anyone having problems with their wirelss router (WRT54G) ?


i just bought a ps3...came in the mail a few days ago and i just hooked it up last nite. everything seemed like it was gonna work okay...i scanned for a wireless picked it up. i downloaded the network update. downloaded 1 demo...had 3 more in queue. then all of a sudden it just dropped the connection.

i tested said 'no access point found'. i went over to my router and all the lights looked fine...went back to my ps3 and nothing found again. i turned on my computer to even see if the router was working and it looked like there was 'limited activity or no connectivity' one of those. so i unplugged my router's power supply for a few seconds and plugged it back in. i was able to use the internet on my computer so i figured the router's okay now.

i went back to my ps3, but i cannot pick up a connection when i scan for wireless access point. i have the linksys WRT54G. that router was recommended to me for the xbox 360 and everything worked fine. it just seems like the ps3 is having a problem with this. i've searched google and it looks like others have problems with this too.

can anyone provide a fix for me? other than getting another router...i swear i just got that one and it works fine for everything else including my psp.

also whenever i try to test my connection now, it freezes and just has that little vortex in the top right hand corner. so i have to just shut down the system with the controller. then it takes awhile and sounds like it's mad at me and then finally turns off.
What VERSION of the WRT54G do you have?

Also, do you have the latest firmware of the WRT54G installed?

I would suggest updating the firmware. I was having issues with my WRT54G, but it seems better lately. I actually had mine directly connected, and wireless seemed to work better. Now it is only wireless, as I moved the PS3 to my main TV.

So, yes, firmware is my first suggestion. Also, what are your settings on the router? Automatic? Do you have security enabled on the router?
i'm pretty n00bish when it comes to routers. they confuse the hell outta me. so i just had it automatically set up (i think). i mean i tried to set it up on my own and it didn't i called my ISP (verizon) and they helped me get it working with the computer. there's no security enabled as far as i know..i mean i can connect my psp to it just like that. i don't even know how to update the firmware...i'm assuming through the linksys website? thanks for the help by the way...
First, look on the bottomo of the should say V5 or V6 for the version. Go to the linksys website and look for the latest firmware.

You will have to log INTO your router using

It will give you a username and password, if you never been here it might be admin/admin (not sure about the login/pw, should be on the linksys site).

Anyways, once you log into the router, it will display your firmware in the upper right hand corner (I believe). If it is not the newest one, update is update through the router...should be an update formware tab/button.

Also, you can play with the wireless channel also on the router. I think the default is like 6....some like 11 I believe.
all righty, i'll do that when i get home. thanks for the quick replies and simple steps. :) mucho appreciated! i'll post back here and let ya know how it goes. thanks again.
okay i logged in and it looks like i have 8.00 firmware.

i checked version 8 firmware and it's at 8.00.2

i download the firmware and it's a .bin file i think? i don't really know what to do with it...

EDIT. nvm...i looked into it and updated. i think everything's good. i'm on lunch break right now, gotta head back to work. i'll try out my ps3 when i get back home. :)

EDIT 2!!!!!:
it still doesn't work. setting up the wireless connection seems to go through fine. then an error occurs. when i test the connection my ip address fails. hmmmmm...riiiiiiiight. so then i tried to test it again to see if it was a mistake and then the vortex in the top right corner just stays there...and nothing ever happens until i turn off my system. sigh. any advice????????
[quote name='BelieveTheHype']okay i logged in and it looks like i have 8.00 firmware.

i checked version 8 firmware and it's at 8.00.2

i download the firmware and it's a .bin file i think? i don't really know what to do with it...

EDIT. nvm...i looked into it and updated. i think everything's good. i'm on lunch break right now, gotta head back to work. i'll try out my ps3 when i get back home. :)

EDIT 2!!!!!:
it still doesn't work. setting up the wireless connection seems to go through fine. then an error occurs. when i test the connection my ip address fails. hmmmmm...riiiiiiiight. so then i tried to test it again to see if it was a mistake and then the vortex in the top right corner just stays there...and nothing ever happens until i turn off my system. sigh. any advice????????[/quote]
Are you entering the correct type of security in your ps3 internet connection settings(wpa/wep/ect)? Also make sure you're entering the correct security key.
i just select 'none' cuz i don't think i've set up security for my wireless. the set up process looks just like it does on a psp...except my psp works and can connect. i don't understand what's going on :( argh :(!
it's the router. it's a crappy one. i have one too, but mine is V6 so i was able to install the DD-WRT firmware and it was good to go (I had the exact same problem), but currently I don't think there are any custom firmwares that support the V8 model.

You could try to look for solutions online, but I think you're better off selling that one and getting a new one. Try reading the DD-WRT firmware forums

I hope I'm wrong though (there could be a custom firmware out there for it), I don't like being the bearer of bad news :/

edit: ok, I just read your first post again, and now I dunno what to say, being this the first time it happens. In my case, my router did the same thing with my Wii, and before that it did the same thing when I refreshed the server list on Steam (or whatever other game server browser). It didn't do the "limited activity or no connectivity" (maybe I have it set so it doesn't say it or something) message, but it would disconnect everytime.
Again, I hope I'm wrong, since with you it only started happening when you got your PS3.
i just bought it...i could actually probably return it. i don't think it's crappy. it actually works perfect for my 360, my psp, and my computer. it's the ps3 that doesn't wanna cooperate. i'll check into those forums you're talking about, but if someone else could would be greatly appreciated :(!
this is one of the many prbolems that cheap routers encounter. You probably have a static IP address that the router wasn't able to convey(or convert) to wireless signal. Easy solution would be to unplug power source of router first then modem, wait at least 30 seconds ( i usually wait more) then plug back modem then router and let it recognize new IP. You might have to repeat the process once in a while if you've got real static IP or lots of other ppl messing with it. Hard (and better) solution would be to get a more expensive and stable router.
check the DD-WRT forums or browse through their wiki. I believe I read the name of the router they recommend somewhere on there.

