Anyone getting an iphone tomorrow?

I don't know, there are no line-ups in Montreal, Toronto or Vancouver, while people have been waiting in places like New York for days.

I think between Uncle Ted's monthly plans and the prevalence of three-year contracts in Canada, you're not gonna have any trouble.
[quote name='DoubleStop']If you are, do you think they will sell out quick? I won't be able to head out until about 5pm and im betting they will sell as fast as wii's.[/quote]Personally I'm not big on lining up to get raped. ;)
yeah, i have absolutely no interest in lining up. I heard on the radio driving home that the lineup in Tokyo is up to 800 people now. Thats just insane
I hope nobody here is stupid enough to buy an iPhone in Canada. Rogers is absolutely raping you with the price.
I was actually considering selling my 16 gig Ipod Touch and buying the 16 Gig iPhone, but not a chance in hell now.
It's not as bad as it was when they first announced. Still far too expensive for me, but it's minimum $30 voice plan and no data required. Or any voice plan + $30 a month for 6GB of data.
What's the deal with these things? Can I use my Verizon account with it or is it AT&T only? My wife wants one but I'm not going to cancel my Verizon account in order to get it...
They are great phones. I have had a 1st Gen unlocked for months now and it is by far my favorite phone. The plans for Canada are just not good enough for me to buy a 3g.
OP... that's like asking "anyone going to be wasting money tomorrow?"

The new iPhone is a disappointment. The first one was alright, but this one barely touches up on anything useful. Kind of a waste of money, but to each his own.
I'm getting it tmrw hopefully (given that it doesn't sell out). Too lazy to line up really early so we'll see how it works out... will prolly show up about an hour b4 stores open (correct me if I'm wrong but I believe its 9am).

I'll be getting the 16gb with the $30 6gb plan. That's not too bad, I think the AT&T one in the states is $20 for unlimited or something? Well the way I figure, unless you're trying to download torrents on your phone, 6gb = unlimited.
[quote name='javeryh']What's the deal with these things? Can I use my Verizon account with it or is it AT&T only? My wife wants one but I'm not going to cancel my Verizon account in order to get it...[/quote]

In the US of A it's AT&T only. They have exclusive rights to it. In Canada we are stuck with Rogers or Fido which is the same thing.
[quote name='Jest']I have heard about this new 6GB for $30 plan... but all I find on the Rogers site is the old rates.[/QUOTE]

It's a promo plan is most likely why. It'll probably be in their press release section.
I heard you have a voice plan which is normally around $30 with SAF/tax/911, then you have to add a data plan which cost another $30. Really man, I have internet & wifi at home which cost $40 a month already. I don't even want to pay my cell phone bill every month, which only cost me around $20 and I'm thinking of getting rid of it with free call display and free calls after 5pm. I'm thinking going 7-11.
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I waited with an old Virgin Mobile (Nokia 2125) phone for Rogers to get the iPhone, buying into the hype that Apple could influence cheap data rates.

After the plans were announced I got a Bell HTC Touch with unlimited web. ($7 add-on). I still crave the iPhone big-time, but I had hoped for something on par with what AT&T offers.

But I think while you can get the phone for $70 through AT&T, you're probably looking at around $90 a month here for an equivalent plan... and Rogers minutes don't roll over, nor do they include unlimited mobile-to-mobile. Those are both huge, IMO.

My wife said she'd take the Touch off my hands, but I think I'll keep it. With a $24 add-on (Opera Mobile), it's not an iPhone, but it offers all the function I want, albeit in a much uglier fashion.
I heard they prefer new customers to sign up (more profits I guess) than current customers. Anyway, no iPhone for me unless there's a data plan for $15.
im cosidering it.. i already pay $20 a month for the media max bundle...which includes unlimited gprs.. a lil more and the speed will be worth it

Im kinda bummed about the weaker battery life though....and the proprietary cables
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Looks to be a cool phone, but I cant stand how they advertise it as being revolutionary. If anyone has ever been Europe or even Asia (HK or Tokyo) they will know this type of media unit/phone has been around for light years...

All in all, not a big Mac product fan, Ill be staying away.
[quote name='SickBoy']I waited with an old Virgin Mobile (Nokia 2125) phone for Rogers to get the iPhone, buying into the hype that Apple could influence cheap data rates.

After the plans were announced I got a Bell HTC Touch with unlimited web. ($7 add-on). I still crave the iPhone big-time, but I had hoped for something on par with what AT&T offers.

