Area 51 Contest - Win one of three copies of Midway's Area 51 (PS2/Xbox/PC)


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
Special for you, I have 3 copies of Area 51, Midway's soon to be released alien themed FPS, just waiting to be won.

To enter, simply post a little story about any alien encounters/UFO sightings you might have had. Feel free to use your imagination.
Do not create more than one post in this thread.

One entry per person. Winners will be chosen at random.
Contest will close on 4/25 (Area 51's release date)

Official info:

Area 51 Articles:

Area 51 Resource Pages:

Console pre-orders get a free copy of Midway Arcade Treasures 2 and PC pre-orders get a free t-shirt:
So there I was the next morning in bed, next to a 6-eyed, 20-armed tentacle beast from outer space, when I finally realized that maybe I should pick my target for the night before I start drinking. Then it woke up, and said, "I need about 3 fitty." I swear man, I am done with tequila.
I went to college in Maine. One day we decided to up and go skiing in New Hampshire. When you drive through New Hampshire, you have to drive through this wicked swerve of trees onto of the weirdest set of mountains. It was pretty late, and it was nearly impossible to drive. We came around this blind ridge, and then all of a sudden there were these strange lights. We thought it was an oncoming truck. We immediately stopped the car 'cause we had no idea where to go on this 2 lane road. A good half an hour later, we get down the mountain range and stop at the first little diner. The waitress asks if we saw anything up there, as it is a well-known place of alien sightings. We say that we hadn't except that there was this truck that tried to run us over. She then says that that was strange to hear as there hadn't been a truck that passed all night and that that was the only way up the mountain. We just looked at each other.......
yeah. Aliens are cool. I have one as a pet and he does fun cool tricks such as when I play catch with him he disappears and reappears where the ball is. He sometimes plays unfair though. One day while playing Halo 2 he used his telepathy to mod the game so he wouldn't die. He is such a cheater.... ERRGGG.
Thanks for the contest Cheapy!

This is actually a true story... I was around 8 or 9 at the time. I am pretty close to my cousins and at the time they lived out in an area called West Alton, the area is basically a lot of farmland. Anyways i had spent the weekend at my cousins house and my dad had come to pick me up. We were driving home late at night (around 10 pm or so i guess) and my dad sees this really bright light in the sky, and he goes "Hey look at that."

The light was moving across the sky kinda slow from the left to the right (about the speed of a plane) then it stopped and hovered in place for a couple seconds then it started dropping towards the ground at about the same speed. It stopped hovered again for a couple seconds then it took off (seriously i've never seen anything that fast and move like this) and it was gone.

It basically disappeared out of thin air. The whole experience lasted probably 20 seconds. After it disappeared me and my dad both looked at each other and i asked him what was that and my dad goes "i dont know." To this day we don't have a clue what it was, could have been a plane but i dont know of a plane that could have done the things that this thing did.
There was a crazy old man who used to walk the same trail that I walked my dog on that insisted he was abducted by aliens and had a chip implanted in his head.

He even had business cards that told part of the story.

