's nice to not have to worry about paying for what should be FREE multiplayer after a year or two(see Xbox 360).
You must also know that the PS3 can deliver vastly superior sound on games too compared to the 360 when devs. choose to do uncompressed audio. I can only imagine how great "Folklore" sounds in Lossless.
Also this isn't much more expensive then a standalone BR player, plus it will most likely load much faster.
Also and this is SPECULATION and let me make that clear, that the new Forza will have 2 discs because it can't fit on one dvd. If true, you're basically looking at a mandatory install to get full enjoyment out of that game on the 360. But I'm going further here. I think because of BR having ample space that can easily allow for better textures on games we may see you having to mandatory install the game if you want comparable graphics to the PS3. This won't be so much of an issue on linear product with companies who can afford or are willing to TOLERATE the royalty fee's of a 3rd or 4th dvd you have no problem. If not, you will have said installs for those games and one's for sandbox one's will absolutely be necessary because the multiple disc idea won't be possible.
If you have an Elite this won't be so much of an issue but it will be definite for the 20 giggers and perhaps even the 60 one's. If this happens, 20 gig. 360 owners are fucked.
Still Sony needs to clamp down on the 5 gig. install's now for the PS3 owners to make themselves look good.
Anyway I was also going to add the PSOne store could be great for you. Adding the Japanese store there's a good amount of product for you to check out and download.
Buying a ps3 for backwards compatibility is sort of weird, I mean OP you do actually want to play some of the current games right? Still it is a cheap blu-ray player so I guess that can't be ignored. Out of the exclusives out right now the absolute two that can't be ignored are Warhawk and Metal Gear solid 4, between just those two i've been happy with my purchase. Anything else is just icing on the cake.

But it already sounds like this is going to be your back up system of sorts since you can't automatically come up with a game you must have for it, thats fine too just keep it around as a movie player in the meantime. I've enjoyed my ps3 but it doesn't get as much playtime as the 360, still more then the Wii though ;)
[quote name='Thomas96']Hell yeah, its worth it to own a PS3. At this point in time, what can anyone say negative about the PS3 Most compliants are just people being picky, or just being fanboyish. Its a great system with a great set of games, and great online (which is free).[/quote]

How about the system is just a really heavy super computer, hey thats just like when the original xbox came out. Super graphics, but the game designers never fully utilize its capabilities. Horrible updates that copy the 360 and have a chance to brick your system. Free online on public servers that lag. No, I wouldn't really say the PS3 is that much better than a 360.

If anything, it all depends on what you're going to do with your system and what games you prefer playing.
Well I found a 60 GB version with an updated HD to 160 GB that also comes with an HDMI cable (along with the cables/controller that come with the system). It also has a 120 day warranty for $459 shipped (no tax). If I really want I can get a 3 year warranty through square trade (anyone used this service?) making the total around $500 flat. Is this a good deal?
[quote name='mietha']
Also, anyone who says sell your 360 is a fucking sony fanboy. That's really all there is to that. There are dozens of very good 360 exclusive games. PS3... not so much. I have around 120 360 games and about 10 PS3 ones. fuck, I have more than twice as many Wii games and I hate that fucking thing...[/QUOTE]Hmm, were very different here because I own around 29 disc based games on PS3 while owning 11 disc based games on 360. Both are great consoles, nonetheless, but I just really like Sony's first party games and PS3 gets most all third party games I want. Also, online play being free makes me more happy. If you heavily use the 360 as a lead platform, you may struggle to build up a PS3 collection because most games are similar. However, if you are like me and use the PS3 as a main platform, the advantage greatly goes to PS3. It's just a matter of which platform you prefer, and it will automatically have a larger collection usually.

And Koggit isn't really a Sony fanboy (I've known Koggit pretty well for years). He's more of a Technology fanboy from what I know. And if he mostly just wants multi-platform games and prefers PS3 media features, then he may be fine without a 360. That's kind of like someone greatly preferring the 360, not caring about blu-ray, any of the PS3 exclusives, and prefer the 360 as a media center (so in reality, they don't need their PS3 either).
I haven't read anyone elses posts so if this has been repeated I appologize ahead of time.

I own a PS3 and I might one day get a 360.

Both systems had games on them that I was interested in before deciding upon a PS3. My main reasons for plunging on the PS3 came down to a friend having one and we talk about videogames a lot. Another reason was simply due to not wanting to have Yoda in my version of Soul Calibur (weak reason, but it was oddly the deciding factor). I was also worried about getting a 360 that might turn out to be a RRoD timebomb.

