Anyone else find it very difficult to play through the same game multiple times?


Even games that are designed for multiple play through I have a tough time replaying.

Right now I am playing through Mass Effect 2 and thinking to myself what would have happened if I did this...or that...instead. But I cant bring myself to replay the game. I usually start every game on the hardest setting knowing that once I beat it there is no way I am playing it again. I also usually go out of my way to get any cheesemints along the way because I wont even load a level to go back and get it. Once I beat a game I sell it and make room for the next one.

Something about not knowing whats around the next corner or the next cut scene makes the game enjoyable to me. And with sites like youtube...I can easily watch every cut scene in the game if I really wanted to know.

So how many if you actual play through entire games more than once?
Its usually for achievements and not because I love wasting time, but I really don't mind for good games. It helps for semi-crap games if you can give yourself 3-6 months or more between play throughs too, unless skill is required and you'd have to re-obtain said skill level. I tried going back and playing Bayonetta again after 6 months and it was a sad sight.
I am 32. as a kid I would re play every steaming pile i would bring home. now I cannot re-play anything. I mean i WANT to re-play ME2 actually to see what it's like as a renegade but I just can;t make myself do it when there is a shelf full of games looking at me.
Depends on the game, I've probably played through Oblivion 4 or 5 times, the Half-Life series 5-6 times, Portal 3-4 times. But some games, even if I enjoyed them I just can't play through again.
The LEGO games kill me. You pretty much have to play through at least twice to earn all of the achievements. I really enjoy the games, but there's only so many times you can build something or run through the same level again without it becoming a bore.
Borderlands is the probably the only game I've played through multiple times, but it helps to have 3 other friends to play with for each run through. Otherwise, I don't let achievements motivate me to replay a game that doesn't have decent replay value. I think I still have a few games I haven't even opened yet due to the finds on CAG.
[quote name='Kezmer']I mean i WANT to re-play ME2 actually to see what it's like as a renegade but I just can;t make myself do it when there is a shelf full of games looking at me.[/QUOTE]

I'll save you some time and say it's hilarious.

It really does depend on the game, I've played through ME2 twice already and am on a third, but you couldn't pay me to beat Gears Of War 2 again.
Yes, most games have very little replay value for me.

Off the top of my head the only games I've played more than once in a short time span are:

Mass Effect 2--played through with my imported Paragon character, then a couple weeks later created a female renegade character and played again. Have done all the DLC with both as well.

Eternal Darkness--beat it 3 times in a row to get the full ending

Gears of War 1--did the campaign a total of 5 times--casual and hardcore with one friend, casual by myself to see the game full screen, and hardcore and insane with another friend.

Gears of War 2-3 times--hardcore and insanity with a friend, casual by myself to see the game full screen

Other than that just another handful of games I replayed 5-10 years later--things like some of the Mario games, Super Metroid, A Link to the Past etc.

So most games are beat, throw on Goozex and move on to the next one for me.
For some strange reason I've been able to play through Resident Evil 4 seven or eight times. I played it on GC, PS2, and Wii, but the GC version got at least 5 playthroughs by itself. It's a total mystery. Outside of that I don't think I've replayed a game in 5 years.
I'm exactly the same way. It sucks because I never get to experience both sides of a game with morality. I always hear about the replay value of games with choice and RPG's, but I can never get through it. Even games I love to death, like Mass Effect 2, I simply can't. I get so bored and then never go back. Not for even for achievements/trophies.

The only games I've ever played through multiple times are GTA III, Metal Gear Solid 1 and the first Halo. That's it. Of course there are some super old games like Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, and Chrono Trigger that I've beaten multiple times, but I don't really count those.
I'll normally do it to wrap up any achievements but I HATE when developers artificially pad the replay value of games by forcing a first play through consisting of steamrolling through half retarded AI just so you can unlock the ability to play on the hardest difficulty (Star Wars: TFU, Gears of War 1+2, Dead Space, MUA 1+2 all come to mind). I'm a grown ass man, no need to have an initial train wheels run through of the game just because their campaign is only 6 hours long and they want to keep the used copies from piling up at Gamestop. I give the Halo and Call of Duty series' credit for allowing the option of choosing Veteran/Legendary difficulties from the get go. Just the obligatory "You're gonna die a bunch" warning and you're off to play the game at it's most challenging.
For me it's because I'm either bored and want achievements, it's an awesome co-op game, or for nostalgic reasons.
I've played through Zelda OoT a billion times just because it's a classic and it brings back so many memories, while on the other hand, I've played through Dead Rising about 4 times to finish up all my achievements.
And then with RE5, L4D, and the Halo games, I'll play those over and over with my friends because it's just fun.

