Are any CAGs in Sororities or Fraternities?

I'm going to college this fall and will more than likely not join a fraternity. They seem to all be about being the biggest dumbass you can possibly be. I may be wrong, but I think I'll avoid them for now. I'm not eating a semen soaked biscuit just to join some club.
Reality's Fringe]I'm going to college this fall and will more than likely not join a fraternity. They seem to all be about being the biggest dumbass you can possibly be. I may be wrong said:
Damn straight. "Hey dude, I know we just stripped you naked, spanked you, and then tea bagged you...but do you want to be our friend now?"


The funniest thing is, these people (jocks usually) tend to be very homophobic, yet they all shower together and do things like this. I don't know about you guys, but I don't spank my male friends to enhance our "brotherly spirit".
[quote name='evilmax17']
Reality's Fringe]I'm going to college this fall and will more than likely not join a fraternity. They seem to all be about being the biggest dumbass you can possibly be. I may be wrong said:
Damn straight. "Hey dude, I know we just stripped you naked, spanked you, and then tea bagged you...but do you want to be our friend now?"


The funniest thing is, these people (jocks usually) tend to be very homophobic, yet they all shower together and do things like this. I don't know about you guys, but I don't spank my male friends to enhance our "brotherly spirit".

I won't lie - there are a ton of fraternities that do stupid shit like that.

But others actually focus on brotherhood and develop relationships that way. I mean, it's kind of a crapshoot when you pledge one, but personally, I would have peaced out of my fraternity had they tried to pull that sort of shit. Instead, I made some of the best friends I have and it only enhanced my time in college.

But hey, I went to a nerd college, so what can I really say?

Sigma Chi 'til I die, baby. Theta Upsilon chapter.
This is exactly the kind of unimformed bullshit that really pisses me off!
If you have never been in a fraternity (not Frat), then you really don't know whats its about, especially nowadays with the strides that have been made in Academics, rushing, etc. I rushed last fall and it was probably one of the most fun and educational periods of my life. We learned about our fraternity, brotherhood, community service. And about the principles that make good men. Granted we like to have fun too, and granted there are those who should study more, but you can find that in nearly any organization or group of friends. Was I hazed? No. Was I made a fool of? No. Did I make lasting friendships and grown personally in ways I never thought I could? YES!
So, if you don't know what you talking about, please keep you snickering to yourself.
Proud to be a Sigma Chi!
In Hoc!
I was in a frat, sorta. It was a Jewish high school one, but it was Jewish only in name. The rest was all brotherhood. It was great from 9th to 10th grade before I moved, but here in NJ the chapter was crap and I quit early.

Aleph Zadik Aleph
[quote name='taiidanx']This is exactly the kind of unimformed bullshit that really pisses me off!
If you have never been in a fraternity (not Frat), then you really don't know whats its about, especially nowadays with the strides that have been made in Academics, rushing, etc. I rushed last fall and it was probably one of the most fun and educational periods of my life. We learned about our fraternity, brotherhood, community service. And about the principles that make good men. Granted we like to have fun too, and granted there are those who should study more, but you can find that in nearly any organization or group of friends. Was I hazed? No. Was I made a fool of? No. Did I make lasting friendships and grown personally in ways I never thought I could? YES!
So, if you don't know what you talking about, please keep you snickering to yourself.
Proud to be a Sigma Chi!

In Hoc![/quote]

Notice I didn't claim that all fraternities were like that. I was making a sweeping generalization that, based upon what I have heard and yes, seen, it seems that the "BEat you, spank you, humiliate you so you can wear a few Greek Letters" type are in the majority. There WAS a time when it was about brotherhood, now it's about how much punishment you can take. If I find a fraternity in line with my major which promotes connections, professionalism, and friendship; yeah, I'll consider joining. Otherwise, I'll stay far away, thanks.
I am a Chi Phi. At my college there are lots of fraternities, and they're mostly all different. Some are just drinking clubs, some do nothing but community service, etc. It's all about finding the right one for YOU.

Obviously some of them fall into that stereotypical movie bullshit, but MOST do not. Find one that doesn't.

