Are you guys rich :P


53 (100%)
Just browsing around, and I keep noticing that people haul more than 3 games a month. What jobs do you guys even have? I know you use coupons, and wait for price drops, but my god. I buy like one game every 5 months, and at $49.99 because the only stores I have is Gamestop and Walmart.

I must know the secret's and techniques you people are using. ^_^
employment, lack of a social life/significant other, boredom(?), too much free time, packrat mentality, prospecting...

kinda sums up why I buy so much every month.
im a married Air Force Staff Sergeant with a 16 month old and another on the way...i also have credit card debt im trying to finish pay off along with 2 car nowhere near rich...if my cars were older (2003 and 2006) i would qualify for food stamps...i just work hard at finding deals and doing trades
[quote name='youruglyclone']employment, lack of a social life/significant other, boredom(?), too much free time, packrat mentality, prospecting...

kinda sums up why I buy so much every month.[/quote]
Well I'm employed too. I make exactly $80 a week. I really dont want to spend more than half of my paycheck on one game.

[quote name='Malik112099']im a married Air Force Staff Sergeant with a 16 month old and another on the way...i also have credit card debt im trying to finish pay off along with 2 car nowhere near rich...if my cars were older (2003 and 2006) i would qualify for food stamps...i just work hard at finding deals and doing trades[/quote]
How much do you make?

[quote name='zewone']I'm rich, bitch.[/quote]
:eek: get outta here >_> j/k

Man, quoting more than one person takes a lot of copying and pasting. Or am I missing something.
[quote name='youruglyclone']employment, lack of a social life/significant other, boredom(?), too much free time, packrat mentality, prospecting...

kinda sums up why I buy so much every month.[/quote]Oh dear... my ears are burning because someone is talking about me.
2 weeks after it's release (longer normally) and ebay are my best of friends. I've gotten two games and even three for the price of one. It helps. And also having friends with the same system who have the money to buy crap when it comes out...

"Hey you beat Assassians Creed eh?...lemme borrow that."
How old do you have to be to use ebay? I doubt my grandma would let me do that, even though she had no objection with me trading here.
[quote name='darkinferno9908']And also having friends with the same system who have the money to buy crap when it comes out...

"Hey you beat Assassians Creed eh?...lemme borrow that."[/quote]

Lol, that's the way to do it. Too bad all the rich kids in my neighborhood were snobby jackasses.
I make decent coin at my job, and my wife is a nurse... my haul the last few months is kinda scary, but I have sold off some older new games I never got around to playing for profit
Tips, I need Tips! So far I've gathered

- Hunt for good deals (I try)
- Dont buy at launch, wait over 2 weeks
- Ebay
- Borrow from friends, of course none of my friends have a Wii >_
$80 a week?...i wouldnt even consider that being employed...not really knocking you but when you start working full time you will see a huge difference
[quote name='Jedi1979']$80 a week?...i wouldnt even consider that being employed...not really knocking you but when you start working full time you will see a huge difference[/quote]

Your right, its not exactly employment. There is nothing to fill out, no taxes or any of that stuff. I guess you call it a "Cash under the table" type job. And I only work 4 days a week, from 5:15 - 9:00.

I dream of full time jobs.
[quote name='Jedi1979']$80 a week?...i wouldnt even consider that being employed...not really knocking you but when you start working full time you will see a huge difference[/quote]
That's pretty good if he's getting free room and board, transportation, stuff he "needs" free, and whatnot.

EDIT: Cash is always good. :)
Yeah cash is nice, but something about social security when I'm older or something...

I get a free ride to my job and back, free lunch after each shift, and am friends with my boss.
i make 200 a week working the same hours you do.

i just save and pick and choose what i want.....i also save for a deal that i feel will come up B2G1 from EB or TRU. Which is how i built up my wii collection and a gigantic backlog.

having no GF helps also. which is where im at currently=(
I am a general manager wife is a nurse.. we make bank :) Good thing she likes to play video games (she is tearing up rockband as I type).
[quote name='Riyonuk']Tips, I need Tips![/quote]

Tax yourself. Out of your salary, if you make $80 a week, set aside $10 every week. After one month, you'll have enough for one decent game. If you save it for 2 months, you just made one month's salary over again and enough for 2 games. Repeat this process for half a year and assuming you didn't buy anything, you'll have almost enough for a Wii. Do this for a year and you have enough for a 360 Elite and a $30 game or a 40GB PS3 and a little under 2 games. All for taxing yourself for $10 a week.