I did not enjoy talking to him.
True Story

My girlfriend and I used to fight a lot about how narrow-minded she used to be when we first started dating. She believed that this world was it and she never really thought of what else is out there. She laughed at the thought of aliens existing and made fun of me for having such beliefs. Then again, she also thought that aliens had to be little green men with big eyes and a big head. I explained to her over and over again that their has to be more than just us. With all of the other planets, atmospheres, solar systems, galaxies, you really think that we're the only ones out there/here? I mean, I'm sure the thought of something being able to live underwater (fish, etc) baffled people at first too. Not to mention everything that exists in the deep waters that we don't know about because we can't go down there (yet) and they can't come up here (yet) due to water pressures and other obstacles. It isn't impossible for something to exist somewhere, just because we can't get to it or because the environment doesn't suit what we need for survival. IMO, it's more impossible for their to be nothing out there. Anyways, I believe we're not alone. Not that aliens live among us (though I wouldn't exactly rule that out), but that aliens exist. Aliens not necessarily meaning little green men and not necessarily meaning human being look-a-likes on other planets. Just other lifeforms out there, in general. Enough back story. After numerous arguements about her being narrow-minded and myself being crazy, I finally had her believing that their could be something out there. Afterall, my whole arguement was that I could accept that their might not be something out there (because I don't have proof), but she wouldn't (at first) accept that their might be something out there. So one day, while leaving my place of work together, the door was nailed shut on the whole debate. Around the time that Mars was getting really close to the Earth, I was looking up into the sky with her to show her where it was (the whole Mars thing had my interests over-flowing). It was always easier to view at night and at the time, the sun was just starting to go down. Both of us were looking into the sky when we both saw this blue light flicker from blue to white to blue to red to blue (it was really fast). The light was circular and really small in the sky (not so much really small, as it was just really far), diagonal from where we were looking. When we first saw it, it was still (with the lights) and we both were just trying to figure out what the hell it was. I then said, "you're seeing this right?" To which she said something along the lines of, "yeah, what the fuck?" Without just believing it had to be an alien spaceship or something, we both just kind of were trying to figure out if it was a planet of some sort. Maybe we were just imagining the lights or maybe it was some kind of a plane or something. Though it wasn't moving....yet. All of a sudden, with us stopped and staring, the object moved. We knew it had to be something other than anything we knew about, because of the way it moved. It first went south just a little bit (put your finger in the air and move it just an inch, now think of something far away, the size of a bigger star that you'd see at night). Then it stopped (for about one second) and quickly moved back up north about double the distance, then stopped (again, only for about a second). It finally went south just a little more and then shot up north, the blue light flickering to white then disappearing. The sky was clear with no clouds in sight. We then just stared for about 10 seconds until we looked at each other like, "holy shit." Ever since then, we haven't had any arguements over the existance of something other than what's on Earth.

I hope that was along the lines of something that you were looking for.

[quote name='onetrackmind']Thanks for the contest Cheapy!

This is actually a true story... I was around 8 or 9 at the time. I am pretty close to my cousins and at the time they lived out in an area called West Alton, the area is basically a lot of farmland. Anyways i had spent the weekend at my cousins house and my dad had come to pick me up. We were driving home late at night (around 10 pm or so i guess) and my dad sees this really bright light in the sky, and he goes "Hey look at that."

The light was moving across the sky kinda slow from the left to the right (about the speed of a plane) then it stopped and hovered in place for a couple seconds then it started dropping towards the ground at about the same speed. It stopped hovered again for a couple seconds then it took off (seriously i've never seen anything that fast and move like this) and it was gone.

It basically disappeared out of thin air. The whole experience lasted probably 20 seconds. After it disappeared me and my dad both looked at each other and i asked him what was that and my dad goes "i dont know." To this day we don't have a clue what it was, could have been a plane but i dont know of a plane that could have done the things that this thing did.[/QUOTE]

wtf? that's just about the same thing that happened to me

i swear, i was typing mine up just after i saw cheapy's first post and noone had yet replied

that's crazy

I was abducted by aliens as a small boy. They took me aboard their alien craft and did many anal probes on me. I was scared but couldn't yell they had control of my body. I passed out probably 20 minutes later although it seemed like much longer. I woke up the next day safe and sound in my bed, no anal soreness at all and nobody believed me.... :(

To this day everytime i see or here a alien story or watch a movie my bootie quivers. ALIENS ARE REAL!!!!
One day I was feeling a strange warmth in my stomach, and something moved oddly. I tried all afternoon to shake it off but I couldn't -- later that night, I found myself in the bathroom, giving birth to the biggest turd I've ever known.