I never regret joining my fraternity - I made some great friends that I will have for life and can depend on forever. There were also some fucking sweet parties ;)
eh... sorry if it sounds like I was attacking ya, I was just annoyed is all.
The view that most people have of fraternities, unfortunately, has been perpetuated by past dumbassery. I once held the same view of fraternities going into college, and needless to say I was surprised. Just try to go in with an open mind and try not to make pre-judgements.
One of my best friends is in Alpha Tao Omega. We spend alot of time at their house doing LANs and such (I've never seen such a concentration of DOD fans, it's all they do). They do fundraisers and such (including a kick-ass paintball tourney last year), and I wouldn't consider any of them assholes or jocks. Hell, two of the most prominent members are openly gay.

There are certainly some 'Frats' out there, but if you do your research first, you shouldn't have trouble finding a good group of people who aren't interested in humiliating you. I don't ever plan on joining one, but only because of financial limitations (most fraternities require you to pay a certain amount of money each semester). Otherwise, I'd totally join.
[quote name='taiidanx']eh... sorry if it sounds like I was attacking ya, I was just annoyed is all.
The view that most people have of fraternities, unfortunately, has been perpetuated by past dumbassery. I once held the same view of fraternities going into college, and needless to say I was surprised. Just try to go in with an open mind and try not to make pre-judgements.[/quote]

No offense taken 8) . Like I said, I'll have an open mind, but the situation doesn't look good form my standpoint. It may change, though.
I was in a fraternity when I was in school and don't regret it one bit. Like others have said, you have to pick the right one - some of the ones I rushed were worthless. In the long run, the lasting friendships you form and experience you gain are more than worth it.
Phi Kappa Psi, NJ Epsilon...

Like everyone else said, none of the stereotypical crap went on, but unlike others, some long standing grudges came out of it.
[quote name='taiidanx']This is exactly the kind of unimformed bullshit that really pisses me off!
If you have never been in a fraternity (not Frat), then you really don't know whats its about, especially nowadays with the strides that have been made in Academics, rushing, etc. I rushed last fall and it was probably one of the most fun and educational periods of my life. We learned about our fraternity, brotherhood, community service. And about the principles that make good men. Granted we like to have fun too, and granted there are those who should study more, but you can find that in nearly any organization or group of friends. Was I hazed? No. Was I made a fool of? No. Did I make lasting friendships and grown personally in ways I never thought I could? YES!
So, if you don't know what you talking about, please keep you snickering to yourself.
Proud to be a Sigma Chi!
In Hoc![/quote]

Brother! Where was your chapter?
[quote name='Ledhed']One of my best friends is in Alpha Tao Omega. We spend alot of time at their house doing LANs and such (I've never seen such a concentration of DOD fans, it's all they do). They do fundraisers and such (including a kick-ass paintball tourney last year), and I wouldn't consider any of them assholes or jocks. Hell, two of the most prominent members are openly gay.

There are certainly some 'Frats' out there, but if you do your research first, you shouldn't have trouble finding a good group of people who aren't interested in humiliating you. I don't ever plan on joining one, but only because of financial limitations (most fraternities require you to pay a certain amount of money each semester). Otherwise, I'd totally join.[/quote]

Ledhed - a lot of fraternities offer financial aid from the national level. After I finished pledging, nationals paid for all of my dues until I graduated. There's an application process that basically consisted of writing my information on a piece of paper and sending it to nationals. Pretty cool.

Basically, don't let the financial considerations disuade you.
I am (or I guess was in, since I just graduated) in Delta Omega Chi.

It was pretty cool, they didn't make us do anything too bad, and the parties were definately worth it. Besides that it was pretty cool having a group of people all into similar things. It made it a lot easier to get intramural sports teams together.

Also somehow we managed to get on MTV for their fraternity life show, the show itself sucked, but they hooked is up big time. Free house for a quarter, free transportation, and a free trip to vegas!! Not to mention other little perks that you get when you have an MTV camera crew with you, like VIP to a maxim party and a sky box at club rain in the palms.
[quote name='taiidanx']Theta Omicron, UC Davis.
Good to see fellow sigs on here...[/quote]

Indeed. You should def drop me a PM if you ever get the urge to start trading on the site. :D
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']i got banned from a frat.. i didn't even join..[/quote]

Heh, what happened?