But I feel like RPG's have the best approach to this. You can waste far more hours on them doing side quests without actually replaying the game.
I usually can't replay my games, unless it's made by Bioware or it's the elder scrolls series. However when I do I always find myself playing the "light" path, I just don't seem to be able to be evil in games. :bomb:

My RTS games (Total War, supcom, age of empires, etc.) are played over and over again. I still occasionally play Age of Empires 1.

Any other games, I usually just play through it once (or don't even finish) and put it on a shelf to collect dust.
[quote name='Kezmer']I am 32. as a kid I would re play every steaming pile i would bring home. now I cannot re-play anything. I mean i WANT to re-play ME2 actually to see what it's like as a renegade but I just can;t make myself do it when there is a shelf full of games looking at me.[/QUOTE]

May be an age thing. I'm 32, too, and I'm exactly the same way.

Achivements are the bait for multiple playthroughs, and I'm not taking it. Never 1000/1000'd a game yet.

I'm also like the OP. I have a game, used or new, for about 3 weeks max, then it's back out the door. I'd consider Gamefly, but, I'm not doing much worse than breaking even on resale.
I haven't replayed a game for some time (not counting NES / SNES era games). It's not that I don't want too as there are some games I would like to go through again, but it's about time, and when you have a backlog, you feel like you should try and get through those first.
I find it very difficult.

For one, as a kid I could play through a NES game countless times. Of course I hardly had any games as a kid so what I did have, I played the hell out of.

Secondly, I just find that my backlog is just too big now to play through a game more then once. A lot of games I haven't even played once and I doubt I'll ever get the chance to.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']May be an age thing. I'm 32, too, and I'm exactly the same way.

Achivements are the bait for multiple playthroughs, and I'm not taking it. Never 1000/1000'd a game yet.

I'm also like the OP. I have a game, used or new, for about 3 weeks max, then it's back out the door. I'd consider Gamefly, but, I'm not doing much worse than breaking even on resale.[/QUOTE]

The closest I've come to 1000/1000 is with Fallout 3 (which I still only played through once) and Left 4 Dead 1/2.

With children, I simply don't have time to play through games more than once and I don't typically feel like playing a level over 'n over just to get 25 gamerpoints.

In fact, I found my gamerscore went up much faster when I played games through once since I was earning achievements that didn't require level grinding.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that feels this way. My husband tends to keep all of his games, and he recently replayed Sid Myers Pirates, which is something he hadn't played in years. Part of the problem is that I don't keep games. What with the flood of good games coming out all the time, the idea of going back and replaying a game where I know what happens or playing a new game is an easy choice for me.

It's just a gaming style. Just glad to see I'm not alone.
Depends on the game. Like others I do an extra playthrough for some achievements i.e. Wet, for instance. I base it off if I enjoyed the game at all, how long the levels are, etc. At the same time if the game was extremely rough (i.e. boring, etc) the first time through, I will not go back even for achievements i.e. ME2.
[quote name='willynateDgreat']The closest I've come to 1000/1000 is with Fallout 3 (which I still only played through once) and Left 4 Dead 1/2.

With children, I simply don't have time to play through games more than once and I don't typically feel like playing a level over 'n over just to get 25 gamerpoints.

In fact, I found my gamerscore went up much faster when I played games through once since I was earning achievements that didn't require level grinding.[/QUOTE]

Ha, excellent, Fallout is the closest I've come to 1000, too, I think. Thought it may be Assassins Creed II now.

I have 2 kids, a 3 year old and a 1.3 year old, so time and money are both in shorter supply than normal.

In any event, there's some sort of equation of age vs. desire for achievement points vs. reselling = probability of multiple playthroughs and I'm on the bad end of all of those.
Very rarely will I replay a game. Off the top of my head, just Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect 1+2 are the only games I can think of that I actually played through twice. I plan to go back and get 1000/1000 on Tales of Vesperia since I absolutely loved the game start to finish, but it is on the back burner as I try to beat a lot of games in my backlog before college starts up again.

