Anyone still play Rogue Trip and Vigilante 8?

Twisted Metal 2 was my favorite of that generation. I know that Rogue Trip was made by the same team, but it was so weird to me. The hotdog car with a hockey mask? Huge robot bosses that aren't even cars?

I had Vigilante 8 on both PS and N64. I played single player (with custom soundtrack) on PS, and multiplayer on N64.

It's amazing how time flys, man. I think I got them both at the end of my senior year, but it feels like just a year or 2 ago. The PSP is getting a remake of Twisted Metal 2 that plays like a hybrid of 2 and Black. The industry really is advancing faster than we think.
Yes, I also like Twisted Metal 2 better. But I did play a lot of Vigilante 8 quite a bit back in the day.
Rogue trip was awesome, some of the best original unlockable characters. I d put this one right there with twisted metal 2
Call sacrelige all you want, but I thought (and still think) that the Vigilante 8 games beat the crap out of any of the Twisted Metal games.

I just enjoyed the more realistic control, environments, and vehicles. Not to mention the cool soundtrack (which, as mentioned, could be "customized" on the Playstation version).
When my dad first introduced me to Vigalante 8, I was like "THERE'S 8 OF THEM?!". Lol, I remember getting much more play time with the Twisted Metal series though, since my friend had all 4.
Vigilante 8 is great. The graphics and physics were jaw dropping good.

Tm2 was more arcadey..and that doesnt mean it was bad. =)

I just hope they dont make it too Twisted Metal Black-ish..Because black SUCKED.
I've only played Black briefly at a friend's house and I couldn't really get into it. I think the Twisted Metal series was messed up by singletrac selling the property to sony, and sony thinking that gamers are looking for more realistic games like Vigilante 8. The problem that I had with 3&4 was the physics engine. I was used to flipping around with Mr. Grim, nailing an oppenent, and then jetting down the road to recover some specials. You can barely even turn in 3&4, and if you try something daring, you can expect your car to turn over and leave you defenseless. I'm actually hoping that the Twisted Metal 2 remake will turn out pretty bad, because that's the type of game that actually makes me consider shelling out an excessive amount of money on a system i'll see little use of.
You TM2 fans should try finding the PC version, which is DX compatable, so hopefully it will run on winxp/2000.

Anyways the graphics are much better, framerate is good. And it supports lan/network play so maybe you could play with other cagrs
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