Anybody want to trade PSN games?

He's referring to Gamesharing which is technically against Sony's TOS now. Plus, this wouldn't even be near the correct forum for this thread.
[quote name='bdavid81']He's referring to Gamesharing which is technically against Sony's TOS now. Plus, this wouldn't even be near the correct forum for this thread.[/QUOTE]

I just hope that's all they do. I have two PS3s and two PSPs of my own and the fact that you can download a copy of a game you bought to all of your own consoles is the RIGHT way to do digital distribution. If they pulled a Nintendo and locked down licenses to one console for the rest of time, I think I'd be done with them for good.

/mildly off-topic
Game sharing has always been against Sony's ToS, if you ever got caught you can get the account banned and possibly your PS3 being banned from accessing PSN.

Lot's of people do it but it's up to you if you think it's worth the risk.
So the head of SCEA comes out and says you can game share, but then the ToS says no, you can't?

Good job Sony.
bread's done