Anyone on the West Coast havig issues with XBOX Live?


I am having lots of issues with XBOX Live. I can get connected but many Dashboard and Marketplace features are not loading at all. Gamerpictures, Profiles, Avatars, etc are taking ages if not never loading. I can not access the Marketplace at all.

Also, trying to write messages and even look at profiles is many times completely freezing my 360.

The weird thing is is also not really loading at all for me either.

I have tried connecting directly to the modem and also had the same problems so it cant be my Router.

Another weird thing is I have spoken to many friends on the East coast and they say theirs is working fine. Both XBL and

Is anyone else having issues? or does anyone know what could be going on?

Thanks for any info.
[quote name='GamerChris']yes. live is slow for me too.[/quote]

Does work? and Can you actually access stuff on the Marketplace?

EDIT: Oh, I am in San Jose too! Do you have Comcast, I have a feeling it might be a Comcast problem.
[quote name='KSHLove']that happened to me earlier. I'm on comcast as well, the dashboard seems to be working fine now. isn't loading though.[/quote]

Are you able to access anything on the Marketplace? When I try to click on any Marketplace item it never brings up the download page, it just give me the empty hourglass logo loading thing forever.

Also when I try to view a picture from a friend message, the picture never loads.
i can access the marketplace it just takes about a minute to load. I am downloading a demo right now. The marketplace via is even worse, it's not even loading.
[quote name='KSHLove']i can access the marketplace it just takes about a minute to load. I am downloading a demo right now. The marketplace via is even worse, it's not even loading.[/quote]

Anything I click on just brings up the Hourglass loading logo :(

Edit Also, None of is working for me, The front page only kind of loads if I try over and over again and wait an eternity.
[quote name='KSHLove']hmm thats weird.'s market place loads but it takes like 5 mins for me. It's a little slow tonight.[/quote]

Do you have a direct link to it? I can't get anything to load except the Homepage(kind of)

EDIT: ok I see what you mean. is loading very slowly if I leave it alone for quite some time. but the flash widget is not loading on it.
Okay the Marketplace is starting to work now. Quick question can you get the Forums to work? is working so much better now. I can get stuff including the forums to load rather quickly now. The flash banner on the home page is still not loading quickly though.
I've been having issues since the increase in demand in November and I'm on the East Coast. My brother & I have our 360's in the game room/spare bedroom 5 feet away beside each other with our modem/router in between, the same setup for 3 years now.

A month or so ago I could connect to LIVE with no problem but he couldn't even connect/sign in. On top of that Halo 3 has been running like sh!t though everyone is usaully 4-5 bar connections, and both COD4 & COD: WaW always has 3-4 red dot connections in the room lagging things down to a crawl even though the players are all still from the US.

My LIVE runs out on April 15th, if MS doesn't get things running smoothly by then which I plan to be moved into a new house, I'm going to let my service be canceled and maybe move onto the PS3 online which I understand it is laggy too but atleast free.

Plus, as a 30 year old I'm having to avoid & mute to many players. Damn if I'm going to have to moderate that much every game I atleast want the service to be free or I need to get compensated because if you moderate the way you need to it becomes a job.
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Try clearing out your cache, and deleting your Marketplace Data. Doing that fixed it for me, I've been having problems with loading, ever since I switched to a 120GB HDD after my 20GB HDD (my 20GB had the NXE beta on it, and my 120 needed to re-download it.. since then, I've been having problems).
Today, I have not experienced any issues with Xbox Live. My in-game dashboard freezes, but I assume that's a software issue (that is resolved by clearing my cache).
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