Anyone own a Jeep Commander? Looking for an SUV.


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I was wondering if anyone that has a Jeep Commander could tell me how they like it. I'm in the market for a new(er) car and wanted to get an SUV. I really like the Jeep Commander's appearance but the online websites say they have poor reliability.

I've asked 2 different mechanics that I trust and they both said all Jeeps are pretty reliable, which goes against what the online sites said.

I was looking for a used 2006 or more recent, and I was hoping to spend about $15,000. I also was considering the Jeep Grand Cherokee but I prefer the body of the Commander.

Anyone have any input? I'm not that interested in most import SUV's (Toyota, Honda etc). They just don't appeal to me visually.

I don't own one, but I drive both the Commander and Cherokee sometimes for work (mostly the Commander). The Commander is only a viable option if you are short (< 6'0") as the leg room in the front seats is very cramped. Also, the front windshield in commanders seems to be more susceptible to cracking than other vehicles for some reason. My only other complaint is the ghetto plastics used in the interior, but this true for all Chrysler products.

My recommendation is don't get a Commander. Look at the Ford Edge/MKX or if you want to spend a little more money the Acura MDX. Much more comfortable vehicles to drive.
[quote name='Morrigan Lover']I don't own one, but I drive both the Commander and Cherokee sometimes for work (mostly the Commander). The Commander is only a viable option if you are short (< 6'0") as the leg room in the front seats is very cramped.

Two commander owners I know have buyers remorse because of this. I am life long Jeep owner (we have had at least one Jeep in our driveway for nearly 3 generations now) and I really don't like it, at all.

The current Jeep Grand Cherokee also suffers from cramped head room and viewing angles if you are taller than 6'2" (and if you're 6'4" like me, it's a nightmare). If I am the first car at the stop light I have to lean forward and cant my neck horizontal to see the stop light.

If your short and don't mind the fit and finish issues mentioned in the previous post (and/or can spring for the loaded Limited which has much nicer interior detailing and appointments) then consider it, but you really need an extended test drive to see all its short comings.


Do you need a dedicated low-range 4x4?

If not and you are still set on an "American" made 7 passenger SUV, consider the GMC Acadia AWD. Our SLT2 (E) AWD Acadia is our go to family car now. After test driving all the seven passenger SUV's in the $25-45k range the Acadia (also on the lambda platform Traverse/ Enclave) and the Honda passport were the only two that even got considered. We were not blown away by our first test drive (of any of the vehicles in this category), but extended use has really made us appreciate all the design details and features it has and we all love it now.

If you do need a dedicated low-range in a full sized SUV you're pretty much screwed these days.
I own a 2006 Commander and was in the same boat as you, I loved the boxy look and appearance but in hindsight sort of wish I never bought it. Here are some thoughts, I have just over 60k miles on it.

The first row has plenty of room in my opinion, its the second row that is cramped. I have had a child since we bought it and her legs are cramped already and she's two. It was a compromise to get the third row in. We barely use the third row but the second row has trouble fitting in a normal sized adult. Therefore, its useless as a 'road trip' vehicle. Just getting a few guys in it to run to lunch is a pain.

When I bought it, within two months my navigation system failed and had to be replaced. Also, my window door switches on the driver side failed, my air conditioner wouldn't get cold, and my windshield had to be replaced due to a high pitched shriek from wind noise. Three pretty big things on a brand new 36k vehicle.

Then i went through a couple of years of pretty good performance but HORRIBLE gas mileage. I drive it a ton on the highway (i have the v6) and still get in the low teens for mileage. Its just such a heavy vehicle. You can literally fill it with gas, and then run an errand or two around the city and its lost a quarter of a tank.

Just last month I had to replace the pads and rotors on the rear brakes. Apparently Jeeps are notorious for bad rotors but I wasn't horribly upset, it seems like you would probably replace them once in a vehicles lifecycle anyway.

Also, it has started to leak in the A pillar when I go through the car wash, not sure if thats related to the sun-roof or not. And my navigation knob has busted off and apparently can't be fixed without a whole new 1k unit. I am currently researching some online fixes. My leather is cracking in some areas and starting to peel off in the front seats.

I owe about 10 grand on it so i'm about in the sweet spot where i'm deciding whether to pay it off and drive it until the wheels fall off or get out now and get something a little more driver friendly.

Hope this helps.
My dad has a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I've driven it occasionally (mainly driving him home from the bar, or driving it over my car if it's snowing and such) and while it's hard for me to get used to (I personally drive a 95 Chevrolet Monte Carlo Z34, so the height difference takes getting used to), it's a decent ride. I never didn't feel comfortable, and I'm of decent size. My only complaint is the gas mileage, which it is HORRIBLE in. I admit, I hate driving the jeep, only for that reason. More so if I have to drive it a few days in a row which means I'm the one that has to feel it up. While I never actually tracked the gallons for my route when using the jeep, just to give a comparison, my car takes in the low $30s every other night (I put close to 100 miles on my car), and the jeep if I remember right, takes if not $50, very close to it.
I'd say go for a Grand Cherokee, better gas milage, looks amazing, reliable (atleast mine is, if something breaks, I can fix it, and I'm no car expert by far) and plenty of room for anything you want to do! If space isn't important you could get a Compass or Liberty.... but for me the GC is the best.

Go Grand Cherokee!
Wow, does not look good for the Commander, which sucks because I really, really like how it looks.

I appreciate everyone's input.
My mom, aunt, and sister all had Jeep Cherokees and like them a lot (well, my sister not as much, but hers was bought used privately and in pretty bad shape.) They seem to be fairly durable- I know my mom's Jeep is a '95- but the gas mileage is horrible. The front seat belts are also really short, enough so that Jeep actually put out an extender to make them longer. It's a good bet for an SUV, though.
I forgot one thing....i am having a problem with the engine idle too. Almost like it wants to kill the engine when i'm sitting at a stop light. It sort of 'bounces' like i'm out of gas, so you have to give the gas pedal a little tap to get the rpm's back up. i've never actually had the car die on me but online I have read a few reports of it happening.
The Commanders are fairly cool, but nothing beats the Edge for looks and design.

The Santa Fe isn't half bad, either.
[quote name='Mike23']The Commanders are fairly cool, but nothing beats the Edge for looks and design.

The Santa Fe isn't half bad, either.[/QUOTE]
Not trying to be a dick, but are you being sarcastic?
lol, this is why I wont buy American. My old man went through a few jeeps in the late 90's early 00's. They all pretty much sucked and gave problems. Then my mom got a grand Cherokee (traded in a toyota for one! dumbest mistake ever, she thought she got a great deal and wondered why they traded her corolla in for so much) and that thing was a POS! she has a Chrysler 300 and dont let me get started on that... at least she leased it. my family was trying to support american until they realized most of the cars are made in Mexico and not in America. Soon after my cousin got a 07 commander, 2 years later the alternator went out, wheel bearings got all messed up, rotors had to be replaced twice in a year, caliper failed, idled weird like it was misfiring and she got horrible gas mileage. i use to do her oil changes and basic routine and man that thing got like 15mpg and i am not a heavy footer. and it pissed oil! not even the dealer could figure out where the oil was going. now she's shopping for a new camry or accord. best decision she will ever yourself your money. because ill tell you right now, she paid 26k and its only worth $7900 with 49k miles on it! lol!
I'd get the late 2000s Jeep Cherokee Classic Limited. It's boxy, 4x4, limited space for the second row, gas mileage in the early teens, & they should be around $10G or less.

So it's basically a commander for cheap and looks a lot better in my opinion. I've had one for a while and it never let me down.
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