But I think while you can get the phone for $70 through AT&T, you're probably looking at around $90 a month here for an equivalent plan... and Rogers minutes don't roll over, nor do they include unlimited mobile-to-mobile. Those are both huge, IMO.

My wife said she'd take the Touch off my hands, but I think I'll keep it. With a $24 add-on (Opera Mobile), it's not an iPhone, but it offers all the function I want, albeit in a much uglier fashion.[/quote]Haha, never, ever, expect Canadian rates to be anywhere near American rates.

[quote name='EggViper']I'm getting it tmrw hopefully (given that it doesn't sell out). Too lazy to line up really early so we'll see how it works out... will prolly show up about an hour b4 stores open (correct me if I'm wrong but I believe its 9am).

I'll be getting the 16gb with the $30 6gb plan. That's not too bad, I think the AT&T one in the states is $20 for unlimited or something? Well the way I figure, unless you're trying to download torrents on your phone, 6gb = unlimited.[/quote]AT&T says unlimited but I believe the fine print says it's actually 5GB max.
Thursday night I went out for drinks and there's a Rogers beside the club. We notice 4 or 5 guys camping out in front of the store. I scan my memory furiously trying to remember if a great game is being released, and study the campers closely. As soon as I realize they are geeks and/or douches, I remember the 3G iPhone is coming out...
Every one standing outside the club having a smoke or getting fresh air were murmuring "What's with the idiots".

The best part was getting a slice of pizza after the club closed at 2AM and HOBOS were mocking the zealots... It's bad \when THE HOMELESS are laughing at you!

Don't get me wrong, it's great to be enthusiastic about something you like, but really: Is this phone going to be so rare that you have to camp out? You couldn't get one at 10AM, you had to sleep outside? Esp here in Canada, where you are locked in for a 3 YEAR contract and thrown-to-the-ground-with-no-lube data plan...

Full Apple Experience, indeed.
apparently stores in tokyo had over 500 people lined up in some cases
and someone on Macrumors said people were already camping at some stores on Wednesday night.
I'm still waiting for some company, any company, to release a cell phone with decent *expletive deleted* reception and sound quality. Is that too much to ask? I already have a PSP for all my multimedia needs, and I don't need some *expletive deleted* device with fingerprints all over the screen to watch videos, surf the net, or play games on, but hey that's just me. I get upset when people get their filthy fingers all over my computer monitor, so I'm weird like that. The iPhone is just pure marketing. It's got one of the worst UI ever designed. I guess some people have too much money.
Well I got the 8gb. This is the first time I'm using the iphone and I gotta say its really impressive.

Loving the whole 3g thing, I really don't think I can see myself without it anymore.

Also the UI is like the best part of it all (@ exolstice).
While I'm not all about the hype or "status" an iPhone brings, I was first in line at my location and picked one up. With my grandfathered City Fido plan and the 6GB data add-on (plus Skype-Out) it's a pretty sweet gadget. As a phone, it's just ok... as for the Internet browsing (or "having the sum of all human knowledge in the palm of your hand") it beats all my greatest expectations. I don't regret it for a second... and every day that passes I discover more I like about it.
Didn't manage to get a 16GB (through Fido), since I couldn't go until late in the day to grab one. I'm hoping they restock next week.
[quote name='magiic']In the US of A it's AT&T only. They have exclusive rights to it. In Canada we are stuck with Rogers or Fido which is the same thing.[/quote]

So there's no way to get it on my existing Verizon account? So I'd have to cancel the Verizon account and sign up with AT&T? I think that's a dealbreaker for me since my wife and I are on a family plan with our phones and we share minutes and stuff. If I cancel hers then I think I'd be paying a lot more for both of our phones together.

Basically, I want to be able to buy an iPhone, cancel my wife's Verizon account, keep her current phone number and not have my overall monthly fees go up (i.e. what I currently pay to Verizon). Is this feasible? How do they get people to buy a new phone otherwise? I use my cell phone about 5 minutes a week so this stuff is confusing to me (but she is always on hers which is why I want to get her a shiny new toy).
javeryh, you're better off asking another American. Our cell phone companies work differently and our plans are WAY different. However, she can keep her number when switching. Just remember not to cancel before going to Verizon, if it's anything like here, they do it for you. If you cancel beforehand, you can't get the number.
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