Anyone else think Kotaku (and Joystiq) has turned into pure crap?


1 (100%)
#1 pretty damn obvious spin and fanboy bias.
- DS lite Shortage = "OMG SUPER POPULAR GET NOW!"
- 360 Shortage = "LoL Evil MIcrosoft KEEP console from MASSES!"

#2 tons of errors, I mean how do you make so many spelling mistakes on your Title logo that's a JPG?....

#3 Tons of useless articles posted and repetition

#4 site sucks, might just be gawker, but keeps on trying to access some IP that imes out constantly

#5 tons of upkeep problems. Sometimes you can post, sometimes you can't.

Dunno I used to like kotaku when I first visited but it's gone to crap recently.
I have seen a steady decrease in the worth of posts there. I also think that the posting system is lame.
I had a rebuttal to someone that was spinning incorrect info as truth and wanted to make a quick comment. I guess i have to know someone who is a poster. they say that it is to ensure the quality of posters...
Let me just say that their awesome quality assurance program sucks.

I find the same problems at Evil Avatar that i do at Kotaku (and don't get me started on joystiq)
the "news" is biased and poorly written and the commenters sound like broken records.
I am a nintendo fanboy but i also enjoy other systems, and can agree that they all have merits. just cause i dig nintendo games and systems doesn't mean that i have to put down others for not having the exact same tastes.

Maybe it is just me but variety is the spice of life.
If everyone was exactly like everyone else, it would be freaky and the variety of games would be awful.
Madden 5000
sandbox style open world game 2496
racing game
halo style game

I shudder with the thought.
Kotaku has really lost a lot of respect,in my opinion after the whole 360 launch back in November and their buildup.

For example, they were so ambitious to get that picture of the burned out 360 power source posted on their site and yet to this day have they posted a retraction? Another was how they tried to make it seem like Japanese businesses were "slashing" the price of 360s when, in reality, it was more the fact they were offering internet rebates that were AVAILABLE FOR ANY OTHER PRODUCT IN THE STORE!

Its ridiculous how they can call themselves a news site when they're so horribly biased.
wow, i'm glad some people actually agree. I thought I was going to get shot down here. I think what really tipped the scale was the millions of posts about the DS lite shortage. It's like ok... we ge the point...

Most amusing today is they make a post insulting company's typos and on the newspost above for the revolution they have "teh" and "flow" instead of "flown"
It's not like they make very long blog posts and they do have editors supposedly?

And that Crecente guy, all he does is talk about Guitar Hero and Pimp out how he has a colum in The Rocky Mountain news... Big whoop.... But he does look like a pirate.
Hmm, yeah it didn't take long to spot a typo.

Here is the TITLE to one of the stories currently on the front page:

"WoW Gold Famers Advertise In Local Papers"


Where is the logo with the mispellings? Couldn't find what you are talking about with that.

Cool LEGO minifig auction link though :mrgreen:
I like them as gaming blogs. Its got that Nintendo slant im on right now (in my head, its them telling the truth...i can now understand how politics work now) and is a place I can quickly hop on and hop off to get some of the latest news.
[quote name='Zoglog']IT's articles like this

"New Kingdom Hearts Toys In Purple Boxes"

Purple boxes is so imporant they had to put it in the title.... orly?[/quote]

First off, they have a sense of humor/mild-retardation, so the "Purple box" part is the equivalent of going "OOOoooo. Shiney!"

Oh, and like most everything on the internet... STOP GOING TO THE GOD-DAMNED PAGE IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ IT!!!!

Problem solved
My understanding of the whole internet rebate thing in general, regardless of what the policy might have been for the particular store it was being reported on, is that it is typically resorted to in order to help move things that need 'a little help' moving.

I'm not all that familiar with the site, but browsing it, I'm really not seeing where your points, the first 3 in particular that arent dealing with technical issues, are being drawn from.
[quote name='jasonlives13']You say its crap but you post there quite often.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, like every gawker blog, they have a post quota they have to fill, so even if there's no gaming news whatesoever, they have to post something and that sometimes leads to posts about the the box color of KH figures.