With that said both systems have their high and low points. The PS3 seems to kind of suck big time concerning certain multiplatform games. Fear for example, I'm enjoying it on the PS3 but I will not lie about it being the worst version out of the three out there. Most good games are multiplatform as of right now anyways. One day the space available on a blu-ray disc over a DVD might bring out a number of must have games that the 360 just wont be able to have, but until then I would wait.

Since you already have a 360 the only reason I would suggest getting one is to take advantage of its cheap blu-ray player functionality. The PS3 as of right now has a some good exclusive titles, but I don't think enough to warrant having both systems.

I like my PS3 a lot, but I don't consider myself a fanboy.
Why do people have to ask such stupid questions? Can't they think for themselves? To answer OP, no, no real reason at all. They're exactly the same machines with the same library and capabilities.
[quote name='probablysober']
With that said both systems have their high and low points. The PS3 seems to kind of suck big time concerning certain multiplatform games. Fear for example, I'm enjoying it on the PS3 but I will not lie about it being the worst version out of the three out there. Most good games are multiplatform as of right now anyways. One day the space available on a blu-ray disc over a DVD might bring out a number of must have games that the 360 just wont be able to have, but until then I would wait.[/QUOTE]Actually, FEAR was one of the games developed on the older PS3 development kit specs or whatever, which explains why it (and some early multi-platform games early on struggled). Due to Sony reserving a lot of memory for the OS (like 96MB), developers only had 160MB to work with, which explained why some multi-platform games didn't run well. Also, PS3 was quite difficult to develop for early on. And since games weren't utilizing the HDD early on either, load times were terrible too in games. Due to the amount for the OS greatly decreasing, devs utilizing the HDD more, and devs becoming more familiar with the PS3, most all multi-platform games are near identical to the 360 version now where there may just be very minor differences (some are PS3 advantage while some are 360, but most games are extremely similar now). That's why I tell most unless a game was Oblivion, it's best to avoid some of the early multi-platform games on PS3 (only ones off the top of my head that suffered on PS3 lately was Vegas 2 and Lost Planet: EC).
[quote name='Staind204']Well I found a 60 GB version with an updated HD to 160 GB that also comes with an HDMI cable (along with the cables/controller that come with the system). It also has a 120 day warranty for $459 shipped (no tax). If I really want I can get a 3 year warranty through square trade (anyone used this service?) making the total around $500 flat. Is this a good deal?[/QUOTE]Yes and no. The only reason I'd be against buying a 60GB is, out of all the SKUs, it has had the highest percentage of failures (it's nothing extreme, just from what I've noticed from various polls of what SKUs people own and what SKU died on them).
[quote name='Sarang01']
You must also know that the PS3 can deliver vastly superior sound on games too compared to the 360 when devs. choose to do uncompressed audio. I can only imagine how great "Folklore" sounds in Lossless.

really???? I guarantee first of all 99.9% of people can't hear the difference between a high quality dolby digital stream and PCM audio, and second of all a small percentage of THOSE people that can hear it don't have the system / speaker setup to even make a difference.

imo, the high quality dolby digital on 360 games are more than adequate, even playing on a 5.1 B&W speaker system at the studio i work at it sounded great, and i can't tell the difference on my Paradigm setup at home.

as an audio engineer, i'm all for audio quality, but I would in no way chose to buy a PS3 over a 360 because the PS3's superior audio quality.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Why do people have to ask such stupid questions? Can't they think for themselves? To answer OP, no, no real reason at all. They're exactly the same machines with the same library and capabilities.[/QUOTE]

Every system is eventually worth owning because not every game comes out for every system. The question you have to ask yourself is how much your willing to spend on such said system and how many games you buy for that system.

The PS3 will have games the 360 won't that are good (Uncharted, Metal Gear) and the same for the 360 that PS3 won't (Halo, Gears of War).

I'd say the two big advantages the PS3 has right now are 1) Hardware reliability, even with recent postings of PS3 failures it will never reach 30% like the 360 has and 2) The ability to play blu-ray DVDs.

Persona Evolved! Monsta Mack has turned into Reasonable Monsta Mack *que Social Link 10/MAX Persona 3 music*
You own a game console for the exclusives. Are there any exclusives you want? If so, cop one. If not, then does Bluray interest you? If so, cop one, if not... hold out

Neglect any superiority posts you'll always come across, and as clear in this thread already. The only thing that is true is reliability but I'm not one to talk as I'm 2 for 2... both of my systems (origianl 360 pro = RROD, 40gb PS3 = bad BD drive) have both crapped out.

I still find it funny how people preach superior audio and most who do, not all, do so via TV speakers. It's along the long list of fanboy dribble we always hear about.