I can't remember banning any people from my fraternity. I think the people who disliked us just steered clear of our house.
my roommate and i both rushed, and got bids., but we defered... we still were friends with some of the brothers. Then we went to another rush event.,, invited by a brother.. and half of the brothers got pissed and thought we came to crash it. They felt we disrespected them by being friends with some of them and not being brothers. I just didn't feel like paying 400 bucks a semester to hang out.
[quote name='Xevious']Thats too bad.[/quote]

but seriously, maybe it's because i haven't gone to a real college, but i don't understand what appeal a fraternatiy has. i'm not knocking anything, i just don't get it. if you want to be in a club with some people then that's cool, but i don't get what would make you put forth the effort to become a member of a fraternity.

[quote name='rajchakrabarti']I just didn't feel like paying 400 bucks a semester to hang out.[/quote]
that's kind of what i'm getting at.
Even the frats that don't have violent and disgusting rituals are just plain stupid. Guys chanting and drinking with each other, and calling themselves brothers is really embarassing, no matter what. I won't lie, some of the fellows are really nice, but why on earth would you want a pre-packaged group of friends?

I've met very few frat guys with a mind of their own.
I'm going to college this fall and will more than likely not join a fraternity. They seem to all be about being the biggest dumbass you can possibly be. I may be wrong, but I think I'll avoid them for now. I'm not eating a semen soaked biscuit just to join some club.

I gotta agree with you. I can get drunk without a bunch of idiots yelling at me. I don't need to prove anything by carrying a cherry with my ass checks without dropping it...
I was a brother of Alpha Chi Sigma in college (and still am, though I've graduated). It was very different from the traditional fraternities:

First, nationally, it's a chemistry fraternity, and you have to be a chemistry major to join. Because my college is so small though, chemistry-related majors (biology and physics) are also allowed. Having all the brothers in the same academic background really unifies the group.

Second, we have a minimum GPA requirement to join, ranging from 3.2 for freshmen to 2.9 (I think) for seniors. We consistently have the highest average GPA of any fraternity on campus. Two out of the previous four valedictorians were in our fraternity.

Third, there is no hazing in pledging. Pledging consists of wearing a pin on your shirt and a weekly reading on the history of the fraternity, with a quiz on it at the weekly pledge meeting.

Fourth, the dues were a cheapass $80 a semester, compared with $1500 a semester for the most expensive fraternity at my college.

If it sounds like we were a bunch of science nerds, we were, but the guys were pretty cool too. We had a house and we had popular parties. We actually had the largest membership of all the fraternities there, with 5% of the student body.

It's difficult to word this without sounding like I'm bragging. Bragging isn't my goal; I'm just trying to show that a fraternity can be about more than drinking and still be popular.

I can understand the fraternity stereotype that most people have in their minds. All of the other social fraternities at my college fit that stereotype. I actually had the same mentality when I arrived at college, thinking I would never join a fraternity. When I found out this one was different, and that most of my friends were in it, I decided to go for it. Joining that fraternity definitely made my college experience much better, and I met most of my best friends in college in it. Fraternities aren't for everyone though; I know the stereotypical fraternity would not be a good for me. You really haven't to look at the fraternities your college offers and find one that fits you.
[quote name='dental_regurgitation']Even the frats that don't have violent and disgusting rituals are just plain stupid. Guys chanting and drinking with each other, and calling themselves brothers is really embarassing, no matter what. I won't lie, some of the fellows are really nice, but why on earth would you want a pre-packaged group of friends?

I've met very few frat guys with a mind of their own.[/quote]

Because you are not IN a fraternity, you cannot UNDERSTAND a fraternity. It's like saying you understand how people live in squalid conditions in some podunk third-world country just by meeting a few of them. Until you live there, you won't truly understand what it's like to see life through their lens.

