Anyone Working Retail get Scammed?


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We received word from Corporate today that a whole bunch of phony coupons have been going around for free Xbox 360's, Ps3's and controls and games. Have anyone else seen these or actually used the coupon? We were told once you scan the coupon it locks teh register so you can't void it or have the CSM turn the key to cancel the transaction. We actually had one today but I refused to take it and laughed at the guy.

Loook at this
LOL @ that coupon.

When I was a cashier, I got a fake $100 one time. Shit sucked.

I also think the manager was stealing money from my till, and I got put on cash control. Bitch got hers, though. She got arrested for stealing :lol:
Its hilarious that people are actually taking coupons, hell I gave one look at it and was like WTF! I took it to the managers and showed them and they said damn wheres our coupon for a free PS3! Working at Hardees one time i got scammed by the change trick, they hand you a 20, then they ask for more change and I was only 17 but never again lol I pay attention to anything anyone gives me.
I get fake $20's and $100's from time to time. In the past they had been laughably easy to detect, and I would just deny it, but lately the fakes have been getting so good that they're almost impossible to detect until you deposit them and the bank tells you it's a fake.
One thing i have found out is that if you look at the fakes bills look at the back and its hard to detect but United States on the back of the bill says Untied states.
Someone posted that on CAG a few weeks ago. Has there actually been any other information about it? Seems like nonsense. It's hard to believe a cashier would be a) dumb enough to fall for that or b) if they honestly are dumb enough to fall for it, not even for a moment think to ask a manager if they should be letting someone walk out of the store with a free $300 game console.
Yeah Its actually been happening a lot, i was told by my video game rep today that 8 different walmarts in texas ad oklahoma and have been hit with at least 10 coupons. ?Best Buy has lost 12 systems and Toys R Us have lost 18. Its incredible that people are dumb i think it would be common sense!! Hell if sony sent these coupons out then where are mine!!!!
The Coupons do like legit but I found out that there is a website you create your own coupons and anything that has smartsource at the bottom is fake! I looked over the coupon for the 360 Elite and just laughed out loud and the guy was like is there an issue?
As a former TRU employee, for various reasons they are that easy to scam. I wish I would have found this coupon, I would have gladly gone back there for the first time in many years.
lmao, at least grabbing the system and just walking out of the store would have drawn a little less attention. Granted theyre both considered theft...
[quote name='YoshiFan1']Kind of annoying these fake coupons exist, it makes stores not want to accept legitimate internet coupons.[/QUOTE]

Let's be honest... anybody with any common sense would probably raise an eyebrow if one of these came by, versus an actual coupon. Of course.. there are some dumbasses out there.

But you're probably right. This could be bad news in the future.
[quote name='Vinny']Let's be honest... anybody with any common sense would probably raise an eyebrow if one of these came by, versus an actual coupon. Of course.. there are some dumbasses out there.

But you're probably right. This could be bad news in the future.[/QUOTE]

But look at it this way. a lot of cashiers will scan a coupon before actually looking at it and only question it after an error occurs. If it does prevent a CSM rep from turning a key to void it, it becomes a HUGE hassle.
Though I agree this is obviously a pretty bad attempt at a phony coupon, considering most companies don't freely give away their $300 game consoles, there are definitely more realistic phony coupons out there, and they definitely hurt the consumer who actually wants to use legitimate ones. I know a number of supermarkets in my area simply won't take anything printed matter the source.
Geez this is just going to far with the scamming. It was bad enough when people abusing coupons like the Kmart 20% off one to the point where they wouldn't accept them anymore even if you had a real one. I can't believe some people out there actually scanned something that ridiculous without asking a manager.
I found a bunch of these phony coupons. There are even free bluetooth headsets, ps3 controllers etc. They scan like regular coupons from what I am told. (No I did not and do not intend on using them or distributing them.) The person who made them actually knew how to layer the barcode so that they would scan.
[quote name='spmahn']I get fake $20's and $100's from time to time. In the past they had been laughably easy to detect, and I would just deny it, but lately the fakes have been getting so good that they're almost impossible to detect until you deposit them and the bank tells you it's a fake.[/QUOTE]
I read an article that a guy was making fake 50 dollar bills he was putting abraham lincoln on them haha and he tried to spend it at a quick shop people have common sense these days
I've gotten fake bills at work before. We keep one of those pens next to the register so that if we get 20's or above we mark them just to be on the safe side. The couple times I've gotten fake bills I've refused to give them back to people and turn them over to the police (you have to have an acct at the store so I know whos handing me the bills). Then again I call the police once a week at least because I don't think people will learn unless their put in handcuffs or beaten severly...
I used to work at a cash cage in a casino. They teach you all there is to know about detecting counterfeits. I've never taken one, but I HAVE had people try to pass one on me at least 20 times. The most common is a $5 printed to look like a $50. I put it on a lightbox and what do ya know, there's a watermark of honest Abe Lincoln. ;) Many attempted to blame theme passing the fake bill to me with "I just got it from a kiosk" (change kiosk at the casino" or "I just got this from a change attendant".

