Anyone ever play Breath of Fire 4?


2 (100%)
For those that have played it, without discussing any of the plot, is it any good? The screenshots/artwork for the game look amazing for a psone game and I'm tring to decide if it's worth my money/time...

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds! :)
If it was the last one for the PSone the IV one i liked it alot very very fun and not like the stupid PS2 BOF yes i wouldsay get it ..its funn and worth the dough
do you need to play other breathe of fires to enjoy part 4? Are the stories/characters related in any way? I have part 4 but not the others from SNES or part 3
Not really. There are certain parallels between them, but not plot continutity. In all the BOF games, the main character is Ryu, and he can turn into a dragon, but it's not the same Ryu in each game, or even necessarily the same world. There will always be a female character named Nina, etc.
It was OK but not as good as its predecessors in the series. The first two were quite good as 16-bit and GBA games. The third was pretty decent for PS1 but the fourth had a lot of annnoyances in terms of little activities I had no interest in doing but are necessary to get your characters built up to any decent extent. The final dungeon got really tedious and I never got around to finishing the game. There was just something unsatisfying about the plot this time around, a sense of futility in the general struggle.

If the price is very low and you're big on RPGs and haven't many other options then go ahead and get it. It was far fromt he worst RPG I've ever played but equally far fromt he best.
I'm actually currently playing this one now. So far I like it. The only thing is that I was their would be a map for areas. Since it's a rotating 3D camera I feel like I need a map. Either a map or the camera could be pulled back more. I feel it's to close and I lose my character behind buildings in towns.
Despite owning it for more than 6 months, I only played about 5 hrs or so. needless to say I wasn't too enthralled.

However I loved BOF3.
I loved BoF IV but I disliked BoF III. I had high hopes for BoF III since BoF II was my favorite SNES game. BoF IV captures the same feeling as the SNES prequels. BoF III has no soul. BoF IV had many flaws but overall a solid PSX RPG. IMHO
Do not expect much of a story or much character developmen in BoF IVt. But do expect a fun game in the long run.
I have 1-3. 1 and 2 are some of my all time favorites, 3 was ok but I never got to finish because of my memory getting deleted. I payed 75$ for BOF2 on the first day it came out, or my mom did because I was little, I really dont remember, well worth it though.
I've played all five BoF games, and IV is probably my favorite. It does have weak characters and a sometimes frustrating camera, but other than that it is a very good game.

I found III to get very boring after a while. It's only saving grace was the characters. As for I and II...the first was mediocre, and II was good. (though the translation was piss poor in both those games)
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