Anyone bother to negotiate for "free stuff" when getting a new console?

Dr. Strangepork

I'll be in the market for a PS3 once they pack in the rumble controller (hopefully soon!).

Since there is a Best Buy, 2 Gamestops, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and Circuit City within 2 miles of each other near my house I was wondering if I could negotiate some sort of deal on a new PS3.

Has anyone tried something like this? i.e. "Hey Gamestop, I'd love to buy from you but I have about 5 other options on getting this PS3. Is there anything you can do to make my decision easier? Throw in a controller, a used game, something?"

Is that a tactic worth perusing or could they basically care less (in which case I'd get it online probably though Amazon to save on taxes which would amount to about $40 on the 80GB system if I bought in store). What store would be most open to this line of thinking?


Dr. SP
honestly, you probably will get the line of "no we can not, it is set by corporate". i have worked at both gamestop and toys r us before and never saw that happen, though nobody really tried.
Your best bet is to wait until Amazon does another console deal during the summer. Their packages are your best bet.

Other than that, if you think you can haggle at those types of stores--- see response #2
This isn't going to work.

The best you can hope for getting the employee discount if you know someone behind the counter. Just by from Amazon.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Your best bet is to wait until Amazon does another console deal during the summer. Their packages are your best bet.

Other than that, if you think you can haggle at those types of stores--- see response #2[/quote]

How was the last summer deal structured? I must've missed it last time. Just a better price or did it have extra stuff thrown?
When you buy a PS3 for $399.99 the store you are buying it from makes almost nothing. They are simply turning the inventory. Profits only come from accessories and games. So you really don't have any negotiating room there. Not to mention, this is not Mexico or some flea market. When you shop at Gamestop, Wal-mart, Target, etc. The prices are not negotiable.

If you want to buy your console cheaper try Ebay, Craigslist, or buy a used one from Gamestop or one of the other gaming stores that carry used consoles. However buying this way could limit your rights if there is a problem with your console.
good luck in negotiating! i think the only way that would happen is if you bought a ps3 from a flea market. your best bet is to wait like many have posted. if you cant wait i would suggest either circuit city - they give you a free membership to a savings clubs - save 10% off games and accessories (could save you lots of $$ in the long run) or go to game crazy / hollywoodvideo store and get a free sheet of game/movie rental coupons. Hope this helps!
just ask if they can throw in any old preorder bonuses. they usually have some nice shirts. other then that i doubt they will give you any games or controllers.
When I bought my Xbox 360, I negotiated 3 years of product replacement plan for the price of 1 and had a department manager override it on the checkout. Granted it was a new Best Buy store and the employees were trying to get extra sales points.
My Dad was able to successfuly get some free games once when he bought me a 3D0 when it first came out. Granted that was many years ago now. He talked with the manager.
You used to be able to go into Electronics Boutique and GameStop and ask for free leftover items (t shirts mostly) and get them. I havent been there in years so I am sure GameStop stopped allowing that to happen. I would just try and ask though. No story or anything.
The big problem is that these sales people don't work on comissions anymore, that was the advantage customers had. The downside was they would rip off people that were not well informed on what they were buying. It was great going from store to store and seeing what you could get for free out of them trying to make a sale.
[quote name='Dr. Strangepork']I'll be in the market for a PS3 once they pack in the rumble controller (hopefully soon!).

Since there is a Best Buy, 2 Gamestops, Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, and Circuit City within 2 miles of each other near my house I was wondering if I could negotiate some sort of deal on a new PS3.

Has anyone tried something like this? i.e. "Hey Gamestop, I'd love to buy from you but I have about 5 other options on getting this PS3. Is there anything you can do to make my decision easier? Throw in a controller, a used game, something?"

Is that a tactic worth perusing or could they basically care less (in which case I'd get it online probably though Amazon to save on taxes which would amount to about $40 on the 80GB system if I bought in store). What store would be most open to this line of thinking?


Dr. SP[/quote]

Negotiation in those types of companies is usually pointless. Your best bet is to wait for a deal to come around. Remember the profit margin's on a game console are usually pretty slim. I remember chatting with a guy a manager at EBGames a few years ago before the 360 launched and him telling me that they lose all profit they make on the sale of an original xbox if they give you one of their large plastic bags to put it in. All of these companies are really banking on getting your return business. They plan on selling you a console for little profit but making money on the games. This is especially true for places that sell used games.

With that in mind, I do have a few places that I've seen some deals pop up just in store. I know Toys R Us by me has had some deals like free blu-ray remote and free extra sixaxis. Although not as consistently by me, Target has also had similar deals over the last 3 months including something like a free controller or free copy of one of three games (none looked appealing so I don't remember what they were). Another good one is Costco/Sam's. They usually bundle your console with extra accessories or a game but if you like what you see you usually can save 10-20 bucks. Don't forget Amazon because free shipping and no tax is always a plus.

If you have them nearby, another option is gamecrazy. Although the employees at the stores are really hit or miss (the one by me in Golden Valley, MN has the best employees) you will always get a 12 free rentals coupon which is very useful. You can rent everything from games or blu-ray or regular dvds with it for free. You get a coupon for every month of the year. If your store is really cool and you chat with them long enough etc they may throw in something extra as well. You have to be subtle about it and they have to like you though. Basically you want to make them feel like if they do give you a deal you will be more likely to buy games from them in the future.
[quote name='musha666']You used to be able to go into Electronics Boutique and GameStop and ask for free leftover items (t shirts mostly) and get them. I havent been there in years so I am sure GameStop stopped allowing that to happen. I would just try and ask though. No story or anything.[/quote]

This is really store to store. It helps if they know and/or like you. I've gone into both EB Games and Gamecrazy and walked out without buying things with arms full of preorder stuff. Most of it is junk but there are a few gems.
BTW just noticed this on the weekly deals thread for next week at Target (starting Sunday)

Playstation 3 40GB Game System >>>> $399.00 ****

**** Receive a Free $40 Target Gift Card with the purchase of the Playstation 3 Game system listed above // Quantity limited // No rain checks
[quote name='MrNEWZ']Your best bet is to wait until Amazon does another console deal during the summer. Their packages are your best bet.

