Anybody went to the Halo 3 Launch Party?

Yeah, I went to the one at Hyde Park, Ontario. Like you said, not much of a party, but everyone was pretty excited and what not. I got a free poster and 3 magnets! Woo!
I went to the Future Shop on Granville. I arrived downtown at about 8 expecting there to be a lineup around the block, when I got there it was so empty I had to ask one of the employees if there actually was a midnight launch at their store. In the end the store didn't even close until 9, I wound up being 3rd in a group of four who were there first. We even got interviewed for some radio station, although among us four one was some homeless guy someone paid to keep his place, one was a brazilian chick who was there to pick up her brother's preorder, and I had only started with the first Halo last week. So the one hardcore guy spent a good ten minutes getting interviewed and when they got to me I was just like "uh...the game lets you do online...stuff :drool:".

Got packed about a half-hour before midnight and any semblance of a line was destroyed but I managed to be one of the first 20 in (I'll be damned if I've been waiting there for three hours so someone who came half an hour ago could get in before me), picked up the collector's edition and the missile case, and crashed at a friend's place. Overall it was kinda cool but rather anticlimactic.
Heh I'm not bothering to even get the game (Halo just isn't my thing) so naturally I didn't go to any launch parties. However I had to stop by future shop to drop off a hire package I had filled out. While I was there I noticed a line of 3 people sitting in the cold and rain at best buy next door. Hehe I almost felt sorry for them.

Also futureshop had an area setup where you could play Halo 3 (and they projected it on to their massive proction screen). This was at about 7 pm.
I didn't go to launch event (or even pick up the game) but I did see someone dressed up as Master Chief taking the streetcar in downtown Toronto. It was a bit surreal seeing him standing there holding on to a pole and chatting up some girl.
I read the Metro today and it said Broadway & Pine Future Shop had around 170 people. So I guess that's where the main one was? As far as I know Vancouver's not exactly a Halo hotspot >_>
no ebgames in montreal were having any midnight launch Grrrrrrrr
but this may be off topic but i went to get my reserved legendary edition after school and the manager told me he screwed up so they were only french legendary edition left... but i still took it anyway, so do you guys think that i'll be able to return it for credit? its still factory sealed
If it's still factory sealed you can return it and get a refund or exchange. French Edition has only French in it from what I'm hearing. So if you want it in English exchange it.
I went to the Lansdowne's Best Buy around 11pm. There were bout 10 ppl at FS while BB had bout 35 and near opening BB had bout 120 ppl and FS had bout 20ppl. The thing that sucked was that BB opened 12:05am since their registers had to wait and they only allow few ppl in at a time. So I got in about 12:30am and standing in the rain . :cold:
bread's done