and my bad for coming off like that with the 'crappy' word, but it got me kinda mad when it started happening to me lol. good thing it at least redeemed itself when i installed the custom firmware haha. =)
I have a WRT54GS and have 1 desktop, 2 laptops, wii, PS3, PSP and 360 all connected to it with no problems. desktop and 360 is connected via wires and all others are connected wirelessly. I thought firmware might solve your problem but maybe the problem is on the PS3 end, especially if all your other equipments work perfectly fine with the router.
lol not a prob. i still have faith in this router. i think there'll be a fix...might take a few tries but i think it'll be ok. anymore 1??? :) i'm at work right now, but i'm devoting my whole night to getting this thing to work. i haven't even been able to play a demo yet :(!! well...ok i lied i got to play super puzzle fighter...but still!!! i had heavenly sword demo at 10% :(!!! grrrr help? :)
[quote name='kleptoix']I have a WRT54GS and have 1 desktop, 2 laptops, wii, PS3, PSP and 360 all connected to it with no problems. desktop and 360 is connected via wires and all others are connected wirelessly. I thought firmware might solve your problem but maybe the problem is on the PS3 end, especially if all your other equipments work perfectly fine with the router.[/quote]

the weird thing is that it worked fine right when i set it up. i mean i downloaded a demo. just...when i finished playing it and quit, i went back to the main menu screen of the ps3 and it said download stopped. and it stopped my heavenly sword download at 10%. since then it hasn't been working. i've tried restoring the default settings than setting up the wireless connection again, but it doesn't work. last time i tried was during my lunch break..i tested my connection and it said obtain ip address: failed. first time i saw that...
If it makes you feel any better i have the same issue and i am stumped. i have the WRT54GS, and have desktop (wired) and wii, ps3, laptop and tivo (all wirelss) connected. oddly, i didn't have any problems until i installed the wii, first it got flaky, now its crapped out. i've tried most of the mentioned solutions without success. i'll be watching this thread too for suggestions. good luck with yours!
[quote name='gringo32']If it makes you feel any better i have the same issue and i am stumped. i have the WRT54GS, and have desktop (wired) and wii, ps3, laptop and tivo (all wirelss) connected. oddly, i didn't have any problems until i installed the wii, first it got flaky, now its crapped out. i've tried most of the mentioned solutions without success. i'll be watching this thread too for suggestions. good luck with yours![/quote]

ah, well if i don't find a fix. hopefully someone here will.
I have the exact same router and exact same problem. That little circle loading thing just freezes on the screen.
i guess i should clarify-my whole wireless network is down, not just ps3. my wired desktop still has good connection, but none of the wireless stuff will. laptop says it is logged on to a signal with excellent strength but little to no connectivity...
well here we go...after trying lots of different things....i read into the ps3 forum and it looks like the newest ps3 firmware update is doing this to almost everyone with one of these routers.

a temporary fix is to disable your UPnP on your router through your computer. not on the ps3 menu. you have to go to your routers administration settings through your computer browser.

i read that A LOT of ppl are having this same problem. hoping that sony knows about this and creates a fix cuz a lot of ppl are complaining.

not that bad for me since i don't do any media sharing from my computer yet...

hope that helps ppl.
sorry I cant be of much help, but thank god i dont have any issues, even with streaming media from my laptops and my desktop to the PS3. I did notice the downloads have been REALLY slow lately though.

I did find this though, might be worth a try,

go to in your browser and look for the DMZ option (it’s hidden under a menu, and location varies depending on your router firmware version). Pick one IP in your range (which is probably to, and not one of the low ones since that’s your computer probably). Put it in the DMZ field. Then do the PS3 network setup manually. You will need to know your DNS servers, your subnet mask, and whatever IP you picked. Leave everything else the default, probably.

Hope that helps.
The latest firmware update error is not being able to long into PSN. And it doesn't seem to be associated with just this router. Gringo unfortunately loosing wireless signal is a common problem with this router. When mine used to do this all I had to do is unplugged the router for about a minute and plug it back in. Good Luck.
millrat, thanks for the info on this router. i guess my next option is to call linksys, which i hoped to avoid. i've tried the unplugging, removing the ethernet cable, resetting...nothing working this time around. sounds like my router just crapped out.
I think I'm going to return my router and pick up a new one.
Can anyone recommend me a good wireless router to hookup a PS3, 2 desktops and maybe a laptop.
I'm having the same problem as OP. The green LED stays lit no matter which type of connection I choose (wireless OR wired).

When I pick Wireless and scan for routers, the system hangs a bit then tells me "The access point was not detected." Then, when I try scanning again I get the message "A connection error has occured. (80130128)"

When I pick Wired with the ethernet cable plugged in, it hangs and never establishes a connection. The LEDs don't light up for connection or activity. The wireless LED in the front of the unit is still lit, though.
well, i seem to have solved my router issues. at some point, i am guessing due to some recent blackouts, my network became unsecured. when i turned the security back on, it changed my encryption key. only took me a week to figure this one out. anyway, after going back into tivo, laptop, ps3 and changing the key, everything works again. hope this helps someone else out, and thanks to everyone that offered a asuggestion.
bread's done