Yes, both systems are worth owning. See my very 1st line as to why
[quote name='Ryuukishi']It is a forum, sharing information and opinions is kind of the point of the whole thing.[/quote]

So, you're saying that all information and opinion belongs on the forums? Cool! I never realized I can (and should) post whatever I want.
[quote name='Kandal']let me tell you a story about a boy who enjoyed his wii wii. This boy is crazy in love with his Wii wii. He would always hug and kiss his wii wii like there was no tomorrow. Until one fateful day he stumble upon a black shiny object. Not knowing what that object was he carefully set it up within his hdtv. Suddenly the little boy who enjoyed his wii wii ended up abandoning it to spend his what was an unknown black shiny object... THE PS3!!

Winter is coming soon invest into the PS3 for central heating =) good luck![/quote]

Was that a bigger reference to "After so long, you get tired of playing with your wii wii" or "once you go black, you never go back"?

[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Why do people have to ask such stupid questions? Can't they think for themselves? To answer OP, no, no real reason at all. They're exactly the same machines with the same library and capabilities.[/quote]

Because people like you give stupid answers, Nitwit :p

To elaborate for others, he was being silly.
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[quote name='Teh Nitwit']So, you're saying that all information and opinion belongs on the forums? Cool! I never realized I can (and should) post whatever I want.[/quote]Well, when it's information and opinion about current video game consoles, yeah, I'd say it belongs on a forum called "Video Game Discussion." :) I'm not sure what you're implying here that I'm missing.
I was in your boat and I bought a PS3 80gb MGS4 bundle about a month ago for a few games and blu-ray. There aren't many blu-ray movies for me to rent, so I haven't really used that feature, and since most PS3 games are still $60, I've only bought a few during sales. I've enjoyed Heavenly Sword and MGS4 as well as Pixeljunk Monsters. I wouldn't have played MGS4, but it came with the system and I enjoyed it. I think my PS2 is a better PS2 player than my PS3, so I may wait for blu-ray to become wide spread and hold off for prices on games / hardware to drop.
PS3 is superior to the 360 in pretty much every way. The problem a lot of people have is that they made their 360 the main console and now they cannot imagine a PS3 as their main console. This is idiotic thinking at best. I have both and i can tell you i prefer the PS3 everytime. The only time i really want to play the 360 is when i want to hear some 12 year old kids calling me racial slurs, which is what the 360 is best at. What a community! And you have to pay 50 bucks a year to get this wonderfulness.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Well, when it's information and opinion about current video game consoles, yeah, I'd say it belongs on a forum called "Video Game Discussion." :) I'm not sure what you're implying here that I'm missing.[/quote]

I see... So posting a video game console - related opinion like "PS3 is a worthless piece of garbage" is perfectly reasonable and acceptable. Ok...

Now, before those that like to jump to conclusions get all hot, I am not saying that that was the opinion that OP expressed. I'm merely mocking Ryuukishi's stance that it is acceptable to share any opinion as long as it's related to the board's focus.

What OP said "If I already own a 360, is it worth buying a PS3 just for the Blu-Ray player or are there any good exclusive PS3 games coming out soon?" was stupid and ignorant. How the hell are we supposed to know how much blu-ray is worth to him? He also implies that PS3 doesn't have any good exclusive games currently and says he's too lazy to see for himself what games PS3 will be getting.

Instead of getting laughed at, he is getting tons of polite responses. Why? I believe it's because PS3 owners can't understand how PS3 can be so underappreciated. They rationalize it by believing that the general public simply doesn't know how awesome PS3 really is and and thus feel that it is their duty to educate everybody it.

It's really pathetic. I can understand responding to an intelligent, reasonable question, but OP's question was far from it.

I believe that if PS3 had Wii's sales, then many of you wouldn't have posted in this thread.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']I see... So posting a video game console - related opinion like "PS3 is a worthless piece of garbage" is perfectly reasonable and acceptable. Ok...

Now, before those that like to jump to conclusions get all hot, I am not saying that that was the opinion that OP expressed. I'm merely mocking Ryuukishi's stance that it is acceptable to share any opinion as long as it's related to the board's focus.

What OP said "If I already own a 360, is it worth buying a PS3 just for the Blu-Ray player or are there any good exclusive PS3 games coming out soon?" was stupid and ignorant. How the hell are we supposed to know how much blu-ray is worth to him? He also implies that PS3 doesn't have any good exclusive games currently and says he's too lazy to see for himself what games PS3 will be getting.