The good thing about not playing most games over again is that I rarely have a lot of games sitting around, and I can use the sale of those beaten games to ease the cost of purchasing new games. At one point I was very sad I had sold off my entire PSOne + PS2 collection (well over 100 games), but I have gotten over it. Most of my regret was from nostalgia instead of an actual desire to play most of the games.
There are a few games I've played through multiple times:

Halo (10 + times)
Bioshock (5+ times)
Crimson Skies (5+ times)
Gears 1/2
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
For me the biggest thing that determines the game's replayability is the length of time it took me to beat it the first time. Usually FPS and action games, I'm okay with playing through again. God knows how many time I beat those Ace Combat games on the PS2 to S-rank every difficulty setting. I also remember playing God of War 3 twice through, back to back, in order to get plat. But as much as I love the FF series, I will never play them over because of the sheer amount of work that will take. For these, getting 100% completion the first play-through is a must for me.
Single player games i do find it hard to play through more than once. I really want to play Batman AA again but i have a massive back log.
I am on my third play through of fable 2 and i play too human a lot. Games that have a coop option make it easier to play again if a friend wants to play
I can never recall a game I have played a second time campaign-wise. Actually, I never play a game twice. This goes for movies too. I always remember what happens, there's no point playing it again. I enjoy it once and then I remember.
I never replay anything. Haven't for years and years. Only game pre 2010 that I can think of was Luigi's Mansion, only because I loved it and it was super short.

Now, in 2009 and 2010, with all the DLC, I've been popping in oldish games to play the DLC, like Fable 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect 1 and 2.

As for replaying the entire game....only game since Luigi's Mansion has been Alan Wake, which I replayed on Nightmare. If I had a good reason to, I'd play it again. That's why I'm so ga-ga for the game, it's so freaking great I had no problem playing right through again. Still can't get enough.

Still, other than those few anomolies over the years, and DLC which is really new content, I almost never go back to replay something.
I've got a large collection of titles, but it's very rarely that I will replay a game more than once. There are certain games that I hold near and dear that I have replayed countless times; these are games like Castlevania: SoTN, Super Metroid, and Chrono Trigger.

Now something along the lines of an Alan Wake or an Assassin's Creed. Chances are I won't be replaying those games anytime soon. Maybe it's the nostalgia talking, but older games just seem to have a lot more re-playability to me. I could easily have just as much fun with Castlevania: SoTN today as I did when it came out. Now the same can't be said for a lot of newer titles, there are exceptions like SSFIV and Bioshock, but with the 360 and PS3 it seems like I always want the next big thing to come out and when it does I buy it and finish it within a span of two weeks and then shelf it.
[quote name='Kezmer']I am 32. as a kid I would re play every steaming pile i would bring home. now I cannot re-play anything. I mean i WANT to re-play ME2 actually to see what it's like as a renegade but I just can;t make myself do it when there is a shelf full of games looking at me.[/QUOTE]

This is the correct answer. Too many games. Not enough time.
I'm on my 2nd playthough of ME2, but that's more for the challenge of newgame+ insanity than anything else, besides that I haven't replayed anything since kotor2. I usually say I'm going to replay RPGs when I've made it about 10 hours in, then by the time I hit 50+hours of completing everything I decide its not worth it to do it again to play as the different options. I'll probably replay ME1 fully since I blazed through it to grab the story before ME2 came out, but with the amount of backlog I'm building up, I really don't have much time to replay stuff.
Back when I was younger there were some games I played a whole bunch of times, these tended to be games with 30 minute-long campaigns though, stuff like King of the Monsters 2 or other arcadey games. This year I did play through Arkham Asylum and Modern Warfare 2 twice because I enjoyed them so much, in all fairness they were also pretty short. Probably the only noteworthy double-dips I have are playing through GTA IV 1.5 times, and playing San Andreas twice (it was basically twice, I made it about 4/5s of the way through). I don't do it for achievments or anything, I just enjoy playing these games, plus I have a rather limited palette so I'm kind of wedged between wanting to keep up with new releases, but suffering from the occasional droughts when there's nothing new I'm interested in. I've given up on the idea of playing through a game like Fallout or ME2 twice though... as someone else said I just cannot get myself to choose the "jerk responses" so there wouldn't be alot for me to do!
The in game music is usually a big reason for me to replay something. If I love the music I will replay the game just to hear the music played over gameplay. Even if I have the soundtrack which I most likely would/do.
Yeah DLC is a whole different monster for me. Hell, I rarely even buy DLC for 99.9% of any games. (With the exception of music games like rock band)

I physically can not bring myself to play through a game twice. Set it on the hardest, try to grab as many cheesemints as I can on that one play through...if I dont...oh well back to the store with you for another game.

