Anyone here watch Asian DVD's? (not porn)

I liked versus, shaolin soccer was good, and I can't belive ketwyld called the killer "crap pile" :shock: it is a CLASSIC! right up there with hard boiled! but everyone has their likes and their dislikes....

Versus was such crap, it doesn't have anything good in it. I rented it from Blockbuster and I thought it may be decent, but it was god awful. But since your on netflix rent it any way. You'll see how crappy it is. Don't belive the hype about that movie.[/quote]

how can you be so harsh, versus it brings a matrix/style element to the zombie films,it is enteraining/good for a low budget film.
ya i just got hooked on hk movies this summer and have really been enjoying them alot.
plenty of good recommendationsalready talked about enough ....
battle royale
infernal affair trilogy
fulltime killers
hard boiled
bullet in the head
running out of time.

storm riders - if u liked this.. then the duel, and a man called hero are both loosely connected with the same actors/director and production people i think

oldboy is defintly recommend if you like a good messed up movie

Takashi Miike's Dead or alive trilogy.any of those are pretty dam good if you want some disturbing images. or watch audition or visior q which are also pretty jacked.

Musa was a epic-period movie made in korea with zhangi zhui i dont think that has been mentioned a pretty good old time movie with good action an cinematography.

Shiri is a great action-drama koren flick defintly worth a watch. dont let that misleading r1 cover distract you though there is no girl wearing skimpy clotes and or nudity.

tme and tide was a pretty decent movie i dont think anyones mentioned either.

Young and Dangerous is a great triad drama i would defintly say try an catch the first 5 and than the side one born to be king.

Azumi is also a good movie no one has mentioned ..that is by the guy who did versus but it is set in the older times and remined me of the onimusha games alot.

king of comedy is also another good steven chow movie with some extremly funny parts.
And i hear that new kung fu hustle by steven chow turned out to be real good and am lookin to its hk dvd release on feb.1st
and im just about to watch the quiet family and tale of two sisters which are supossedly real good movies.

an if you go to or you will fing plenty of other good info and reviews on other movies.
[quote name='js1']

how can you be so harsh, versus it brings a matrix/style element to the zombie films,it is enteraining/good for a low budget film.[/quote]

The movie blew, it had bad pacing issues, characters acted dumb, some characters were not needed/used effectivly and just because people wear leather jackets and shoot guns doesn't make the movie have "Matrix Elements".

If they wanted to make a comedy they should have gone farther. The movie looks like it took a week to make. Also don't let the cover fool you the swords don't show up untill the final quarter of the movie. And even when the don't do anything cool with them.

But like I said, he has netflix so he should rent it since he won't really pay to see it.
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