Apparent footage of MGS4 in real time (HOLY SHIT!)


99 (100%)
Anyone in denial about the real-time nature of Konami’s Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer should watch this older, but recently YouTubed video demonstrating the attention to detail and graphical clarity of the MGS4 engine. In it, the narrator plays around with the demo on a PS3 dev kit, covering all the neat graphical tricks Kojima’s team uses, including uber-high polygon counts, depth of field, and high dynamic range lighting. It also has pee jokes. Fascinating stuff.


If E3 is like climaxing, I just had some premature ejaculation. I am very impressed. I don't know whether to chock this up to Kojima being some kind of awesome freak of nature, or the PS3 really is like an Xbox360 on fucking steroids. Maybe both.
Maybe it's because the video is in bad quality, or that I'm not a real big MGS fan, but that video didn't exactly blow me away. I mean, you could make a nice character model in real time for a demo on the Gamecube if you wanted to. All they really did was move the camera around, there was no real environment interaction, dialouge, movement, or anything else going on. I'm not going to get excited until I see some actual gameplay footage.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Maybe it's because the video is in bad quality, or that I'm not a real big MGS fan, but that video didn't exactly blow me away. I mean, you could make a nice character model in real time for a demo on the Gamecube if you wanted to. All they really did was move the camera around, there was no real environment interaction, dialouge, movement, or anything else going on. I'm not going to get excited until I see some actual gameplay footage.[/QUOTE]

I have never seen a better fitting custom title. :p
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']It was announced at E3 last year. Where have you been?[/quote]

I'm thinking that was a joke at my expense.
[quote name='Stuka']LINK

If E3 is like climaxing, I just had some premature ejaculation. I am very impressed. I don't know whether to chock this up to Kojima being some kind of awesome freak of nature, or the PS3 really is like an Xbox360 on fucking steroids. Maybe both.[/QUOTE]

I don't like the look of Snake For MGS4.. MGS3 snake was more badass.. MGS4 snake is too much leather.

Kojima also admitted that the MGS4 trailer could be done on 360 as well. They just chose Sony because it's most popular.
I'd love to see it on 360 but seeing as how MGS3 still hasn't made it to a MS console, I'm starting to think either Kojima has given up on Xbox or a deal was struck for exclusivity (either forever, or at least 1+ years) with Sony. Here's hoping it's cleared up one way or another at E3.
I remember hearing that Kojima was going to keep MGS3 and 4 only on the Playstation as that was what it was release on and made him as popular as he is now. But he also said that he would like to do a entirely new and original series for the xbox system. I think I either read this in egm or possbily saw an interview of it somewhere, but I can't remember.
yeah I'd rather see something original than just a port. MGS2 substance on xbox didn't work too well.

a cleaned up MGS3 subsistence on xbox live would be fun though..
[quote name='Chris in Cali']Maybe it's because the video is in bad quality, or that I'm not a real big MGS fan, but that video didn't exactly blow me away. I mean, you could make a nice character model in real time for a demo on the Gamecube if you wanted to. All they really did was move the camera around, there was no real environment interaction, dialouge, movement, or anything else going on. I'm not going to get excited until I see some actual gameplay footage.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'm sure the game will be outstanding, but that video does nothing to excite me.

It was a tech demo...BFD. Gameplay please.
bread's done