But as posted above, you sure do post there enough, so it looks to me you are just bored on the internet and looking for some attention. Next time they post about CAG there ill be watiing for your comment about "How CAG used to be all about the deals. Now its just people complaining."
I've been on kotaku for awhile, that's why I'm generally annoyed with how crappy it's turned out to be. Hence ;)

but yeah I don't visit that often anymore. Maybe 2 times a day @ work and comment.
I still like Kotaku. Sure, there are some typos here and there, and I guess you could make the argument that it favors Nintendo a little (it IS a blog, afterall, not CNN), but it still delivers the news I want to read.
I'm not sure they ever claimed to be unbiased. Usually it's a pretty decent spot to grab s few news bites on break from school/work. A lot of times, though, I already read the same news a day or even weeks before here on CAG. So, whatever.
just wondering... if Joystiq and Kotaku are biased (which I won't disagree with), what is the best way to get interesting gaming news as soon as its revealed on a quick and efficient site (as in, not ign or gamespy, where you have to go through 3-4 menus and an advertisement before you can read a 2 page report on the news)?
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']just wondering... if Joystiq and Kotaku are biased (which I won't disagree with), what is the best way to get interesting gaming news as soon as its revealed on a quick and efficient site (as in, not ign or gamespy, where you have to go through 3-4 menus and an advertisement before you can read a 2 page report on the news)?[/quote]

More like, going through a couple menus only to realize that its an insider/other pay membership only article.
i prefere news sites like where i have a full range of sites to choose from all in a central location. the reviews and news as well as the customization of picking sources allows me to get a quick run down of daily stuff.
[quote name='daroga']I'm not sure they ever claimed to be unbiased. Usually it's a pretty decent spot to grab s few news bites on break from school/work. A lot of times, though, I already read the same news a day or even weeks before here on CAG. So, whatever.[/QUOTE]

not sure which one but i'm pretty certain there was a few posts where they flaunt about how they are not fanboys and unbiased. Perhaps, but they are somone's payroll ;).

But then again joystiq this morning makes a retarded post on somone bitching about how they charge 1 dollar extra for a ffxi character on voilla the 360! this is the 2nd article i've seen them attempt to use ffxi to make the 360 look bad. If they did thier damn research it has always been that way for ps2 and PC. But hay, who am I to argue

"Davis Freeberg wrote to Joystiq to let us know that he feels ripped off by the lack of disclosure about the fees required to play Final Fantasy XI for the Xbox 360."

Orly no spin zone?!

but yeah If anyone knows another blog that provides the news without all the retardedness by all means share ;)
I've noticed kotaku heading south, but Joystiq's been okay.. until that FFXI story. I wasn't aware a sheltered dumbass with a blog was enough to get on the front page of a game news site.
I think that joystiq lost it for me when they had that t-shirt contest. The very first rule of the contest was that no work may take images that are someone else's IP.
8 out of the 15 finalists had some sort of infringement, some more subtle than others. I am not just saying this cause my design wasn't picked, but if rules for a contest are not enforced. what is the point...
In the comments, the staff guys said that the finalists who infringed on IP were not eligible but then why are they finalists again?
The quality of Gamespot has plummeted.

The quality of IGN has gone slightly up.

1UP is surprisingly decent.

Joystiq/Kotaku are still good because they post a lot. There's barely any gaming news now-a-days, and I'd rather have a bunch of meh stories than none at all. I've been enjoying gaming blogs much more than the main stream sites lately.
[quote name='epobirs']I like Joystiq just fine but I've got my own reasons for that.[/QUOTE]

you won a prize on thier site? ;)
Gamespot is fine, 1up is pretty good because the 1up show is amusing till Che left. IGN is fine, I don't know why people always bitch about them.

