Anyone who has been in, or knows about the U.S Navy


10 (100%)
Sorry to make this brief (using the ps3's web browser) but I recently took the ASVAB and my job is Hospital Corpsman. I obviously read about it before choosing, but I still want to hear what people have to say about it. My recruiter was with me when I chose it, and kept talking about what a great job it was, and that apparently "everyone" tries for this job, but most of them don't qualify for it. He was probably BSing, but there's no real way for me to know. Discussion, please :] Also, my ASVAB score was a 59.
Well, do you want to be a medic? That is exactly what the job is.

I would guess that it is harder to land that job since it isn't something that everyone can do.

Although, be aware that Navy medics are often attached to Marine battalions when deployed. So if you thought this job was going to prevent you from being in the heat of battle, you are wrong.
pretty much a nurse job (or thats what my recruiter told me)

I myself is going as a cook even though they really pushed me hard into signing up for nuclear tech (just didn't really want to do a full enlistment on a sub)
That asvab test is such a joke. When I took it I got a 99 and qualified for secret service. Something about a job description that says not to dodge a bullet turns me off though.
As long as you can dance and sing as well as the cop, the construction worker, the biker, and the indian you should be fine.
[quote name='darthbudge']Well, do you want to be a medic? That is exactly what the job is.

I would guess that it is harder to land that job since it isn't something that everyone can do.

Although, be aware that Navy medics are often attached to Marine battalions when deployed. So if you thought this job was going to prevent you from being in the heat of battle, you are wrong.[/QUOTE]

...Isn't there a rule that says that you cant shoot a medic, though? >_> God dammit...
[quote name='Jack-Hunter']...Isn't there a rule that says that you cant shoot a medic, though? >_> God dammit...[/QUOTE]


You really think terrorists would follow the Geneva convention?
[quote name='darthbudge']:rofl:

You really think terrorists would follow the Geneva convention?[/QUOTE]

This deserves to be sigged. Nothing to do with the OP's comment; budge's post just made me LOL.
[quote name='Jack-Hunter']...Isn't there a rule that says that you cant shoot a medic, though? >_> God dammit...[/QUOTE]
No one shoots anymore. It's all about the explosives now.

Welcome to the military, sailor.
My brother in-law is a naval corpsmen. He likes it and doesn't mind the work. As long as you can stand seeing/touching nasty stuff. You are on a ship with other guys and if they have a rash or something, they are going to show it to you.

Also, is it true about being sent along with the Marines. He did a tour with them.
[quote name='darthbudge']:rofl:

You really think terrorists would follow the Geneva convention?[/QUOTE]
He wants to get into the Navy because of Metal Gear Solid, so he'll also be disappointed when he finds out that it's a little different than that:

Come to think of it, going a little ways back..what got me interested in the military was..well..Metal Gear Solid. It's funny and all, because..even I know that getting into any branch won't have you taking down giant metal gears 20 times your own height, saving the world from nuclear attack, and finding out that you're the clone of the best soldier of the 20th century and all, but the military aspect of it was intruiging too. I know I won't ever be Snake, or even close. And that the job, whichever it may be, won't be 'that' exciting, but yeah. I don't know. ...I really don't know.
I was in for 5 years as a photographer, another job that "everyone wants and no one gets". Even with a choice job like that I found the Navy to be the shittiest job imaginable.

Then again, I've had lifer friends who totally loved it, so I'm sure it's somewhat subjective... especially now that the economy is making it hard to find good work. I was in during the boom years, so when I got out people were throwing jobs and money my way. I know that it's not that way now, and that's a legitimate reason to consider the Navy. The travel is great, but it's not free - you'll pay for it in putting up with every type of bullshit imaginable.

What I would suggest is this - make an informed decision, and not just informed by people who are pro-navy. Go to a site like and see what people who hated it have to say. Read their forums ( decide whether you think the people posting their grievances are just being crybabies, or whether their problems might be legit.

Why listen to people who didn't like it? Because you're thinking of signing away several years of your life for a job you cannot quit. You will be legally bound to your decision whether you regret it or not, and they will have every right to throw your ass in the brig if you screw up. What is screwing up? Pretty much whatever your superiors decide it is. I never had to deal with this luckily (got my Honorable Discharge and went on with my life), but I have seen good people get shafted on someone's whim.

As for your job, corpsman is one of the better jobs in the Navy. You'll basically be a military medic. Corpsman are needed everywhere from shore installations to almost every ship in the fleet, and they also get deployed with SEAL teams if you're a badass who wants to try BUDS training. Like someone above said, they also deploy with the Marines quite a bit. There really seems to be a higher ratio of attractive female corpsman than there are in most other jobs in the navy, at least that was the case when I was in. The training you'll get in corpsman school and by doing the actual job is also something that will carry over well to the civilian world, and there is a demand for those skills. That's a lot better than some aviation ordinanceman or boatswain's mate is ever going to get in the real world.

In my experience, NAVY only stands for "Never Again Volunteer Yourself", but it's a decision you'll have to make on your own.

Sorry to go on a tangent there, but this is a big and important question. If you want to know more, PM me and I'll answer any questions I can. I promise that I will be impartial, giving you both sides of the story.
got out past august as a MA. The corps men i knew either worked as a nurse at the hospital or were deployed as field medics woth marines where they were basically marines during the deployment.
Join the Air Force. I spent four years in Northern California at a cush hospital. Basic in San Antonio sucks balls but the rest of your tour will more than make up for it.
[quote name='darthbudge']:rofl:

You really think terrorists would follow the Geneva convention?[/QUOTE]

Nobody really follows them. The US government says it doesn't.
Really? You give people shit about being conformists because you're the most unique and badass individual around, and you're joining the fucking Navy? Tool of the year.
bread's done