It also might be because I am a guy who doesnt just play A - title games. I like to play non main stream games just to find hidden gems. be honest there has rarely every been a game worth playing again, even ones that I love like Fallout 3. Great game....not worth playing twice unless you skipped everything.
I can just not that same year, usually a year later during the summer I'll have nothing new to play. I used to trade everything in but a year later I'd find myself wanting to play them again. So I trade some games in keep the stronger ones
I don't do it for any game. Planning on going for all 242 stars in Mario Galaxy 2, but with so many other games to play....I don't see it happening.
[quote name='handsomepete']For some strange reason I've been able to play through Resident Evil 4 seven or eight times. I played it on GC, PS2, and Wii, but the GC version got at least 5 playthroughs by itself. It's a total mystery. Outside of that I don't think I've replayed a game in 5 years.[/QUOTE]

Same here, though it's not a mystery to me; RE4 is fucking awesome, and might just be my favorite game of all time.

I can't think of any other games I've beaten multiple times off the top of my head, though I'll eventually make my way through ME2 a second time.
I find it hard to replay games that take a while to beat. I mostly like to play RPGs so once I beat one, I move on to another game in my backlog.

So far the only games I do replay a lot are shmups only because they are short (I'm terrible at them, but I have fun playing them). I just beat ESPGaluda II Black Label again...mainly to unlock one more achievement. But, I can go back and play it again in about an hour if I want.

The only recent game that I know I played through twice (barring arcade titles and the like) is Batman. Once on normal, once on hard. As soon as the GOTY version drops for PS3, I'll probably get that and play through it on hard. I didn't get bored the second time through, I think I can swing a third time. I'm currently working on Bioshock for the second time since 2007 and I've forgotten most of the little missions and the like so it is entertaining. I'm 31 so the time I have to play is pretty carefully rationed. I keep meaning to play through Mass Effect 1 again so I can dig into 2 and remember the plot. Maybe once I finish Assassin's Creed 2.
Depends on the game for me. I sunk over 250 hours into playing getting three platinum trophies for Demon's Souls for each version. Each game required 3.5 playthoughs. Next up to that was Borderlands, I put almost as many hours into that maxing three characters and rolling around with my friends. Mass Effect 2 and Fallout 3 I play probably 150 hours each with two playthoughs on Mass Effect and three for Fallout.

I guess if the game has a unique world setting I like, I tend to playthrough a few times.
Being a cheap ass gamer, this creates a paradox. the cheap ass in me says playing through more than once (granted I enjoy it) gets me more bang for the buck, but gamer in me wants more new games.

not easy being a CAG, you know?
^Very true :lol:

As for myself, I don't really care about achievements or trophies so I don't replay games for that purpose. I will replay a great game if I have nothing else to play. Normally, I only replay games to get a special ending or a different experience. The only games so far this gen I replayed were Dead Rising, Bioshock and GTA IV. Last gen Star Wars KOTR 1 and 2 I played through multiple times same with Diablo 1/2 and Deus Ex. I have too much of backlog to play multiple times through anything anymore.
Yeah add me to the "thirtysomething" group with not enough time on my hands.

I'm 33 and married with a son. I tend to get a bunch of games that I know are great but am lucky if I play through them ONCE. If I should beat a game, sometimes I still hold on to it in hopes that one day I'll find time to be motivated to play something that I've already seen instead of something still sitting in shrinkwrap.

Now as my son gets older I look forward to playing kid-friendly co-op games with him and there's a good chance those could get played more than once, but until then I'll keep struggling to finish the 75+ games that I have yet to see the ending to. :wall:
I kind of agree, but if it's a game I have not played in a while, I will go back for nostalgas sake...Baldurs Gate 2, anyone?
I've been replaying the Half Life series once every year since HL2 came out. I can't do that with any other game. Recently tried replaying both ME2 and DAO, got about 10 hours in with each and lost interest.
bread's done