Instead of getting laughed at, he is getting tons of polite responses. Why? I believe it's because PS3 owners can't understand how PS3 can be so underappreciated. They rationalize it by believing that the general public simply doesn't know how awesome PS3 really is and and thus feel that it is their duty to educate everybody it.

It's really pathetic. I can understand responding to an intelligent, reasonable question, but OP's question was far from it.

I believe that if PS3 had Wii's sales, then many of you wouldn't have posted in this thread.[/quote]Whatever dude. :lol: I must be reading a different thread than you are because I have no idea what track you are on and how you projected all of that onto the posts here. Have fun with that, I will just continue to enjoy the polite responses to a reasonable question.
I disagree. If you want a Blu-Ray player (if you've got an HDTV you should, if not there's no real benefit) and there are ANY PS3 exclusives you're interested in (God of War III anyone?) then it'd be foolish not to get a PS3. The PS3 won't cost much more than a stand-alone BR player and a PS2. And (assuming you pick up a used 60gb, which I'd recommend) you'll have everything in a single console instead of 2-3 units sitting around your living room.

On the other hand if you don't really want a Blu-Ray player it's harder to recommend that you buy a PS3 unless you are REALLY excited about the exclusives. 90% of games will come out on both and will be functionally identical on both (as Oktoberfest suggests).

I wouldn't worry about the warranty -- the PS3 is very reliable, so just be sure you're able to test it out fully before you buy, and look it over to make sure it hasn't been dropped or hit with a hammer or something ...

[quote name='Oktoberfest']if that's all you really want a PS3 for, might I suggest buying a cheaper blu-ray player, and a PS2... or maybe wait for a 360 blu-ray add-on?

imo, owning a 360 and a PS3 is somewhat redundant[/quote]
Honestly, I have all three systems and use my PS3 and 360 about the same amount. I went through a run of four bad 360s (Two RROD-s. Twowith disc read errors. All from the same Best Buy), which kind of soured me on using it for anything other than games that I play cooperatively with my family online.

OP, it really depends on whether your focus is multiplayer gaming or not.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']I see... So posting a video game console - related opinion like "PS3 is a worthless piece of garbage" is perfectly reasonable and acceptable. Ok...

Now, before those that like to jump to conclusions get all hot, I am not saying that that was the opinion that OP expressed. I'm merely mocking Ryuukishi's stance that it is acceptable to share any opinion as long as it's related to the board's focus.

What OP said "If I already own a 360, is it worth buying a PS3 just for the Blu-Ray player or are there any good exclusive PS3 games coming out soon?" was stupid and ignorant. How the hell are we supposed to know how much blu-ray is worth to him? He also implies that PS3 doesn't have any good exclusive games currently and says he's too lazy to see for himself what games PS3 will be getting.

Instead of getting laughed at, he is getting tons of polite responses. Why? I believe it's because PS3 owners can't understand how PS3 can be so underappreciated. They rationalize it by believing that the general public simply doesn't know how awesome PS3 really is and and thus feel that it is their duty to educate everybody it.

It's really pathetic. I can understand responding to an intelligent, reasonable question, but OP's question was far from it.

I believe that if PS3 had Wii's sales, then many of you wouldn't have posted in this thread.[/QUOTE]

I see you're point, and I think you're right. You can say almost anything on CAG as long as the majority goes along with it. Cause last year, or early this year, all of CAG was anti PS3, and the CAG 360 "fanboy" persons were making all sorts of negative comments about PS3. Everything was fine, you could event curse, talk nasty to anyone and there was no ban... but go against the grain and keep saying that PS3 is a good system, here's why, point, A, B, C, D, etc... and you get banned for almost a month. [well at least on that one occassion]. Personally, I'm okay with what anyone wants to post, its not about whether its acceptable or not, its about how people respond. Example, the thread, "why don't people use headsets on PSN" obiviously that thread is talking about something negative (reference PSN), however people have imo responded well. People have discussed the issue brought up by the OP, the way that all topics should be discussed - without smart ass comments and insults.
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Why do people have to ask such stupid questions? Can't they think for themselves? To answer OP, no, no real reason at all. They're exactly the same machines with the same library and capabilities.[/QUOTE]

You do realize this is a video game message board where people discuss... SURPRISE! Video games! Stop being an asshole..

Oh and thanks to everyone else for their opinions, I appreciate it :)
Oh and by the way I think I will probably end up going with the setup I mentioned earlier. 60 GB PS3 w/ hookups, Sixaxis controller, and HDMI cable. The HDD has been upgraded to 160 GB already as well and if I buy the 3 year warranty it will cost me a little over $500 for everything. It might sound a little high for a used system but I think being able to play Ps2 games will make up for it..
bread's done