Other than that, if you think you can haggle at those types of stores--- see response #2[/quote]

what type of deal did they have?
Yes, and it worked for me. I was buying a new LCD TV ( SONY BAVIA KDL52XBR4)
and I told them that I was thinking about picking up a PS3 also, and they took a
100.00 off the 40gb model, so yes it does work. They also threw in the blu ray remote!

This was at CC.
[quote name='AIRCOOL']Yes, and it worked for me. I was buying a new LCD TV ( SONY BAVIA KDL52XBR4)
and I told them that I was thinking about picking up a PS3 also, and they took a
100.00 off the 40gb model, so yes it does work. They also threw in the blu ray remote!

This was at CC.[/quote]

That's a lot different from what the OP is trying to do.
Are you sure that wasn't simply a package deal put on by the store or sony? I know nearly all of the big box stores in my area have some sort of deal for buying a HD set over price X, get a PS3 for free/ y off.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']this isnt frikin India, american prices are set in stone[/quote]

For the most part, you are right, but these people proved otherwise.

Although I don't condone their actions or think it is worth the risk, but one haggled pretty well, one got more than he bargained for(pun intended), and the last one probably has the second one ratting him out as part of his plea bargain. 1 out of 3 got away with it, the success rate looks low and bad.
I'd say go for it. Stores like Gamestop should theoretically treat you nicely the first time, so that you'll come back and buy more later (preferably used games/accessories)

I worked at GameCrazy over the summer, and the manager was probably the best guy I worked under. He was the type of person to slash prices slightly and throw in some free stuff, 'cause he KNEW that the person would come back again.

Sorry to sound like I'm promoting GameCrazy (although it's been my favorite chain store consistently), when you purchase a system, you get the 12 free coupons as well as a buy 2 used, get 1 free game offer too. The guys there get commissioned on warranties and MVP memberships, so they might be more willing to give free/discounted shit if you purchase those as well?

In any case, good luck with this!
Is in incredibly rare that you would be able to get a deal like that. Most likely you'll be put on the asshole customer list and shunned for all eternity. If you want to haggle pawn shops usually have ps3s in stock. Independently-owned game stores (if they exist around you) would allow you to haggle too.
[quote name='Fuzi0n']Lol at your pipe dream. I mean GL with that :pray:[/quote]
Seriously. Most places already barely break even or flat out lose money on console sales - the extra accessories and games you buy when you pick up the console are the only reason they stock them to begin with.
[quote name='AIRCOOL']Yes, and it worked for me. I was buying a new LCD TV ( SONY BAVIA KDL52XBR4)
and I told them that I was thinking about picking up a PS3 also, and they took a
100.00 off the 40gb model, so yes it does work. They also threw in the blu ray remote!

This was at CC.[/QUOTE]

That is because they price match that from Best Buy. Best buy always gives $100 off a TV when you buy a blu-ray player or PS3 with it.
[quote name='Nirvanaguy777']I've heard of gamecrazy doing things like that but not gamestop/ebgames.[/QUOTE]
what did you hear GC doing? If they are doing any special offers it is probably for one of the following reasons:

1. The employee needs more console sales/ service plans so they give you their discount on a game if you get the 1 year plan

2. They give you the left over PO stuff if you get a PO, MVP, or Service plan

3. They are some shady manager

4. They work at a store that won't be open much longer and thus doesn't care what happens so they make up crazy deals

5. if you mean that they have bundle deals, do the math it's not a deal.
I haven't done this with a console yet since I have a 360, don't want a PS3, and I can't find a Wii, but I've done this whenever I make a large purchase at Circuit City. You really just have to know who to talk to. The guy I know is one of the department supervisors so whenever he's there and I'm buying I get him to throw in at least a free movie. Bought an 32' HDTV and got $50 HDMI cables for free (the actually cost them less than $10), bought a 40' last Christmas and got Live Free or Die Hard and The Bourne Ultimatum for free. Also bought a surround sound system and got 300 for free (hadn't bought it yet for some reason). He uses some shady method of ringing them up as promo items, but for all the crap I have to deal with at Circuit City, I keep buying stuff from them because of this guy. They could really take a lesson from him.

P.S. - He also has the coolest name tag, just says "Wolf".
[quote name='Nikadimas']
P.S. - He also has the coolest name tag, just says "Wolf".[/quote]

Maybe that's his name. Like Wolf Blitzer.
[quote name='Wooten']Maybe that's his name. Like Wolf Blitzer.[/quote]

Yeah I know that, but normally it would say Circuit City at the top and something like "Department Supervisor" underneath. His just says "Wolf". I'm also fairly sure his name is not Wolf. Sometimes when several people with the same name are working in retail one of them will go by a different one. When my friend, Mike, worked at Guitar Center his nametag read "Conrad" since there were already two Mikes there.
The people at GameStop probably can't figure out what haggling is anyways.

But yeah, this probably won't happen. Sorry.
I got 10% off at GS on Ace Combat 6 w/FlightStick 2 for XBOX 360 because I pointed it was an open box item. The box was open, but everything inside was intact and never used.

I've done that at GS several times over the years, but I rarely ever shop there.

I've never tried with a console.
bread's done