Anyone own a pug?

MSI Magus

83 (100%)
Me and my fiancee are thinking of getting a second dog and we have always loved pugs. We dont believe in getting a dog without researching it though and making sure its a good fit for us. While researching pugs I am finding a lot of sites that make them sound like they rack up monstrous vet bills constantly getting eye and ear infections and making it sound like needing a respiratory surgery is a standard thing for pugs. If any of you guys have owned pugs do you find this stuff to be true? Not true? An exaggeration of the truth?

We really love the look, energy and everything else about pugs, but as I said we are trying to be responsible and not just rush out and buy one but first make sure it fits both our life style and that we could afford it.
I've heard of the respiratory problems, not so much surgery but more wheezing and stuff like that because of the smashed face they have, I am not an expert though. I just wanted to say they are cool little dogs and if you do decide to get one good luck with it. :)
Used to have a female pug named E.T. who died when she was around 7. It was because she was sort of overweight which didn't help in the fact that pugs naturally have deficient breathing problems. During the summer, they have to constantly be cared for and made sure they do not overheat or suffocate. This is just from personal experience but the bottom line is that any breed of dogs need to be cared for.. just that pugs need a little bit more effort to "maintain".


Yeah...that's all I've got. These might be Boston terriers?
Pug's are not really high maintenance, they just need to be kept out of hot temperatures but then again most dogs do. My father is a dog breeder and he raised a lot of pugs nd they were a nice breed of dogs. None of them ever had any serious problems but then again I lived in an area with a constant temperature between 65-80. I hope this info helps
I am no dog expert and I have never owned a pug, but my family has owned several breeds of small dog - chihuahuas, shitzus, dachshunds, and more recently I own a yorkie. Of all those dogs, the yorkie has been the healthiest most level-headed and fun animal. He is athletic, good natured and cute.

[quote name='blumpies5']Pug's are not really high maintenance, they just need to be kept out of hot temperatures but then again most dogs do. My father is a dog breeder and he raised a lot of pugs nd they were a nice breed of dogs. None of them ever had any serious problems but then again I lived in an area with a constant temperature between 65-80. I hope this info helps[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the info. Between this and messaging a few pug rescues I am feeling more confident in owning the breed. Our one neighbor had one that was sick all the time and I was reading online that they very commonly have eye and respiratory problems that made it sound like they needed to go to the vet several times a year. As I said before we are trying hard to be responsible so I wanted to do plenty of research. We can easily afford the $200-$300 to adopt another dog and ya if the dog needed a surgery or to go to the vet we could afford it, but if my fiancee lost her job(which is kind of on shaky ground)and then all of this happened it could put us on shaky ground fast.

Again thanks for the info!
I have a pug(well,my family does)andI can tell you that if you want a dog that is just going to hang around with you while you're sitting around; they're great for that. Mine tends to wheeze and snore, constantly, and that can be bothersome at night.

That said, the thing is really mellow, and it's one of those "so ugly it's cute" animals.
They shed ALOT and snore so just be prepared. My sister and brother in law own two. They are great dogs as far as the kids are concerned, they have a 2 yr old and a 2 month old. JUst be prepared for the noises that come out of them. When they run, jump, sleep, all the time, funny noises.
Ya I am prepared for the wheezing and snoring. I used to die laughing when I went to play Halo 3 with my neighbor and the dog was sleeping on the bean bag chair. They are so loud but so funny. I also know from playing with him that when they get excited the wheezing gets louder and more annoying but I find it charming if anything. Like I said I have been around pugs much of my life, but never been responsible for one so vet bills were my big concern.
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