After what seemed to be an hour of duress, I finally looked into the toilet to find a little blue man staring up at me with big black eyes. He waved, and then I flushed the toilet. So long, Alien.
So i was with my friends at my house, we were playing videogames, and my friend says, "hey, wouldnt it be cool if aliens were real", i say, what the hell are you talking about".He says aliens, are real, iv seen one, so we say yea, sure you have, and he says he can prove it. So we go into the woods with him, and we actually showed us something. It was this guy walking with the green glow all over him and we knew aliens were real. So we came back to the sam place the next night, and we saw the same thing. We intended to get him camera and sell the tape to the local news station for money, but right when we had the guy in clear sight of viewing on the camera, he never showed up on the screen of the camera, we could only see him with through our eyes. He noticed us and we ducked. So our friend butters, who knew about the alien in the first place, said guys, we have no choice, we must capture him alive, so the four of us agreed, and we set out to do it the next night. When we arrived right on time, our plan was to lure it to one fo us, and the other three would capture it. So butters was supposed to lure it away, but right when the alien was looking the other way, it turned around and it was wearing a damn mask. I couldn't believe it, it turned out butters set us up, and got us on tape goin to the same spot night after night, looking like idiots thinking we saw aliens. He sold to the tape to America's Dumbest Idiots and won 1,000 dollars off the tape. Then the next week, he said guys, i never did tell you how i can prove aliens are real, and then we looked, and he pulled off his head, and an nasty ugly alien head popped out, i screamed, and finnaly woke up, but butters was their and said, i dozed off, i screamed again, and woke up and he was still their. While i was screaming my head off over and over, The two green aleins from the simpsons were watching me, laughing in their space ship.
Aliens exist and im proof , hey look at me
One night, I woke up around 1 AM to go to the bathroom. My bathroom has a huge window overlooking a valley. Suddenly, for a second or so, the night sky suddenly lit up like a flashbang grenade exploded. For that second, the visibility was reduced to nothing and I couldn't even see my wall. I went to bed thinking the flash was a figment of my imagination but the next day, my friend said he saw the same flash, but at 3:30 AM. Maybe he was just pulling my leg but it might be real. Who knows?
So I was at my uncle's birthday party sometime 3 years ago. We were drinking beer and my little cousins and their friends were playing tags. Then suddenly we heard noise and saw some bushes rattling not too far into the bush of my uncle's driveway. All my cousins and their friends got scared, my uncle said "OMFG there's a fucking spaghetti plate rattling in the woman's bushes." Then one of my cousins said: "You drunk POS, it's no meatball spaghetti plate, it's a naked Ben Affleck you cheesy puff." And my aunt said "Owned."

Just that time what I said didn't surprise me, it was a little green skinny alien walking across the driveway, he had big eyes and started dancing to our rap music; apparently they like cleaning out my closets too. Upon seeing such gay dance, my uncle said "Get the fuck off my Audi, I just polished it Matt Damon!" So the alien got sad and starting walking away, but that's when somewhere up in the sky some dramatic music started playing, and the 'dong' sound scared the piss out of us all, and the kids started screaming. Some of this was caught on video tape and were sent to a TV station for review.
I was about 11-12 and was playing outside with my sister when all of a sudden I head an increadibly loud noise and looking to the south, saw what looked like a cigar shaped object in the sky moving quickly across the sky. We rushed inside to get a tape recorder and within 1-2 minutes the object was in the complete opposite corner of the sky and then shortly it dissapeared!

And, is it any coinsidence that Area 51 comes out 1 day after my birthday? I think not! Aliens obviously want me to have this game!
True story...

One night a friend of mine and I were driving home. We were in our hometown and there is one big hill in the middle of town. So were driving up this hill and we see this light that is lighting up the whole sky and its a glowing blue. So were both like what the fuck is that? It has to be aliens. So we go up over the hill being pretty sure we are going to get beamed up or some crap. We get to the bottom and go down the road a bit. It was a down power line that was still live whipping around. There were firetrucks and people everywhere watching. No aliens but it was still pretty cool to see.
Aliens, now that was a pretty good James Cameron film. I wasn't really a big fan of the original Alien film by Wridley Scott. Yes, the creature itself was interesting, but the movie was too slow and boring for my tastes. Cameron really upped the action and let us see the monsters (more than one, hurray!) showing us what they were capable of. Of course, the series fell apart after that, and last year even saw Paul W.S. Anderson wipe himself with the series. If aliens ever lived, they're certainly dead now. True story, I tell you. :D
I always wondered while my ass hurt one day, until I went to the doctor and realized there was a satellite up there. Apparently I have been anal probed during a drunken stupor one night. I thought the women with four breasts was too good to be true.
I remember this one time, I was in a corn field. I heard a strange noise, so I went to investigate. As I was walking down a path, I saw an alien leg move away from...

Wait, that's a movie.

Oh yeah...
There was this one time that I was making this rock formation out of mashed potatoes...

Nope, another movie.