Kotaku and Joystiq are approaching the levels of stupid gamepro in my opinion.... And that's about as low as you can get...
I actually like Kotaku. They post some interesting stories. They have a definite bias, but it's a blog, and typically blogs are commentaries on news, not just news.
either way, i'm still looking for a place where I can get some decent news without having to deal with Kotaku or Joystiq's mundane skewed fanboy prattle. Gamespot news and 1up are the only places I've found so far...... I guess maybe digg ?
[quote name='Zoglog']either way, i'm still looking for a place where I can get some decent news without having to deal with Kotaku or Joystiq's mundane skewed fanboy prattle. Gamespot news and 1up are the only places I've found so far...... I guess maybe digg ?[/QUOTE]

I always use Gamespot for my news. There's some garbage on there (and just downright wrong news) but at least they're pretty unbaised in their reporting.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I always use Gamespot for my news. There's some garbage on there (and just downright wrong news) but at least they're pretty unbaised in their reporting.[/quote]
They were pretty anti-DS and pro-PSP for a good while. That's changed though.
[quote name='evilmax17']They were pretty anti-DS and pro-PSP for a good while. That's changed though.[/quote]

Yeah, it seemed that way.

GameSpot is a hell of a lot better than IGN though.
[quote name='Zoglog']you won a prize on thier site? ;)
Gamespot is fine, 1up is pretty good because the 1up show is amusing till Che left. IGN is fine, I don't know why people always bitch about them.

Kotaku and Joystiq are approaching the levels of stupid gamepro in my opinion.... And that's about as low as you can get...[/QUOTE]

Look at the contributors list at Joystiq and you'll see what I mean.


nope, joystiq definately isn't biased...

EDIT: Wow, all of you are right, what the hell was i thinking when i posted that?

still keeping it up for my stupidity... and because 3 people quoted it
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']Hmm...


nope, joystiq definately isn't biased...[/quote]
...that's a user vote. What are you saying, that the entire joystiq viewership is biased?
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']Hmm...


nope, joystiq definately isn't biased...[/QUOTE]

Just because the readers lean heavily towards Nintendo (in this one instance) it does not mean that the people who report the news on these sites are necessarily biased.
[quote name='AlbinoNinja']Hmm...


nope, joystiq definately isn't biased...[/QUOTE]

And everytime an article is viewed as down on Nintendo a bunch of whiners accuse them of anti-Nintendo bias.

People are likely choosing Nintendo in that survey because it represents the biggest unknown. The Xbox 360 is already in stores, the PS3 primarily just promises improved graphics and secondary applications, the DS lite is just a new model with no notable functionality additions, etc.

The Wii (sigh) promise remains to be really shown in a way that give a large number of people a hands-on experience. Downloaded movies of the games won't come close to telling the story.
[quote name='epobirs']And everytime an article is viewed as down on Nintendo a bunch of whiners accuse them of anti-Nintendo bias.

When any article is viewed as down on any company, a bunch of people whine and call them anti-[that company].
[quote name='epobirs']Look at the contributors list at Joystiq and you'll see what I mean.[/QUOTE]
You get rewarded for quality posts. It's good to see you posting more at CAG again, epobirs.
I know what you mean, I feel that way about here sometimes. No one talks about deals, only bitches about stupid internet crap.
Well this is how i've seen it pretty much. Nintendo fanboys are the most vocal and rabid though they are not the majority. I guess it's kind of like the equivalent of Firefly fans (and I do like firefly) who were constantly shouting how there were so many fans and how great it was and it flops in the box office.

Either way, yeah I guess gamespot is pretty neutral with reporting, but they don't put out news as fast as a blog typically does. The thing that is kind of annoying is that companies are now putting credibility into these bloggers (hell even kotaku). I guess gawker has some pull..... I realize nobody can be unbaised but lame reporting and the obvious shift is a bit disgusting. I wouldnt be suprised if some of Kotaku's articles weren't paid off either in gifts or actual revenue like some other stupid magazine I know... Game.... p... yeah =p
Yeah, having a a large, blank, puke green bar covering 1/4 of the page on the left side is quite ugly. Not to mention most people start reading on the left side and instead there's that thing in the way. And it seems like the formatting is super inconsistent.
[quote name='easy_g']Yeah, having a a large, blank, puke green bar covering 1/4 of the page on the left side is quite ugly. Not to mention most people start reading on the left side and instead there's that thing in the way. And it seems like the formatting is super inconsistent.[/QUOTE]

it's there for optimum Advertisement coverage
bread's done