And yeah, I'm rich but that's only because I know how money works and how to make money work for me.
Tips I use to find good deals:

the Kmart thread on CAG
the Sears thread on CAG
the Penny guide thread on CAG
the info given to me by numerous fellow CAGs

I thank many of you for the info on certain games or systems which dropped in price @ Kmart or elsewhere. Without that info, I would've never found a PSone/LCD combo for $10 or any of my numerous other scores.

How far away is it to a Kmart or Sears for you, OP? I'm just curious because if it's not too far, you may have not exhausted all of your options just yet.
Here's whats up. Most CAG's can afford 3,4,5 games or more a month because they don't have a girlfriend. Plain and Simple. Chicks cost all your monies. :D
Lets see I'm an analyst, my wife is a Asst. branch manger at a local Credit Union. We have a 6 year old who plays every sport under the sun, both of us are continuing our eduction so we can make more bank. The secret is knowing how to manage your money, when to save, invest, spend , and treat your self. Are we rich no but I don't complain about money. Also I'm a deal whore I cant stand to pay MSRP for soap or food much less games.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Here's whats up. Most CAG's can afford 3,4,5 games or more a month because they don't have a girlfriend. Plain and Simple. Chicks cost all your monies. :D[/quote]
Which leads us to another topic. Young man, never own a full time girl friend. They are depreciating investments. Keep them on layaway or make sure they generate excess revenue. The sooner you begin in life the better. Your vehicles on the other hand should be purchased with cash up front and be loved and cared for.
Tips I've learned:

Read cheapassgamer every day, sometimes many times a day
Check craigslist/ebay
Trade in older games at the store that gives you the most credit (check CAG wiki pages, etc)
Trade to another CAG
Trade on Goozex for games (, or if you want to be nice and use my referral link: )

The key is to save your money for the best deal. Patience and preparation go a long way :)
[quote name='Gaming Archives']Which leads us to another topic. Young man, never own a full time girl friend. They are depreciating investments. Keep them on layaway or make sure they generate excess revenue. The sooner you begin in life the better.[/quote]

I agree with this. Better yet, have many part time girlfriends. It's actually more costly to have one since you're so inclined to spend on her. But when you have a lot vying for your attention, you can pick & choose who you feel actually deserves your money or (more importantly) your time.
I hustled my ass off to get my current video game collection to be free and thensome.

The important thing to remember is to not buy into hype. I got a Gamecube after the Wii came out to show you how frugal I am.
I'm only sixteen, I have a part time job where I make about $125 a week, plus I'll get money here and there for doing something for family members.
Since I'm sixteen I don't have any bills to pay, and I can't get a loan for anything.
I just wait for a good deal if I don't want the game really bad. I also hit up a lot of thrift stores.
I work at a video game store, so I get deals on games left and right, but other than that, I work alot so I can support my hobby, and I deal hunt like crazy.


no liabilities (family, gf, etc).

patience to not always need games the same day they're released and wait for good deals.

if you're not an ocd collector, find a friend who buys things first-day and offer to buy his old games when he gets bored with them. he'll probably get more than GS would give and you'll get probably get them cheaper as well. or just join goozex or get one of those blockbuster plans.
I know this sounds silly, but if you're really strapped, have you considered just not buying any games? As long as you're patient and play one/two games at a time until their beaten, you could do really well with just a gamefly/rental membership.
The trick for me is saving like hell while I have no real financial burdens. I'm 21 and just eclipsed $25,000 in savings (not including bonds, other small investments). I also happen to be a full-time university student, so it's definitely do-able for anyone.
You just need to realize that not everyone is in the same situation as you. I'm guessing you're fairly young (mid teens?). When I was that age, I didn't even have a job - I got 2-3 games a year for Christmas/my birthday and that was it.