This whole thread seems filled with ignorant crap based on what the media says about fraternities/hazing, and what a few people have seen from anecdotal evidence. "Well I heard frats make you eat a soggy biscuit!" I'm not saying some don't, but one should not judge the many by the errors of the few. You want to avoid dehumanizing activities? Simply do not join those frats. If you're pledging, and someone tells you to do something that goes against your moral code, QUIT. It's not hard, you say "f*ck off" and walk out the door.

If you don't have personal experience as a part of a fraternity (or at least someone that pledged and quit), don't make sweeping judgements based on smoke and mirrors. It's ignorant, and shows that you did not put in the time to even try to understand what a fraternity is.

[quote name='rajchakrabarti']my roommate and i both rushed, and got bids., but we defered... we still were friends with some of the brothers. Then we went to another rush event.,, invited by a brother.. and half of the brothers got pissed and thought we came to crash it. They felt we disrespected them by being friends with some of them and not being brothers. I just didn't feel like paying 400 bucks a semester to hang out.[/quote]

That's shitty, man. You definitely made the right call there. Anyone that's willing to hold that kind of bad blood doesn't really understand the meaning of brotherhood.
[quote name='BigHow'][quote name='rajchakrabarti']my roommate and i both rushed, and got bids., but we defered... we still were friends with some of the brothers. Then we went to another rush event.,, invited by a brother.. and half of the brothers got pissed and thought we came to crash it. They felt we disrespected them by being friends with some of them and not being brothers. I just didn't feel like paying 400 bucks a semester to hang out.[/quote]

That's shitty, man. You definitely made the right call there. Anyone that's willing to hold that kind of bad blood doesn't really understand the meaning of brotherhood.[/quote]

Were you going there with the intention of joining, or to mooch off of the free festivities associated with rush?

In my frat, we threw a lot of money (that comes from our pockets) towards rush events. If someone we knew was just there to mooch since they are friends with a brother, and don't either A) have serious intentions of pledging or B) offer to put up a few bucks towards the cost everyone else has to pay, we weren't too happy about that. I wouldn't personally sponsor your drinking habits outside of the fraternity setting, why should I within it?
not all the rush events were drinking .. some were like tackle football games.... and other shit like that. Anyways... i was went to the parties and paid 5 bucks cover for the beer... i mooched during rush events.. cuz everybody does.. to see what its all about. i find it funny cuz frats complain about people mooching... well if you don't want to fund others drinking... then don't,,, nobody is forcing you
[quote name='WildWop']
Because you are not IN a fraternity, you cannot UNDERSTAND a fraternity. It's like saying you understand how people live in squalid conditions in some podunk third-world country just by meeting a few of them. Until you live there, you won't truly understand what it's like to see life through their lens.

This whole thread seems filled with ignorant crap based on what the media says about fraternities/hazing, and what a few people have seen from anecdotal evidence. "Well I heard frats make you eat a soggy biscuit!" I'm not saying some don't, but one should not judge the many by the errors of the few. You want to avoid dehumanizing activities? Simply do not join those frats. If you're pledging, and someone tells you to do something that goes against your moral code, QUIT. It's not hard, you say "f*ck off" and walk out the door.

If you don't have personal experience as a part of a fraternity (or at least someone that pledged and quit), don't make sweeping judgements based on smoke and mirrors. It's ignorant, and shows that you did not put in the time to even try to understand what a fraternity is.


I know several people who have pledged, or rushed a fraternity/sorority... maybe I don't fully understand the many intricacies of brother/sisterhood, but I understand enough to come to those aforementioned conclusions. Don't blame the media for shaping my opinions.

Maybe I did make some generalizations based solely on the frats that I have met and socialized with, but those are just my experiences... I stand by my statement that anyone who needs to pay to hang out with a close-knit group of people is in need of some character.

Sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk.
[quote name='taiidanx']This is exactly the kind of unimformed bullshit that really pisses me off!
If you have never been in a fraternity (not Frat), then you really don't know whats its about, especially nowadays with the strides that have been made in Academics, rushing, etc. I rushed last fall and it was probably one of the most fun and educational periods of my life. We learned about our fraternity, brotherhood, community service. And about the principles that make good men. Granted we like to have fun too, and granted there are those who should study more, but you can find that in nearly any organization or group of friends. Was I hazed? No. Was I made a fool of? No. Did I make lasting friendships and grown personally in ways I never thought I could? YES!
So, if you don't know what you talking about, please keep you snickering to yourself.
Proud to be a Sigma Chi!
In Hoc![/quote]

This stuff isn't terribly uninformed, though. I recently transferred from a hugely Greek school (26 frats, 10 sororities) and I can say from things I've seen in my dorms, and I've seen quite a lot, along with stories that I've heard that fraternity hazing still happens in a big way. In fact, in my 2.5 years there, 5 fraternities were suspended due to hazing. And that's only the 5 that the school bothered to investigate - more reports probably occur, but the school tended to be very lax on policy with the frats/sororities. Some people love it anyway, but I was one of the few who didn't.
They are all over my college campus, but I'd never join a frat. I visited my friend who lived in one, and it was a mess. There was nothing but trash, beer stains, belching, farts, etc. I cannot stand any of that stuff, and I also dislike parties. I'm a quiet person that likes to be by himself.
[quote name='dental_regurgitation']

I know several people who have pledged, or rushed a fraternity/sorority... maybe I don't fully understand the many intricacies of brother/sisterhood, but I understand enough to come to those aforementioned conclusions. Don't blame the media for shaping my opinions.

Maybe I did make some generalizations based solely on the frats that I have met and socialized with, but those are just my experiences... I stand by my statement that anyone who needs to pay to hang out with a close-knit group of people is in need of some character.

Sorry if I'm coming off as a jerk.[/quote]

The problem here is that everyone tends to focus on the negative aspects of Fraternity life. They focus on how it begins (hazing, pledging, etc) rather then how it continues. Personally, I found pledging to be mildly amusing. I kept quiet, made my presence completely non-obtrusive, and thus avoided much of the stupidity that others endured because they couldn't shut up.

My frat had a set of guidelines for the pledging program that kept 90% of what you guys have been harping on out of the program (no public embarassment, no nudity/homoerotic BS, and under no circumstances could a brother strike a pledge), so really it was more about PT and learning about the brothers and the history of the house.

Pledging wasn't easy, but when done right, it serves a constructive purpose. It builds 1) respect for the house, since you have to earn your way in, and 2) comeraderie with your pledge brothers -- through all of the shared experience, and sheer amount of time spent with them, you build a sort of fundamental understanding and trust. This is where the "family" aspect of the brotherhood starts. Your pledge brothers, even though they may be very different, and you may not be compatible with one another, share a sort of bond that precludes your differences. If one of my pledge brothers (and I had nearly 30 finish with me) ever needed help, I'd be there, no question. Pledging is about standing together to accomplish a shared goal, then reaping the benefits -- together.


Now on to the aspects of a full-fledged brother. The benefits come from different angles, and differ from person to person depending on their goals. Fraternities act like a sort of corporation; they have presidents, treasurers, and various "chairs" that handle social aspects, public relations and community service/outreach -- basically a subset of a great number of different real-world disciplines. If you so choose, you can gain a LOT of experience that is very applicable to future employment. In fact, taking on responsibility and managing a bunch of drunken idiots will prepare you for ANYTHING you'll find in the real world.

Then there's the social aspect. Built-in parties with built-in sorority chicks (hit-or-miss, you either love 'em or hate 'em) and built-in frosh regulars make for an interesting cornucopia of social interaction. Not to mention the alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. It's like what normal people do at college multiplied by 100. Not for everyone, and it gets old after a few years of it, but it's great nonetheless.

Oh, and about clenliness... YOU try and keep the place clean after 200 drunken assholes f*ck up your house. That is, unless you visited one of those lame fraternities who's house is a perpetual shithole -- I take no responsibility for those idiots. There are frats like that everywhere. Think of each frat as it's own ecosystem. Penguins don't live the same way a hyena does on the Serengeti, do they?
I was a member of Phi Chi Theta business fraternity during my college days. Half of the members were in it for the serious business side of it and the other half (like me) were in it to meet and party with new friends and have something good to put on our resume
bread's done