Anyone here in there 20's and already have grey hair?!??!?

Well at least you still got hair. I think I shave my head too much and sometimes I think I'm starting to lose them. I might be like CheapyD just keep shaving my head and be bald. Less hassle.
I've had significant grey since I was 3 years old. It's genetics for me, but I got the worst of it in my family, my brothers and sisters didn't start getting them until their late teens, and even then it was very sparce. I'm 22 now and at least 50% grey-silver, and have dyed my hair since I was 12 or 13.
^ Wow... I've never heard of anything like that.

You sure the silver doesn't look cool?

Man, I play too many RPG's....
there was a kid in my class in 3rd grade who had a bare bald spot on the back of his head. I laughed at him then, but karma's biting me in the ass at 25. :lol: i don't have a big bald spot, but I'm guessing by the time I hit 30, it'll be almost bare. by that time it shouldn't matter.
[quote name='Moxio']^ Wow... I've never heard of anything like that.

You sure the silver doesn't look cool?

Man, I play too many RPG's....[/QUOTE]

I'd actually let the silver go if it wasn't combined with mousey boring brown-- It just makes the brown look duller. I just dye black overtop of it and it tends to make it amazingly shiny black, at least. Kind of like getting highlights, I guess.
well, i've had grey's since i was about 11-12, i'm 29 now. my father, who just turned 52, finally has more grey's than me. but that ran in my mom's side of the family (had a cousin when he hit 21, he was all grey... no black hairs left.
a friend of mine has had some strands of her long hair black turning white since high school. It's pretty hot actually since she's quite good-looking.

My hair's still dark as the night at 20...except for a single chest hair gone white. XD what a rogue that single follicle
[quote name='ITDEFX'] i am not alone on this one..phew...seems the genetics are the cause :| but can anyone explain the red hair thing? My doctor said certain water/shampoos will cause that..ok I can understand that, but shouldn't that effect like more than one stran????[/QUOTE]

Your hair is constantly changing as you get older. When I was small I had wavy/close to curly hair that slowly straightened out. It only gets wavy now when it's long-long. In high, when I started growing my beard out, the whole thing was bright red with a dark red stripe that ran down the middle of my chin. My beard has now turned brown with the stripe simply being a slightly darker brown.

I get gray hairs here and there. Jenn cracks jokes all the time about it, but on my 23rd birthday, I was driving through a cemetery (memorial day weekend) and she yanked one out that hurt like hell. Sure enough it was was silver/white. I got so pissed.

My mom's grandfather, who I supposedly like exactly alike, had a silver head of hair when he was 30. I'm gonna be so pissed.

And yes, the baldness gene is passed through the mom. If your grandfather on your mother's side was bald or so on, then theres a possibility...
strange thing is that I have found more gray hairs post college years, and post ex gf............ hmmm

you might think it was the other way around but its not.
I have two grey hairs.. one on each temple region. I found them about five years ago and literally haven't had another one pop up.... I'm thirty one, if that makes any difference. I'm really surprised, knock on wood, that more haven't popped up.

The one good thing about having blondeish hair is that gray doesn't show up as much in contrast. My dad has really blonde hair and probably had only 10% of his blonde left swimming around in all that grey but it still looked like he had blonde(ish) hair.
more and more greys are showing up these days on me.. one day i have a spot on my black head that is clear of greys, the next a grey hair!!! damn black hair, you bastards with lighter hair can get away with this shit but us dark colored hair people are SOL.
[quote name='ashram']well, i've had grey's since i was about 11-12, i'm 29 now. my father, who just turned 52, finally has more grey's than me. but that ran in my mom's side of the family (had a cousin when he hit 21, he was all grey... no black hairs left.[/QUOTE]

Damn I really need to shut the fuck up about how bad I thought my going gray was. I'm a lightweight compared to some of ya'll families histories. Shit I'm in my my middle twenties and haven't gone close to going completely gray and I thought some people had a high penetrance but I have to say "DAMN!" to your cousin because it's either the genes, a shitload of stress or a combination of the two and I wouldn't be surprised if stress wasn't a big factor.
I feel better about myself too. My family gets grays in their late 40's and 50's. Whew, I've still got a long time to go before I say bye to my black and welcome the gray. :lol:
Btw Moxio you bringing the old pic back? I liked it better than this one.

edit: Yup man we can hold it down on the gray but I'm still getting dyed when I go too gray. Maybe I should do the Magnus or Dante thing now before I'm too old.
[quote name='Sarang01']Btw Moxio you bringing the old pic back? I liked it better than this one.

edit: Yup man we can hold it down on the gray but I'm still getting dyed when I go too gray. Maybe I should do the Magnus or Dante thing now before I'm too old.[/QUOTE]

Old pic? In the sig or avatar?
bread's done