Anyone get a survey from Sony about the PSP and connecting it to consoles?


I got a survey from them that enters you to win a free PSP game. I filled it out since one of my college interests was market research.

However, most of the questions in that survey involved whether I'd be interested if the PSP could hook up to a console to unlock more levels, download content, or interact with console games.

I wonder why Sony is interested in this - most people really haven't taken well to the GC/GBA connectivity. I definitely am curious now...

Did anyone else get this survey in the past few days?
Nope, was it from Playstation themselves or just a random research firm?

Conectivity isnt a bad thing, it's just being used badly so far.
It was from Playstation. I usually don't bother with third party research firms.

I'm not sure if I'd really do much with connectivity to a PS2 or PS3. I guess they're testing the water out since they're new to the handheld market and Nintendo had such a push on connectivity.
Connectivity for connectivity's sake is wrong, but let someone come up with a worthy idea... only thing is people arent willing to just let it happen because the companies try to force it on us to justify it's practicality so that when they DO have a good use people wont ignore it.

It's great big ole' circle-jerk catch22.
i heard they are going to allow you to hook up your psp to ps3 and play games like gamecube so that is probably why they have that research
If they include WiFi in the PS3 that will overcome one of the points of resistance to connectivity. By eliminating cables the spontaneity is enhanced and people aren't tethered to the console. I could even imagine some games where only one player can see the TV screen, perhaps as a sort of Dungeon Master, while everyone else operates solely through their PSP.
[quote name='epobirs']If they include WiFi in the PS3 that will overcome one of the points of resistance to connectivity. By eliminating cables the spontaneity is enhanced and people aren't tethered to the console. I could even imagine some games where only one player can see the TV screen, perhaps as a sort of Dungeon Master, while everyone else operates solely through their PSP.[/QUOTE]

Why bother with the TV at that point? Every PSP has its own screen.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Why bother with the TV at that point? Every PSP has its own screen.[/QUOTE]

THe TV affords a more suitable display for acting as the central control center for such a game, especially if HD modes are supported. The DM would need to track what all of the other players are doing while having various controls near at hand. Every bit of display resolution would count for getting as much info onscreen as possible without making it incomprehensible. Likewise, issues of storage management and other resources could give the PS3 an advantage for this role.
a great example of using connectivity on gamecube was with the game Pac-Man vs. basically one person has a gba attached and he is pac-man, he can see the whole map like a classic pac-man game on his gba screen. the other players control ghosts and they can only see the portion of hte map that immediately surrounds them as they hunt pac on the tv screen. whoever kills pac man gets to become pac-man for the next round. its great fun.
The day a system totaly gives up wired controll methods is the day hundreds of gamers get pissed off that their batteries died while fighting a final boss.

(And by day I mean the general time period because a good battery will last you a couple of weeks of course unless it's the PSP where you;d have about 5 or 6 hours and you;d be forced to stop playing.) When my wavebird batteries died while playing RE4 it was the scariest moment I'd had playing the game up to that point, I also realized that it could never become the sole input method as long as batteries die.
bread's done