Now I've graduated from college and have a decently paying salaried position. I could probably buy 3-4 games a week now, but I also have a lot of other things that my money has to go towards (food, furniture, car, school loans, investments, throwing parties, etc). I wouldn't say I'm rich, but I make enough to fund my hobby.

No matter where you're at, you just need to work with what you have. Like someone mentioned, setting aside money each week is a great start.
Since I graduated from College last year and now that I got a salaried job the games tend to come more frequently....On the other hand I'm so busy w/ my job and other stuff I don't get to spend much time with my games....

In thoery I should sell them/buy less.....but the deals on this site are too tempting >_<

Also, I don't buy games at MSRP unless they come with something really great (Like the SMBG $25 gift card) AND/OR are rare.
im no longer employed since im interning, and when you're a psychology intern, you dont make anything :(..literally
i havent bought anything new in awhile, since my bday to be exact, im playing my old ps2 backlog since my 360 exploded...when i get a job soon though, i expect to step up on my collection :)..or at least go paintballing again..its been 3 months!
I'm 17 and a high school senior so I still live with my parents. I make about 200 every two weeks, and for the most part I save it for College. If a game comes around that looks so amazing that I have to have it, I end up getting it.
My first credit card has increased my collection from like 250 to 350 games... not only that but it got me a nice ass HDTV and sound system.

It's also left me in $1900 in debt.

Trust me, you don't wanna be $1900 in debt.
Best tip I can give you is to NOT get a steady girlfriend. Your young and should "date" as many girls as possible. If you knew how much I have spent since joining CAG, I think you would faint. I just can't resist a deal.

I do make a comfortable living but am not rich. I have a family to support (3 kids) but you have to learn to budget your money. You also have to work hard to get to the situation where you can afford "3 or 4" games a month.

When you do find your "special" someone, make sure she can be tolerant of your "hobby". This will save you a lot of headaches.
40 hour work week.$400 rent,no social life,no girl friend,no debt,and minimal free time.Whats my secret dont buy anything you cant afford.
I work and set aside 15% of my paycheck. The rest goes into rent/bills/school. If there is anything left I would put that into a savings. With the 15% I set aside, I wine and dine my girlfriend and I'll attempt to buy games with some resale value or buy games at less than retail price. Ebay, Flea Markets, Craigslist, and this site have been very good for me on video game deals. :)

I agree with some of the previous posts, if you look for a relationship at an early age, you aren't going to have much money unless she works as well. Lucky for me, my girlfriend works as a research associate and does not care for expensive gifts. That brings another point, do not go for high maintenance chicks. Ugh...
[quote name='emg28']Best tip I can give you is to NOT get a steady girlfriend. Your young and should "date" as many girls as possible. If you knew how much I have spent since joining CAG, I think you would faint. I just can't resist a deal.

I do make a comfortable living but am not rich. I have a family to support (3 kids) but you have to learn to budget your money. You also have to work hard to get to the situation where you can afford "3 or 4" games a month.

When you do find your "special" someone, make sure she can be tolerant of your "hobby". This will save you a lot of headaches.[/quote]

Yeah, don't find ones like two of my ex gf's, one who was a 'case/manual/artwork tosser'(I salvaged them and later on she threw the games back at me) and the other who pretended to like games to suit me.

I doubt there exists a woman out there who can put up with my obsessive nature when it comes to beating a level of a game once I get going on it though.
When you have a decent job buying a few games a month is pretty easy. If I spend a weekend in that alone usually saves me 60 bucks. Not going to the bar every weekend can save you a ton of money.

When you figure that you can get new release games for usually 40 bucks when you find a deal online or B&M. Then throw in a price drop, and a used game. Boom, you now have 3 more games.
rich? yeah i own a few mansions here and there. lego mansions..

i dont buy alot of new games really. i usually buy 1 or 2 every few months. but this season (fall and winter 07) is an exception cause theres alot of new games. i bought about 7 new games for the past 3 months.

be a smart shopper. look for deals even if its just a few bucks off of retail. online shopping is usually the best deal for new games. youll see a bunch of them listed on the video game deals could also learn how to flip games. buy cheap games and trade them at specific stores to get cash or credit more than what you paid for it.
bread's done