Seriously, my wife and I were driving in BFE Colorado late one night. We saw three lights dart across the sky, then stop suddenly. They froze there for a second, then they were gone. We believe that they were aliens.
I remember when Hale Bop made it's appearence back in the 90s. I was one of the few people that never saw it. I looked in the sky and couldn't see it, and I was too lazy to go out looking for it. I feel kind of bad that I missed it, but I have to believe that it was meant to be. Perhaps the Tralphmalphadorians had bigger and better plans for me? No one knows for sure...perhaps...not even me!
What?? Who told you aliens exist? Come on that is such a fairy tale. *Seems like the government reneged on our agreement. I will have a word with George Bush*
One day i was asleep and i woke up in the middle of the night. I saw a strange light outside and i couldnt help but star into it. AS i stared into it i realize i couldnt stop staring nor could pull my self away. I felt like my laugh was draining. The light turned off and it left. I really don't know what it was, it was scary though.
We were coming back from the Jersey shore late one night and i decided to take back country roads. The type of roads that have so many twists and turns and looming forests to make every movement you see along the road insight a twitch in your neck. Coming into a clearing of farms and plains the sky was light and warm with crisp country smells breezing through the open sunroof. As the car rolled up and down hills my passenger spotted a light behind us. I saw it also, thinking that it was a car in my rearview. Out here we were the only car on the road for miles it seemed. This light was different. It would come closer and back off and dissapear. Didn't think anything of it untill it become much closer and appeared to be driving behind us but to the side. When my passenger looked back he said it wasn't on the road at all. It was in the air and just apperaed to be on the road since we were going up and down hills. This light would dissapear for a few minutes and then all of a sudden be in the air right behind us. No two headlights just one light. When my passenger gasped while having his head outside the window i saw him tilt his view upward I knew now that it was making it's move. It then flew at a very high speed over us. Hovered a while as I watched out the sunroof. Then disapeared over the woods to our right. No sound. Country road. Radio down. Multiple lights. Not a helicopter(The only aircraft that can move like that). 4 in the morning. Sober. Witness. Clear Skies. Dookie in my pants.
While Shaqing off hardcore with my copy of Shaq-Fu I was abducted by aliens that proclaimed Kobe was the greatest basketball player of all time. They did their best to brainwash me but in the end the power of Shaq overcame them. Shaq almighty invaded the space ship and casted them down with his Shaqdoken and Shaqcane Kick and many other moves that only Shaq could pull off with ease. The next morning I woke up... it was a dream! Or was it?!
So I awoke one morning to 4 big headed midget aliens with spears. They were chanting and shaking thier spears. So, with a grunting, "F&%^ that." , I went back to sleep.
It was April of last year (back when I was just a regular gamer and not a cheapass gamer) when I was confronted by an alien life form by the name of CheapyD. This "thing" suggested something obsurd to me...."never pay full price for a video game again." I couldn't believe my ears and responded, "Never!!! I enjoy paying $50 for a game that will go down to $20 in 6 months!!" It seemed had I fallen under his spell that I would buy way too many games because I was getting them so cheap and never have time to play them all because I was too busy shopping for deals. I vowed never to fall victim to this beings advancements.

But then, it just happened. CheapyD came to me again....this time at work. He pulled out his super alien mind control device and took over my brain. I was sitting at my desk thinking "No!!!", but I could not stop my hand from typing in a user name and password. I had done it...I registered with!! I felt dirty and thought I could never face my friends and family again. CheapyD continued to control my brain, forcing me to visit his site daily and pick up games at a fraction of their original cost. This was until the famed $5 Circuit City sale. At that point, CheapyD, showing his superior alien intelligence let me free of his mind control and let me find my own Circuit City!! Two of them in fact. Multiple times to the tune of about 30+ games. All for $5 each!!! Since that day, I have been a true believer in the alien way of life and CheapyD's cause. I will never go back. Thank you head alien cheapass!!!
Well for about 5 yr.s as i was growing up every nite i would go to bed and wake up with pin pricks and odd shaped cuts and bruises until one nite i just laid in bed.....
and waited and it happend,
the room filled with light, then i felt sharp pains and cold impacts in my arms and legs
i saw something, or someone floating about the room with something sharp all i could make out were shadows and flashes of reflection off the sharp thing they held shaped like nothing i had ever seen a spherical blade with no handle it seemed
it never got bloody.... always shiney and clean that much i know and i remember thinking if they keep doing it im going to die
and then it was over i jumped out of bed and looked down and the number of cuts and scraps doubled.....