People like this are obviously very stupid. The number of times money is counted at casinos and checked for authentication is crazy. And money counting machines will TELL you if it's fake! I've seen it happen. Someone puts in a $100 to test it, and it counted it as a $1. Why? Because it was.

Of course, some people are lazier then others, and the quality of the print is so bad that it looks pixilated.

The pen method isn't highly accurate. It's only looking for authentic U.S. mint paper. If a counterfeiter bleaches out say a $5 bill, and reprints an image of a $50 over it, it'll pass the pen test, because it's technically on U.S. mint paper.

As a casino, it was our policy to keep all attempted passes of a counterfeit bill and submit them to the F.B.I. You should see/hear the reactions of people when I tell them I can't "give them their money back". One lady started crying because she claimed it was all she had. (Then why was she at a casino?) It can get really uncomfortable really quick.

You need to look for microprinting (which is almost impossible to reprint and make it readable), water marks, color shifting ink and security bars, among other things. These are all in U.S. currency, and have been in one or more forms for a long time.

Exception: What's scary to take if you are a cashier is the OLD style bills where the president's face is in a small oval and they are centered on the bill. These have NO watermarks or security bars, so if a counterfeiter bleaches out a $1 bill and prints a $100 over it, the only way to really detect it is when a keen eye. The safest way to avoid getting scammed with these if you aren't sure is to either tell them your business doesn't accept bills of $100 or higher, or that you don't have enough change in the register yet. I don't want to condone lying to customers, but it could save you your job.
I'm unemployed now, but I used to manage a Game Crazy. Back when I was working, you couldn't even trust the bill marker because people would bleach bills and print higher denominations and the bill marker would verify it as legit, I trained my guys to look for the other security measures like watermark, reading the security strip, texture and foil numbering.
Here's a good tip for you to know too, generally scammers come in on weekends to use credit cards because the banks don't catch it until Monday or Tuesday. In fact, the only complaint I ever received was from a one time customer that made a stink about showing/capturing ID. He was legit, but its always suspicious when people act all paranoid about it.
Last week when I visited a Gamestop, I had a customer thank me for always checking ID in the past and encouraging the staff at my local Gamestop to be diligent in checking because she had her identity stolen in the past. Man, I miss working around gamers.
It's unbelievable how stupid some people can be. A free PS3? Really? If you're dumb enough to fall for that, you should have to pay for the stolen PS3 yourself. Honestly, if you're the one making coupons, why not try something more believable? Like 10% off any order, or $50 off of a PS3. If I worked retail and some idiot tried to hand me one of these coupons, I'd just laugh at the guy then call the police. No reason that any store should lose any systems to this coupon.
Fake coupon would short that cashiers draw $300 thus equaling a termination.
Working in corporate retail loss prevention I've seen things that blow my mind how stupid they are and then again I see things so complex that the criminals behind them are literally masterminds which we don't catch on till much later sadly. The stupid ones however usually get caught right away lol.
I've never seen a bleached bill that you couldnt tell right away was fake so as for the pen thing not being reliable that may be correct but if you have pen + common sense and not incredibly slow your gonna know whether or not its legit. As for the showing of id with credit cards I wish I still had the post but most credit card companies its in their fine print that merchants are never supposed for id and can get fined and even dropped from their program if their caught violating theirs t.o.s. But then again visa isn't going to drop gamestop for them asking to see customers id..
It doesn't hurt to keep up with new security measures for bills is what I meant to say and I have seen some really good work on fakes that I've submitted to the police. Personally, I feel that common sense is overrated. The ID for credit cards thing, I've had a legit issue with one time from one customer and tons of praise from countless customers over the last few years who are tired of all other retailers not caring. I recall him mentioning TOS to me too, but at the end of the day, despite his protests, he provided it just like everyone else I've ever helped in order to walk out with product. I don't know about anywhere else, but in the relatively few retail stores I've ever worked in, I've never been taught to not verify payment. I've always been taught that its up to you to cover your behind because at the end of the day, if you get scammed, don't be surprised that the company you work for looks at you and assumes you were negligent or worse, involved. I don't have too much experience with coupons, but from my last trip to K-Mart to take advantage of the 10 off 20 deal a few weeks back, the cashier called over the manager to verify it. Sometimes an extra step, although annoying to those who are impatient or scammers, could help cover everyone involved. I don't mean to sound preachy, these are just my suggestions/tips after all, but its hard to find good work nowadays, you should do what you can to keep what you got.
We've got the paper pens plus these Fraud Fighter devices:

