Anyone else love Sony's PS3 commercials?

Yeah these PS3 Slim commercials are by far the best PS3 commercials that Sony has ever made. They remind me of all of their great PS2 game commercials.
Yeah, I'm gonna file this under not an issue.

BTW, thanks for linking that Jet Moto commercial. I remember seeing that on TV :)
I like the new commercials but I liked the "ladies and gentlemen" ones too.

They're a lot better than those weird commercials with the babies and eggs, that's for sure.
I remember seeing a Banjo Kazookie commercial way back when where the bear skydived, didn't have a parachute, landed in some cabin looking place with a couple of kids on the couch and then the bear found a banjo in the house and started playing the damn thing.

Best video game commercial ever. I'd link to it but I'm dumb with the internet and haven't ever found the commercial.
I like the new ads, looks like Sony finally realized how to properly advertise after such crap recently. And in the new Ratchet and Clank ad would I be right in my guess that the shadowy figure is Brian Cox? Sure sounds and looks like him.
Yeah, the Slim campaign is really nice. I'm amazed that this is the same company that greenlit those weird white room baby doll head commercials a few years ago.
[quote name='Vinny']I like the new commercials but I liked the "ladies and gentlemen" ones too.

They're a lot better than those weird commercials with the babies and eggs, that's for sure.[/QUOTE]

THIS.....second'd. Those old PS3 commercials from back around launch just had you going 'wtf'.

I've liked the first one and that candle one out of the new batch, while the rest are kinda meh.
I think the new ads are hilarious. I love how creepy the PS3 rep is too, especially when he is stealing the guy's wife with Scraps in that one. "Candle" is great too, I just saw it on TV the other day.
I'm a big fan of last year's(I think?) holiday ads where they showed clips of games while using the Saint Crispin's Day speech. I'd post a video, but all I can find are clips from Henry V or something.
As a graphic designer who took plenty of marketing and advertising classes in college, I have always enjoyed evaluating advertising campaigns. In recent years, I have been a harsh critic of Sony's PR shenanigans. Sony used to be well known for their fantastic advertising and commercials.

A few years ago, they really seemed to fall off. The clever, humorous advertising that had been the hallmark of their campaigns was replaced with obtuse, and often times questionable content. It seemed like they were trying to be artistic and controversial, neither of which is a good idea for a major company's advertising.

This recent campaign strikes me as a return to form. I find this new direction that they are taking with their advertising to be very positive. It is humorous and informative, showcasing the capabilities of their products in relatable terms. They are effectively incorporating characters that the audience can sympathize with, and always tying it into their offerings. I think this advertising campaign will be good for the PS3 going into the holiday season.
These commercials are solid. Sony's learning to laugh and have some fun with it. These do a great job of showing what it does and being entertaining. The first is my favorite for it's poke at sony's failure to hide their upcoming details, but the others are all awesome.
God, no. They're SO fucking corny and annoying.

I hate that "Unknown Organization" one even more than I hate that stupid Chevy ad where the guy gives some "informant" money to tell him, I dunno, features of a car or something? Ugh.
It's ok Coffee, you'll be alright. Just sit down!

[quote name='Gentlegamer']Does the new PS3 "spokesman" have a name, or should we just call him "PS3 Guy" . . ?[/QUOTE]

Yea, it is the guy from Scare Tactics. He is pretty awesome on that show. I cannot find his name though...
I love the new commercials. I understand that the spokesperson is an actor and they're pretty corny, but c'mon- you can't say they're not funny.

[quote name='The Crotch']Shit! Next you're gonna tell me that John Hodgman isn't actually a computer![/QUOTE]

Well, he isn't just a computer. He's a PC, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!
Sorry but I flat out hate the new Show commercial. I hate that they show 5 seconds of the actual game with the rest being in the background. It's the best looking sports game on the market. Market that and not some dispute over fishing in Cabo.
[quote name='seanr1221']Not bad, bit definitely one of the weaker ones IMO.

Can't wait to see what they do for GoWIII.[/QUOTE]
The office is in ruins, and the dude nearly gets nearly killed by Kratos. :lol:
bread's done