thank you for giving me this outlet and god bless
When I was about 8, I was at a cubscout meeting. We were outside playing basketball and it was about 7 at night. We looked up and saw flashes in the sky that looked like nothing we had ever seen before. I mean it looked like someone had put a strobe light in the sky. Anyway the flashes went on for about 3 seconds stopped and then instantly appeared in another part of the sky. I have no clue what it was, but at the time I sure as fuck thought it was a UFO.

when i was about 8 years old, my family was leaving to go grocery shopping. warm summer evening. I SWEAR, there was a UFO in the night sky. it was round and rotating slowly. lights all around the permiter of the object (which is how you can tell it was rotating)....i pointed it out to my dad asking him what it was, and he just replied "it's nothing. forget it." while not even looking up. very weird and i will never forget it!
I have 3 different true stories. Two possible alien, the other govt bastards. You see I live near a small airport, so I'm constantly seeing things flying in the air. You know small single engine, double engine, etc.... Anyway, one night I'm on my way home, about 1-2 miles away, when I notice some lights in the sky. At first I didn't think much about it, thought it was another plane. After about 1 min I noticed that the lights didn't seem like any other plane I had ever seen. They weren't the official colors used by FAA standards. They also were highly irregular in there flashing pattern. Sometimes they would falsh fast, other times they wouldn't flash for 10 seconds or so. Alien, I don't know, but definitely weird. Also I have seen lights hover and watched them from my yard. I don't know what that was but it had 3 colors. Green, Red, and Blue. They were flasing, but It seemed so far away and I didn't have a telescope, or binoculars. So, I just dismissed it as possible a planet. Guess I should have reported these to Brian Vike, Peter Davenport, or any of the other UFOlogoists.

Now for the Govt Bastards. You see I was getting ready to take my daughter, and girlfriend, to some place. I forget now. Anyway as we get into the car I notice two huge beams of light in the sky. At first I'm like what the hell. Then as it gets closer it starts lighting up the top of trees. I can hear it, but can't see anything. Then all of the sudden it appears from behind the tree tops. This huge military plane, flying at no more than 500-600 ft, probably lower. To this day I don't know why or what they were doing. My friend says there is a small airfield the army took over a few years ago, not to far from my house. It isn't actually a base though. I don't could have something to do with the massive deployment of military equipment around the US. Don't believe me, ask around your local police stations about all of the "old, donated" military equipment. New World Order. Is your town preparing to take you down??? Ask the cops about rocket launchers?? I don't know if this is all cities, or only big (Chicago) ones. What would they need them for?? To take you down. Wake up and see the truth before it's to late. It took Hitler less than 10 years, always remember that.
Last time I went down to California, it was mad weird because like, the skys turned purple and I kinda just passed out and saw this 6 legged thing...
My wife and I were driving late one night, about 60 miles west of Chicago, a rural area, lots of corn fields. We started up a hill and saw a bright light, hovering a ground level about a mile or so off in the distance. It lit up the whol sky. It went out of view as we reached the top of the hill. As we started over the hill, the sky returned to normal. The light was gone, and should have still been in view. As big and bright as it was, it should have been visible, or we should have seen it leave. It was just not there any more. Didn't fade out or anything, just gone.

That opened my wife's eyes, she had always been doubtful about unexplained things.
My True Story-