Although I've yet to see a bad bill come through my register or try to quick-change me(Thank god). Luckily most people pay by credit, although I do call a manager anytime one thing looks out of place(mismatched last names, but everything else is correct) just because I have to cover my ass any more.

We were sent copies of the PS3 coupon with the free DS3, Bluetooth Headset and BluRay remote attached as well. Outside of the fact they are so outrageous they look legit enough they can easily fool some dumbass cahsier who doesn't know a whole lot about them.
this whole thing is pretty funny in the way that these people figured out how to make these coupons actually work, and i know it sounds ridiculous but look at the free game coupons from best buy for example when they screw up and people are walking out the door with stacks of games.....for free, ok ok i know its not a $300 PS3 but still i do see how they were confused since it actually scanned and worked
Makes me wonder if TRU knows about this bragging idiot yet? Come on if you are going to use a fraudulent coupon at a store one of the last things you want to do is brag about it on the internet. Especially to brag about it with a full receipt shown complete with transaction number, store location, and even the employee number. I don't know really how much TRU can do to the idiot at this point since he/she seemed smart enough to pay by cash along with either denied or gave fake personal info. But I suspect whatever employee sold this along with his/her manager probably best case got a written up warning... and worst case is now without a job.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Makes me wonder if TRU knows about this bragging idiot yet? Come on if you are going to use a fraudulent coupon at a store one of the last things you want to do is brag about it on the internet. Especially to brag about it with a full receipt shown complete with transaction number, store location, and even the employee number. I don't know really how much TRU can do to the idiot at this point since he/she seemed smart enough to pay by cash along with either denied or gave fake personal info. But I suspect whatever employee sold this along with his/her manager probably best case got a written up warning... and worst case is now without a job.[/QUOTE]

All VG systems should have their serial number registered in TRU's system along with their transaction numbers. Something tells me the person who took that picture wasn't bright enough to not register their PSN account with information that isn't legit. Not that I would expect anything to happen.
Wow. I mean, I guess someone could have been like "Oh, I bought enough things on my Sony Rewards credit card, and they awarded me this coupon..." but even then!
I could see if someone had their buddy ring it out for them, but having a random person fall for that? Haha, holy shit; I hope the customer had one hell of a fake story.
Worst thing that happened to me when I worked retail was someone passed me a rubber check for their purchase($20 or so). Luckily my boss gave me a warning for apparently not paying attention on that transaction.
I've been scammed out of $800 while I was the manager on duty. $400 was my fault and $400 was my CSR's fault. I felt like absolute shit after that, but the good news is that I haven't had any one else scam me since then. 2 weeks after getting scammed out of $800 I had a guy try to buy about $400 worth of Blu Rays with a stolen credit card. The names not matching in the least bit was the giveaway on that one and so was the way he was acting.

I was surprised I wasn't fire after that, but I guess I was given a pass because I had only been a manager for a week.
there was a tutorial on how to make these on 4chan....99% of the people though aren't stupid enough to make a "free ps3" one, maybe something like 20% off or something. I remember once someone made a "free ps3" coupon as a joke and dared anyone to use it and post pics of the result....maybe thats what this is from? I think that most people use these just to get free 12 packs of Coke or energy drinks from the self-checkout at WalMart
I definitely wouldn't try to use a fake coupon, it could land you in jail for coupon fraud. If they suspect something is up they could probably get the tape of you at the register buying the item and using the coupon. If they saw a fake coupon I suspect they would definitely try to track down the culprit. Continue doing it and your defrauding the store which will land you in jail. The products have serial numbers so it would be easy to identify the fraud through that as well. If your using these coupons with rewards cards which some people are stupid enough to do its easy enough to get a person's information through that.

Most of those barcodes, though I am sure not the fake ones are tied to the motherboard on your computer as well, so I am told so people don't try to fake more of the print once internet coupons.
bread's done