Anyone know the cheapest place to buy dvd cases?

I've heard stories of Hollywood Video or Blockbuster stores throwing the extras into their dumpsters... You could potentially get a whole bunch for free if you weren't averse to dumpster diving.

Some areas have laws against dumpster diving. My advice: bring a few large, empty cardboard boxes along and place them outside the dumpster. If a cop arrives, point to your boxes and tell him that you're moving and looking for boxes to use. At worst, he'll tell you to stop, but most likely he'll leave and let you keep looking "for boxes."
[quote name='sandrockgundam219']I need some because I'm sick of putting things in jewel cases.

I'd prefer not to buy online unless its a pretty good deal[/quote]

Well, online I'd go with They sell stacks of 100 for like $22-23 bucks. They sell regular ones, thinpacks, double thins, etc... etc..

You'll get the best deal from them (and a few other online places) than any B&M stores.
Its true you can go to blockbusterand get them there for free!!! just ask one of the employees for the cases they will gladly givem to u...
Well you can get some for a penny each if you check your local Best Buy and see if they have any of there Silver Surfer figurine sets. heh.
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