Camping in woods in Michigan... I was young, with my parents. We say a huge ball of light in the middle of the day. Looked like the sun was coming down. It hovered above the trees for probably 30 seconds, got really bright, then vanished. Still don't have a clue what the hell it was....
Being from South Dakota almost everybody dates somebody from out in the country, that is when my story happened. While I was dating a girl who lived out in the country, I would drive out and back and often times it would be dark. The first occurence happened with 3 other people in the car. We were driving down the middle of a gravel country road leading to the highway when we moved to the left so that an approaching car would have room to get by. If you have driven on a country road you would know it is customary to drive in the middle but make room if another car approaches. As we did this the car drove by and we noticed it was just headlights and no actual vehicle. About 2 months later with 2 of the same people and 1 different person we were driving in the same spot and there was fog on the road, the kind of sporadic fog where it is not constantly foggy, but there are just short patches of fog. Well we came to a patch and as we drove through it the electronics in the car stopped functioning. It acted like it lost all power and was just coasting in nuetral. When we came out of the fog the engine turned over everything came back on and we continued driving. I drove that same route hundreds of times in the near year that we dated. These were the only 2 incidents.
Well I remember one time at band camp there were these aliens standing online waiting to go to the bathroom . I asked one of the "hey are u in alien " .Then one of these aliens looked at me and said "who me" and then I said "yea you" then another alien hes "talking to you " , the the first alien said "oh so u talking to me eh" and I said " uh yea , then the other alien said "man back off we from da bronx , just cause we got some big eyes and we short dont mean anything" so then I said "um are you dwarfs ", then the first alien looked at me and said " look directly at my finger ........." , (if anyone has seen scary movie 3 you know what happens next) eeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I sometimes have a hard time keeping concious, even during the day, my mind slips and slides from this reality to the next. Sometimes i slip into this different reality and it it controlled by a supreme being who is made of light, he is good but mysterious. I think when i slip to this reality i am recharged and i gain luck. I think this being has an influence over me but only in a positive manner. I have feeling one day we will be in touch with beings of energy not these silly grey aliens that are usually reported.
On the afternoon of April 15, 1997, I was on my bed, concentrating intensely on some notes because I had an exam the following day. My wife was watching Oprah in the living room and a couple of the kids that lived in the apartment complex were playing outside. The room I was studying in faced west, towards the foothills of the town I lived in Colorado. As I sat there studying, I noticed something bright out of the corner of my eye. At the same time, the laughing and shouting that was going on outside ceased. As I slowly turned my head to look outside, I noticed the boys had stopped playing and were looking towards the mountains. I turned my attention to a small object that was standing still over the foothills, alternatively pulsing from dark to extremely bright. It seemed like the object sat there for minutes. After awhile, the object slowly began going up and suddenly, it streaked diagonally and disappeared. I still do not know what the fuck was that.
Ok, so I'm in my ship cruising around through different galaxies. All of a sudden I come across this planet with wierd aliens. They were pretty funny looking to me, I mean they only had 2 arms and 2 legs. Sheesh how do they play steal Battalion. Anyway, there wasn't much that interested me until I discovered what they called "The Internet". Most of it was boring with tons of these things called websites. Againg very boring as most of them involved naked earth women, with only 2 breasts. But one day when I had just about given up on this wierd alien race......I discovered CAG. Ever since then, I have stayed on this wierd planet. I even got a job working as Tech Support for a company called Dell. Thank you fellow earthlings, and thank you CAG.
So this one time I was sleeping and I woke up from a dream and there was this alien in front of my bed. I decided that I was only dreaming so I pinched myself. Then I woke up from a dream and there was this alien in front of my bed. I decided I was only dreaming so I pinched myself. Then I woke up from a dream and there was this alien in front of my bed. I decided I was only dreaming so I pinched myself. Then I woke up from a dream and there was this alien in front of my bed. I decided I was only dreaming so I pinched myself......

Atliens...beyond time and space.

I know that I was once abducted by aliens but I can't really remember anything. All I know is that whenever I sit down I get a huge pain in my cheapass.
Oh, it was awful. They sat me on a cold, metal table and prodded me with humiliating probes. Oh, wait, that was my physical.

---Homer Simpson
This is a true story. One night at around 2 am, me and Lily (I girl I liked) were in the promenade out by the Verrazano bridge in Brooklyn. We were talking about us and what should we do about our situation. I liked her she liked me, but she was moving away. It was a really intense conversation then my eyes started to focus on these things by the the Bridge. I didn't know what it was but they were very faint lights 3 of them and they were really moving in weird patterns they would zigzag then stop then double back in spirals. I thought I was losing it and really didn't want to mention it to Lily. But she saw them too and she asked me what they were. They were very faint lights and since there were no cars on the Highway at the time it couldn't have been just lights playing off the water. we sat there just watching these things, and I jokingly said they were UFO's. We sat there watching these things for at least another 15 minutes when they just stopped in shot straight up into the sky. That was that.
bread's done