Anyone read the Fight Club book?


13 (100%)
I thought about getting it just wondering if any of you CAGs have read it and liked it? If anyone want to sell it I'm interested also.
I've read it and It's great. The movie is probaly the best book to movie conversion I've ever seen. The changes that were made made complete sense to make for a movie. I would recommend reading it though, the changes are enough that you will still enjoy the book.
I enjoyed it. There are some differences from the movie, so its not exactly the same. You could prob pick it up really cheap on amazon or
Although the book was very good, I enjoyed the movie much more. It really did so much more than simply put the words onto the screen. Fincher, Uhls, and the cast really breathed life into Chuck's book. Also, I'd heartily recommend any of Chuck Palahniuk's other novels. My personal faves are Survivor and Choke. His others, Invisible Monsters, Diary, Lullaby, the bizarrely entertaining travelogue Fugitives and Refugees and his collection of short writings Stranger Than Fiction are all great as well.
Talk about a great movie that would have been censored in the post-911 world.

Anyone notice that the anti-hero has recently weakened in the public consciousness. I mean, even Hellboy was portrayed as a misunderstood mom-and-apple-pie hero.
the book's great, in fact, I liked it better than the movie, and I LOVE the movie(and watched the movie first). from what I recall(it's been a couple of years since I read it), it felt more fleshed out, and I liked the book's ending a little more than the film's.

oh, and here's a coupon for 25% off at borders/waldenbooks in case you were going to buy it retail.

it expires on monday though.
I read the book before I saw the movie (although not out of my own knowledge but rather pre-film hype) and was astonished at how well the film was translated to screen. It takes a skillful director/screenwriter to do that when most of the dialogue is expositional/internal monologue and most of what's happening is going on in their heads. I didn't like the changed ending though.
A strange tid-bit about the book: A friend of mine found a copy of the original fight club published without the movie picture on the cover. On the description on the back cover it tells you that tyler durden isn't real! Way to spoil the whole twist.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='bowmanarmy']THANK YOU PPL[/quote]

You're welcome. Now get off your ass and read Survivor already. :wink:[/quote]

Now that's what I'm talking about! My fave Chuck book as well.
I just read Choke and loved it. I am currently reading Lullaby. I have yet to read Fight Club, but it's on my list of things to do.
[quote name='sanjuro']the book's great, in fact, I liked it better than the movie, and I LOVE the movie(and watched the movie first). from what I recall(it's been a couple of years since I read it), it felt more fleshed out, and I liked the book's ending a little more than the film's.

oh, and here's a coupon for 25% off at borders/waldenbooks in case you were going to buy it retail.

it expires on monday though.[/quote]

Thx a lot for that coupon. I've been meaning to buy Survivor for a while now. :D
I've been wanting to read the book for a while but its been checked out at the local library for a couple of months already. I've read Diary and Lullaby so far and thought they were great.
great book i like the movie better. the slogan for the video game should have been "a copy, of a copy, of a copy.."
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